Thursday, July 9, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 » SUCCESSFUL PARENTHOOD No. I Saboteur ,C N r E R T A I N M ■ N T PhOtte 7561 Matinee Thursdays Fridays and Contin­ uous Sundays Sy MRS. CATHERINE CONRAD EDWARDS Friday and Saturday! LITHIA Ai.ociat. Editor. Paroata' Maqaiin« Washington. D C «NWNS> The •ovie-like snbct-'ur story, of Cer­ <1 iums. with quantities of TNT and THAINING THE TWO-YEAR-OLD i list of Uie places they were sched- 'ed to blow up being landed from "I’m worried about my child's stance, it is better to let him have ubmarines on the Florida and emotional development." a mother some choice about what he eats— •ong Island coasts, is considered wrote recently I was somewhat it's good for his budding ego to y many here to be "cheerful” appalled when she added that the be able to refuse this and gobble up ather than alarming news. For it child was only 20 months old. Then that. But you can plun his n > .ils idicates, many analysts feel, that I realized anew that young par­ so that all nutritional needs arc met he Germans do not have the ektb- ents. even very intelligent ones, even if he does leave one vegetable with rate organization for sa bota xe often don't know what to expect of or his egg or part of his milk (He'll within our country which many a small child. probably love the egg and milk lave suspected. The emotional development of a as a custard or milk shake.) It seems logical to assume. two ie.iiid ■ Weil, it s hardly The child between two and three spokesmen here point out. that the rni* permanent enough to cause con­ is particularly susceptible to jeal­ and Nazis would not try to put over Edward John Kerling. alias Ed­ cern—that is, unless the child is ousy. It's a threat to this seN hr's I such a complicated sabotage plan if so badly handled by adults that feeling so strongly to have mother's ward John Kelly, who was the ring­ they had the men, the equipment some of his naturally unco-opera­ or father's attention usurped by a leader of the lour Nasi saboteurs ind the contacts within this coun­ tive two-year-oldness stays with new baby. But it is also this grow­ who landed with a quantity of ex­ try to carry on sabotage on an ex­ him for life. For the child of two ing ego to which you appeal in help­ plosives from *n enemy submarine tensive scale. Although it is alarm­ is just discovering that he is a ing him overcome jealousy. You near Jacksonville. Fla. All tour of ing to have such efforts made to separate human being Intoxicated make him feel your pleasure in hav­ the wreckers were arrested, as spread destruction and terror in our •ountry, the quick roundup of the with the feeling of being "me'' ing a little boy or girl with whom were the four who landed al Ama­ men involved and the fact that the ("me" seems to express more to a to share the baby. Make him eager gansett, L. I. Axis bothered to plot such a com­ child than "I") he asserts his in­ to continue to grow, to keep aheuil • plicated plan indicates that the FBI dependence early and late with of the baby so he can show it the with Murphy. N. C., is closer to six has done a notable job of control­ "me do it myself." even when the way. Express your pride in this other state capital cities than to ling activities of enemies within our task is far beyond him. His other growth. If you don't the two-year- its own capital gates. favorite way of feeling power is to old, who is still naturally babyish It is by such methods of deduc­ say “no.” Often when he means and dependent, will lose «.ill desire tion that rru< f the news has to "yes" he’ll say "no" because he to be n child and may try hrough be arrived at ....e these days, since has learned that the negative is tantrums and whining to be a baby news of enemy actions within our more apt to get a rise out of adults. again. country, as well as news of bat­ There are many times, of course, Although the two-year-old knows tles. of ship losses and of produc­ when the two-year-old's "no" must THE ARMY RUCKS THE iROPICS! tion are released only when the au­ be overridden by a pleasant, but very little about controlling his new emotions you can help him begin thorities consider the news to be of positive "yes" on your part. But no value to the enemy. Under the it is also Important to avoid as this important lesson by keeping new Department of War Informa­ many issues as possible, even to let his life well regulated but easy­ tion, headed by Elmer Davis, how­ up on discipline a bit, so that the going. and your relations with him ever, it is believed the public will child won't fee) too balked by op­ good-natured and loving, especially be kept a little better informed as O’BRIEN position during these flrst months at times when it is necessary to to what is going on. although much Of discovering himself. For in- impose your will on his. «-MDONLEVY news must necessarily continue to be withheld. F ** BLAIR Figures on our production of war I A COIU**1* K’U** supplies—very encouraging figures —were given to newsmen recently, ‘.he most outstanding one being re­ leased by the President himself when he said that during May the I United States produced 4.000 air- I planes for war purposes. This was I followed by a statement by Oliver Lyttleton—the Donald Nelson of England—who, upon his return to London from the United States, said that the United States is now , 1 I cents and 1 5 cento 45 days ahead of schedule in pro­ duction and that combined British and United States production is now "TWO YANKS In Trinidad" considerably ahead of all Axis pro- | brings Pat O’Brien, left, and duction, including that of Japan. Brian lion levy to the l.lthla Mr. Lyttleton also predicted that theatre screen. A Columbia com­ the ships being turned out in the United States shipyards will soon- edy co-starring Janet Blair, the DENTIST outnumber the sinkings by Axis sub­ new llst-and funfi-wt was direct­ Hours 9-12 and I-A marines. ed by Gregory Itatoff. Medical Bldg. Phone A2II It is agreed here that the most STANSBCR5 REGISTER* serious handicap to production is scarcities of raw materials so that HIGH IN MARKSMANSHIP official Washington is giving great Rifle and pistol practice fol­ JOINS AIR CORPS attention to the problem of collect­ lowed while on the police force Fred Shere, former member of ing all possible scrap from the peo­ haa stood Phil Stansbury In good Battery B. who him been home on ple. A new campaign to collect stead «Ince entering military ser­ a two-rnonths furlough, left Wed­ iron and steel from every home and vice. according to reports coming nesday evening for Portland to factory is now underway and gov­ from Camp Roberts where he is enlist in the army air corps. He ernment officials are making new stationed. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred plans for the collection of additional In a recent severe marksman Shere who reside on Beach street. scrap rubber. The hastily con­ test, Stansbury attained fourth Brie- Gen. James Doolittle, on his flrat official visit to Nrw York • ceived plan to try to get in the na­ tion's supply of scrap rubber be­ since he led the bombing raid on Tokyo, was the guest of honor at a place in competition with 700 • Mr and Mrs Walter Durgan tween June 15 and June 30 was not reception and dinner. General Doolittle is pictured here (center) with soldiers. of Corvallis are guests for the nearly as successful as it had been a flowered replica of the plane he flew when he bombed Tokyo. Eddie • Dr and Mrs. O B Hull and week at the home of Mrs. Dur- hoped, and a new drive to collect Kickenbacker (left) and Paul V. McNutt, head of the war manpower daughter Margaret Ann drove to gun's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis commission, look on. rubber is now being worked out. the Oregon Caves Saturday and Dodge. The record time, the record vote • enjoyed a brief holiday returning and the record appropriation for, RED — ITCHY- SCALY • Subscribe tor The Miner today. Sunday evening. the army’s new appropriation bill, indicates the willingness of congress to okay expenditures of any amount of money for war purposes. In i 9. five hours, with a vote of 352 to 0. the house passed a bill to provide 1. Mammoth Cave, situated in Effective Home Treatment 342,820,003,067 for the war depart­ ment's needs during the coming fis­ Edmonson Co., central Kentucky. Promptly Relieves Torture I 2. Cape Horn. cal year. This one bill is more 3. Mount Everest. in India. First applications of wonderful sooth­ than our entire cost of World War ing medicated Zemo—a doctor's formula I and brings the total appropria­ (29,141 feet.) —promptly relieve the intense itch­ 4. Caledonians. tions for this war to over 200 billion ing soreness and start al ones to help 5. About 100 miles. dollars. heal the red, scaly skin. Amszingly suc­ The problem of paying for this 6. Estimated area 3,280,000 sq. cessful for over 30 years! First trial of gigantic expenditure remains un- I miles. Estimated population marvelous clean, stainless liquid Zemo convinces! All drug _____ — _ answered and, although the new 480,500,000 Only 354. I taxes will be very high, they will 7 At the destruction of the Sec­ only make a slight dent in our ond Temple at Jerusalem in 70 mounting debt The ways A D I means committee of the house, aft- t 8. Thomas D. Rice. er months of deliberation, has final­ 9 Robert Louis Stevenson. ly written its proposed new tax bill, 10 May 29, 1925 by Richard E which, although it calls for taxes much higher than have ever been Byrd. Chiropractic Physician paid in this country before, is over Chiropractic service free to En­ pl UM The Mazurka (Polish dance) 2*4 billion short of Secretary Mor- listed men genthau's request was immortalized by Frederic Office 244 Hargadine Ph. 3321 The new bill would Increase pres­ Chopin whose 52 mazurkas are ent taxes by enough to bring in among his most individual compo­ about 6 billion dollars In additional ] sitions for the pianoforte. revenue. It is probable that income taxes next year will be collected in part by payroll deductions, but this subject still is being debated. There will probably be many changes made in the measure before it goes through the house and senate, but! it is not expected that the amount will be Increased to the figure re­ quested by the secretary of treas­ ury. Meanwhile, efforts to stop exces­ sive profits from being made out of war production are getting results and are reducing production costs FOR SALE—8-room house. 471 considerably. Donald Nelson re­ WITH MODERN This will protect against Granite St. See owner. Phone ported that 750 million dollars of I EQUIPMENT 3396. 28-29p excessive profits had been returned direct I om or damage to ----------- ------------- to the government by renegotiating property (fire and bombard­ C'W e AP "printing I m exjiensive. contracts and successful efforts to ment ) due to enemy attack, Permanent PRICES! profits on new contracts have Have your work done RIGHT at limit been carried out. It supplement* your regular the Home of Better Printing------ —.— ------•-------------- Insurance. ., Saturday rHE SHEPHERD Ji- THE OZARKS Elviry and the aver Brothen: TENSE! TIMELY! TERRIFIC! THE STAGE­ COACH ¡»UCKAROO < 3 r ' ’ 5 ack Brown Sundav. Monday and Tuesday Color Cartoon Paramount News SUN • MON • TUE 'Ji W idmd General Doolittle Honored at Banquet Wednesday and Thursday Mid-Week Special Dr. U W. Staffers Selected Shorts Wed’sday & Thursday 25c BARGAIN DAYS 2 HITS BIG 2 I ANSWERS i ECZEMA 7FMfl Dr. C. C. Dunham War Damage Insurance MATINEES Sat Wed. — Fri. Continuous Sundays CLEANING THE MINER PRESS. MAKING REPAIRS AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Elmer »ays, "It isn’t the whistle that pulls the train.” if Interested in this protec- tion, apply now as the for­ mer coverage expired June 30. ------- e Nine colleges which still exist in what is now the United States, were founded before the Revolu­ tion, and before 1800 there were 21. ----------- The English language Is funny. Tell her that time stands still when you gaze into her eyes, and Every United States medium she’ll adore you, but just try tank is made up of 25.000 pieces, telling her that her face would 5,000 of them different. atop a clock. Taking advantage of the 24- hour closing, the Palace cafe to­ day is being renovated to the ex­ tent of laying new linoleum. The Palace remains closed from 6 a. m. Thursday to 6 a m. Friday, due to shortage of help. J Billings Agency REAL ESTATE snd REAL INKCRANCE Phone «781 41 East Main V Medford Armory Tickets on Sale at The Ill-Way, 12 N. Riverside, Ph. Med. 5387 Medford, Oregon SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS mrr 25c V- H- STAMP WITH EVERY ► *1 50 Cleaning Order. Plain garments—A0 refits I IILL cash and carry. PICKUP AND DELIVERY 65c COLLEGE CLEANERS 823 Siskiyou Blvd phone 6336