Page 3 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thursday, June 25, 1942 with the pastor bringing the mes- Many of us around these parts | fore the war Ordinarily our sup­ ' wage. are experiencing that tired feeling, plies come from Java > * > loung People’s meeting and Ju- because our automobiles are not. ’ uior meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evan- VUOOL>, Mrs America’s standby 1 1 t I gelistlc service at 8 p, m. with ’* since the all-out drafting of What the future has in store uie pastor in charge. metals. Is welng more and more for you depends on what you Mid-week prayer meeting at 8 place in store for the future. • M ih Mabel Kinney »•j>«,nl a few family returned lust week from service. WPB restrictions on both NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ p. m. Wednesday. duys In Medford with lici sister, Hortonville, Kan. where they had haul and soft woods call attention TIONAL dil l« H t i » r i 1 Mis. JvsHle Mlles Mis. Kinney re­ been called by the serious illness to military usefulness of wood l larem e F. Met all, Minister The best way to win friends is and Ils various products such as GUI 1« H OF THE N'AZARENE cently sold h> i residence on Gran­ of Mis Walker's father. They aiso Boulevard and Morton Blreels to refrain from trying to influence Bertriuid F. Petenton, Paxtor ite street to in L. L. Summerlin, visited Mr. Walker's grandmother charcoal for gas masks, cellulose I Church school 9:45 a. in., Mrs people. In gun powder and turpentine in Fourth and C Streets who Is now in possession and uncle in Kansas City. Glen Prescott, superintendent. flame throwers. Hulls of small Church school 9:45 a. m. • Mia« Louis«' Wooiliuff enter­ • Clarence Byrd a former resilient Worship service 11 a. m. Ser­ Morning worship, 11 o'clock. tained us guests Kunduy, her bro­ of Bellview, has been promoted to torpedo boats and bomb bay doors I mon by minister. of bombing planes are among the Departmental meetings at 6:30: ther, A E WiMsliiiff, and family corjioral in the United States army many uses of plywood. The stocks j of Klamath Falls. | h >I icc force and Is stationed at Junior, Young People, Adults. FIRST ( 1111« II OF CHRIST of Garand rifles feature solid wal­ Evening service, 7:30. Sermon • Donum >* Rugci nod his mother, Astoria. SCIENTIST nut Th«- lumber that goes into one 1 by the pastor. Mis Mund«' Huger, were week­ • Mr. ami Mis. Bob Bell and dau­ minesweeper, it is estimated, is j Pioneer Ave., South end guests in Klamath Falls. ghter Judith Ann of Klamath Falla the same amount that would go Sunday school, at 9:45 a. m. Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ “ • Mr ami Mis ('. I. J. Porter «pent the week end with Bob's into the making of 20 average' Sunday morning service a^ 11 nesday evening. o'clock. spent the foie purl of thè week parents Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bell. civilian homes. ---------— on a vacation trip to Portland FDCST PRESBYTERIAN Subject: Christian Science. 1 1 i They w< re accompanied hmm* by CHURCH Wednesday evening meeting, ORICE control is credit«-' with Howard G. Eddy, Minister their granddaughter, Jacqueline, of 1 helping your dollar win the which includes testimonies of Heuttlo who will visit for several Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt first round of the battle against Christian Science healing, is held weeks. M. Wright, superintendent. inflation. For th«- first time since at 8 o’clock. Intensified accident prevention November 1940, the rising cost Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Reading room open dally from activities are essential to the at­ of living has been checked accord- High school Christian Endeavor 2 to 5 p. m , except Sundays and TALENT NEWH tainment of greatest possible effi­ lny to a study by the Bureau of j meecx at 8:15 p. m. ciency in transputtation, according loitxir statistics. Declines were holidays. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. The public Is cordially invited to to government authorities, and as noted in rent, clothing and house > > > a part of the safety program in fumishings. Food costs, which are atteml these services and to use CATHOLIC CHURCH Oregon, a library of safety films not entirely under price regula­ I the reading room. Rev. W. J. Meagher, i'axtor has been made available to com- Maas at 9 a. m. Sunday. • Tli<- Talent school board met on merclal operators by the state tion, rose slightly. Three signposts TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHl’RCH for you to watch in the continu­ Monday evening und elected llulph tiufflc division Dr. < lai ide E. nay re, \ icar FIRST METHODIST CHURCH ing to a study by the Bureau of Jennings director and Mrs Jay Truck companies, plants and pointed out by the OPA are: Do Holy Communion 8 a m. Cor. N. Main and I-aurel Sts. Terilll was it- elected clerk There stores operating fleets of trucks, Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister not buy at prices above the posted Church zchooi 9:30 a. m. was no op|M>wition to either. and other fleet operators are In­ maximum, avoid waste and be Sermon and Morning Prayer, Sunday Church school 9:45 a. m. • Home nursing school started vited to make use of the sound sparing in purchases. 11:00 o'cll house > > > port service, personnel division. ment of 1817 that is still In effect ? I Wednesday. • Mr anr UM class of 1042 at Mills and Mis Roy Estes Sunday J. R. Turnbull, Minister 9. In what substance are dia­ Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. • Mi George Clinton of Ashland college, returned to Ashland the monds found? Bernice Beare, superintendent in Bible school 9:45 a. m., C. E. a former resident, visited relatives past week-end to spend the sum­ Corry, superintendent. 10. Who discovered the circula- i charge. mer with her mother, Mrs. Rose here Thursday. Morning worship at 11 o'clock tion of blood ? Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Robinette, and aunt. Miss Victoria • C
> have completed operations in the noon and night. Prospect area and have moved AS I XING as Mrs. America re­ Long a prime iavonte through­ equipment on Wagner mountain stricts herself and her family out the east and middle west, where they will work. in travel, there is hope that the Russell Bros, this year is extend­ • .1 C WhttMtt Of government will not be forced to ing its popularity to the Pacific ¡«reached the sermon on Father's pul a drastic clamp down on the coast, having opened its 1942 sea­ Day at th«- Methodist church Sun­ cause of the travel situation it son with highly successful engage­ you can help. Save those tires ments in Los Angeles and Holly­ day morning. Reporting Office General Office • Mr and Min Walt Hotchkiss und do not use your car for long wood. holiday trips, and aside from va ­ moved from Phoenix into Mrs. Among the stellar attractions Ashland Medford Ben Clark's h«>us«< last Wednesday. cations forego travel for mere on the all-new star-spangled pro­ Phone 8751 Medford Center Building pleasure Be a patriotic vacation­ gram are Winston's Equestrian • Frank Mannes of the coast ist and holiday close at home. If 240 East Main, Ashland Phone 2261 country near Eureka mnde a you're off for your vacation, ar­ Sea Lions which perform incredi­ week's visit with his sister, Mrs. range your trip so you won't be ble feats of balance while riding horseback, Jorgen M. Christian­ Elizabeth Learning and family. adding to the heavily increased • Gerry and Larry Whitsett of volume of passengers on railroads sen's marvelous Argentine Criollo YOUR CREDIT RECORD Grants Pass were guests of their and bus lines by going or com­ horses, the Skyrocketing Esca­ aunt. Mrs Ray Lewis, last week ing on weekends. Incidentally, be­ lantes. the Sensational DeWaynes, —You make it, We Record it! the Four Acevados, the Aerial • ------- cause- ofthe travel situation it Alexandras, the Bell - T h a z e r looks as If another American cus ­ Troupe, the Grace Orton Trio, the BELLVIEW NEWS tom attending conventions will Clarkonians, and many other top- be soft pedaled for the duration. rank aerial, acrobatic and arenic » » s artists. Additional trained animal yoUR husband's "zoot suit" is features include performing ele­ bound to be a victory model phants, outstanding high school • Mrs R. D. Reynolds gave a according to a clarification of the dancing horses, cunning military CIRCUS PALS party Sunday afternoon in Lithia ban of cuffs on men's wool trous­ ponies. White's leaping grey- park in honor of the Sth birth­ ers by the WPB apparel section. ■ I hounds, the world's only troupe of Doors open at.l and 7 p. m. to day of her son Kenneth. A big It seems that since the order or­ trained Great Dane dogs, and birthdny cake, ice cream and iginally did not apply to merchant j Barney, chimpanzee star of "Tar- allow ample time to view the wild animal displays and horse fair in sandwiches were served the guests. tailors or taiiored-to-the-trade, zan" pictures. the menagerie before the start of The afternoon was spent at the some people took their suit trous­ The entire performance is plen­ the big show at 2 and 8. A special park play grounds. Those enjoying ers unfinished from the stone to tifully spiced with the antics of attraction in the menagerie is the afternoon with Kenneth were the tailors to have the cuffs com­ the clowns, and attuned to spirit­ Congo, gargantuan ape weighing pleted. But WPB shook its finger When warm weather strikes in full force, leaving Jerry and Barbara. Boe, Beverly Jones from Weyerhauser camp, at such a practice and extended ed circus music played in the upwards of 250 pounds and so your nerves on edge, about the last thing you m°d*rn manner bv Eddie Woeck-i fierce he must be kept in a double Maxine and Norecn Wenaus, Wal­ the no-cuff ban to trousers made ener ’s celebrated circus ban«’. barred cage. want to do is the family washing. Whether you ter McCoy, Sammy Bell and a by tailors. « * * group of little friends Iri Ashland. have worked or not you feel tired and it requires • Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Conley 1)0 YOU know what a precious more than the minimu mof energy to drive your­ 7 stone is ? The Office of Price i from Dunsmuir spent Sunday with Mi and Mis R 1» Reynolds Mr. Administration defines "Precious self to work. Reynolds, who has been ill for the stones" as any mounting into which a precious stone is set, and past few months, is better If you will take down the receiver and dial a precious stone as any ruby, sap­ • J. W. Rosen from Rosen's mar- phire, emerald, natural pearl or 7771, you won’t have to bother about the ket who has been seriously ill in any diamond weighing more than washing any more than gathering it up. the Community hospital since one carat. Semi-precious stones Thursday is reported some better. are included in the classification Our delivery car will pick it up, bring it to • Mrs WI> McCoy left Sunday If they have been sold for more the laundry where the most modern and for Portland where, she will visit than $100 by the cutter. When two friends this week. She plans to or more diamonds with an aggre­ scientific methods of washing prevail, and return next Sunday. gate weight of one and a half when the job is done your clothes are re­ • W. F. McCorkle of Ashland and carats are set in one mounting, turned to you in perfect condition and the Mr. and Mrs. Leo McCorkle and the diamond is considered preci­ two sons of Medford were dinner ous. Precious stones are exempted cost has not been a burden. guests at the W. O. Martin home from the provisions of the gen­ eral maximum price regulation. Sunday. Why not take advantage of this service to provide r r r • Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Gillmore yourself with more time for war work? have bought the Newhouse ranch A ND speaking of precious items, consider the quinine in your and will take possession as soon as Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cardwell’s medicine cabinet. It is an anti- malarial substance that may mean lease expires. the difference between life and • Mr .and Mrs Jesse Jacobs and death to members of our armed Mrs. Jacobs' two sisters who are forces fighting in the tropics. visiting here from Kelso, Wash, WPB orders will prevent thè use Wirt M. Wright, Prop. were dinner guests Sunday at the of quinine and various other pro­ ducts from the bark of the chin- Erhii Gassman home. Phone 7771 : 31 Water St. tree for non-essential pur­ • Mr. and Mrs. Allen Byrd spent cona poses. Except for small parcels of “For the ideal washday—Just call, that’s all” Swedenburg Building Sunday with Allen's parents, Mr bark from South America, our and Mrs. G. W. Byrd. supplies of chlncona products in­ About People You Know : At the Churches i i Films to Aid in Acident Prevention Ralph Jenning Elect eci Director I j QUESTIONS I i Popular Eastern Circus Soon To Appear in This Vicinity Southern. Oregon Credit Bureau Lithia Park Scene Of Birthday Party For That Tired Feeling»* Wanted! Old Watches We will Pay Cash for Any Watch Regardless of Condition Ramsey’s Jewelry Store • Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Walker and clude only the reaerve built up be- ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY