Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, July 30, 1942, Image 1

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    Number 31
All Trails Lead to Lithia Park Sunday
All-Out Drive for Bon
Sales Scheduled to
Fine Entertainment
Trail Riders
Be Hosts to G
Gerhardt Sun
Horseback Kith*. C
Breakfast, Target
Shooting on Menu
Ashland’s famous horsemen’s o
ganization, the Trail Riders, wil
have the honor of entertaining
General Charles II Gerhardt and
stuff Sunday morning Ami
merits have been completed for the
general’s party to bring horses to
Jackson Hot Bprings a trout 7 a m
There they will be met by the Trail
Riders and the entire party will
ride towards Uthip park over a
trail route.
This route will take the party
up Grant street over the hill back
of Mayor Thornton 8. Wiley’s or­
chard, out onto Scenic Drive to
Strawberry Lane and from there
to Granite street. Following up
Granite street the course follows
through the canyon gate and onto
the high drive which will present
a close-up view of the city to the
visitors. The party will then re­
turn to the Ashland Creek camp I Nalem, Jul
above the IJthia park camp P. Pray, al
ground where breakfast will be police, nas <
interest to th
Chl<d Cooks Roy Parr and Clar­ wno may want
ence Lane have arranged a menu enforcement o
consisting of sausage, eggs, hot alert fur the cig
rolls and coffee to tempt the appe­ ing the current
lne Oregon ji
tites of the 25 officers and male
members of the Trail Riders who ways mindful of
ioicing the forest
will participate in the ride W
of the Trail Riders have volun­ strict* the throwin
teered to help with the serving ing materials,"
Aside from the ride, breakfast Pray declared, "bu
and target shooting, no special tics to drive home
program has been arranged, ac­ for the fire prevent
cording to Police Chief C. I*. Ta­ and the importance of
lent’ who ia authority for the meat."
The statistics which
statement that General Gerhardt
will do his beat to show up the pressed the state's No.
rest of the participants in the ment officer gave oonvin
that the cigarette, thru
shooting event.
Chief Talent spent |<rt of Wed­ Uasly azttc, is a major
nesday afternoon riding out a roadside fire which may a
trail with a view to giving the farm, field and forest.
Here arc the facts-- Bur
visitors an opportunity to see
Ashland and vicinity to the la-st
advantage Each range of hills
crossed will give them a different
perspective, the chief states.
Horsemanship claims the atten-
lion of a goodly number of the of-
fleers at ¿'amp Whlte and Jfbubt-
less they will find much pleasure
in joining the riding dubs of the
valley in jaunts over the moun­
tain trails.
Boys from western states dom­
------------ •------------
inated the group of soldiers en­
tertained in Ashland Sunday aft­
Leo Schoeneger, Plaza barber, ernoon and evening. Particularly
was picked up by the Ashland po­ was this true of coast states,
lice department Monday evening with California leading Oregon
and taken to I*ortland where he and Washington. ’The previous
was turned over to federal auth­ parties had found most of the
orities, Schocncgcr, whose natural­ guests from the south and east,
ization papers have not been com- with an occasional westerner in­
plated, was found violating the cluded, and that order was rever­
curfew law affecting alien ciUzens. sed Sunday. This did not exclude
A report was made to federal au-1 some of the boys who attended
thoritica with the result that his previous parties, for among the
guests were several faces whir»’
freedom was cancelled.
------------ •------------
are becoming familiar to Ashland
• Subscribe for The Miner today. folks who look in on the parties.
deadly Menace to
LNatural Resource
Western Boys in
Evidence Sunday
At W R C Party
S —
Recent foreign radio broadcasts tral nations, show that the length
and newspaper comment examined of the war, fear of food shortages,
by U. S. government analysts show casualties, RAF bombings, and
evidence of "difficulties" on the growing shortages of services,
transportation, drugs and textiles
German home front.
Most of the evidence comes from have caused grumblings in Ger­
enemy sources. It was gathered by many.
The Nazi dominated newspapers
the Office of War Information
from monitored foreign radio have started a campaign asking
that civilians restrain their grief
Heinrich Himmler, notorious Ge­ at military casualties.
A German army officer, com­
stapo chief, has ordered "grum­
blers. defeatists and persons who menting on the grief shown by
have committed offenses against civilians when deaths in their fam­
food distribution regulations" sent ilies were announced, said.
"I read with disappointment
to concentration camps.
Dr. Josef Goebbels, Nazi propa­ obituary notices of many brave
ganda head, has already opened men ... It Is Impossible that
up an intensive campaign to con­ the [>eople back home think In
vince the Germans they will suf­ such a manner of their dead.”
The drain of the Russian front
fer. In his own words there will be
"hell on earth” if the Allies win. losses on German manpower has
Such speeches as these and been shown by the recruiting of
there have been many more like more than 2,000,000 foreign work­
them, according to the reports of ers and by the collection of 5,000,-
the Office of War Information— 000 pieces of men’s clothing in a
have been followed by punitive recent Nazi textile campaign.
German newspapers and domes­
A German broadcast, Just re- tic broadcasts have indicated that
recently, told of the arrest of six civilian transportation is practical­
workers in the Frankfurt arma­ ly forbidden by special decree. Ac­
ment works for listening to for­ commodations at spas and seaside
eign broadcast and “preparing health resorts are restricted to ur­
undertaking.” gent cases and for short periods.
These workers were accused of War regulations restrict the civil­
wowing "suspicion and doubts" ians permitted in nursing homes
Many people are obliged to wait
among war workers.
Other comments heard via radio, weeks before medical prescriptions
«nd from the press through neu-
can be filled.
4,050 Phonograph
Records Sought in
Ashland Drive
Standards studies show that cig-
arettes are consumed to an av-
erage length of one and one quar-
inchea They then burn eight
one half to twelve minutes,
six out of every nine burn
length When tossed on dried
pad. 85.3 percent of i...
es ignited the grass
las nr duff in the forests
stem Washington, 20 tests
fires. On rotted Dougias fir
0 tests set five fires, al-
the relative humidity was
e critical point,
wonder then that the
ce have increased their
enforcing the fire
ce to motorists is to
by putting the ash
ir cars to maximum
rintendent PrayhMs
i to offer as a re-
rone that cigagette,
out alone."
was the scene of
the Junior Lea-
e group then
k where re-
rved by the
able hour or
park, after
n gathered
this time to
ce of the
ting Sun-
, Velma
e Bry-
Ash landers are being called on
to once more search through clos­
ets, attics and store rooms for war
time salvage This time it is for
phonograph records. The army
wants a lot of them and posaeaa-
ors are being urged to turn them
in as a part of the entertainment
effort for the boys in the service.
A quota of 4.050 records has
been set for Ashland. To date 250
records have been turned in, ac­
cording to Fred Shere, American
Legion commander, who states
that Aug 8 is the closing date of
the drive.
Here's something every citizen
can do to help our fighting men.
You like records, don't you? Sure
you do. And our fighting men
like them, too. And they need
them and deserve them during
their well earned periods of re
How can you help? You c
help very easily and simply,
it won't cost you a cent. Her
the story A group of your fa
ite recording artists have
together for the purpose of
ing that our soldiers, sailor
marines get a
l regular sup
the recorded music that
want This organization
profit and it is called “
for our Fighting Men.'
your favorites like Gene
Kate Smith, Kay Kyser,
bardo, Lily Pons,
man, Eddy Duchin, Xa
Glenn Miller, Andre
and dozens of others
to do their best to g
cords. Ail they
that you dig out
worn out, forgotten
are lying around
basement. Do it n
The American
teered to conduct
canvass. They'll
“Records for our
to be sold to th
for scrap. With
records will
tory cost. Th
our fighting
world. It's
our boys,
serve every
give them,
out now
men will
For th
tors, th
will rec
. Fur-
over t
gie Ne
Hose, (
ry. Doni
ing, (gue
and Pegg
F. G. De
Mrs. F.
Dodge. Mrs
phy, Mrs. El
rold Merrill,
Mrs. Hugh Ba
Guests from
ert Bowen, Sea
ams, Minneapol
M. Cochran, Bel
Bain D. Smith,
Craig Vieira, 1
Wm. Nickoff, Trip
cis Nichols, Berkele
Hefftner, Bull. Calif.
Roper, Summerville,
Canwell, Glendale Cal
Eddleman, South Pas
Martin H. Dosch, Verin
Edward Mitchell, Fillm
Clarence J. Shea, San
Calif.; Laurence C. Sha
Seattle, Wash ; Howard
Hood River, Ore.; Jack
stein, Sacramento, Calif.
Parades, Carmel, Calif.;
ton Polnton, Pittsburg.
Donald W. Cramer, Ontario,
If.; Leslie J. Bates,, Seaside,
Frank Mastinjak, Monterey,
Clare G. Peterson. Whittier Calif.;
Bernard J. Mulligan, Los Angeles,
Calif.; Ovid L. Harbour, Rosemead
Calif.; Howard G. Gray, Temple
City, Calif.; Roger Lucas. Los An­
geles, Calif.; Alton B. Cross. Lau­
rel, Miss.; Carl J. Davidson, Cham­
pion, Neb.; Joseph Muscott, Camp
White; Rudy Janecek, Pittsburg.
Calif.; Jesse Burdue, Puyallup,
Wash.; Mason D. Hudson, Port­
land, Ore ; Eugene Emerson, Minn­
eapolis, Minn.; Jack Cameron. Ber­
keley, Calif.;
Sgt. Alfred A.
Dimaggio, Detroit, Mich.; Wm. E.
Berlin, Everett, Wash,; Paul Lines,
Cleveland, Ohio; Harold A. Tai-
mage, Robstown, Tex ; Sgt. Eu- l
gene F. Allison, Belen, N. M.;
(Continued on page S)
House at Lithia park
for one of the biggest
arts for several years.
for the Victory Day pro-
mber of commerce and in
rmy personnel from Camp
and, the mayor, president of
d others will participate,
mentioned, the Victory House
ners consisting of Henry Mur-
■—^tagh, organist, and Pat
Hawkins and Mary Ellen
Gleason, entertainers.
With arri
Sunday the
events witn
gram sporj
which m
White, t
n post
The Victory House will be lo­
cated near the bandstand in Li­
thia park. This spot affords shade
and is close enough to the band
stand that the crowd will not
have to move from one point to
the person
Full cooperation has been as­
ost hours at sured from Camp White. General
n. A trip to Gerhardt will be here accompan­
e and a tour ied by a staff ot between 20 and
is the tempt- 25 oiricers and enlisted men. They
I will bring equipment which will
be on display throughout the af­
ternoon and evening, with compe­
tent men in charge to explain
uses and operation of the sever­
this week on re- al pieces included in the equip­
rch of the Ash- ment will be one 105-mm howitzer,
s call for strip- one 155-mm howitzer, 37-mm gun,
d flooring from one 50-calibre antiaircraft machine
ructure, leaving the gun, one 30-callbre antiaircraft
intact. New floor- machine gun, two armored scout
hing will be put in cars, four “peeps“ and one ambu­
e will be made over lance. This equipment will be un­
trance with the inser- der command ot Lt. W. L. Lynn.
Visitors will be welcome to inspect
is employed on the raz- the military display between the
is expected to be ac- hours of 1 p. m. and 5.50 p. m.
and from 7 p. m. to 9 p m.
in a few days.
Chairman Theo J. Norby an­
nounced the following committee-
men have been at work this week
arranging prizes for various
kmen are putting finishing events. C. M. Litwiller has the ter­
es on a repair job at the ritory from the Crosby service
Baptist church which has station to Perrine's store on the
the edifice a new appear- Plaza; J. G. Mackie, balance of
A partial repair job was Piaza to Mars corner; J. G. Dau­
e last summer when the rear ! gherty .the block in which Fort­
tion was stuccoed and the main miner's is located; H. H. EJiart,
of the building was left for the block in which his store is
is season.
located; Bob VanVleet, the White­
Aside from the refinishing of the house block, Henry Metz, Ashland
exterior, two basement rooms have hotel block and outlying blocks
been remodeled with a view to j along route to Bellview.
providing entertainment facilities
Several special features have
for soldiers from Camp White. The have been provided to give visit-
floor has been concreted and some ors an insight to the defense
equipment added, including a table effort. Among these will be a fire
tennis outfit.
bomb demonstration by Fire Chief
------------ •------------
Clint Baughman and first aid
work by Ned Mars.
A giant cake will be cut at 7:45
Sgt. James MacCollister, son of p. m. and distributed to purchas­
Mr. and Mrs. C. L MacCollister ers of bonds and stamps. The cake
295 Grant street, who has been is being baked by the Lithia ba­
with Battery B at Fort Stevens, kery and has been donated to the
has been transferred to officers cause by the proprietor, Fred
training school at Camp Davis N. Buehling.
C. for three months' training.
Rides In the "peeps" will be
MacCollister graduated j made available to those 12 years
from Ashland high school, where ' of age or younger who buy stamps
he played football in his senior ' in the amount of $5 during the
year. He attended Southern Ore­
program. Tickets may be
ay received gon College of Education for two Sunday
obtained now at either the post
er. Rev. C. years, and has been with Battery office or the First National bank.
, stating that B since the company's induction
being treated • nearly two years ago. His address
Masters of Ceremonies: Arthur
. Although se- is: Candidate Jas. C. MacCollis­ Taylor, Henry Enders.
had not ap- ter, Battery X, 3rd Plat. O. C. D.-
1:45-2—City band.
is being taken A. A. S. Camp Davis, N. C.
2-2:05 — Flag raising, Camp
Marvin Messer, another Battery White color guard.
making a B member, also is at Camp Davis
2:05-2:10—Introduction of May­
near Baker for a course of officer training. or T. S. Wiley by Dr. R. E. Pos­
y a vicious dog. I His address is Cand. Marvin Mes­ ton, president of Chamber of Com-
be rescued the ser. A. A.-O. C. S. Battery L, merce. Introduction of General
one of his legs Plat No. 5, Camp Davis, N C. His Charles H. Gerhardt by Mayor T.
such serious Ashland home is at 694 Oak S. Wiley.
had to be taken street.
2:15-2:25—City Band.
A letter received by Mrs. W. A.
2:10-2:15—General Gerhardt.
Stratton informs her that her son.
2:25—Introduction of Standard
Martin Herrin, now is at Corpus Chevronettes, Pat Hawkins and
Christi, Texas, where he will have
(Continued on page 8)
e E. Sayre will be five months training with the Ma­
the ladies of Trinity rine Aviation division. Martin has
piscopal guild Friday afternoon. just completed three months in
Tea will be served from 3:30 to electrical and radio work at Salt
5 o’clock in the garden at the Hal Lake City and will now have an
McNair home. All guild members opportunity to apply this know­
Ashland chamber of commerce
as well as the many other friends ledge in bombing practice.
has been notified that interested
of Mrs. Sayre's are invited to call.
Mrs. Stratton and daughter, parties may bid on salvage mater­
Betty Herrin, recently returned ials at Camp White. The chamber
from Salt Lake where they visited has been asked to get in touch
with businesses and individuals in
Mr .and Mrs. Earl Leever have Martin.
His friends who may wish to Ashland who may need or could
as their house guest Miss Mary
Lou Murrill of Wilson Dam, Ala. write to him can reach him at find use for various items which
Miss Murrill graduated from the the following address: Pvt. Martin the camp will dispose of.
Included in items mentioned are
University of Washington with the R. Herrin. Barracks 1, Section 1,
class of 1942. With the Leevers A. R. M. School Naval Air Sta­ egg crates, produce crates, scrap
iron, rubber and various other ar­
she is leaving Friday morning for tion. Corpus Christi, Texas.
Carmel, Calif, to visit a few davs
One of the most valuable orchid'
Information may be obtained
with Lt. Bill Leever who is sta-
tioned at Fort Ord. From there she collections in the world ia housed through the office of Major L. V.
Will continue on to her home in in Phipps conservatory at Pitts- Williamson of the quartermaster
I the southland.
get a
in the
sion of
prize in
ient work
--- •-----
h Undergoes
ge of Dress
Ashland Boys Go
To Training Camp
Bids Asked on
Salvage at Camp
burgh, Pa.