Thursday, July 2, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 I with the government in its war on the Axis. Reasons given for Blowing schedules are under­ standable and the company is entitled to recognition for its commendable action. Primarily the step was ta ken to aid in conserving rubber. One big bus has a car­ rying capacity equal to nearly a dozen private passen­ ger cars and ubcs only a fraction as much rubber per passenger mile as automobiles. Express and limited schedules have been eliminated entirely, due to the withdrawal of many buses for military personnel and war workers, the tremendous increase of passengers due to tire and private automobile rationing and the resulting shortage of buses. Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Thurs. at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND. OREGON FRED MILTENBERGER O G CRAWFORD ★ Publishers ¥ Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935, at the postofficeat Ashland, Oregon, under the act ef March 3,1879. * TELEPHONE 8561 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR 31.50 SIX MONTHS........ 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) "THE TRUTH WILL Pelicans Topple Craters from Ix?ad Klamath Falls elevated them- selves to head of the leugue when they completed the week-end whitewashing of the Craters Sun­ day afternoon to the tunc of 10 to 2. Ernie Bishop s Pelicans now top the league with Medford second, Dorris third, nnd Grants Pass fourth The Owl Drug tram, one of the fastest semi-pro clubs on the l*a- cific coast, comes to Medford July 4 and 5 to face the Pelicans WET SPRING SPELLS TROUBLE IN FOREST T MAY appear a bit contrary to common opinion, Virgil Haynes, former Ashland softball player, stopped the win­ but a wet, late spring is the forerunner of trouble ning streak of Medford's Joe Dick­ in the forested areas. Moisture is a wonderful thing inson nt Klamath Falls Saturday night when the Pelicans won a 14 for the trees and it makes pasturage better. These to 2 Oregon-California league base are both to be desired for there is need of reforesta­ ball game from the Craters. Haynes set the hard-hitting Cra­ tion to replenish the rapidly disappearing timber, and ters down with but four bing lea livestock thrives better on summer pasture in the high­ er wooded districts. Yet, while these things are good for the sawmill man and the stockman, they create worries for the man whose duty it is to protect the forests. —Get Away from the Heat for the Week-End— The advent of hot weather has brought to the fore the perennial warning against carelessness in the for­ ests. It has particular significance this week, with the Fourth of July holiday inviting thousands of people to the mountain areas. Official action, establishing certain areas to be visited and restricting those areas at where the greatest danger to timber would result from Reproduction permission grant«« man’s carelessness, could prevent loss. Such action is LAKE OF THE WOODS RESORT taken only in extreme cases and there is no disposi­ from the Office of Price Administration for a large tion on the part of officials to prevent people from us­ appropriation to add some 100,000 new employees, ing the forests, relying on the alternative of appealing mostly enforcement personnel, to the OPA roll. These SPEEDBOAT RIDES to the patriotism and good citizenship of visitors to employes, in other words, would constitute a sort of make it unnecessary to call out the firefighters. private police force and would spend their time and MOTORBOAT RAC ES An appeal comes from State Forester N. S. Rogers the taxpayers’ money looking for violations of the to all users of our forests. He suggests “during a per­ price-freezing order. Cabins, Boats, Swimming— iod of continued cloudy weather and late spring rains In protest against this latest effort of the bureau­ Excellent Meals most of us become complacent, forgetting the need for | crats the National Association of Retail Grocers, re­ fire vigilance. Then, when summer suddenly breaks, presenting thousands of independent food merchants we are not aware of the fire danger. Actually, three throughout the country, submitted a resolution to Con­ or four sunny days with a light wind place the forest gress which said in part: “It is implied in this proposal at the mercy of the camper or smoker, for the fuel to turn loose an army of snoopers on the retail mer­ reaches the inflammable point and fires easily “run” chants of the United States. These men and women For Reservations, call under such conditions. To prevent wasted acres, I ask proposed for OPA enforcement personnel can render that every forest visitor be constantly on the alert. more useful service in the prosecution of the war Enjoy an outdoor week-end, but remember the fire against the Axis powers, rather than as an army of warning.” harassment operating at public expense on the home front. ” Remember the forest code—do not throw away burning material along highways or other roads. Such The merchants are right. This is no time for a "se­ violation is subject to a fine. Use your ash receptacles cond front” at home what with business straining ev­ in disposing of lighted cigarettes, pipe or cigar mater­ ery effort to back the government in the war program ials. Better still, see that the spark is extinguished be­ and the services of every man and woman needed to fore depositing the ash in the receptacle. keep the service of supplies functioning. The movement Another thing to remember is that w’e are menaced smacks of politics and Congress will do well to throw by an enemy from without. One plane can deposit the OPA’8 proposal into the capitol ashcan. DIAL 4541 enough incendiary bombs in the forests to command the attention of thousands of fire fighters. Let it not SPEED SACRIFICED FOR ECONOMY be said this year that the great enemy from within— DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER ORE evidence of pressing war demands and the human carelessness—put an added strain on the lim­ growing lack of rubber is found in the announce­ Litwiller Funeral Home ited fire fighting forces. ment this week that the Greyhound Lines, beginning We Never C'loee Phone 4541 ★ ★ * July 1, have cut the speed of their buses to 40 miles C.M.UtwtUer LET HIM CARRY A GUN! per hour. It is one more step toward full cooperation MAN who has been enjoying the fruits of can­ tonment wages was heard to remark that the sol­ diers didn’t need $50 a month for they couldn’t spend MRS. AMERICA that much money. (Let it be said that this was not a IN THE WAR local man, but one of the itinerant workers who prob­ Repairmen Popular ably has been enjoying the first real prosperity in his Retain Old Can Lida life.) Raw Material» Limited There is no quarrel with the worker who is receiv­ V acation Near Home ing high wages at this time. He is contributing to the Redecorate If Necewtary war effort, in most instances is working hard and is Milady'» Cownetic» A Clean Stove entitled to fair pay. The point is that the fellow mak­ I Fast Dym Increased ing high wages while working under comparatively safe conditions should have little to say about what the other fellow is getting. Especially is this so when THE NATION’S repairmen will called upon more and more the other fellow happens to be a man who has offered by be Mrs. America to conserve Today more than ever in the life of this nation our glorious his life in defense of his country in order to make it , goods since new products are be­ I flag stands for freedom. In 1776 It meant liberty for the scarcer every day. Conse­ safe for the other fellow to follow peaceful pursuits at coming ' oppressed colonies. Today it means freedom for countless quently, an encouraging note to big wages. the family budget is the new millions who have come under the domination of ruthless maximum price regulation for con­ Too many of us look upon the present crisis as a sumer ‘ militarists. services which controls time for “getting ours” while the getting is good. Nut < charges for repairs to all kinds of new regulation places All forces at our command are being pressed Into service to enough thought is given to the position we might be in things. ' a ceiling The on prices of services ren­ meet the challenge of the Axis powers, and in this all-out if there were no soldiers. As to the service man’s abil- < dered at retail in connection with However, it does effort ELECTRICITY is doing its full share. There scarce­ ity to spend the $50, he has a whole month to dispose a ' not commodity. extend to personal services. ly is any part of this supreme effort that electricity does not of about half that paid many workers on the canton- i For instance, the following are among services for which prices contribute its magic energy, and the government, realizing ment each week. If he can’t spend all of it, certainly are ‘ controlled. Dry cleaning, laun­ the limitless value of this energy, is expanding power units he can put some of it away against the day when peace < dry, fur repair and storage, fur­ to meet the ever-increasing load. and storage, radio will be declared, a day when he will need to be financed niture 1 repair, repair bicycle and luggage re­ I over a period of readjustment the length of which will pairs, shoe shines and repairs, We can, we will, we must win this war, and to that end elec­ alterations, and lawn mo­ be as uncertain as the day the present conflict will end. clothing ; wer sharpening. tricity will be employed to the growing embarrassment of And these are If we have no thought other than personal gain fi\.n ( some of the services not covered: the Axis. beauty parlors, barber shops, util­ thJs or any other war, we deserve to get licked— and ities, doctors' and dentists’ fees. probably will. V V V i CELEBRATE THE 4TH AND 5TH LAKE OF THE WOODS RESORT ★ ★ * M A The Emblem Of Freedom Long May It Wave! ★ ONE ARMY AT A TIME PLEASE! F CONGRESS should find time on its hands, an ef­ fort should be made to place restricted legislation on the bureau boys who, when lacking anything else to do, lay plans for enlarging their prospective groups. Latest development in bureaucracy is the request J THE DAY of tossing empty spice cans, baking powder tins or coffee cans into the garbage is over. Save these precious contain­ ers for some dry foods which have been sold in cans soon will be available only in paper packages. Likewise, retain as many covers of relish jars and empty catsup Continued on page 4) Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department”