SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thursday, July 23, 1042 D ale Author of Page 3 C arnegie "How to Win Friends and Influence People’* Guenther Biiuingiiit of Chicago tel I m the story of a young chap in D<-s Moiriea, Iowa, who wua engaged to be married, the date set, and NO JOB IN NIGHT. "He ha< en trained aa a atatiatician, says Mr. Baumgart, "but the only job« he had been able to get alnce graduat­ ing from college hud been temporary onea. Thia cchap not only needed a job, but he needed badly to make any job a permanent one." "While working at one of the temporary jobs in a publishing house he ulau worked nt his hobby of collecting the aalea stories ami sta­ tistical data of various newspapers, magazines and radio stations "As he read the atoriea, he sorted the lm|n>rtant ones from those that had no value. Then, one day an idea struck him an idea that he thought wholly original Thousands of people were spending thousands upon thousands of dollars for advertising Surely, somewhere among that vast number was some one who would be willing to puy an ex­ MÜH. OVETA CULP HOBBY pert for sorting the valuable information from the chuff. Director of the Women’s Army "He sat down and wrote to a list of advertising agencies, telling Auxiliary Corps. them that he haeak up quick.” "You'd best lie down and sleep, “Why, 1 was just urgin' this rev­ struck a trail that ran outside the erend, or whatever he calls him­ bottleneck of the valley and wound Mr. Hooker,” said Dave. In spite self, to pick an extra heavyweight upward toward the mesas. For of the incongruous old figure, he of his own brand," answered Dave, half an hour the two rode in si­ couldn't help feeling both respect jerking his head to indicate Loner­ lence, Hooker now and again rein­ and pity for it. “Lie down, and gan's bulk of paunch. "I'm just a ing in to drink from a bottle that I'll see about rustling a meal. harmless puncher, sheriff, ridin' in he carried in his saddle pocket. How about your daughter? She Invariably he tendered the bottle won't come to no harm, will she?” to get me a job somewheres." to Dave tirst, but Dave declined it. “She’s all right,” hiccoughed "You seen Mr. Ferris?” They had reached the lower Hooker. “Nobody around these "I seen him and I had a few words with him and Curran. Re­ mesas and the upper mesas. The parts would dare to touch her. sage had given place to a thin They’re plumb scared of her. She’s sult ,no job,” said Dale. >y MRS. CATHERINE CONRAD EDWARDS “Then you'd best ride on,” said scrub. Looking back, Dave could got them wild broncs so they'll see the whole valley stretched out eat out of her hand. Grew up with Awodal, Editor Foresto' Magarlo» Coggswell. "As for you, Honor," he added beneath him, and Mescal a mere them, running wild on the mesas. “I did all I could to educate her. to the old man, "you fork yore blur on the landscape .far below. Since it is important for a child | back of his bathing suit If he feels I knew I hadn't long to live, and I He spoke for the first time. cayuse and git back to yore place to learn to swim in the yeurs when more secure that way. This keeps "Seems to me, pardner, you got wanted to help her, so that she pronto. Maybe you’ll have time to he is learning to do other things away panic but allows freedom I sober up and make yore plans be- mighty poor grazin’ up here,” he could go out into the world and with his body, parents will make for kicking in thewater. It also said. "Looks like a seif-respecu. make her living. But the country's • fore the sale comes off.” a special effort to provide some allow enough of the body to be "Just a minute," said Dave. cow would have hard scratchin' to got her. She’s a half-tamed thing, "swimming as usual" opjsirtunities immersed to give the sensation of and sometimes I'm plumb scared | "How much is it Mr. Hooker owes make a livin’." for their families this summri floating. It is this awareness that Hooker swayed in the saddle, of her myself.” this here Lonergan for back in- Don't overlook the local body of the body can aetURMy be support­ ..*»y didn't you quit this mesa t'rest on his mortgage? I thought leered at him as he rode closer water that you can reach by bus , ed by the water which the child "I’ve only got one cow, Dave,” and take her to the city?” asked I heard something about two hun­ After all the "ole swirnmln’ hole* must absorb—just telling him or he answered, "and a rundown Dave. dred dollars.” wua once the most celebrated showing him by floating yourself He grasped Dave by the sleeve. ranch. ” "Two hundred twelve dollars won't do it. scene of youthful exploits, in the "Different when my wife lived,” "I’ve done my best by her, but and fourteen cents, if it's any in- The next step is to teach the water. t’rest to you," the sheriff answer­ be said. "She stuck to me. But she's not my daughter. Unner- The first step in teaching a child child to put his face under water that? I’ll tell you —more ed. "You was thinkin' of payin’ it, she died three years ago, and since shtand without fear. Take him in your >> to swim is to overcome fear of wa­ huh?" then 1 haven't cared much about arms and let him hold on to your ter. Such an aversion is natural to Sleep overcame Hooker even as “Well, I dunno," said Dave. "It anything excepting—well, let’s be most children because fear of not neck as tight aa he W'ants to and he stood talking. His tall frame : seems kinder hard to put this old getting home.” being supjMirted is an instinctive then slowly stoop down until his Just visible at the edge of the swayed. Dave caught him and, car­ j feller out of his ranch for two hun­ one. Certainly it isn't conquered shoulders are covered with water. dred twelve dollars and fourteen brush was a small cabin, with a rying him to the bunk, laid him Now tell him you arc going to be (or at least but rarely) by the I cents, after he's been there twelve wisp of smoke eddying upward down. rough method once recommended a fish or a seal Hold your nose Night fell and Lois had not re­ I years wasn’t it twelve? And from a stovepipe chimney. The between your fingers, make a fun- 1 of throwing a child into the water ' that there notice on the wall, pre­ little place was a mere shack and turned. How long did the girl in­ At first don't even try to force a ny face to amuse him and duck Button Front tend to stay away? When Hooker sumably referrin’ to his ranch, de­ looked utterly forlorn. timid child to paddle In the water your head quickly into the water , Pattern No. Ml 31 — Shoulder scribes it as a valuable propert "Well, we’re home, Dave,” said was sobered up, Dave meant to Come up laughing and tell him Take him In your arms and wulk how much fun it is. Then suggest yokes, double scalloped and but­ you the money to settle with this Hooker. "Here’s where we hang thresh matters out with him, and to the water's edge. Then casually ton trimmed, are an unusual bit of of two thousand acres. our hats under our hospitable roof­ come to an understanding with ait down with the child in your lap, that he be a sea). Assure him that 1 style excitement in this comfort­ Lois. Suddenly he realized that he “What you say to me tendin’ tree.” you will hold him tight and that , your own feet dangling in the wa­ you will be a seal with him. able, efficient house dress A but­ Lonergan, and then you givin’ me He took the lead, swaying from was dog-tired after the exertions ter. Play gently in the water with The next thing is to get the ton front closing makes it quick a job as a puncher?” asked Dave, side to side in his saddle as he of the day. He went into Hooker's your hands and the child’s love of child crossed the strip of green. The room and spread his blanket on to stay in the water without I to get on and off and the side turning to Hooker. imitating you will lead him to the the support sashes which tie in batk permit He opened the pocket in his belt horses, wild-looking oiuiics, scat­ the floor, making a pillow of his of a hand or a rubber same activity. Walking In water tube. This usually takes two I you to adjust the frock smoothly and pulled out a sheaf of bills, tered, snorting. And then Dave coat and slicker. In a moment he just deep enough to cover the toes adults father, for instance can ■ at your waistline! A dress of which he proceeded to count. The saw something that momentarily was sound asleep. . . . comes next. Clasp the child's hand hold the child while mother moves gracious lines and fullness thru- total sum of Dave's remaining sav­ brought his heart into his throat. Hooker was awake and stumbl­ in yours to give him confidence. just far enough away so that when out. Make it in a pretty flowered ings amounted to two hundred and For in the front door, standing ing about the room, muttering to Gradually getting used to the Dad shoots him across the water cotton and trim it with cheerful sixty-five dollars, with some small with neither bridle, saddle, nor himself. Dave started up, sleep horizontal or lying position in the ; to her, he is scarcely in the water I ric-rac. still in his eyes. change. halter, was Black Dawn. water, and learning to kick the until he arrives in her arms. Grad­ Pattern No. 8131 is in sizes 34 "Hold on, pardner,” he called. “I'll take this Lonergan's re­ Old Hooker shouted, and the feet and arms while in that post-1 ually increase the distance but al­ to 48. Size 36 requires 5 yards 39- ceipt for that mortgage in'trest," door of the cabin opened. The girl, Don’t go treadin’ on me.” tion are the next lessons to be ways be careful to catch him inch material. 2*4 yards ric-rac. He heard the heavy body lurch said Dave. "And here's the money." Lois, stood in the entrance, a fry­ learned A good way to begin is firmly so that he never gets a Lonergan's eyes were poppin ing-pan in one hand, and her arms against the cabin wall. “Who are to put the child across your knees fright. Finally get far enough a- > you? What are you doing here?” "Say, who sent you here?" he white with flour to the elbows. while you are sitting in water just part so that he will have a chance shouted. "Just what game do you "Howdy, Lois!” Hooker bawled. called Hooker. Nam...... .............. ................................... deep enough to leave his body ' to kick and use his arms a bit in "Just take it easy, Hooker. I’m think you're playing?” “I got some news for you. I’ve above it and let him splash with getting from one to another. your pardner, Dave Bruce. Maybe "Why, I'll tell you," answered brought me back a partner, nam ­ Addrtaa........ .......................... .. both hands and feet. Or have the Dave, leaning forward confiden­ ed Dave Bruce, and the interest you don’t remember signin' up When he has reached the stage child lie on his stomach in the where he can take four or five of tially. “I'm figuring' that two hun­ on the mortgage is paid. He’s go­ with me.” sand and practice leg and arm these dog paddle strokes, act sur­ Dave turned up the wick of the dred will buy me a job till I got ing in with us, fifty-fifty. Come movement. time to look around some more and shake hands with our new lamp that he had set on a shelf prised and tell him that he is Nam« ot papar............... ••».. The next step is most easily ac­ swimming Make quite a fuss And I kind of hate to see an old partner, Lois!” Dave clapped beside the open door. He could see complished with the help of inflat- ' about it. From then on practice feller like Mr, Hooker forced to knees on his horse’s flanks and that Lois’ bunk was empty. Hook­ Pattern N«......... Six«......... .. ed rubber, but if nothing of the and encouragement, and when he pull up stakes after 12 years be­ rode quickly up. Lois was staring er was leaning against the wall sort is available substitute your is ready for it, instruction in more cause of two hundred and twelve at him with dismay and anger on beside the little window, breathing Send IS eenta In coin, (for hand under the child's stomach to advanced strokes will finish • ach pattern delirad! to— dollars. So if you'll fix up that her face. He slipped to the ground heavily, and staring at him. Out­ give light support. Or hold the job of teaching a child to swim. receipt, Lonergan, me and Mr. and moved forward, but she made side it was pitch dark, but a Patricia Dow Patterns glance at the clock showed Dave Hooker will be ridin' home." no response to his approach. 206 W. 17tb St., New York, N. Y. Hooker grasped Dave's hands in "So you’ve come back!" she that it was within an hour and a his. “It’ll be pardners,” he shout­ said in tones of bitter anger. “I half of sunrise. Hooker stared at Dave in the ed. "I never hired nobody in my told you never to cross my path life to work for me .and I'm not again. What hav^ you come for?" light of the lamp and passed his going to start in now. Pardners. "Why, I told you, Lois, he’s hand across his forehead. “Yes. I fifty-fifty, and I won't take the gone into partnership with me—’’ remember," he said thickly. I was dreaming. Where's Lois?” money no other way." Hooker began. “She ain’t ccftne in,” Dave shrugged his shoulders “I don’t believe it. You can take “Well, if you feel that way about this man back where you found it. Mr. Hooker, I’m willin’ to him, and when you've done so. I’ll oblige,” he answered. come back and talk to you. Till Sheriff Coggswell cut short Lon­ then you needn't expect to see me ergan's explosive oaths. "That's again!" fair enough. Mr Lonergan, he "But Lois—” protested Hooker. said. "If them two wants to exe­ Ignoring the old man’s shrill vo­ cute a deed of pardnership. there ciferations, the girl vaulted upon ain’t no way of stoppin 'them This Black Dawn's back and clapped is a sheriff’s sale, and that's law. her knees to his sides. He started Heinie," he shouted to the bar­ at a swift lope along the mesa, keep, "just bring me a sheet of followed by the whole herd of paper and a pen and a bottle of broncs, and in a few moments ink, and come here for a witness, they were lost to sight in the will yuh?” scrub. Five minutes later, with the There were two rooms in the money transferred to Lonergan's cabin, and a tiny kitchen, with a pocket, less the sheriff's fees, and sink and a flow of water from a BRIG. GEN. JAMES DOOLITTLE the deed of partnership in his wal­ stream above. There was a bunk Flanked by deadly PT boats, an aircraft carrier of the U. 8. navy Led the bombing raid on Tokyo. let, Dave was assisting old Hook­ in cither room, a table and two moves majestically to sea from an undisclosed port. We don’t know Received decoration at White House er, who looked completely dazed, chairs, a few pathetic touches of where she's going, but we know why—to look for Japs and to blast them a woman's untrained hands, such from President in surprise cere­ out of the saloon. wherever they may be found. "Didn’t want your pardnership. as the chintz curtains at the win­ mony. SUCCESSFUL PARENTHOOD On the Warpath, Looking for Nipponese Mr. Hooker,” he said, as Hooker dows, two cheap rugs, and several