Game Commission Adopts Measures For 1942 Hunting 1 lc, 25c, 40c—Tax inc. VRRSITY Nineteen forty-two regulations were formulated by the Oregon State Game commission at its hearing on June 13 but final ac­ tion will not be taken until the meeting is reconvened on June 27. This will allow those who have any ejections an opportunity to present them to the commission Defore the formal order is made. A limited number of permits will be issued again tor the tak­ ing of cow elk, antelope and ant­ lerless deer. These permits will not be issued until after August 1 anc. all applications received prior to that date will be held and consid­ ered received as of August 1. If by that time more applications are on hand than the quota of tags to be isued, a drawing will be held. Otherwise, the permits will be issued in the order appli- cations are received. Due to lack of sufficient per- sonnel to man checking stations this year, hunters will not be re­ quired to check in and out of the special hunting areas at desig­ nated checking stations. Instead each hunter will be furnished, at the time his tag is issued, a spec­ ial check-out form which he will be required to fill out and send to the game commission office immediately upon completion of his hunting trip. Game Refuge Open to Hunting: Salt Creek, Myrtle Park, Steens mountain, Mt. Emily, Mule Deer, Canyon creek, that part of War­ ner reserve outside of the boun- aries of the federal Hart moun­ tain reserve, that part of the Til­ lamook Bum north of the Wilson river highway, and John Day river reserve from the mouth of John Day river to its junction with Thirty Mile creek. Buck Deer Open season: September 27 to October 31. inclusive. Bag limit: One Columbian black tail or one mule deer having not less than forked horns. Female. Spike or Immature Deer 3.000 tags at $3.50 each to be issued for the taking of female, spike or immature deer from Sep­ tember 27 to October 31. inclu­ sive in a described area in Grant Crook and Wheeler counties. Antelope 1.500 tags at $3.50 each to be issued for the taking of antelope of either sex from September 23 to September 30. inclusive, in a described area in Lake, Malheur and Harney counties. Bull Elk—Western Oregon Open season: August 23 to 31, inclusive, in the following des­ cribed area in Coos and Douglas counties: Starting at Reedsport, in Doug­ las county, thence southerly along U. S. highway No. 101 through North Bend and Marshfield to Coquille; thence easterly along U. S. highway No. 42 to Ten Mile; thence northwesterly along the main road to Reston; thence northeasterly along the main road to Melrose; thence northerly along the Umpqua river to Elkton; thence westerly along the Ump- qua river to Reedsport, the point of beginnning. Bag limit: One bull elk. Fur Bearing Animal» Open season. November 15, 1942, to February 15. 1943, inclu- sive, for mink, muskrat, otter and raccoon. Closed season entire year for fisher, marten, beaver and ring­ tail cat. Pheasants—Western Oregon Open season. October 17 to No­ vember 1, inclusive, in Douglas. Josephine, Jackson and Coos coun­ ties. Bag limit: 4 cocks a day but not more than 8 cocks in 7 con- secutive days. California or Valley Quail Open season, November 15 to November 30, inclusive, in Klam- ath county. Open season, October 17 to No- vember 1, inclusive, in Jackson Josephine and Douglas counties. Bag limit: ten birds in any one day or in possession at any one time. Gun Regulation» It is unlawful: To use shotguns loaded with buck or bird shot to hunt or any big game. To use rifles to hunt or kill upland game birds such pheasants, grouse, quail or Hun­ garian partridge: except that .22 rifles may be used for hunting grouse. To use shotguns capable of hold- ing more than three shells to hunt or kill any upland game birds such as pheasant, grouse, quail and Hungarian partridge, or migratory game bird« such as ducks, geese. etc. To hunt elk with guns smaller than 30 calibre except when us- ing cartridges with bullets of not less than 1,400 foot pounds energy at 100 yards distance or weighing not less than 150 grains, or with any other than long bows and broad head hunting arrows, To hunt antelope with guns less than 1,700 foot pound muzzle en- ergy, factory rating. Friday and Saturday! DON AMECHE JOAN BENNETT SUN • MON • TUE TMKTBU TOI inxraSTTOK! » Cary GRANT^k ¿ ’S, FONTAINE Kj® r Wed’sday & Thursday 25c BARGAIN DAYS BIG 2 HITS 2 Rktad ARLEN plu» wtffi JANI DARWill fOWAIDS À BRUCI WRIGHT, h Matinees Every Sat Sun. and Mon HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS 111 By I TOLD YOU SO Barney Riggs, young catcher with the Ashland high school baseball team this spring, got his first tryout with the Medford Craters last night at the Craters park. Riggs was asked to report for a 7:30 p. m. batting practice prior to the league scheduled Grants Pass-Medford game. It was through the effort« of this column that Rigg» wan first brought to the attention of Dutch Lieber, Crater mana­ ger, and the »port» depart­ ment of the Miner take« a bow for getting Rigg» on the roster. Whether or not Riggs will see action in any games with the Cra­ ters this year remains to be seen and will rest on his ability shown in practice, according to Lieber. But Barney doesn’t care if he doesn’t get to play this season for he knows he is getting tile break all young baseball-minded youngsters dream of in getting In with a league and having the op­ portunity to learn the finer points of the national pastime which he cannot obtain in high school ball. Barney says he will do his best and try not to let his friends down. He is indeed grateful for the chance the Miner has ob­ tained for him and his friends hereabout wish him every success with the Craters. Mrs. John: “Wake up, John, there’s a burglar going through your pants pockets.” John (turning over:) “Oh you two just fight it out yourselves.” There are more than 665,000 buildings in New York City. Manicure articles consumed 1,- 815 tons of steel a year, enough to make more than 170 165-mm guns. Thursday, June 18, HM2 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 gy ¿us coso* 1 THE GUMPS look . , folks ! Reçuesrs F rom my thousanos of = EMPLoyeeS ASKiMCr T& TAKt PART OF SALARIES Tb BUY SAVINGS bonus F or . the -NA // BW ha T ABOUT ’’IT, FOLKS? «AV» fou STAirrrc TUB FAVROL.U SAV'AlilS flam IM YOU« oFFtCe yeT? COMING TO THE LITHIA THEATRE SUN. MON. TUES Prince Exhibits Savage Tendencies In Monday Bout Medford armory will be scene of another outstanding wrestling program next Monday night when Promoter Mack Lil­ lard ptesents another of his heavy weignt cards. Prince Selaki Mihaiikis returned to Medford last Monday after a two year absence and Lillard, ex­ pects to be able to sign him again next Monday. Mihaiikis. widely known throughout the valley both I in and out of the ring, exhibited a lot of rough stuff against George Craig last Monday which is contra­ i ry to his past Medford matches. I Sockeye Jack McDonald won his second straight main event last time out by stopping giant Chief Thunderbird and Lillard is in search of some outstanding man to give McDonald a tough tussle However, Lillard says he will be unable to announce a lineup until late today or tomorrow. PUT HOUSEHOLD 8U' TO WAR Wu SAVINGS STAMPS I'nivrrwal’» “What'« Cookin',” tune-film feature» Billie Burke (upper L), Charles Butterworth, Ijeo Carrillo, Robert Paige (limer R), Jane Frazee and Gloria Jean. Dr. L. W. Stuffers DENTIST j Hours 9-12 and 1-5 .Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 ANSWERS Philip Sousa. ' 1856-1932 1. John * ‘ ------ “■* * 2. No. They are mammals. 3. Thomas Nast, 1840-1909 4. Gaspar. Melchior and Baltha- zar; the Three Kings of Cologne. 5. Frobisher in 1576 made the first real polar exploration. 6 The Seminole Wars from 1817 to 1837. 7. 28 F. in the polar seas 8. James 1. 9. The United States of Amer­ ica. 10. The wall was completed in 214 B. C. It was a long line of de­ fense against invasion by the Mongolians. RED— ITCHY- SCALY HEAL ESTATE and MEAL LNCE Phone 8781 Eant .Main AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT THKILLS and KX< ITFMKNT! Medford Armory Ticket» on Sale at The Hi-Way, 12 N. Riverside, Ph. Med. 5387 Medford, Oregon You Can Get Quick Relief From Tired Eyes i LITHÎA K N T E K T A I N M E N T¡ Phone 7561 Matinees Thursday », Saturday», and continuous Sundays Friday, Saturday HEART OF THE RIO GRANDE Deep in the Hear' of Texas) with Gene Autrey plus PRIVATE SNUFFY SMITH with Edtrar Kennedy and Dnd Duncan Sunday, Monday and Tuesday A ANDREWS StSTERS JAM SOSSU FRAZEE PAIGE GLORIA JEAN LEO CARRILLO C HASHS BUTTERWORTH BILLIE BURKE Frwwu PANGBORN WOODY HERMAN ANO HIS ORCHfSIRA . A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Wednesday and Thursday Mid-Week Special I I cents and I 5 ernia J .MSAaMWWWSMSJSe^s-S^AMSOsSi FUR paying investments In all kinds of Kcal Estate and Busi­ ness opportunities, sec Andrews at Billings Agency. 5 28-6 18 ■— ■ ■ India's longest dimension from cast to west is approximately 2,650 miles; that from north to south is approximately 2,000 miles The empire's area Is about two-thirds and its population ap­ proximately two ami one-naif times that of continental United States OUNCE OF PREVENTION WORTH POUND OF CURE Had yoi'i left your car at Caton’» more than likely you would not have erumpled lender» or a ba»h- ed-in door. Accident» of that nature are due mostly to faulty brakes—you can’t stop in time and WHAM! you smack into the other fellow’s car. Take that ounce of prevention by driving in to­ day for a check-up—not brakes alone, but the entire mechanism of your car. You may save yourself a much bigger bill. CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) MAKI THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY tsiA CLEANING Eyes Overworked? Ju»t put two drops of Murine in each eye. Right away it surts to cleanse and soothe. You get— Quick Relief I All 7 Murine ingredients wash away irritation. Your eyes feel refreshed. Murine helps thoussnds—let it help you, too. --------------------- •--------------------- EXAMINER COMING A traveling examiner of opera­ tors and chauffeurs is scheduled to be on duty at the Ashland ci*.y hall between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. Monday, June 22 Those wishing permits or licenses to drive cars are asked to get in touch with the examiner at that time. Soon after l*rurl Harbor. Con grew» panne legislation providing temporary auto­ matic, free, war damage pro­ tection for nearly all tang I ble pro|a-rty. Thin termin­ ates July 1. Beginning July I, it will I m > up to private property owner» to buy thin protec­ tion. Watch tor lm|H>rtant an- noiincemrnt» noon. The new protection will be provided toy the government-vs ned War Damage corporation, The established fire in»ur- lUiee companies wlll act aw agents and arrange for coverage, See your local agent noon. Billings Agency Effective Home Treatment Promptly Relieves Torture I First applications of wonderful sooth- inf medicated Zemo—a doctor’s formula —promptly relieve the intense itch­ ing aoreness and start at once to help heal the red, scaly skin. Amazingly suc­ cessful for over 30 years! First trial of marvelous clean, stainless liquid Zemo convinces! All drug __ stores. Only 85#. ALIAS SUMMON» in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. HERSCHELL LLOYD CLAY- COMB and ISABELLE H husband and CLAY COMB, wife. Plaintiffs, vs. IRRIGATION DIS- TALENT TKICT, PETER G. MILLER, F. W HAAB and HAZEL HAAB. husband and wife, FAY ROBINSON. STATE to» OREGON, JACKSON COUN­ TY, OREGON, and all oilier pel non» or parties unknown claiming any light, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the com­ plaint herein, Defendanta. To TALENT IRRIGATION DIS­ TRICT. PETER G MILLER, F. W. HAAB and HAZEL HAAB, husband and wife, FAY ROBIN- SON. STATE OF OREGON. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, and ail other peisuns or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, the above named de­ fendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within ten days from the date of service of this Summons upon you if served with­ in this County; or if served within . any other county of thia State, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this sum­ mons upon you. and it served up­ on you in any State of the United States other than the State of Oregon, then within four <41 weeks after the date of such ser­ vice; and if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in their complaint. BRIGGS A BRIGGS By WM M BRIGGS Attorneys for Plaintiffs Post Office Address: I*lon«*er Building, Ashland. Ore­ gon Date of first publication June < 1942 1 War Damage Insurance 5 HOARD YOUR PENNIES TO BUY WAR LEGAL NOTICES if t ß F or V our EY^ES WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT Permanent PRICES! SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS 50c 25c U. S. SAVINGS STAMP WITH EVERY $1.50 Cleaning Order. Plain garment»—50 cents cash and carry. SOOTHIS • CLIANSIS • RIPIUHU COLLEGE CLEANERS 828 Siskiyou Blvd l’hone «33»