Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, June 25, 1942, Image 1

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Hostess Committee I Attain Promotion«
Seeks Volunteers
For USO Duty
Group Preparing for
Advent of Soldier*
At Camp White
Heralding the approaching jx>p-
ulating of Camp White, the Senior
Hostess committee of the USO
announces the opening of a drive
for volunteers to act as senior
hostesses at the recreational cen­
ter in the Civic club house in
Ashland. The committee, headed
by Mrs Ralph D. McCulloch and
including Mrs. Dom Provost, Mrs.
W. E Bartell, Mrs. John Brosdy
and Mrs F F Whittle, is urgii Ing
all women Interested and willl
to help in this important work to
contact one of its members at an
early date.
Senior hostesses will serve at
the center a certain number tt
hours each day and also will bi­
on call to attend any parties riven
outside the club house which are
under auspices of the USO, as any
group giving a social affair in the
name of the USO Is required to
have one or more senior hostesses
in attendance *
Tentative operating hours of the
center have been set and call tor
opening at 9 a. m and closing at
11 p m The center will be open
every day In the week Hostesses
will be present each day from 2
p m. until closing time. It Is de­
sirous to have a sufficient number
of volunteers so that the burden
will not fall on a few and that
no one will need to serve more
than once a week.
As soon as a sufficient number
have signed for this work a gen­
eral meeting will be called at
which time all details will be dis­
cussed and planned. Mrs. McCul­
loch states that Mrs. Fontaine,
program director, now at Medford,
will be present to address the
meeting, help outline plans and
answer inquiries. Anyone wishing
additional Information in regard
to thia activity may call Mrs. Me
Culloch, phone 4247, or any of her
The agencies which comprise
the USO are the YWCA, ths
YMCA. Travelers’ Aid. Salvation
Army. Jewish Welfare board and
National Catholic committee.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hal
McNair over the week-end were
Mr and Mrs James McNair, Mias
Margery McNair and Bill Hawk­
ins. The men. members of the air
corps, flew in from California Sat­
urday. James McNair returned to
Sacramento Sunday night and Bill
Hawkins remained until Tuesday
leaving for Loa Angeles to visit
his mother a few days before re­
porting to Ban Diego. The young
men came at this time to be with
Mr McNair, who is recovering
from a major operation performed
at the Community hospital Satur­
day morning.
--- •----
• Dr. C. C. Dunham is renovating
his offices at 244 Hargadine.
Work rooms are receiving a new
coat of paint and office fixtures
will be rearranged.
Write a Letter
How long has it been since you
have written a letter to a relative
or friend in the armed forces of
the United 8tatea? Every patriot­
ic citizen should adopt a policy of
writing at least once a week for
the boys look forward to letters
from home more than anything
else in camp.
Here are more addresses of Ash­
land boys who are now serving
their country:
A/C Joseph E. Spayde, who
starred on Jean Eberhart's SOCE
basketball team, is in the air
corps in California. His address is
A/C Joseph E Spayde, 39092049,
BAAAB Sqdm. 18C, Santa Ana,
Stanley Coleman, who was a
sergeant with the local national
guard company and recently has
been stationed at Fort Lewis and
Fort Stevens, Is now in the air
corps. His address is ATD-42K,
Bks. 1, 8ec. 1, Santa Maria Calif.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thad Coleman.
Don Warren, former Ashland
high school athlete, has been pro­
moted to a second class seaman.
His address is S 2nd C, U8N,
School (Radio) U of W. Madison,
Wis. c/o Tripp Hall Sec, F. Div. 1.
Pvt. Walter Love, former barber
at the Elks barber shop, has been
moved from Camp Roberts to
Camp Haan, near Los Angeles and
is now in the headquarters coast
artillery anti-aircraft. Letters ad­
dressed to him at Hdqtrs. Btry.
401st Sep. CA Bn. (A. A.) Camp
Haan, Calif, will reach him.
George Shaffer, owner of the
Elks barber shop, has finished his
training at San Diego and has
been transferred to Astoria. Let­
ters addressed to him, now in the
marine corps, will reach him if
sent to Pvt. Georee Shaffer, MOB«
NA8, Ton<ue Point, A»tort*. Ort.
Number 26
Announcement of promotions by
two Ashland sokhers was received
tn Is week from the Artillery Of-
fleer Training school at Camp
Davis, N. C. Kenneth Schilling and
Robert Hurdle have been commis­
sioned lieu tenants.
Schilling is UM son of Mrs. Etta
Schilling. 33* Holly street. He was
nt before Mitering the of-
a sergeant
fleers' ti raUWZidbanJ and hail
been a phyylaal «education in-
struct or. < ,7
Hurdle IS
«Mfcof Captain R.
L Hurdle and Mrs. Burdic of this
city He ranked as corporal and
is listed M ■ « commercial art
Mr. and Ifn. Manry D. Man-
ning have recalved word that their
son, Harry / L**rrence Manning,
graduated last week from the U.
8. naval alr et*tion, Corpus Chris­
ti, Tex., and han been i commie
U. S
sioned an ensign in the
all reserve.'
SaaaMi*. ' He
LI* (a
naval air
is a former
student at Oregon State college
Time Ripe to Erect Band
Shell In Lithia Park!
About a year ago a proposal was made to the city
park board that a modern band shell be erected to re­
place the outmoded bandatand In Lithia Park. The
board, after conNiderable discusHion, rejected the
plan and proponents, while disappointed, abided by
the decision and ceased further agitation.
This movement started before there was much
hope that the cantonment, then being talked of,
would become a reality. Need of entertainment fa­
cilities for soldiers had sot vet become apparent
and there was no convincing members of the park
board that a change in the* bandstand was necessary
or desirable. The present structure was still in good
repair, had served the purpose for many years, so
why change.
Now we are confronted with the problem of en­
tertaining the men of Unde .Sam’s fighting forces—
lots of them. As a matter of fact, entertaining sol­
Monkey «Shines
diers will be just about Ashland’s No. 1 job from
here on throughout the duration. It has been talked
End for Simian
It was a wdndsrful time while
for months and now we are confronted with the ac­
it lasted, but like al) good things
tual job. Just how well that entertainment will be
It had to come to an end That’s
what Bo-Bo. Uthla |*rk zoo mon­
done depends on the preparation made in advance.
key. found.- MR-'-Wednesday after
Committees in charge of USO activities are ready­
he had eladed 'captors for two
ing their plans to carry out operations according to
Bo-Bo took "French leave" from
set up elsewhere. With the Civic club
his cage and waa enjoying life a la
Africa when discovered by Park
house as a center, entertaiBment for the soldiers
Bupt. C. E. Corry and members of
will center largely around Lithia Park. This does
his park crew. They got the little
simian in a corner and were
not exclude the swimming; tanks, bowling alley and
Ing In on him when the wily Mttle
commercial entertainment facilities; it refers
monk spotted a telephone wire
within reach. He proceeded to do
to that part of the program which will be provided
a tight-wire act with the recult
through organized direction.
that he took aerial passage to the
other aide of ths street, disap­
Demand for a different type of band stand is not
pearing in a tree.
from a desire to “keep up with the Jones­
Eluding his captors Tuesday.
es.” It comes from a desire to provide better facilit­
Bo-Bo wquad up at Barney's auto
wrecking yard where he had a pic­
ies for handling band programs and other types of
nic leading pursuers in and out,
entertainment that may and will be held in the park.
up and over cars Hr made his
great mistake (n eotering the Ada
A shell will provide better acoustic properties. The
Gander hwn<- ami destroying-nu­
performers will not be perched up in the air so that
merous article* of food, as well as
upsetting a gold fish bowl. Mrs
is necessary for listeners to move back in order to
Gandae rallsd for help and the
them. Speakers and singers are at a decided dis­
little marauder waa finally cap­
irsd i and put back in his cage to
advantage when they have to look down on their
“ * upon big spree
audience and since sound travels upward the same
------- :------ »------ -------
Sewing Group Meets condition affects the band.
Just what chance ts there to get a new band'
At Junior High School
shellT Just this: It is the belief of some who ha:*B
Growing beyond the capacity of
residences to accommodate the
given the matter thought and also have done some
numer of women wishing to aid
in the work, the Hospital Auxil- | investigating, that enough workmen will donate
iary this week moved to the jun­
their services to erect the shell in two or three days?
ior high school where, until fur-|
has not had time to be affirmed, but it is realiz-*
tber notice, the meetings will be |
ed that labor is interested in entertainment facilities'
Starting a few weeks ago with
at the park as well as having an earnest desire to as­
a small group, the women met at
homes of the members, with each
sist in entertaining the soldiers. Right at this time,
week showing an increase in mem­
with several thousand carpenters in the valley, it is
bership A large volume of work
has been turned out, giving the
within the realm of possibility that from 50 to 100 of
hospital valuable assistance.
them could be interested in putting up the shell. If
At Tuesday’s meeting the la­
this were done, materials and drawings would be
dles turned out six nightgowns,
three sheets aai f!*’e breast bands,
only expense the park board would have to meet.
in addition to doing a lot of
Ashland’s Lithia park is without parallel in this
All ladles of the community who
It’s beauty and utility are known far and
feel they have two hours to spare
wide. Up to the present there has been no urgent
on Tuesday afternoon are invited
to join the auxiliary at the junior
demand for a band shell, but wartime conditions
high school. The meeting hour is
have changed the usual order and Ashland is no ex­
1 o'clock. Light refreshments are
served at each meeting.
ception. Where the present bandstand has been main­
------------- •-------------
ly used by the band in presenting summer concerts,
Fred Engkltesigns
a shell would fill many needs. One feature of enter­
School ClencJob
tainment contemplated when the soldiers arrive is
Rounding out 29 years of serv­
ing on the Ashland school district I community singing. This may be done in connection
board, Fred 8 Engle handed in
with the band concerts or as special programs. In
his resignation as clerk Tuesday
event, the old bandstand is totally inadequate,
night and the resignation was ac­
cepted by the board. Engle had
for a successful songfest calls for closer group gath­
previously rignifled his intention
ering than the present set-up provides.
of resigning, giving as his reason
the state of bis health and the
It is time for Ashland to wake up and cash in on
necessity for devoting more time
of the grand opportunities nature has provided.
to his business affairs The board
was reluctant to have the clerk
If the shell can be built at nominal cost there should
resign but appreciated his position
be no delay about It. We have more to offer than
and acted according to bis wishes.
Mr. Engie was elected a mem­
any other town in this region, but we will not bene­
ber of the District No. 5 board 29
fit as we should unless there is a determined effort
years ago, aerving in that capa­
put forth to not only draw the soldiers here bui to
city for eight years He was ap­
pointed clerk and has held that
give them the very best entertainment at our com­
position for 21 years, during which
time he has cren many improve­
ments to the school system.
The board has made no an­
nouncement relatl.s to Engle's THIS AND THAT
Do you remember the old-fash­
Mrs. ___
O. M.Upington and sons, ioned Fourth of July celebration?
It was indeed a patriotic event.
Tommy and Ogylord
fiord, accompanied
by Mrs Fay Cttllii and Miss Ethel Following a colorful parade the
Thompson of Hood River, left to­ people assembled to hear the ora­
day for Crescent City on an ex­ tor stress the needed and neces­
tended vacation. Mrs Catlin has sary observance of the day, list­
been at the home of her sister in ened with attentive ears to the
Hood River for several weeks reading of the Declaration of In­
taking a much needed rest and dependence and joined heartily in
the visit at the beach is expected the singing of patriotic songs. Fol­
lowing the program, baskets were
er recovery.
to aid in her fu
unpacked and families dined in
groups. Following the feast of
Mrs. Stella Case Wagner has good things, the males engaged in >
returned to her home in Ashland various sports while the fair .«ex
after a visit of several months at exchanged greetings and gossiped
the home of her son Paul at San The Fourth was really a communi­
Mateo, Calif., and with her sister. ty affair. We need more of such
Mrs. A. M. Storch in Long Beach. gatherings.
Mrs. Store* abtfm.panied her to
Astronomer» say that big wn-
Aohlwrt lor M wUnied visit.
Elliott MacCracken
Leaves for Service
Elliott MacCracken, popular in-
structor in Ashland high school,
and a resident of this city nearly
his entire life, left Monday for
Corvallis where he entered train­
ing in radio communication. He
will be stationed at the college
for 12 weeks with the satpecta-
tlon that he will then be trans­
ferred to another school for more
As a farewell to one who had
been for many years an active
I member of the church, members
of Trinity Episcopal parish gath­
ered at the parish house follow-
the 11 o'clock service Sunday for
a pot luck dinner. Some 40 parti­
cipated in the feed, a feature of
which was presentation to Mr
MacCracken of a dopp kit, a gift
from the membership. John P.
Daugherty, senior warden of the
vestry, made the presentation
By virtue of previous military
training, Elliott is entering the
service with the rating of second
Registration of
Nation’s Youth
Set for Tuesday
Governor Calls for
Complete Cooperation
In Fifth Sign-Up
Tuesday, June 30, is the day
set by President Roosevelt for all
youths between the ages of 18
and 21 to register for selective
service. This will be the fifth reg­
istration of the nation's manpow-
er since the Selective Training
and Service act of 1940 went in-
to effect.
All young men who have at-
tained their 18th or 19th birth­
days on or before June 30 1942, or
their 20th birthdays after Dec. 31,
1941 and on or before June 30.
1942 and who have not heretofore
been registered, are required to
do at this time.
Governor Charles A. Sprague
has issued a proclamation relative •
to the registration and for the in­
formation of Miner readers it is
given herewith:
Election of officers claimed the
1. The fifth registration under
attention of Ashland Mons Tues­ the Selective Training and Ser­
day evening when Harold Mer­ vice act of 1940 and the amend­
rill, proprietor of Merrill's store ments there to shall take place
on the Boulevard, was chosen on Tuesday, the 30th day of June,
president for the ensuing year. He 1942, between the hours of 7 a.
succeeds W. A. Snider, who has m. and 9 p. m.
served since July 1, 1941.
2. The state director of Selective
Merrill heads a list of officers Service may authorize advance
elected at the same time and in­ registration in areas where such
cluding O. G. Crawford, secretary; advance registration is desirable.
J. G. Mackie, treasurer; Judson
3. The registration within each
Doke, first vice president; Ivor I local board area will be accom­
Erwin, second vice president; Art plished under the supervision of
Hodgens, third vice president; Dr. local board chairmen under the
Robert E. Lee and Jack Eaton, di­ general direction of the State Di­
rectors; Clint Baughman, Lion ta­ rector of Selective Service and in
mer, and J. G. Broady, tail twist­ accordance with rules and regu­
er and song leader.
lations prescribed by the Direct­
Lions were unanimous in their or of Selective Service.
opinion that a band shell should
4. The _ persons required to reg-
be erected in Lithia park, replac­
ing the present band stand. While 1st er are those listed below by
Uns proposition was brought up the proclamation of the President
about a year ago and was vetoed of the United States directing
by the park board, it is pointed the fifth registration:
"Every male citizen of the Unit­
out that conditions are different
this year and a shell would great­ ed States, and every other male
ly enhance the entertainment fa­ person residing in the continental
cilities at the park. The Lions United States or in the Territory
passed a resolution to back a of Alaska or in the Territory of
movement for a new band shell Hawaii or in Puerto Rico, other
at once to put Ashland in better than persons excepted by Sectlop
position to entertain members of 5 (a) of the Selective Training
the armed forces who will be sta­ and Service Act of 1940, as amend-
tioned at Camp White shortly. _ i ed. and by Section 208 of the
Coast Guard Auxiliary and Re-
I serve Act of 1941, is required to
and shall on June 30, 1942, pre­
sent himself for and submit to
registration before a duly desig­
V D “Bert“ Miller, secretary_______
_________ official or selec-
nated registration
of the ccmnty central committee tive service
.— local
___ I board having
of the democratic party the past jurisdiction in the area in which
four years, was given a new post he has his permanent home or tn
in the organization when the which he may happen to be on
county commititee, in session at that day if such male citizen or
Medford hotel Monday evening, other person ha3 attained the
elected him to represent Jackson 18th or 19th anniversary of the
county on the state central com­ day of his birth on or before June
30. 1942. or the 20th anniversary
Miller succeeds A. E. Reames of the day of his birth after De­
who served in that capacity for cember 31, 1941. and on or be­
several years. Dr. E. W. Barnum fore June 30, 1942, and has not
of Medford was elected county heretofore been registered under
the Selective Training and Service
Act of 1940, as amended, and the
regulations prescribed thereun­
der ”
Jack Merritt was presented with
5. In order that there may be
the coveted eagle palm at the full cooperation in carrying into
court of honor held in the Elks effect the purposes of the Selec­
building the first of the week tive Training and Service Act of
Merritt is a member of Troop 13, 1940, as amended, I urge all em­
Boy Scouts of America and the ployers and Government agencies
badge signifies earning of five of all kinds—federal, state and lo­
merit badges beyond those re­ cal—to give those under their
quired for the rank of eagle scout. charge sufficient time in which to
Dick Merriman of Troop 12 and fulfill the oligations of registra­
Robert Hufman of Troop 13 each tion incumbent upon them under
were awarded life scofit rank. the said Act and this proclama­
First class merit badges went to tion.
Dick Merriman, Robert Hufman
and Richard Woodcock.
have set my hand and caused the
The court was presided over by seal of the State of Oregon to be
C. J. Baughman, T. J. Norby and affixed.
R. I. Flaharty.
DONE at the City of Salem
this 12th day of June, in the of
Cosmic dust, the name given, our Lord, nineteen hundred and
in astronomy, to the finely divided forty-two.
particles which pervade inter-stel­
lar space, is only about one onuce
per billion cubic miles in the Attest: EARL SNELL.
neighborhood of the solar system. |
Secretary of State
Merrill Chosen to
Head Lions Club
Miller Elevated to
Higher Party Post
spots will appear In 1944. But by
that time the sky will be so full
of American planes we won’t be
able to see ’em.
t '
That uniform
vowed he would not take off until
final victory was his must be get­
ting pretty threadbare by now.
Here's hoping that enough rub­
ber scrap will be collected to
erase the pesky Japs.
» A* »
About time we were hearing
from that city planning commis-
« >
A fire-cracker-less Fourth is in
This picture tells the story of the hilarious party held at the Lithia
hotel the evening of June 18 when the Lions honored charter members.
The committee in charge of the affair decided the “charters” should
receive a dose of their own medicine and set about to do the job right.
Readin gfrom left to right the "victims” are: Lions Al Snider, Paul
Finnell, Art Cooper, Ralph Poston, Bill Snider, Bob Flaharty, "Andy”
The United States post office Andres, Earl Leever and John Broady. The brother In hospital attire
was established in the spring of is “Nurse” Karl Nims, who did an efficient job in seeing that the
“babes” drank their milk. (Yea, it waa milk).