Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, June 18, 1942, Image 1

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Univ of Oregon Librar
Rubber Salvaging
Campaign Gets
Results Here
Lions Propose Law
Fo Promote Safety
Vins Break Tie
Here is some advice from an
army censor with the United
Stulcs army in New Caledonia,
and released through World Wide
pre**, regarding letter* to soldier*
and sailors overseas:
■'Write a* frequently a* possible
and Include everything you can
think of. 1-ctters from home are
the greatest morale builder* for
troop* in foreign land*.
"Nothing is too trivial to be of
interest to the boy* Write every­
thing ubout the family and the
neighbor* if the cat ha* kitten*,
or the mare break* a leg, tell him
that, too.
"Of course, do not write any­
thing about defense project* in
your vicinity But don't hesitate to
tell him everything else including
the effect the war has had on
your family life.
"Censor* are vitally interested
in seeing that the boys get all
possible new* and they will okay
ulmost anything you write.
"You don’t have to use any
special kind of paper and ink. Just
write with whatever material you
have, see that the letter is proper­
ly adressed nnd it will be delivered
i . «piickly as possible. "
Here are the adresses given to
the Miner this week.
David Putman is now employed
in a civil service capacity with
the signal corps at the Sacramento
air base. His address is 516 16th
Ntier-t, Snciiimcnto, Cltlif
Pvt Merritt Schilling report* he
likes army life. He is attached to
the 311 Technical school squadron
Bks 829, Sheppard Field, Texas.
Pvt John B Barr, who gradu­
ated from Ashland high school in
1933, graduated from the world's
largest air corps technical school,
Sheppard Field, Tex., on May 27.
He is attached to the 315 Techni­
cal School Squadron. He is one of
the specialists necessary to keep
one plane in the air and is sub­
ject to transfer to any air corp*
Pvt. Lynn E. Wolfe, nenhew of
Karl Nims of the Community hos­
pital, is now stationed at Gardner
Field, Taft, Calif., where he is do­
ing laboratory work which he likes
very much. He writes that it is
something which he plans to use
in later life and feels he is great­
ly benefittlng himself. His address
is Station Hospital, A A. B. Gard­
ner Field, Taft, Calif.
Verner Carson Is visiting his ,
patents, Mr. and Mrs. O. F Csr- I
son, 872 Iowa, this week He Is |
enroute from Panama to work
<>n the Canadian-Alaskan highway
which the government is buiMln«r ,
Verner is nn assistant engineer ,
with the Federal Bureau of Public
Number 25
Ata recent meeting of the zone
chairman with the director* of the
Ashlnnd club, it was disposed that
n proposed law to regulate traffic
on city streets which originated
with the local Mons den had been
Witte Assortment of
ratified by other dens of the dis­
trict. The Ashland club ws* di­
Articles Foil nd in
rected to prepare a resolution to
to the state convention
Loc ill Collection
it Seaside, where, if adopted, it
War lx raging In Axhlund
will be forwarded to the Interim
wr<-k u war on old rubber, nod ■oinmittee of the state legislature
from th«1 looks of things John i’ub-
or preMentation to that b<Hly ut
lie will win u decisive battie. Since
he next session
the word went out that Uncle Num
Traffic safety has been oone of
wanted every scrap of rublier that
Traffic safety has been one of
cun be spared. cellars, garrets,
he activities of the local club
truck yards, trash pile*, t«arns, gu
trice it* organization and the
ruges, children's numerics, kit
«resent measure seeks to enforce
chena. bsdroom* nnd buthroomi
itopping of cam at intersection*
have undergone a thorough ecru
/here pedestrian* are using th«
tiny, with the result that receiv­
rowing*. It I* a notable fact that
ing centers ar«- adorned with t
nany of the California cars prac-
uiisceilaneou* assortment of ar
lc«i that courtesy while Oregon
llclrs the like« of which were ne
Irivere appear to have no concern
wr before seen hereabout*.
.bout the pedestrian*.
Figure* on the total amount ol
rubber secured in thia drive wil
not be available thia week. Indi
cation* |Hiint to a successful ef
fort which la indicative of Inten
tion on the part of the |>eoplc ti
■tall gas rationing a* long a* ¡an
■Ible Tile drive, scheduled to do»
Medford and Klamath Fall*
June 30, la figured to nalvag
/ent into a tie for first place in
enough rublier to avert gus ra
le Oregon-California league over
Boning and to permit motoristi
he week-end when both won
to get recapped him With thaï h
'■me*. Dorris slipped to second
mind, motorists are giving rubbei
ilace and Grants Pass brings up
their undivided attention these two he rear.
Medford turned down the of-
The Petroleum Industry com­ rring* of ’’Curveball'* Carl*trom
mittee of the nation-wide rubbei it Medford Saturday night to win
salvage drive states that nothing 10 to 7 and slugged Snyder from
is t oo small. The committer sayi
he mound and continued their on­
everything counts Fldo'* rubber slaught at the expense of Thomp-
bone, the youngster'* outgrown ton to win Sunday 11 to 9 I »orris
Ded'a old
fishing put up a game right in the Sab-
boots, Grandma's leaky hot-water bath contest by blasting Al "Lef­
bottle and hundred* of other dis- ty” Wimer off the mound and got
curded or unnecessary rubber ar­ Kime nice hits off Dutch Lieber
ticle* which arc needed to help but I-ady Luck was with the
will thli buttle id rubber
Here'* a suggested li*t of thing*
Klamath Fulls added to the
to look foi and take to handy Granta I‘ass Merchant»' record of
service station*: Tire* and tube*, not winning u league game by tak­
crepe rubber sole*, boot* and over­ ing a Bunday doubleheader at
shoe*, hot water bottle*, tennis Klamath Fall* 10 to 1 in the first
rubber game and 0-4 In the second,
glove», rubia-r »heeling, pad* and
Medford play* the Bear Photo
malting, rublier toy*, raincoat* Service team of Ban Francisco,
.net < apes, rubber heel*, rubber
postponed from Memorial Day
bathing suits, bathing cap* and week-end because of weather, at
shoes, jar ring*, plumber auction the Crater park Saturday night
cup*, sample lire section*, rubber and Sunday afternoon Bear Photo
ash tray*, rubber ball* and count­ ha* one of
< Uie best ar nil-pro teams
less other article*
on the I Pacific coast and fan* can
look forward to seeing some fine
base ball
------------- •-------------
Write a Letter
I Ntl» U
• i a r i •
Quenching of Refuse Fires at Mills
During Blackouts DeWitt’s Order
Quenching of all mill operators’
retuse fire* or fires used for the
disposal of gurbagi-, refuse or de­
bris and burning within a Ml-mil)
radius of the blackout aiea must
take place within ten minutes’
Ume after an official blackout
order has been given, according
to instiuctlons issued by Lieuten­
ant-general J. D. DeWitt, com-
manning officer, fourth army aiea.
In a communication to Gover­
nor Charles A Hprague, the com­
manding officer requested that
"for good and sufficient military
D-asons, ' that the stat- foH-sii i
und officer* of the U 8. forest
service cooperate fully with the
blackout order* and that the for­
estry agents enforce existing reg­
ulations pertaining to fire law*
Acting in accordarice with the
existing Oregon fire regulatory
setup, Governor Bprague instruct­
ed the state forester to carry out
the army burning instructions on
private forested areas outside in-
corporated cities; forest service
officers, the burning on national
forest areas and the office of the
state fire marshall, the burning
on incorporated city areas
Blackout instructions, as issued
by the army, upply to all refuse
burner* operated in either open or
closed pits. The communication
a*ks that all such pit* be equip­
ped with some device which will
effectively eliminate all glow and
reflection within the ten minute
period and that an adult person
be assigned to operate the said
Blate Forester N. 8. Rogers,
willing io ad forest warden* and
inspectors, instructed them to
contact ail operators and other*
engaged in burning waste materi­
al*. ne suggested that the tieid-
men advise operator* of the
blackout system lor both open and :
closed buineis a* perfected by a :
committee of the Vviliamette Vai- I
ley Lumberman a association.
Blackout method* developed by j
the committee aie as tonows:
For the close burner, a sprinkler
system constructed inside ox the
burner shell approximately 20 feet
above the grates 1* veiy effective
IX supplied oy a 2*z* inch feed pipe i
from u water system capable of lO
pounds pressure. The sprinkler I
pipe itself may vary from 2 inch- 1
c* at the intake to % in at the '
opposite side of the burner. I
Sprinkler nozzles should be spaced |
al Intervals not to exceed 8 feet I
around the burner wail. These ;
should contain 1-16 inch flat slot
openings. This will produce a
spray which will blackout any
burner fire within five minutes.
For the conventional open pit
burner, a spray attachment on an
ordinary l'/j inch fire hose, under
30 to 40 pounds pressure, will
produce satisfactory results with­
in the allotted ten minute period. I
Helman Baths
Chosen for Red
Cross Swim Class
Thief Makes Away
With Pants, -Money
Lithia -Management
Changes Hands
Mr*. James Stevens, well known
business woman of southern Ore­
gon, with residence for many
years at Medford, Tuesday as
sumed the management of the
Lithia Spring* hotel, succeeding
Mr*. Maude Clemenson, resigned
The new manager plan* to de­
velop the hotel cafe which wan
moved from the Main street front
of the building to the banquet
room on the First street *ide when
the hotel changed hands a few
month* ago. While catering to the
traveling public, it will be the pol­
icy of the hotel to extend the ser­
vice more directly to southern
Oregon people. In this department,
Mrs. Stevens will have the able
assistance of the chef, Wayne
Mrs. Clemenson and daughter
Camille have not announced their
future plans but expect to leave
for a vacation trip in California
------------- ----------------
Flag Day Program
Witnessed by Many
City’s Recreational
Facilities to Be
Featured Locally
Newcomers to Valley
To Be Apprised of
Advantages Here
Ashland’s recreational facilities
will be brought to the attention
of soldiers and all other newcom­
er* to the valley through action
of the chamber of commerce. The
board of directors, in session
Tuesday noon, decided to concen­
trate on local advertising in lieu
of tourist travel and will direct
the chamber’s efforts toward stim­
ulating more active use of the
city's park, swimming pools and
other recreation centers.
Two signs have been painted and
will be ponced at Camp White to
call attention of the soldier* to
wnat Asmand has to otter. As a
xuither guide to visitors, a bulle­
tin boaid will be placed at tne
lithia fountain on tne Fiaza, giv­
ing directions to the several recre­
ation spots and offering other ad­
vice to visitors.
That community and army may
enjoy a better understanding, the
director* are planning a xorum
wiui some of che oilicers where
problem* of recieation and other
matters in which this city may
cooperate with Camp White auth-
onues will be discussed.
Indications already point to a
generous use ox Asmaiid s recrea-
uonal i aeiuties by the army and
to augment that patronage the
chamber of commerce is extend­
ing the following invitation:
"Ashland invites you to enjoy
swimming pool*; complete pubuc
Horary; modern bowling alley; la­
test pictures at two theatres; ten­
nis and croquet facilities; mne-
hole golf course. For the conven­
ience of visitors coming from the
cantonment, a Sunday ous sched­
ule provides service leaving the
camp at 9 a. m. and leaving Ash­
land for return to camp at o p. m.
The placards also mention the
Municipal band concerts in Mthia
park each Thursday evening.
------------- •-------------
A near-capacity crowd attended
the Flag Day program and exer­
cises at the Elks temple Sunday
evening, when the Elks, D. A, R
and American Legion participated
in honoring the national emblem.
Mrs. Gordon MacCracken used
the time allotted the D. A. R. to
describe the makeup of the flag
and it* proper usage. Dr. Arthur
S. Taylor paid tribute to those
who sleep in Flanders field, as
well as to those living who saw
service “over there,” using the
poem "In Flanders Field" to close
ms remarks.
Dr. Claude E. Sayre pled for
greater reverence for the flag,
stating that those who lack re­
A thief entered the room of T. spect for it should not be privi­
F Taylor in the Crouch apart­ leged to share in the benefits for
ments at Fourth and B streets wnich the emblem stand*.
Tuesday night and made way with
Taylor's trousers, in the pocket of MILK BAK ENLARGES
which was a roll of cuZ*ncy COUNTER SPACE
Arrangement! were completed amounting to >110, some small
One of the improvements tak-
the first of the week for the an­ change, a small check, pocket mg place recently on the Plaza is
nual Red Gros* swimming and life knife and other articles.
the renovating and enlargement
saving school which is scheduled
of counter space at the Milk Bar.
to start June 29 and continue
I’aror in the Fortmiller building, This popular eating place, oper­
through July 11.
ated Dy Mrs. Frank Moore, has
Helman Bath* will be the locale had but recenty sold his car and been cnanged from a lunch room
of the swim school this year, ac­
to regular meal service.
cording to Ivor Erwin, chairman proceeds from that transaction
A new counter has been put in
of the sp«*iMonng Lion* club com­
greatly enlarging service iacill-
mittee. This change was made due ness.
ues, and new kitchen equipment
In reporting to the police de­
to the generosity of Mis* Dorothy
installed to meet the increased de­
Hol buck, snanagcr of the baths,
mand. A feature of the Milk Bar
who tendered the tank to the arrived at his room about 11 is nome-baked goods.
o’clock Tuesday evening and upon
committee free of charge.
The class this year will be for retiring laid his trousers over the HI.STORY CLUB ELECTS
beginners only. Earlier plans ln- foot of the bed and when he awoke
'lhe Oregon History club at the
it's a long lane that has no
eluded classes for experienced Wednesday morning they were Southern Oregon College of Edu­ , turning. This fact was recognized
Mrs Hess Canfield has accepted swimmers, but so many of the gone.
cation has elected the following by the "nine grand old men" or
Police are investigating the oxticers for the summer session: tue Ashland Lions club xuesday
a position at the Broady Bros young people are working that the
drug store, taking the place of idea was abandoned. Erwin stress­ theft.
president, Henry Miller of Copco, evening wnen the ciub staged a
------------- •-------------
lairry Plagmann, who left Ashland ed the point that the term begin­
calif.; vice president, Robert Hull party nunoruig the charter mem-
June 10 to accept a position in a ners embraces people of all ages IN' HOSPITAL
ox Power*; secretary, Eleanor Me Ders. It was a Iiiiarious aitair,
Klamath Falls drug store. Mrs who cannot swim. So far 252 have
Hal McNair of the firm of Me Colm of Grants Pass; treasurer, made so very largely through the
Ganfield recently returned from Indicated their intention of taking Nair brothers, pioneer druggists Gloria Kaniele of Langlois; chair­ cooperation of me babes in en-
Redmond where she worked six the lessons. This is a better show­ of Ashland, is a patient at the man of research, Irene Graham of tering into the spirit of the occa-
weeks for Mrs. Bertha Denton, ing than last year when approxi­ Community hospital where he is Avoca, Iowa; and adviaer, Dr. Ar- aion.
whose sons, John and Nixon, have mately 125 participated.
being treated for a malady of long tnur S. Taylor of the college ms-
At a recent meeting
_ President
To aid in raising funds for the standing. Returning from Portland tory iaculty.
gone Into the service.
Bill Snider appointed a "Cnarter
------- •-------------
swim school, Harry Hurst has ar­ Friday he was taken to the hospi­
------------ e------------
Member rnghi committee inciud-
ranged to give the Lions club a tal that evening with the expec- ENLISTS IN NAVY
uig C. K. rtamsey, chairman; A.
A delegation from the loca) siiure of the receipt* from the I taUon that an operation would be
Oscar C. Silver of Ashland, vet- L. Schneider, Dr. G. B. Hull, Cay
lodge left bright and early thia show "What's Cookin’?" which is necessary.
developments eran of World War 1, this week Hufman and Harold Merrill to ar­
morning for Bend to attend the billed for Sunday. Monday and showed that the trouble could be enlisted in the navy and is await-
range a piogram to fittingly ob­
Elks state convention in Tuesday at the Lithia theatre. removed by other treatment.
ing call. He was in Portland the serve tne institution of the local
there today and tomorrow Head­ Tickets are being sold by members
first of the week for examination.
ed by Exalted Ruler Bill Allen, of the Lions club and the Lithia the Andrews Sisters, Jane Frazee, Stiver previously applied for a den and those of tne charter mem­
the group included I. C. Erwin, I management will give the club 50 Robert Paige, Gloria Jean, Leo commission in the army but be­ ber list still affiliated with the
F. Andres, Sid Reed. Sam Jordan percent of the net proceeds ob­ Carrillo, Charles Butterworth, Bil­ came impatient over the delay in ciub. To say tnat the committee
John Hughes. W G Sander. Will tained from these sales. Ticket lie Burke, Franklin Pangbum and handling his case and decided to xunctioned is stating but a part
Dodge and some others whose purchasers are assured of their Woody Herman and his orchestra. try another branch of the service. of the truth, Every teiiow on the
program got even with the hon-
names could not be ascertained be­ money's worth in "What's Cook­
------------ •------------
------------- •-------------
ored guests for past injusticea
in'?". An all-star cast including • Subscribe tor The Miner today VISITS SON IN SOUTH
fore press time.
Those classes a* "babes” and
Mrs. Alice Willitt* returned
Wednesday from San Diego and treated accordingly were Dr.
other points in the south where Ralph E. Boston, xirst president
sne spent nearly three weeks. of the club; R. I. Flaharty, John
She visited her son Bill at the na­ U. Broady, Earl C. Leever, Alfred
val training station at San Diego A. Sniaer, William A Snider, Paul
and saw him off to training ship. K. Finnell, Arthur E. Cooper and
I. F. Andres, all of whom proved
------------ •------------
adept at drinking milk from a
Mrs. Frances White, instructor bottle in approved manner for ba­
in commercial work at Ashland bies and wno made an imposing
high school, plans to leave Fri­ appearance in their baby head-
day morning tor Berkeley to take gear and bib*.
There was a serious side to the
a six-weeks advanced course at
the University of California. She entertainment and this was shown
is working towards a master's when each charter member re-
ceived a handsome leather card
------ ------ •--------------
case filled with personal visiting
------------- •------ --------
By Old Tinier
To the Editor:
Next Sunday is Father's Day.
Daddy never wonders when he
opens up a box. He knows it'll be
Discontinuance of the Oregon
a necktie or the usual pair of
driver training schools tor the du­
Hirohito observing his forty- ration was decided upon today due
first birthday, must have won­ to the need for motor vehicle
dered what Tokyo would look like conservation and prospects ox g
oline rationing, it was announced
on his forty-second.
There’s talk of rationing tele­ by Earl Snell, secretary of state.
phone calls. The old party line The driver training courses have
been conducted by the traffic safe­
won't be what she used to be.
A new type of gas hog is the ty division of the state depart­
fellow who insists on riding alone ment as a part of Oregon's acci­
dent prevention program.
in his motor car to work.
According to a Kentucky editor
Motor corps classes now under
the genuine bona fide strawberry way will be concluded, but no new
short cake "should be a sandwich, classes will be scheduled.
as it were, of ripe berries hiding
The need to conserve tires and
their blushing beauty between lay­ to cut down on general driving has
ers of crisp pie crust." Yum. yum! led many persons, otherwise in­
If you are inquisitive and have terested in enrolling in these cour­
the nerve to tackle that battery ses, to give up this intention,
of figures in the school budget Snell pointed out. The state itself
you may be able to find out what also faces the need to conserve
it cost to run the Ashland public motor vehicles.
Full milk cans depend upon well fed cows. Every acre of Pacific Northwest 1 .nd that is shifted
schools la.“t year.
------------- •-------------
from surplus grain production to pasture and hay crops and every acre of these erosion controlling crops
Civic pride in our public schools
In the modem army a motorized
that is made to yield its best through supplemental irrigation, pasture improvement and other conserva-
is at the zero mark. Only 22 votes division of ground forces alone
nctJM non nilk to a*rkct for tbc United Nations.
u. s. p. a ßou com « t * uoo S stvím photo
were cast at the school director will use as much as 70,000 gallons
election this week.
of gasoline in 24 hour*.
Tables Turned on
Charter Members
By fellow Lions
Driver Training
Schools Discontinued