Thursday, July 23, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Pa®e 4 election draws nearer. It is inter­ esting to note one of Senator Barkley's recent talks In defense of congress In which he said: "1 urge that congress b«1 judged by its total accomplishments in this crisis and not by two nr three short-sighted or foolish tidngs it may have fallen into As it has arisen magnificently to the re- quirements of Its |H>sitlon on h II great problems In the past In spite of contests and opposition, it will do so now and In the future in spite of contests mid opposi- tion." —Huy War .Having* lUnul ABOVE*1 HULLABALOO Washington, 1> C. (NWN8) action, and although there aic tew | The man of average income will in either house who win deny unit pay from two to three times as price control Is essential to keep much income tax next year us he puces num skyrocketing. both the did this year, if the new tax bill, house and senate ate sun us to "tip the scales" and win the Given enough time, and proper | finally approved by the ways mid to give Mr. Henderson the fuims management, we will win this war war. Runaway Inflation will "tip means committee of the house of he claims he must have to curry the scales" alright: it will tip them Our manufacturers are capable ivpresentatives, becomes law. on. producing more war material than so far that the war will be over it is expected that there will be It is evident here that this cut all the Axis nations combined; and very quickly And our aide won't changes in the tax measure mid in OP A funds has nothing to no be the winner We can lose a waves of bombers are not "coming that there may be considerable de­ with an economy move on the I over" every day to interfere with hundred battles on land and on the lay in its paatage. but it is quite part of the congress but Is being BY JANH CUPl.tR their production. We have the raw sea and in the air—and still win IHissible that the income tax part made to punisn Mr. Henderson material to supply practically ev­ the war. But we can't lose th«11 may remain about as the commit­ lor not appointing the men the ery need and the scientists to battle against Runaway Inflation WOMEN IN THE NEWS tee has written it. If it does, a |>oliticlana wanted lor Oi'A Jobe and do so. "synthétisé" what we tack. With WOMAN of the Week: To many man with an income of $3,000 who 111 a statement explaining that patriotic Probably the most our allies, we have greater man­ Fay Bainter, long time star of has two dependents would pay the OPA would lose ull control power than the enemy; and facts, class in this country is the farmer stage and screen, represents the $172 as compared with the $58 over prices if it is curbed as con­ past and present—prove conclu­ class. The farmer owns the soil motherly type of woman. Today which he paid thia year, the man gress hus proposed. Mr Henderson sively that the American soldier it is in his blood. And certainly she is playing a similar kind of with an income of $5.000 and two emphasized his stand on the polit­ no one can reproach the American role in real life. She is a "block dependents would pay $570 Instead ical angle when he said: has no peer, in fact—no equal. So where ta our danger» Right laboring man for lack of patrio­ mother" at Santa Monica. Calif., of $271 mid the man with an in­ "We huve attempted and are at­ here a thome, and its name is— tism. And yet these two great where she has been selected by the come of $10.000 would pay $l,N80 tempting to recruit loyal and com­ "Runaway Inflation"! We can no groups are being blamed by many board of education to head a block instead of $1,117. petent Americana strictly m ac­ more have Military Victory and honest citizens for the present in­ mother project. The purpose The proposal to limit incomes to cordance with th«, price control be­ the project is to locate one house $25,000. which has been pushed by act which specifies that Runaway Inflation than we can flation danger—principally have Prosperity and Depression; cause there has been no "ceiling" in each block where some "mo­ labor leaders, was dropped by th«'' pointments snail be on 'the bails or a Stomach-ache and a Happy put upon their "production" while ther" is always at home to care committee, although the tax on of merit and efficiency and that practically everything else has for the block children in case of big incomes is now so high that a no political test or qualification Holiday. Now it is a fact that the "Men been "controlled." This is neither emergency. man would have to earn over $50.- shall be permitted or given con­ in Washington” are just the same the fault of the American farmer < * / $100.000 he would only be able to sideration.* " Evidently congress is nor of the American laborer. He sort of Americans as we are. WING SCOUTS: According to $25.000 and if his income was annoyed because the head of the Above everything they want to is fully aware of the danger to his Mrs. Paul Rittenhouse, national di­ $100.000 he would onl ybe able to OPA took serioukiy those clauses win this war. and the rubbish country, his family and himself rector. the Girl Scouts have begun | keep around $35.000 of It. That, which congreM: which is printed and screamed to from inflation. It is the fault of to train leaders in the first step of course, is before consideration winuow-uivsstng. the contrary ts just so much waste those who are trying honestly to toward a nation-wide aviation pro­ of state anil other taxes, so that Mr Henderson is greatly dis­ material. But there are countless represent the farmer and the la­ gram which will provide two It is quite likely that the man of El.MFK DAVIN interests, details, groups, causes, borer but have a mistaken idea years' basic training in aviation. $100,000 income would not be able turbed over amendments upproved Director of War Information, re­ by the senate committee on ap ­ involvements and conditions pull­ of thefeelings and wishes of either. This fall, when the first group of to retain more than $25,000 propriations which would put the cently very prominent In news over ing in so many different directions, Maybe we laymen are not capa­ 30 girls now being trained at Phil­ release of news on trial of N U-boat The bill lowers exemptions so that our managers in Washington ble of appreciating all the fine adelphia has completed the course that any single person earning appointment of all jobs calling for saboteurs. get just as much confused some­ points of the inflation program which will qualify them as- lead­ $500 instead of $750, mid any salaries of over $4.500 in the hands times about the main issue as do which today faces our govern­ ers. or "wing scouts." additional married man earning $1.200 In­ of the President ami would give tin- secretary <>f agriculture th«' we taymen. ment; but we do know that the "troops” will be formed through­ stead of $1,500 would be subject right to over-rule any pi !<■<■ regu The main issue right now it to President has been trying to out the country. The program is to a tax. lation uffccting a product made •top infaltion. In fact it is the check inflation ever since it start­ open to senior Girl Scouts (of high Although the new income taxes from farm commodities. On the greatest of all the many issues ed. American presidents, however, I school age) and will be directed are very high, the tax bill in amendment to give S<-«-1.-t.»r v with which we are faced today are not dictators: They must ob­ toward exploring vocational op­ How much good is it going to do tain certain of their powers from portunities for women in aviation. which they are included comes far 1 Wickard control over prices relat- short of the minimum amount i ed to farm gotais. Mr Henderson the British to drive Rommel out congress, and congress must get r 1 1 1. What great nionutain range which the secretary of the treas­ 1 said: of Egypt if the United States has its incentive from the wishes of Mise Simon Legree: Churlew said should be collected in "The amendment in question Is in central Europe? to quit because the inflation prob­ the people. But congressmen are C. Stech, who has just completed ury taxes this year 1 On what Hutch Island is was drafted and proposed by the lem gets away from us and com­ not necessarily mindreaders, and a survey of standards of work de­ grown the largest flower known? In addition to individual income American Farm Bureau Federa­ pletely wipes us out as a factor therefire if we want them to STOP manded by both men and women, 3 How large is Mexico? in this war? How much good for inflation—we must tell them so If has come to the conclusion that taxes, which, it is estimated, tion. It is part of a co-ordinated 4. What is the population of the Chinese to hold Chungkink. men are easier to work for than would yield approximately $3.000.- program by that organization to Portugal ? or the Russians to stop Hitler? it is not stopped, it going to be women (Surprised?) Also. Mr. 000.000. the new revenue bill also destroy effective price control, not ft. What breed of cattle produces These nations are depending upon "just too bad” for all of us. Stech has discovered that women calls for about $ from only on farm commodities, but on the best beef ? corporation taxes and $800.000.000 ! all things made from farm pro ­ are rated slightly higher by the « Who designed the national from excise taxes. ducts. I am confident that the NEW SPRAYS CONTROL BAD diseases that does not yield at all men than by the women for whom capitol ? vast majority of fanners them ­ they work; that men would rather More costly to the people than ATTACKS OF ONION MILDEW to the old standby, bordeaux mix­ 7. How many pianeta are In our selves repudiate completely these With every ounce of onion seed ture. The experiment station has have a woman look nice and be income tax will be inflation, it is system ? attacks upon the war effort." the belief of many here, unless efficient than just be efficient; raised this year needed to replace found that it can be controlled by 8 Who was the greateat Roman In view of congress' obvious po­ former supplies from outside sour­ a dyestuff known as Malachite that women demand less Intelli­ Ix-on Henderson and his Office of orator ? gence than men do. Price Administration, are permit ­ litical considerations in practically Green. This is mixed with red ces. protection given Oregon on­ 9. For what was Alexander ted to carry on with their price every move It is making as the < < r ion seed fields will be both pa­ copper oxide and a spreader. This Hamilton noted ? Although the can be used throughout the season NAVY NURSE: In discussing control program triotic and profitable 10 Where is “Little America"? A serious onion mildew infection or, after the fink application, a the Japanese attacks on Bataan OP A was created by congressional • Subscribe foe The Miner to<1a> has invaded Oregon seed fields in red copper oxide-oil combination and Corregidor. Miss Agnes Bern- recent years that cuts yields se­ may be used. Full directions are atitus. the only navy nurse to es­ cape from Corregidor. said recent­ riously unless controlled, says Dr. given in the circular. ly that there are probably 70 F. P. McWhorter, plant patholo­ gist at the O. 8. C. experiment “NO HUNTING" cards at the nurses among the 100 or so wo­ men left on Corregidor. She said station, in a recent circular of Miner office. she is "certainly happy" to be in information. This is one of the few fungus • The Miner for Quality Printing. this country but is ready to go wherever, and whenever, the navy orders. W0IHEI1 ; QUESTIONS S .. .... ....8 ----•--- Is It Not a Great Satisfaction TH WK yoo'ftt SMART? WILD LIFE LINES to know that when you place your order for printed matter with the Miner, you can then forget about it? No Headache! No Worry! The new inter-scholastic tennis champion, Bobby Falkenburg, of California, who defeated Frank Wil­ lett of Anniston, Ala., in the finals of the singles at Haverford, Pa. We assume all this. Here is the way we can help you: We design your layout—do the art work—attend to the engraving— ruling—binding— Make and Match Any Color Ink You Desire / NEVER MIL UNDERSTAND WHY HE DOESN'T ENJOY . SHOPPING’ This applies to any kind of printing that you should need, from a business card to the largest catalog, or labels in halftones and color work Southern Oregon Miner Subscribe and Advertise—and keep up with the times 4 |