Page 6 TODAY Thursday, July 23, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Soldiers Qiven More Ashland Hospitality Sundap Afternoon Down to the Sea* HOUS E r* LITHIA Soldiers from Camp White were ker, Lubbock, Texas; Thomas A. given a taste of western hospital­ L'Angelle, El Paso, Texas; Cyril ity Sunday afternoon when 39 of It. Alien. Hammond, Ind.. Mess E NTSKTAIN MENT them, including Major Thomas M. Sgt. Eugene Atkinson, Belen, N. Phone 7.501 Crowley, were guests of the Ash­ M.; Daisy H. McCall, El Paso; land Junior Hostess lx-ague at the George Elliott, Pennsville, N. J.; Matinee Thursdays DON BOBINSON home of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Lonnie Vandiver, Gatesville, Tex­ Fridays and Contin­ Haines, who. with Mr. and Mrs. as, Bob Carty, St. Louis, Mo., Charles Fortmiller were hosts for Russ Combs, Los Angeles, Calif.; » Awbf »( Si mt M bit '» uous Sundays the affair. Arrangements had been Edward Mitehell, billmore, Utah, ADVERTISING .... change ho«, u UU11U Utlj a AaaVatel made for 50 guests from Camp Pat Gilley, Salt Lake City; Harry Advertising has taken some White but at the last moment se­ Urbani. Elk, Calif., Dumeniek Fin- care of foods to prevent spoilage Friday, Saturday queer turns under war time con­ veral leaves were cancelled. in.ii.i. N*W Yolk I’lly, Kay W In our homes. And since adequate ditions. Bingo, cards, croquet and bad­ Perkins, Memphis. Tenn.; Ed Do- refrigeration isn’t the sole neces­ We have the strange anomolies minton occupied the hostesses and nienici, Chicago, Illa.; Mack Mc­ sity In this campaign against of rubber companies spending their guests until about 5 o'clock, Clendon. Portland. Ore.; Clyde waste here are some suggestions I money to persuade us not to use when the senior hostesses announ­ Biiggs, Antlers, Okla.; Owen Ash- to keep in mind. I rubber, gasoline manufacturers ced lunch, which had been fur­ wortn. Seliger, La.; Kenton Mont­ Flrat of all, market wisely. This running expensive advertisements nished by Trinity Episcopal Guild. gomery, Springfield, Ore.; Rich­ means to watch the quality 01 to teach us how to cut down on An abundance of sandwiches, sal­ ard C. Jones. Grand Junction, Co­ your fruits and vegetables as well the consumption of their products ad. cakes, cookies, fresh fruits, lo,; Clarence F. Lamb, Saco, as the quantity. Don't ovei stock Willi and countless well-known compan­ coffee and punch awaited appe- Mont.; Leonard M. Pennington, Foods that you have in such ex­ Slipping down the ways into the ies spending large amounts of water sideways, the USS Doyen, ■ tites that had been somewhat sa- McKinney, Texas. Michael M. Ko- cess of your needs must be prop­ money to tell us why they can’t new naval transport. I* shown as I tiated by watermelon provided by lieh, Kansas City, Kao., Joseph erly stored to keep them in good Jackie Gleason sell us anything these days. she was launched at the yards of | Dr. Haines but not enough to keep J. Museato; Eugene Evanson, Min­ condition. Most of us had, until recently, the Consolidated Steel corporation, generous quantities of the food neapolis, Minn.; Lew Jackson. St. and Second, be sure that you can thought of advertising as a "sales­ at Long Beach. Calif. The vessel . from disappearing. A large serv­ Louis, Mo.; Leonard John Guar- store your food» in such u way at man in writing" whose whole duty is said to be the largest naval ship ing tray loaded with cherries and dino, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Marion S. to preserve the maximum of vita­ Florence Rice was to make us buy as much as ever constructed here. apricots proved attractive to the Hudson, Portland, Ore.; Curtis J. mins and maintain their full possible of everything available. alno- soldiers, many of whom had not Fickel, Waco, Texas. Lee Bradley, flavor. But now advertising is showing previously tasted apricots—some Alamagordu, N. M.; Bui-wood M. . Berries and other soft fruits us its other face—the face of the SUNNY SIDE UP: Have you of them professing to not having London, Houston, Texas; Earl | such as peaches and pears should educator instead of the salesman wondered how to go about turning heard of such a fruit. The apricots Jobe. Odena, Texas; Sgt. Earl | be spread out on a platter. This — and instead of trying to tempt in your old girdle as scrap rubber? were a gift from E. C. Gardner of Pendergrass. El Paso, Texas, permits more air to reach the us to buy things, it is being used Chaplain (1st Lt. 1 John B. Porter, fruit and prevents mold. Citrus Here is one solution: Wrap girdles Valleyview. to teach us how to make things Following a pleasant two hours San Francisco, Calif; Thomas W. fruits should not be packed tightly and other personal items in paper. last and how to get along without or so at the Haines residence, the Crowley, Major Inf, and A E. but keep best in a covered con­ the products which the advertisers TTie chances are you won"t be paid group repaired to the Ashland Vitulano, New York City tainer. Chill melon ia a closely for them, but you wouldn ’ t get have spent fortunes in promo.. skating rink where another two Junior Hostesses present were covered container or wrap closely much for a girdle anyway. NAMES.............................. brands hours were whiled away before Helen Olson, Madge Mitchell. Ma- in waxed paper or a vegetable Sunday, Monday —Buy War Savings Stamps— Some people wonder why a com­ Major Crowley gave the orders for rie Mitchell, Alice Jean Cross- box. Fruits need not be stored in and Tuesday pany will continue to spend mil­ ‘ return to camp. man, Judy Silver, Donna Frazier, the coldest |>art of the refrigerator. lions of dollars for advertising Serving as patrons and patroli- Jo Curtis, Dorothy Allen. Barbara Meat and fish and poultry when it isn't looking for a single esses assisting the hosts and hos­ McLean. Edna Fehige, Nancy Fire­ should be placed in the coldest spot customer. tesses were Mr and Mrs Hal Me stone. Mildred Bowerman Jeanne of the ice box. Unwrap these pro­ Rf X KACITI It might be the kindest thing to Nair, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Craw- Drake. Helen Westfall, Betty Dan­ ducts, wipe with a soft clean cloth think of these organizations as ford, Mr. and Mrs. Jean F. Eber- forth, Ruth Foster, Frances Ai­ if necessary, cover with waxed buying space for educational mes­ hart. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leever, kens, Kay Bergstrom, Ijeslye Roe paper and place directly below sages entirely for philanthropic Mrs. Grace McCulloch (Chairman Jensen, Babs Cary, Jane Carlton, chilling unit. reasons—because of their unselfish senior hostess group). Mr. and Margarette Barnthouse, Jean Fri- Eggs keep best in a wire bas­ nayne desire to help us with our prob­ Mrs. Paul Finnell, Dr. and Mrs. deger, Nina Hess, Letha Coulton, ket that permits circulation of air lems. C. C. Dunham, Mrs V. G. Bar- Velma Brower, Florence Wood, around them. Do not wash until A UNIVMIAL FKIUBI i H In a way that is their purpose— thouse, Mrs. Helen Small (direc­ Patsy Collins and Marie Gibson. ready to use If the natural seal on Sockeye to Grapple but most of us realize that such tor Medford USO). Major Thomas Mrs. Helen Small, director of the shell of an egg Is destroyed, Wednesday and mlllion-dollar gestures of assist­ With French Angel M. Crowley, Chaplain and Mrs. the Medford USO, expressed her flavors may be absorbed. ance cannot be made too frequent­ Rein and daughter Evangeline, Milk and cream must be kept ILS Maurice Tillet, better known Thursday ly without being backed by a Chaplain and Mrs. Johnson and appreciation of the enthusiastic cold to prevent souring. Keep them the French Angel, will definitely young support of Ashland people in this sound business motive. son Bryan. Chaplain Porter, on the shelf provided for tall bot ­ In the last war. several big com­ appear in the headline bout of Miss Marian Ady. Mrs. W. E. Bar- effort to make the soldiers feel tles. Butter must be kept in a at home. To quote Mrs. Small, panies busy with war work dis- J : Promoter Mack Lillard’s weekly telt and Mrs. L. T. Myers, container to avoid absorb­ Mid-Week Special "we of the USO and the soldiers covered continued advertising altogether. wrestling card at Medford armory Soldier guests included Paul E. ing flavors. next Monday night, July 27. are getting a real taste of west ­ By the time the war ended we had Cleveland, Ohio; Alton B. Store frozen foods unopened in 1 1 cents and 1 5 rents The grotesque Frenchman will Lines. most forgotten their names and Cross. Laurel, Miss.; B. E. Kohn, ern hospitality and we like it their containers In the fi.i-ziug ' undoubtedly be put in the ring immensely." many of them were never again Ellsworth. Minn.; Marvin H. Ba- compartment of the refrigerator able to get back into public favor. against Sockeye Jack McDonald. They must be used promptly after ex-Tacoma logger who has suc ­ The big companies of today real­ thawing. GOES TO SAN FRANCISCO cessfully disposed of all opposi ­ Mrs. Henpeck: “ You said when ize that their brand names and In order to save space in the re­ Dr. C. A. Haines is spending the you proposed that you’d rather company names, built up and re­ tion in the Medford ring to become frigerator it's a good Idea to wash week in San Francisco on business. the most outstanding bone-crush ­ live in eternal torment with me, spected because of the years of ef­ and trim such vegetables as let­ fort they have made to please the er there and rightful claimant to He made the trip by plane, leav­ than in bliss by yourself." tuce and celery before storing ing at midnight. the dubious honor of clashing with Mr. Henpeck: Well, I ’ ve had my public, are their most prized in­ them. F’ut them in the hydrstor wish." vestment and they are not going the man whom science has pro­ where they will remain fresh for IN HOSPITAL nounced a physical freak. to let those names die because of day*. Mrs. O. R Wray was admitted McDonald met the Angel, the A man never gets an education lack o goods to sell. In peacetime Cover all left-over foods If cov­ to the Community hospital Sunday biggest drawing card in the wrest ­ in college. The most a man can they performed a welcomed serv­ ered containers are not availale and underwent a major surgery ling business, in Minneapolis two get from college la the beginning ice with their advertised goods and closely with waxed paper or of a technique for pursuing an ed­ cover now, as a means of name insur­ years ago and fell victim to a bear Monday morning. the commercial covers. hug after 27 minutes of ferocious ucation on his own account after­ ance, they are eager to perform I By keeping foods covered you action. Now Sockeye seeks revenge VACATION AT EUREKA wards. — Dr. Glen Frank. an equally welcomed service. only keep them in better con- but will have his work all cut out Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jackson The three leading lumber pro­ not help for himself against the huge for­ spent a few days last week at Eu­ GOVERNMENT ... dition but you slow-up the forma­ ducing states in 1941 were Oregon. One of the most important serv­ mer sailor in the French navy. tion of frost on the freezing unit reka on a vacation trip. They re­ Washington and California. ices which advertisers are per­ It is important to defrost as soon The Angel, who about two turned to Ashland over the week­ r r r forming today is in helping with weeks ago was examined by his end. as the frost is one-fourth inch Quebec City, in the Province of thick on the freezing unit. the collection of scrap materials draft board in Boston for induction Quebec, experiences a tide rise and For many months it has been into the army will be making his VACAT1ON AT CRESCENT Store foods in as small contain- , fall of 20 feet in the St. Lawrence the general concensus of opinion first trip into the Pacific north­ Mr and Mrs. H. H. Elhart en- river. Quebec City is more than era as possible, conserving space that only by well-planned adver­ west. He is a huge man, weigh­ joyed a few days vacation at Cres­ Keep foods and containers away tising are now being shown how ing considerably over 200 pounds, cent City last week, returning 700 miles from the open sea. from «idea of box in order to allow < f f reach the proportions needed to and is said to be the ugliest man home Sunday evening. free circulation of air which means Washington, the smallest of our free circulation of cold. make the home a worthwhile wrestling in the world today. western states, has a larger area ---------------------- •------------- source of supply for factories. Lillard, who is arranging a stel­ IN PORTLAND than all the New England states FOR SALE- 8-room house 47 There were many in Washington lar supporting card of the usual VISITING C. L. CHENNAULT Mrs. V. G. Barnthouse and dau- combined, with Delaware included, i Head of the U. 8. Army All who believed that a gigantic ad­ two matches, announces that all ghter Granite St. See owner. Phone Margarette are Portland t t • vertising campaign should be paid downstairs seats will be reserved 28-29p, force now fighting the Japa in ChltA. visitors this week. They left Tues­ Only 4 per cent of the produc-| 3390. for by the government itself to and only the balcony open to gen­ day evening and expect to return ing oil wells of New Mexico re-i make “scavenging” the order of eral admission prices for this one home Saturday. quire pumps. This is because of the day in every household. But outstanding program There will ------------ •------------ the great gas pressure in the while Washington was hemming be no rise in admission prices and One feature of honesty and southeastern New Mexico oil J and hawing about such a plan, in­ the first match will go to the mat common sense combined is never fields. dustry decided that it could per- at 8:30 p. m. to promise what you do not think --------------------•------------------- form a public service by getting you can perform, and then fail to • The Miner for Quality Printing. this program started. perform what you have promised. Industry, therefore, employed Werner Named to the outstanding leaders of the ad­ (Continued from page 1) vertising business to plan how the Succeed Patterson and chamber of commerce offici­ job could be done. Russ Werner, former Southern als. the flag salute by a unit from In Canada and England the re­ Oregon College of Education ath­ Camp White and a short enter­ spective governments paid the full has been elected to replace tainment by a local magician. cost of such campaigns, but in this lete, Leonard (Pat) Patterson as coach country industry jumped at the high school sports at Jackson- To soothe itching, burning skin, apply i opportunity to perform this serv­ of ville, Supt. A. E. Beck announced 1