Thursday, July 1Ü, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER I * About People You Know • Miss Edith Boik left early ’Tuesday morning for Monmouth where she will spend her vacation on her brother's farm She plans to return to Ashlund about Hep- temlier 10 • M in Zrlmn Caswell wax a pas­ senger on Monday’s midnight stage for Hun Francisco where she plans to spend several months Hhe recently leaxed her convales­ cent home at l»<> Ixiurcl street to Mrs Mabel Hildreth Mix Cas- well's boys, David and Tom, who went to Port huid last week to visit their g rami mother, will Join bei Inter in the south, • A (laughter wan bom Monday to M r. and Mr». Bruce Wallace Tile young lady tipped the scales at five pounds 12 ounces. • 1’ciCgy Whittle has resigned as assistant to HecrvtMry Alice Pat­ terson at the chumber of com­ merce and will work nt Hiram's unti schl time, when she will enter Oregon Htutc college • Mr and Mix B E McOrSW of Prospect were Sunday visitors in Ashland • Mr. and Mix Dwight Patterson and Mrs Patterson's mother, Mrs Charlotte Walton of Medford spent the week-end ut Crescent City IIF.I.I.VIEW NEWS Bellview Babies Lead in Scoring • Bellview babies who scored in the contest at Medford Friday eve­ ning were Stephen Jandreau, son of Mr and Mra. Howard Jan- dreau, crowned supreme king Jimmnc Korth, »in of Mr. and Mrs. D. F Korth, crown prince and Master Ashland and Carolyn Byrd, countess, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Elmer Byrd Htevie and Jlrnmp were presented with beau­ tiful cups and blur ribbons, and Carolyn with a blue ribbon. • Mr. and Mrs I E Deadrnond were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. F Tilton • Monday evening Mrs Dott Wil­ liams and sons Jack and Dale and daughter Vida were dinner guests of iMitt's parents, M> and Mrs I. E. Deadrnond. • John Farmer spent Monday night with relatives in I the Scott valley district • Rob« rt Cecil Brock arrived Tuesday from Tacoma for an «ex­ tended visit with Mr. and Mrs W O Martin and other relatives • Miss Patricia Bell icturned with her father Saturday from a TALENT NR VSR week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beil of Klamath Falls. • Bernice anil Edgar Rector ri ■ turned last week from picking strawberries near Portland • The community Is saddened by • Mrs B<-.«xir Hall from Oakland. the death of Mrs. Ix-ila Lynch Calif., is spending two weeks with who passed away Satuiday morn­ her mother. Mrs Malinda King ing at the Community hospital in • Mr ami Mrs. Warren E Siebert Ashland after a two months Ill­ visited Willi Mr ai d Mrs Arnold ness at the age of 64. years. Mrs Olson at I’hoenix Saturday night Lynch had resided in Jackson • Miss Aileen Inlow made a county moat of her life and lived trip to Cottage Grove last week many years on Wagner creek. Fu­ where sh«' has been employed to neral services were held Thursday teach in the 7th and Sth grades. at 2:30 p. in at the LitWllier Miss Inlow has taught the past Funeral Home. James Collins of lour years in the Cold Hill xchcxrl Chico, Calif , a brother-in-law of • Mrs Melvin Conley of Duns­ Mrs Lynch arrived here Monday muir, Calif . is spending this week afti i noon at the Lynch home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs • W R > > CHURCH OF THE NAZAKENF. Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Fourth and C Streets Church school 0:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Departmental meetings at 6:30: Junior, Young People, Adults. Evangelistic service, 7:30. Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ nesday evening. ♦. : At the Churches : ♦ •; 1 < .*•«.»••••*•**•*»***«**• - .... .........._ _ .. "■ METHODIST (IIIKdl tin! .Hun »ireei John II. Poet. i'aslur Sunday school at 9:45 a. in. Bernice Beare, superintendent in chaige. Morning worship at 11 o’clock with the pastor bringing the mes­ A genius can do almost any­ 1LV. ROBERT H. HARPER sage. thing except make a living Young People's meeting and Ju­ nior meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evan­ FIRST .METHODIST CHURCH f ain iuh I Abel: X Contrast, gelistic service ut 8 p. rn. with Cor. N. .Main and Laurel,Sts. ix-xxon for July 19; Gen. 4:1-15. me pastor in charge. Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Mid-week prayer meeting at 8 Golden Text: Hebrews 11:4. Sunday Church school 9:45 a. m. Chiropractic Physician in the story of Caln and Abel p. in. Wednesday. Morning worship 11 o’clock. > > > Chiropractic service free to En­ first appears the idea of sacrifice "The God We Need." The men’s FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH listed men Both brought gifts unto God. How quartet will sing. J. R. liirnbull, .Minister Office 211 Hargadine Ph. 3321 did their offerings differ? Cer­ The Youth group will meet for Bible school 9:45 a. m., c. E their union worship program at 7 - -- -- r_~.~__________ tainly not in the things offered - Cain's later conduct proved that Corry, superintendent. in the Congregational church. his offering lacked consecration of Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. The Union preaching service in heart, while "by faith Abel offered Young People’s Union 7 p. m. the Congregational church at 8 a more excellent sacrifice than Prayer, praise and Bible Mtudy p. m Subject "Calling All People ” Cain." hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Midweek Bible study hour and Instead of mending his own praise service is Wednesday eve­ e i t ways, after God had talked with ning at 7:30 CHURCH OF CHRIST him, Cain visited his fury u[x>n Second and B Streets • his brother and stained the earth Earl F. Downing, .Minister 42 Heiman Dial 5751 with the blood of the first murder Bible school, 9:45 a. m. His heartless question in answer Morning worship 11 o'clock. to God has been heard through "Three Men on a Raft and the For Safetv Contest A new classification of counties the ages. It should be asked, not Songs They Sang.” a basis of population was an­ in cruel Indifference, but in reali- Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. on zation of responsibility for our with junior, high school and young nounced today for the 1942 Ore- gon Counties Traffic Safety con- brothers. people's groups. test, sponsored each year by Earl Cain's curse has come upon aJ) Evening service, 8.00 p. rn Snell, A little more secretary of state. murders. Dread of vengeance has Everett McGee will speak. than 81 per mo. I Counties were segregated into disturbed all who have shed bkxxl Midweek service, 8:00 p. m., gives you legal r four divisions for the contest. The coverage on pub- 4 What was the sign God appoint­ Wednesday. first divisipn includes counties ed unto Cain ? No one knows. Why lie liability insur­ < 1 i with over 40,000 population, the was he to be protected ? Because ance. We also * CATHOLIC CHURCH second division runs from 25.000 to write > > 000 population. vengeance only perpetuates the NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA ­ wrong and brings the avenger into Following are the counties in TIONAL CHURCH the same guilt with the offender. each division, listed according to ON THE PLAZA < larence F. McCall, Minister We see the tendency to evil con­ their standings in the contest at Boulevard and Morton Streets trasted in the two brothers. Abel the end of May. Church school 9:45 a. m., Mrs. withstood, while his brother yield­ ed and went the whole way of sin Glen Prescott, superintendent. r •X In his blrxxi which cries from that Worship service 11 a. m. Ser­ primal field we find more than an mon by minister. evidence of man's hate; in Abel we Union service in Congregational find an example of faith that rises church, 8:00 p. m. triumphant over the tendencies to Everyone cordially invited to all i evil in human nature and achieves these meetings. * * > a life independent of circumstances and physical death. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Dr. C laude E. Savre, Vicar Defeat is complete when it is Holy Communion 8 a. m. admitted. Church school 9:30 a. m. ------ •------------ Sermon and Morning Prayer, 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a. m. Wednesday. You are cordially invited to So you suffered damage to your car. THEN—you worship with us. brought it to us and we fixed it up so that the < < « only evidence of damage was your memory of it. FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. 1 1’ Furman, Pastor Don’t abandon your car until you have Sunday school 9:45 a. m. called us to look it over. Remember— Morning worship 11 o'clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ new cars are hard to get. ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o'clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:30 Tuesday evening. Bible study and prayer meeting 7:30 Friday evening. Everybody is cordially invit.-d to all services. AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION • * ♦ * (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Howasd G. Eddy, Minister Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt M. Wright, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. High school Christian Endeavor meets at 6:15 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Jean Kasperowicv shows Staff f f / Sergt. Walter J. Kean (left) and FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Corp. John Durborow the 37-mm. high explosive anti-aircraft shells SCIENTIST built on her production line in a Pioneer Ave.. South Philadelphia plant. Sunday school, at 9:45 a. m. Phone 3751 Medford Center Building Sunday morning service at 11 240 East Main, Ashland Phone 2261 SfJBBBEkfi o'clock. Subject : Life, Wednesday evening meeting, which includes testimonies of Christian Science healing, is held at 8 o’clock. Reading room open daily from 2 to 5 p. m., except Sundays and INCH SERMON ¡riCEE Dr. C. C. Dunham GREEN SLABS Gunter Fuel Co. Counties Classified Take your pencil In hand and try your skill at cither or both of the simple tasks outlined above. For the Thin Man, just draw him doing anything you please—running, walking, woiklng, playing, etc. For Figure Folk, take a number from 1 te V and draw anything around it. nr I N S U R A N C E M. T. BURNS You Didn’t Know What The Other Fellow Was Going To Do! Ack Ack for Axis CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE Southern Oregon Credit Bureau Reporting Office General Office Ashland Medford All The Town Is Talking YOUR CREDIT RECORD —You make it, We Record it! Dr. L. W. Stoffers THINK yOÜ'RÍ «SMART? First: Klamath, Lane, Clacka­ mas, Marion, Multnomah. Second: Coos, Douglas, Yamhill, Linn, Jackson, Umatilla, Washing­ ton. Third: Malheur, Tillamook, De­ schutes, Benton. Lincoln, Wasco, Hood River, Clatsop, Columbia, Polk, Union. Josephine, Baker. Fourth: Wallowa, Crook, Jef­ ferson, Sherman, Gilliam, Lake, Wheeler, Curry, Harney, Morrow, Grant. Have you tried the LIBERTY SUNDAE? —one of our delicious Sundaes plus a Savings Stamp. \ NIPPY FIZZ — the best thirst quencher a nickel will buy. ICE CREAM SODA with crushed fruit flav ors. You’ll like ’em. Milk Shakes, Su>ndaes, Cokes, Plain Ice Cream in a wide assortment of flavors. For the Best Fountain Service in Town—follow the Crowds to BROADY’S DRUGS C I • c 1 !.. h r J ;