SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thursday, July 23, 1942 A About People You Know Page 5 I At the Churches í a >'• TALENT NEWS Iltl.i.MLM NEWS Harwood-Robbins Rites at Medford 4-H Clubbeis Picnic On Dead Indian INCH SERMON Sunday morning service at 11 I his career as a softball player on the St. Louis sandlots. Subject: Truth. Wednesday evening meeting, which includes testimonies of Christian Science healing, is held at 8 o’clock. Reading room open dally from XMXMXJ I 2 to 5 p. m., except Sundays and 1. The Ural mountains. holidays. . 2. The Island of Sumatra. The The public Is cordially invited to flower is the Rafflesias 3. 757,907 square miles. attend these services and to use 4 9,000,000. the reading room. 5. Hereford. 6. William Thornton. 7. Nine. 8. Marcus Tullius Cicero, (106- 43 B C.) 9. Hamilton became Secretary of the Treasury in Washington's cabinet and on his reports was laid the foundation on which the financial system of the United States government rests. He was I also instrumental in receiving First million-dollar title fight credit, both foreign and domestic. was in 1921 when Jack Dempsey 10. “Little America" is in the met Carpentier . . . Jimmy Foxx South Polar region. of the Chicago Cubs has never been tossed out of a game . . . Notre Dame has scheduled football 1942 games with four schools in the Big Ten—Wisconsin, North­ western, Illinois and Michigan . . . DENTIST When Ben Hogan shot a 62 at the Hours 9-12 and 1-5 Hale America he was duplicating Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 a round he stroked in the Oak­ land, Calif., Open of two seasons i ago . . . Highest purse won in a i i single race was $108,400, which went to Azúcar for winning the Chiropractic Physician 1935 Santa Anita Handicap . . . Chiropractic service free to En­ The top Kentucky — - - — - Derby purse is listed men $61,275, won by Whirlaway last year. Office 244 Hargadine Ph. 3321 The ihurtmt fight on record is Hillard Dean's 11-second knockout of Claude Allen at Corpus Christi, Texas, on May 12, 1940 . . . The longest glove fight was between Andy Bow­ en and Jack Burk at New Or­ leans in 1893. The fight went 110 rounds, lasting more than seven hours . . . Northwestern 42 Helman Dial 5751 university built the longest runway ever provided a pole vaulter for the appearance of Cornelius Warmerdam in the All-Star meet. Buddy Hassett of the Yankees doesn’t fan easily. He made 140 trips to the plate this year before A little more letting the third one go by . . . than $1 per mo. Jeff Hall. Michigan’s star hurdler, gives you legal in 1940-’41, is in the navy’s V-7 coverage on pub­ unit at Notre Dame . . . Frank lic liability insur­ Crespi, Cardinal infielder, started ance. We also f write Collision, Sunday School Teacher: "In Fire, Accident, Life and Bomb­ what book do we find the ac­ ing INSURANCE count of the false prophets?” “Little Boy: “In my pa's income tax book.” Ä o'clock. NEIGHBORHOOD UONGKEGA- T1ONAL CHURCH Clarence F. McCall, Minister Boulevard und Morton Streets Church school 9:45 a. m., Mrs. Glen Prescott, superintendent. Worship service 11 a. m. Ser­ mon by minister. Union service in Presbyterian church, 8:00 p. m. Everyone cordially invited to all these meetings. r ANSWERS 8 • Miss Corrinne Harwood of Med- • The Bellview livestock 4-H club lord und Kenton Itobbins of Ash­ members with their leader, Homer ALV. ROBERT H. HARPER land were married ut 3 o'clock Moore, went to the summit of the the bride's parents, Mr. und Mrs. Dead Indian Sunday wheie they C. W. Harwood, oi Medford. Rev. met the Dead Indian 4-H club Coleman read the ceremony. Mr. members and all enjoyed u picnic Noah: Cod’» Covenant K ith Man > > > Robbins wus a former resident und lunch The Bellview iik iii I h ih ale kind. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Wendel Reynolds, Donald Nichols, graduated from the Tulent high I.euon /nr July 26: Gmeui 9:116 East Main Street Dennis and Jack McCoy, Gary school in 1938. Golden Ini: Genetit 9:IS. John It. Poet. Pastor • Mr. and Mrs. George Phelfer C'hilstlleb and Glen Wade. After Noah and his sons came Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. sold their house und sniull ucieugc • The Birthday club met at the out of the ark, God promised Bernice Beare, superintendent in home of Mi and Mis. Henry Sten- above Trail to Mike Allen who , them dominion over living things. lias been living in u trailer house rud Sunday, it being Mrs. Stcn- J When man was created it was said charge. Morning worship at 11 o’clock In the Talent Camp ground for the rud's birthday. A picnic dinner that he should have such domin­ with the pastor bringing the mes­ past month. Mr. Allen has taken was served at noon Those enjoy­ ion; after the flood there was sage. ing the day with Mr .and Mrs. possession of the property. Young People's meeting and Ju­ Htenrud and Mrs. Sorenson were added reason for it. Some suppose • C. Thorson purchuscd the J Mr. und Mrs. Arthut iiamaker, that man had been a vegetarian nior meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evan­ Spitzer place on the corner of Mr .and Mrs A R. Kincaid, Mr. but that, after the flood had de­ gelistic service at 8 p. m. with hirst und Main last week of Henry and Mrs. J E Gowland, Mr. and stroyed vegetation, man was al­ the pastor in charge. Mason. Mid-week prayer meeting at 8 Mrs. Wade Wallis, Mr. and Mrs lowed flesh. In the lesson we find instructions concerning p. m. Wednesday. • John Childers of the army air Wultcr l>avis and daughter Lyda certain t > > corps who has been on an ex­ Catherine, Mrs Haynes, Mrs !>>u- food. Then the law of blood, it may be FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH tended furlough for two months is Pankey und Mis» Marie Walk­ J. R. Turnbull, Minister at his home was called Thursday er. The afternoon was spent in vis­ called, which has operated through to go to San Francisco for as- iting and playing games. Mrs the ages, was laid down: “Whoso Bible school 9:45 a. m., C. E. signmenl to a cadet training Stcnrud wan presented with a sheddeth man's blood, by man Corry, superintendent. shall hi* blood be shed." Killers school. Mr. and Mrs Childers ac­ lovely gift from the club. Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. companied him to Yreka, Calif. • Mr and Mia. W. O. Martin, usually meet death at the hands Young People’s Union 7 P m. They also received a letter thMt Bobby Brock of Tacoma, Wash, of others Here again, as in Cain’s Prayer, praise and Bible study day from their son Buford at Mrs W. F. McCorkle and children, time, God declared the sanctity of hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Pearl Harbor. Adelle and Gerald of Ashland, and human life. » » t As in the beginning, men were • Jackie Phelfer with Chut les Mr .and Mra. Leo McCorkle and CATHOLIC CHURCH Zlckrfoose und several others from children of Medford were picnick­ given the task of multiplying and Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor replenishing the earth. Talent arc spending the week at ing at Hyatt Prairie Sunday Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. • Mr and Mia Bob Bell and (lau ­ Lake of the Woods. Then God established his cove­ s s s • Mr and Mrs Dick Yurrington ghter Judith Ann of Klamath Falla nant with mankind and aet the TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH of Medford and Mr. and Mrs. Fred ■pent the week-end with Mr. and rainbow as the beautiful token of Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Brant of Sacramento called on Mra. R E. Bell and brought 8am- it. There is no evidence that the Holy Communion 8 a. m. mle Bell, who had spent the last rainbow was then set for the flrat Mr .and Mrs. Ben Clark Saturday Church school 9:30 a. m. week in Klamath Fslla, home. time in the sky. Certainly from evening. • Aunt Jane McCoy of Ashland Sermon and Morning Prayer, • Mr and Ki ra. Russell Hlbnee ■pent Tuesday and Wednesday the beginning the sun shining upon 11:00 a. m. raindrops had made a rainbow moved into the Eoa ter houac on with Mrs Mallnda King. Holy Communion, 9:30 a. m. Main street recently vacated by • Mr snd Mrs. Scott of San But at this time it was chosen Wednesday. the Lawler family who moved in­ Francisco have leased the Bellview among natural objects as a token You are cordially invited to to the Applegate country lust ■lore and service station from R of God's promise. In the past a worship with us. rainbow had followed the storm; week. E. Bell. in the future it would signify that r r r • Mrs. Frank Marquis. Dona.. • Mra Elizabeth Walters who has all storms to come would never­ FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE Brown und Joe Parson Journeyed been quite ill ia somewhat better more sweep awa> i> I Main and Siskiyou Blvd. to Tionesta, Calif., Saturday to and Mr. Rosen and Mra. Reynolds may the recurrence of the rain­ I. P. Furman, Pastor visit Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown and also are improving both having bow, spanning the sky, remind us Sunday school 9:45 a. m. family. Ixicille Marquis who has been seriously 111. of God's love and care, that we Morning worship 11 o'clock. bean visiting at the Brown home • Mr. and Mrs Melvin Conley of may believe in him and love him, C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ returned home Sunday evening I Dunsmuir returned home Sunday assured that we are safe in his ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ with her mother and the two boys I after spending acveral days with keeping. low at 7:30 o'clock. • Mr. and Mra. Al NanstHI left Mr and Mra. R I> Reynoijs —Buy War Havings Stamps— C. A. service and choir practice Wedncaday for San Bernardino Donald Reynolds accompanied 7:30 Tuesday evening. CHEAP printing Is expensive. where Mr. Nanateil will be em-1 them for a week's visit. Bible study and prayer meeting ployed at cantonment work. He • Mrs R. D. Reynolds will go to Have your work done RIGHT at 7:30 Friday evening. ■ HUM duiSQ )v 3 u |>(U om uaaq rvq . ijikc of the Woods for the week­ the Home of Better Printing------ Everybody is cordially invited end aa ahe la employed there in Miner office. for the past three months. to all services. ON THE PLAZA • J. D. Slagle, a long time rest - | the cafeteria aa an extra >44 dent of Wagner creek and Talent, • The Miner for Quality Printing. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN passed away in Central Point EUGENE M»VE NAMED AS CHURCH Thursday, Funeral services were WEST POINT CADET Howard G. Eddy, Minister Eugene Love, for four years held Saturday at the Litwillcr Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt Funeral chapel. Burial was made star jdhlclp .at Klamath Union M. Wright, superintendent high school? left last Saturday in the Stearns' cemetery at Tulent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. • The Talent Grange held a pic­ for Wist Point N Y, where he High school Christian Endeavor has been accepted aa an army nic Sunday at the home of Mr. meets at 6:15 p. m. and Mrs. Steve I^unak A large eadat Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Love, throughout his four years number of grangers and visitors 4 4 4 in high school, compiled a record attended. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH of perfect grades and was valedic­ • Ray Lewis received an Injured torian of the class of 1942. Cor. N. .Main and Laurel St*. foot last week when a log fell in­ Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister juring the bones. Mr. l^ewis oper­ Sunday Church school 9:45 a. m. Phone 3751 Medford Center Building RED — ITCHY-SCALY ates a saw mill near the Little Morning worship 11 o’clock. 240 East Main, Ashland Phone 2261 Applegate. Midweek Bible study hour and • Mrs Lem Frink and daughter praise service is Wednesday eve­ Meda Jean left Friday for Wash­ ning at 7:30. ington, for a vacation with her 444 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard. CHURCH OF CHRIST I • Danny Barron who has resided Effective Home Treatment Second and B Streets for the past three years near Ta­ Promptly Relieves Torture! Earl F. Downing, Minister lent, passed away at the Ashland First applications of wonderful sooth­ Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Community hospital last Monday ing fnadirated Zemo—a doctor’s formula Morning worship 11 o'clock. at the age of 56 years, buncial —promptly relieve the intense itch­ Sermon “Go up to Bethel." services were held Thursday af­ ing soreness and start al once to help Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. ternoon. Interment was made tn heal tho red, scaly akin. Amazingly auc- for all ages. esssful for over 30 yearn! First trial of the Mountainview cemetery in marvelous clean, stainless liquid Zemo Evening service, 8:00 p. m. Juan L. Baronia, president of the Ashland. convinces! All drug —— —— — _ __ Manilla Bible center, speaker. • Mr and Mrs. Clyde Lamb of rtom* Only 364. In war the advantage is on the side with the best weapons. The work Midweek service, 8:00 p. m., Butte Falls called on Tom Lamb of scientists in America's research laboratories, developing new Wednesday. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Estes Sut- A 4 4 urday evening. materials and new equipment, means a lot to our fighting men. • Mr .and Mrs. George Phelfer CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor and Mr and Mrs. Giggar of Kia- math Falls who were visiting over Fourth and C Street* the week end at the Phelfer home, Church school 9:45 a. m. had a picnic dinner Sunday near Morning worship. 11 o'clock. Trail. Departmental meetings at 6:30 • Mr .and Mra. Charlea S keeters Junior, Young People, Adults. made a business trip to Redding, Evangelistic service, 7:30. Calif. Sunday. Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ nesday evening. • Ben Clark Is building a fire » » t place for Joe Sanders in Ash­ I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST land this week. SCIENTIST ------------- e------------- Pioneer Ave., South • Subscribe for The Miner today Sunday school, at 9:45 a. m. ? Dr. L. W. Staffers Dr. C. C. Dunham GREEN SLABS Gunter Fuel Co. INSURANCE M. T. BURNS Southern. Oregon Credit Bureau Reporting Office General Office Ashland Medford ECZEMA YOUR CREDIT RECORD —You make it, We Record it! War Research , 701/10 of the Forasi Front ------------ •----------- Hotel Airfield 1. It take* years to build up and equip a large, organised, and able stafT for research. Fortunately, in­ dustry did this long ago. Long before Pearl Harbor,, laboratories like General Electric’s were serving their country—solving technical problems of war. History repeats! In the last war wireless" was developed for mili­ tary needs—to become, with peace, ■ giant broadcasting industry. 4. So it will be this time. Research will help to win the war, snd its many wartime discoveries will help i to build a better future. Chairman Donald M. Nelson of tho War Production Board Statos: The army will soon take over the Stevens hotel—world's largest—and the Congress hotel, both In Chi­ cago. The hotels are to be used as training centers for men of the alt forces. Picture shows soldiers mak­ ing themselves right at home In the Congress lounge. hotel’s MW bsrison HE production of war JI materials such aa lumber from the woods and copper from the mines is just as important in preparations for defeat of the Axis aa ia the production of fin- iahed war itema made from auch raw materia la. Indeed, without the raw materials the finished products cannot be made. . . . Lumber from every region in the United States ia an important and critical material in our whole war program.” ALWAYS You can depend service. The beat materials, projierly prepared, served In a courteous manner — at prices always within your means. That's what you get your meeting place. General Electric believes that its first duty aa S. good citizen ia to bo a good soldier. Genera/ Electric Centfany, Schenectady, N. Y. ------.......... ..... .^.............. . 4