NEWS FROM I About People You Know • Miss Velma Brower left Wed­ nesday evening by tialn for La (.•lunch* to upend the Fourth of inly hoiiiiuy period Six antic! puled u visit to Wallowa luke, Eastern Oregon's counter attrac­ tion to Crater lake, for some boat­ ing and fishing, • Mis» Annnette Hhuryon, who worka in San Francisco, M|a*nt the paal week with her parents, Mr. und Mia. L. G Sharyon. • Mr und Mia Jean F Eberhart had aa their guests Thursday to Sunday Mrs Eberhart's parent«, Mr. and Mra. it. F. Brogdon of Eugene. The men folka enjoyed some fishing on the Rogue und at Fiah lake over the work-end • Dr. A. C. Strange, member of the faculty ut Southern Oregon College of Education, wua udmll- ted to Community hoapital the flrat of the week for medical treatment. • Mra. M F. Worthington und duughlera thane und Judy of Sun Francisco arrived Sunday to apend some time with her futher and sister, Mra. Clyde Young Mr. Worthington will Join his fumliy heiv In the near future • Mia Ernest Wullen mid Mra Elwood lledtu'ig of Medford were luncheon hoateaaea Weneaduy to u gioup of their Aaliluml friends, including Mra J 1' liuuglxitL Mrs. Ted bockhart, Mra. Elmer Blegel, Mra. J. W. Anderson, Mra. Fat Dunn and Mia Clyde Young A Mr. and Mrs. BUI Bromley and Jauiea Baughman will spend the Fourth al liuy's Creek and on u flailing trip to Fiah lake In Doug- I laa county. • Dr. Walter Redford haa re turned to the cuinpua of Southern Oregon College of Education after i un ubsvnce of three weeks spent at a meeting of teachers' college pic'slclenta at Battle Creek, Mic h • Mra Doti Stuhlmun Is spending a few days with her parents, Mr and Mra LOW Reynolds at tin Ashland hotel. Her home la in Albany TA1XNT NEWS • Mr» Elizabeth Huson and het son Edward and daughter Evelyn of San Francisco spent last week in Talent at their home- on Wag­ ner avenue They have been liv­ ing in San Francisco for the past six months and own a home here • Wayne Bradley and fumliy re­ turned home Thursday from Port­ land where he has been undergoing treatment for back injuries for the past two months. • Mr and Mrs Roy Unruh of Prospect are the parents of a six pound baby girl bom Thursday at the Smicd Heart hoapital In Med­ ford. Mrs. Unruh wua formerly Hazel Walker and a resident of Talent aeveral years ago. • Mr. and Mra Maurice McShane of Granta Pass were business. callers here Friday. Mrs. McShane sold her property on the Anderson creek road to Mr. and Mr» Wallace. | • Mrs William Boyer and threei children left Tuesday for Idaho for ' an extended visit with her father and eldest son. Mr. Boyer, who is employed at Camp White, will Join the family later. • Mrs. Grant arrived here Sunday morning from her home in Boze­ man, Montana, to spend the sum­ mer with her daughter, Mrs. Helen Higgins • Mrs. Charles Holdrige under­ went an operation at the Commu­ nity hospital In Ashland lust week • Juanita Boardman und Mrs By­ ron Keith left last Thursday for Seattle where Mrs Keith's son is employed at the Boeing air craft factory. • Charles Skeeters, who has been a patient at the Community hos- pita in Ashland for the last two Page 3 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thursday, July 2, 1942 Lincoln School lly SCHOOL PUPIL* Klndergurteti The children of Miss Nicholson's room made cookies on July 1 On July 2, they went to see Mrs. Ca­ dy s fish pond and bird houses. After that they went to the three corner park to eat their cookies they had marie and to drink the milk. The average earnings of those Joyed soft ball, table tennis, bad­ TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Dr. < Iwiidr E. .tayre. Vicar minton and archery. The girls of who make fur trapping their Holy Communion 8 a. m. the same group have played table means of livelihood is less than tennis, soft ball and badminton. 1200 per season. Church school 9:30 a. m. Sermon and Holy Communion,, 1 1 00 a M Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m. i Wednesday. Hold Communion, 7:30 a. m. ( Saturday. You are cordially invited to FIRHT .METHODINT (HIIUH worship with us. •----- « ÿ 8 At the Churches fi fi fi weeks I eturned home Monday 1 • M ik C W. Astleloid who unoei went un operation ill the coniniu* I mty hospital in AMiiiund last week returned home Nuiuiauy. • Hairy Willnow, Dun* Dobbins, Vaughn Comer und Kay Hupp r » r • • • Cor. N. Main and IjMirel Sts. went to Portland to be inducted Grade I Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE into the navy E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. The children huve made a few .Sunday Church school 9:45 a. rn. • Ttic*odoie Graham who was em­ toys ami also enjoy playing with L. P. Furman, Pastor Morning worship 11 o’clock. ployed ut the Alley Brothers' mill the new ones in their room. Sunday school 9:45 a. ns Subject, ■'Great Tomorrows”. near Phoenix received u broken Morning worship 11 o'clock. During tlx- warm weather the Eight o'clock service is a union arm und other injuries In an uccl- , boys and girls have enjoyed their meeting C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve- in the Presbyterian dent Friday night und was taken mid-morning lunch outside church. The Watson players who « ning. Evangelistic service to fol- to the Sacred Heart hospital for Tire kindergarten and the first so delightfully presented the reli­ low at 7:30 o'clock. ticalment. While the injuiies arc grade rooms have seen three mo­ gious drama, "My Mother’s God,” C. A. service and choir practice not serious it will be Home time vies which they have liked very last year will this evening present 7:30 Tuesday evening. before he cun resume wotk. Bible study and prayer meeting much. The movies have been Ro­ the drama "Red Like Crimson." • Itev. C. II Fledenburg atterid- bin Redbreast, The Three Little A free will offering will be re­ 7:30 Friday evening. cn u Buptlst association meeting Kittens, and Adventures of Bunny Everybody is cordially Invited ceived. ut Bend last week and returned Rabbit to all services. home Tuesday. p < r NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ ' ' ' • Mr und Mrs. Will Butex who TIONAL CHURCH Grode* 2 and 3 FREE METHODIST CHURCH operate the Gilmore service sta- i Clarence F. McCall, Minister The children of Miss Hileman's East Main Street lion here spent Monday in Med­ room lire studying safety and Boulevard and Morton Ntreets John K. Poet. Pastor ford with their daughter and son- Church school 9:45 a. m., Mrs health. In safety, they are learn­ Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. in-law, Mr. and Mix Ira Atwell ing songs, safety habits, and how Beinice Beare, superintendent in • Mis Roy Lovander, who spent to be good soldiers at home. In Glen Prescott, uftperintendent. Worship service 11 a. m. Ser­ charge. the puxt week in Portland, re­ health they are learning songs and mon by minister. Morning worship at 11 o’clock turned home Friday. in their art the children are mak­ Union Service in Presbyterian witn the pastor bringing the mes- • Mr und Mrs. Garvin Skaggs . ing scenery and costumes for a sage. are the parents of u 10-pound boy * play. The boys and girls are go­ church 8:00 p. m. loung People's meeting and Ju­ born Wednesday. ing to have a program for their FIRST CHURC H OF CHRIST nior meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evan­ • Mr und Mrs. Harry Lowe of' parents. SCIENTIST gelistic service at 8 p. m. with Butte Fulls were business callers > » t Pioneer Ave., South me pastor in charge. here last week. Grade* 1-5-6 Sunday school, at 9:45 a. m. Mid-week prayer meeting at 8 Mixa King's room has 40 en­ Sunday morning service at 11 p. m. Wednesday. BELLVIEW NEWS rolled. The children are spending o’clock. Y Y » their time on arithmetic and read­ CHUKCH OF THE NAZARENE Subject: God. • Mrs. Chas. Platko from Tacoma ing There are three reading Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Wednesday evening meeting, Wash., arrived last week to spend groups in which they are reading Fourth and C Streets several months with her parents, folk stories. In arithmetic they are which includes testimonies of Church school 9:45 a. m. Mi and Mrs la-wix Gresham Mrs. working on individual difficulties Christian Science healing, is held Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Platko will ire remembered as Lola 'Die children also have games in at 8 o'clock. Gresham. She has received word arithmetic. Reading room open daily from The Kings Messengers, quartet, that Mr Platko has arrived with Upper Grade* 2 to 5 p. m., except Sundays and from Northwest N aza rene college the U. S. troops some where in Nampa, Idaho. Rev. Howard G. Eddy came to holidays. Australia. Departmental meetings at 6:30: The public is cordially invited to Miss Allen's room on June 25 to • Mr and Mrs Paul McKennis talk on the navy in which he Junior, Young People, Adults. attend these services and to use and son Vernon left last week to Evangelistic service, 7:30. served for seven years. He told the reading room. make their home In Portland. Mr. of some of his experiences dur­ Church board meeting 7:30 p. and Mrs Mark True have bought ing the World War and also the m. Monday. CATHOLIC CHURCH the McKennis home and Mr. and kind of ships he had been on Mr. Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ Rev. W. S. Meagher, Pastor Mrs. Earl Emmers of Ashland Eddy was invited to speak to the nesday evening. Maas at 9 a. m. Sunday. hMve leased it from the Trues and same group on July 2 when he moved early this week. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN told other experiences and showed • Mr. and Mis. Georg,- King and some souvenirs to the class. The CHURCH their house guests Mr. and Mrs ■ children appreciated Howard G. Eddy, Minister his kind­ Dale Jorgenson of San Francisco ness very much. Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt were dinner guests Saturday eve­ M. Wright, superintendent. Miss Marion Ady of the college ning ut the Theo Wenaua home Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Mrs. Jorgenson was formerly Miss had an interesting picture lesson High school Christian Endeavor Beryl King and Dale is with the in which she showed the class J. What Indian tribes made up meets at 6:15 p. m. marine pictures in the balopticon. U. S. Navy. the "Powerful Five Nations?" Evening service at 7:30 p. m. • Mr and Mm Warren E. Siebert She explained how the pictures 2. What is the oldest town in who have been living near Neal were painted and told something the United States ? CHURCH OF CHRIST creek, have moved to the Kate of the artists. 3. How many hours of sunlight Second and B Streets f < < Neal ranch recently vacated by in a day on the moon? Earl F. Downing, Minister Special Reading Room Mr. and Mra. frvin Ross. 4 How much water is there in Bible school. 9:45 a. m. Miss Bork's reading class is al) the seas of the world? • Mrs. Milton Hamilton and small Morning worship 11 o'clock. Ser­ daughter of Grants Paas are vis­ having a race between the child­ 5 What is the capital of Alas­ mon "The Call to Christian Patri­ iting with Mr and Mra. E A. ren to see who can read the most ka? otism.” books. They are given points for Hamilton. 6 What are some of the im­ Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. • Mr. and Mm. Car) Henry and the difficulty of the book; three I portant articles produced in the with Junior, high school and young daughters Pearl and Mary Jean points for the most difficult, two Philippines. people's groups. were shopping in Medford Friday for the less difficult, and one for 7. When was the Cathedral of Evening service, 8:00 p. m. and visited with Mm. Henry's sis-; the least. The chart shows that \ Notre Dame in Paris founded? ter in Fem valley. Mrs. Henry the following people have the most 8. Who wrote the poem “Cross­ Sermon subject, The Significance of the Hebrew Tabernacle for To­ and children all spent Saturday points: Beverly Salo 56, Thad ing the Bar?” day.” Coleman 36, and Richard Adams with relatives in Klamath Falls. 9. What causes one's teeth to The Watson players will present • J W Bonen who has been se- i 32. chatter when cold? riously ill at the Community hoapl- | SjK»rts 10: At what speed does light “Our Mother’s God” at 8 o'clock Tuesday night. A freewill offering tai is slowly improving. The upper grade boys have en-| travel ? will be taken. • Mr and Mrs. Chester Apple Midweek service, 8:00 p. m., gate and Mm. Vincent Lanini, Wednesday. John Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Owen were among the cattlemen FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH who held a business meeting at J. R. Turnbull, Minister the Henry Owen ranch in the Dead Indian district Sunday. Bible school 9:45 a. m., C. E. • Mm. R D. Reynolds, Kenneth Corry, superintendent and Donald Reynolds, Sam Bell, Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Robert Hincle, Robert Lee Dun­ Young People's Union 7 p. m. ham and Bernie Helm attended the Prayer, praise and able study circus in Medford Monday. hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. • Mm. J. W. Walker and daugh­ ter Grace made a business trip to Eugene last Friday. l«0 C Street • Mis D D. McCoy who has been visiting the past 10 days in Portland returned to her home Will be closed July 4—Open Sunday July 5— Wednesday. • Jackson county 4-H club lead­ and due to the national labor problem, starting er, L. E. Francis of Medford, was calling on members of the Dead July 9, will be closed every Thursday until Indian 4-H club Tuesday. Mr. Francis plans to attend a picnic the club is planning on July 19. further notice. | QUESTIONS J '■ I DO YOU LIKE Fine Food? j NOTICE! DRIVE-IN MARKET If you appreciate food that is carefully and expertly prepared and is tastefully Nerved, if you like courteous service and fair prices, —you’ll enjoy eating here Pete’s Lunch . your meeting place. Proves Wonderful For Itching Skin To soothe itching, burning skin, apply medicated liquid ZE MO—-a Doctors formula backed by 30 years continu­ ous success! For ringworm symptoms, eczema, athlete’s foot or blemishes due to external cause, apply ZEMO freely. Soon the discomfort should disappear. Over 25,000,000 packages sold. One trial convinces. Only 35^. Wanted! Old Watches V We Will Be Open All Day Saturday JULY 4TH Featuring Our Usual BASIC FRJNCIPLt FOR USING RAILROAD FREIOHT CARS EFFICIENTLY WAS RECOGNIZED IN 1842. DURING THE WAR BETWEEN THB STATES, WHEN U.S. MILITARY AUTHORITIES ORDERED THAT *AU CAAS ttr/U •* UHlOAOtD AHO AtTUAHtO IMMtOIATttr ~ THtr AUST HOT AS OtTA/HfO fOA USS AS STOASHOUSSS.’ Delicious Jumbo Popcorn HOT ROASTED PEANUTS, SOFT DRINKS, CANDIES, TOBACCOS, ETC. Qf MACED END TO ENO THE We will Pay Cash for Any Watch Regardless of Condition WE BUY OLD GOLD Ramseyfs Jewelry Store Swedenburg Building Southern. Oregon Credit Dureau 019 RAILWAY TUNNELS IN THS UNITED STATES WOULD HAVE A COMBINED LENGTH Reporting Office General Office Ashland Medford OF ABOUT SEO MILES... • 511 toni ’ ¿*\ merican railroao TRAINS CARRIED AN AVERAGE Of 9IS TONS OF FREIGHT IN IMI-THE HIGHEST ON RECORD AND 41 KR CENT MORI THAN IN 1921. A V HARRY CHIPMAN’S 149 East Main Phone 3751 240 East Main, Ashland Medford Center Building Phone 2261 YOUR CREDIT RECORD —You make it, We Record it!