Thursday, June 11, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER BELLVIEW NEWS Page 3 CHURCH OF CHRIST • Mr .and Mrs. Gene Favell of Second and B Streets Lakeview were guests of Mr. and • Ruth Seitz who spent last week Earl F. Downing, Minister Mrs. Sam Jordan Tuesday. with her brother Eugene Seitz and Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Father' family at Hornbrook Calif re- Day and Flag Day will be observ­ turned to her home Sunday ed in the opening exercises. • Larry Flagman completed his • Guests at the home of Mi and • Mi and Mis John Heiinreyer 1RLN1TY Ei’iM.OFAL CHLR< ll Morning worship 11 o'clock Ser­ year of apprenticeship at the Mia Art Haskins on Brach street heard recently from their son I Ur. s laud« a., »ayie, »war mon subject, "The Father at the DENTIST Broady drug store June 10 and this week ai Mi and Mis E A rchie that he hud landed safely Holy Communion 8 a. m. Foot of the Mountain." left fur Albany to visit his parents Nielson, Mrs Bessie Gamman anil with the American forces some Hours 0-12 and 1-5 Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Church school 0:30 a. m. a few days Hr has accepted a po­ duughter Barbara, Mrs Paul Op- where In Australia Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 Hermon and Morning Prayer, with junior, high school and young sition uh phuiniiniHt in the Wag­ rteko and daughter ami Miss Ar- •Bernice and Edgar Rector left people's groups. last week for Portland. They will 11:00 o’clock. goner drug store in Klamath Falla dltle Dickinson from Reno, Nev. Evening service, 8:00 p m Ser­ Hmy Communion 9:30 a. m and will start June 15 During his • Miaa Janet Baxter, foimer stu­ be employed in the berry fields mon, "People are so Funny." Wednesday. stay here Larry hue made many dent of Southern Oregon College • Miss Esther Wade who is em­ Midweek service, 8:00 p. m, You are cordially Invited to friends who wish him well in his of Hilucation and for the past ployed at the telephone office In Wednesday. new location und express regret year a student at Oregon State Medford spent the week-end with worship with us that he Is to leave Ashland. college at Corvullis, spent Satur­ her parents, Mr. and Mrs Joseph FREE METHODIST CHURCH FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST • Mr and Mis Tom Brattain and day night here with friends, re­ Waile Ea.t Main Street • Aunt June McCoy spent several H< TEN TINT small son of Paisley were week­ turning to Corvallis Sunday. John R. Poet, Pastor days last week with Mis Mallnda Pioneer Ave., South end guests ut the H ~ B McNair • Mia. Kiva Jones has returned Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Sunday school, at 9:45 a. m home. Mrs. Brattain will be ru­ | from Alemeda, Calif., where she King. 42 Helman Dial 5751 Sunday morning service at 1) Bernice Beare, superintendent in membered by many Ashland spent several weeks visiting her • Mr and Mrs Earl Hamilton charge. and daughter Charlotte visited re ­ F people us Ruth Sperling. After daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and o'clock. ■•z i- Morning worship at 11 o’clock graduating from Southern Oregon Mrs. Buster Newhouse. (in the latives in Grants Pass Saturday Subject: God the Preserver ol with the pastor bringing the mes­ College of Education she taught . wuy home she visited another • William Turner who has been Man. sage. ill the past few days is able to be in Lake county where she met her J duughter al Redding. Wednesday evening meeting, Young People's meeting and Ju­ out again. future husltand, rancher of the • Miss Carol Vandewater returned • George Thompson who fell and which Includes testimonies ol nior meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evan­ Paisley distile t Christian Science healing, is held gelistic service at 8 p. m. with I to her home In Klamath Falls Sat­ Istt us guarantee payment • Mr ami Mis C. E. Huffman urday after spending two weeks injured one of his legs three weeks i at 8 o'clock. .ne pastor in charge. ago is still confined to his bed of your food, rent, doctor report the birth of n six-pound 1 at the home of Mr und Mis I F Reading room open daily from Mid-week prayer meeting at 8 seven-ounce boy to Sgt and Mrs Andrea. Mr and Mr» Andrea, ac­ • Mrs. Alford Randal) and two 2 to 5 p. m., except Sundays and p. m. Wednesday. and other bills, when you Bill Huffman of Olympia, Wash companied by Ikinald Hufman, sons of Yreka Calif, are spending are sick or injured. Drop j holidays. this week with her parents, Mr. Both Sergeant and Mrs Huffman took the guest home. CHURCH OF THE* NAZARENE in and let’s talk It over. The public is cordially invited to and Mrs. James Metcalf. are ormer Ashland residents, hav­ Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor • •'• ‘ KKy Whittle, member of the attend these services and to use ing attended high school here. He • Mis. Emil Gassman and Mr. Fourth and C Streets la the son of Mr and Mrs C. E. class of 1042. Ashland high school, und Mrs Jesse Jacobs of Ashland the reading room. hus accepted a position for the Church school 9:45 a. m. ON THE PLAZA Huffman mid bls wife is the 321 James H. Edgar C. A. service and choir practice Calif , and were enroute to (Corval­ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN • Mr. and Mia. John Broady and • Mr and Mrs Mosley and fam- 7:30 Tuesday evening. lis for a visit with relatives CHURCH I ily with a group of friends from Bible study and prayer meeting Howard G. Eddy, Minister • Mrs F S Engle is In Portland son Bobby drove to Halem Thurs­ Medford were picnicking and fish­ day taking Mrs Broady's mother, 7:30 Friday evening. this week visiting Mrs. Hattie Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt ing at Emigrant creek dam Sun­ Everybody Is cordially Invited Hayes and family She planned to Mrs W. E. White to her home day M Wright, superintendent. attend the graduation exercises at Mrs. White has been here for six • Kenneth Bell who pas been at to all services. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. weeks. r 1 1 Oregon Medical college where Earl High school Christian Endeavor home on furlough from Pearl Har­ Canfield .alumnus of Ashland high • Mr. and Mrs. Cad Kilis and two bor left Sunday night by plane NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ meets at 6:15 p. m. TIONAL CHURCH school, Is a member of the grad­ children of Beattie are guests at for San Francisco A picnic lunch Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Clarence F. McCall, Minister the home of Mr. Ellis's parents. uating class 4 4 4 was held in IJthia park Sunday by Boulevard and Morton Streets • Mrs Fred Cushing and daugh­ Mr and Mrs. Cad Elite, 922 Sis­ a group of his friends and rela­ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Church school 9:45 a. m., Mrs ter, Shirley left Wednesday eve­ kiyou boulevard. J. R. Turnbull, Minister tives. Those enjoying the day with Glen Prescott, superintendent. ning for San Diego where they • Visitors in Ashland Wednesday Kenneth were his parents. Mr. and Bible school 9:45 a. m., C. Worship service 11 a. m., ser­ expect to remain several months were Mr and Mrs. W A Gran of Mrs. R E Bell, Sam and Particia, Corry, superintendent. Shirley ,a memtier of the class of Hilt and Mrs Gran's brother, Mr and Mrs. Bob Bell and baby, mon subject "Our Children." Morning worship, 11:00 a. Gu, Ashland high school, expects Robert A. Roby, soldier stationed Mr and Mrs. Myers of Medford, e_e 1 Young People's Union 7 p. to enter Southern Oregon College at Fort Lewis. Wash. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Mr and Mrs. Warren Siebert, Mr. Gospel service 8 p. m. Ten-min-! of Education for the fall term. Cor. N. Main and Laurel Sts. • Mr and Mrs Ix*aile Heer of and Mrs. D. K. Forth and two ute singing the songs you love. • Mrs Anne Sprague of Ijikeview South San Francisco are visiting sons .Miss Jean and Bruce Wall, Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Prayer, praise and Bible study Sunday Church school 9:45 a. m is among those registering for Mr. Heer's mother, Mrs. Bertha Mr and Mrs W O Martin. The annual Childrens Day pro­ hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. summer school work at Southern Heer of High street. ------ •----------- Oregon College of Education Mrs • Miss Louise Woodruff visited gram will be given at this hour. The man who is a pessimist be- Sprague, daughter of Mr. and Mrs CATHOLIC CHURCH Morning worship 11 o’clock. fore he is 48 knows too much in Prineville and Klamath Falls If you appreciate food that Cad Ellis of Ashland .is county Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor Sermon, "Behold, there is a place the man who is a pessimist after superintendent of schcads for Lake last week. She has brothersTn he is 48 Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. by me. sal th the Lord." The adult I m carefully and expertly knows too little.—Mark county. both towns. choir will lead the singing and Twain. prepared and la tastefully Office Boy, nervously: "Sir, I offer an anthem » » e served, if you like courteous think you are wanted on the tele ­ Methodist Youth Fellowship will Amateur Performer: "I can pick phone." service and fair price«, meet for worship at 6:45. up a cent with my toes." Employer: "You think! What's Bright Spectator: "That's no- Evening sermon at 8:00 o'clock. —you’ll enjoy eating here thing My dog can do that with Subject, “The Christian's Source the use of thinkifig? Don't you know?” his nose." of Strength." Office Boy: "Well sir, the man Midweek praise service is held • Mr and Mrs Charles M Giffen at 7:30 each Wednesday evening. on the line said, "Hello, is that had as dinner guests Friday eve­ At these mid-week hours the book you, you old idiot?’ ” your meeting place ning Dr. and Mrs. George W. of St. John is being carefully The state of Texas has more Bruce. studied. says Dorothy Greig than 1,000 types of soil. About People You Know : : 8 At the Churches Ì : 8 Dr. L. W. Staffers GREEN SLABS Gunter Fuel Co. Mr INSURANCE M. T. BURNS Dr. C. C. Dunham DO YOU LIKE Fine Food? A fine appetizing start to a meal is a Good Nourishing Soup Stearns’ Plaza Grocery A Light, Clean Place to Shop And We Save You Money Every Day of the Week -------- •--------- Swansdown Flour—I9’s Special $1.79 Snow Drop, Eastern Oregon wheat—19’s $1.25 Formay Pun* Veg. Shortening—3-lb. tin 61c Swift’s Sil verleaf Lard—1-ib. brick. Special 19c Swift’s Prem. Milk 48 Large tins $3.75 Jar Trimmings—full line, new stock. Get your supply now. Sugar for Canning now available at Lowest Price. Cream of Corn and Mushroom Soup la a rich and satisfying coup to Mt, before a hungry family. " ' ' Wax Paper—125 foot 25c roll. Special 14c Washing Powder—Calla Lily giant size 45c Peets Crystal White Chips • 5 lbs. 45c These are a few of our regular Money Savers HERE are several ways of using soup as part of a meal. You can offer a thin piquant soup, such as a consommé, to waken appetite. That type of soup is a good beginning to a: __________________________________ *' £' formal dinner or luncheon. The soups that most of us really like beat though, are those with heft and substance. We enjoy eat­ ing them, and they are both com­ forting and satisfying to the inner man. Since such a aoup Is highly nourishing we can serve It as the main dish for a light lunch or supper or as a hearty flrat course for dinner. These days there Is an almost unbelievable number of delicious aoups for our enjoyment. Juat look at the variety on your grocer’a shelves. Then, too, we can take thoae fine canned soups and by combining two or more of them together achieve new and altogether individual flavors. Or we can use a canned aoup as a base and add outside Ingredients to it. For Instance— Cream of Corn and Mushroom Soup S tablespoons butter H cup shoepeg com with liquor 1 can condensed cream of mushroom > aoup 1 can water, using soup can for * measure S tablespoons chopped plmlento , Melt the butter In a saucepan, add the corn with liquor and sauté in butter 5-8 minutes. Add the cream of mushroom aoup and stir well until com la thoroughly mixed with the aoup. Then add water. Heat, but do not boil. Add chopped fllBlvnto tor garnish, forvos M. As for combining two or more, soups, here are a few suggestions. You will And these delicious— especially on a chill day when ap­ petites are keen and demanding: Pepper Pot Potage 1 can condensed pea soup I can condensed tomato aoup I can condenaed pot aoup ________ - pepper _____________ . i cans milk, using soup can for measure Combine the pea, tomato and pepper pot soups. Then add 2 cans of milk, using soup can for a mea­ sure. Heat, but do not boll. Serves <■>. • • < Clam Chowder Bisque 1 can condensed cl»m chowdsr I can condenaed chicken gumbo soup 1 can light cream (using aoup can for meaaure) Mix the chicken gumbo and clam chowder. Then add the light cream Heat, but do not boil. Serves 4-3. a a a Pea-wlth-Bean Soup 1 can condenaed bean-wlth-bacon soup 1 can condensed pea aoup 1 can water 1 can milk sliced 1 frankfurter, _____________ Combine the bean-wlth-bacon soup and the pea aoup. Stir in the water gradually and then add the can of milk (ualng aoup can for a meaaure). Heat to the boiling point, but do not boll. Sauté the frankfurter allcea in a little butter, and use aa garnish. 8ervea 14. I PLAZA GROCERY FREE DELIVERY Dial 4131 61 North Main Street, Ashland w « V v « w V > ■ : ► ■ > ■ > > > L V V V V W V -w wfr' w wp w w < The World’s News Seen Through Southern Oregon Credit Bureau Reporting Office Ashland Phone 3731 240 East Main, Ashland General Office Medford a Medford Center Building Phone 22«! YOUR CREDIT RECORD —You make it, We Record it! Time Is Money These Days ... What has that to do with the laundry business? you ask. Well, just this— Work Is plentiful, pay is good. Why spend pre­ cious hours turning out the family wash that could be put to more profitable use on a wartime job? Again—perhaps you are engaged in non-profit war work and need every spare hour to carry on your part. In that event, our first class work at eminently fair prices is just the outlet you are looking for. T he C hristian S cience M onitor An International Daily Newspaper PuNubni by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBI I HING SOCIETY One. Norezy Street. Boston, Mawachusrtt« ■ is Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased—Free from Sensational­ ism — Editorials Ara Timely and Instructive, and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Price >12.00 Yearly, or >1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, >2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Obtainable at: < ì -i nu iti iti r ~ r We’ll do the rest < ■ < < < < < < < I -•-»J Christian Science Rending Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon -^-*"*-*"*- < Just Call 7771 ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Wirt M. Wright, Prop. Phone 7771 : 31 Water St “For the ideal washday—Just call, that’s all”