Page 4 News on Fight to Stop Inflation To Reach Widely Thursduy, June 4, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER HILT NEWS <7 WORLD (Jiri Scouts Plan Summer Activities bu °F POoD LITHIA LCo R un er ' • The Hilt Girl Scout executive committee met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. John DeWitt, where plans were made for activi­ Control of rising prices is I of ties and meetings during the com- vital interest to every man. ' wo- ■ ing summer months. These plans man and child whether livelihood include ■anaiM.r ramp at Ashland, comes from farm, factory, or in­ and an over night hike All of the dustry. according to those now en­ committee members were well sat­ gaged in enlisting public support isfied with the work and accom- of the national pregram against plishments of the group during inflation. the past year. There are N M ' Here in Oregon, as In ail other ive members in the group and al) states, the state college extention are working diligently on badge service has been assigned the task awards. Delicious refreshments of carrying information on the ware served, followed bv the pre­ VITAMINS rnom OKA»S- program to every rural and farm sentation of lovely gifts to the MftN VITAMIN PIU9 CONXAIN- THf Due OC RlCHUliU, 11 Hi l.imily in the state. Ways of doing Girl Scout leader, Miss Lucille INO Mise VITAMIN» ANO IH» CC ntu R v fkcncm naval . this w’ere considered in a four- Gansberg and assistant leader. CHMMOCHVl. FACTOR AIU Now H*VO, NX IO I HI AM. V CUXAVaO state conference of extension offi­ Mrs. Anna M. White, in appreci­ ON THC kMUIT. THSV ARE MAYONNAISE WHIN H* HAD W cials and OPA representatives in ation for their year's work Mem­ MAOC HUMA VUUtMz WHEAT. SUSiTIIUTf OUVl OU- FOR. bers of the committee were Mrs. Spokane. OCCAM WHIlf MAXIMA a meat “Only through widespread un­ Enzie Wright, Mrs. T. Quamme, «ALKC, IN WHICH H« TOOK AR EAT WClPC. derstanding can a program involv­ Mrs. Oswald Bernheisel. Mrs. John ing voluntary action of all citizens De Witt, Mrs. Frank Bernheisel, be carried out," said William A. Mrs. Adelia Bayliss and Mrs. Sam Schoenfeld, dean and director of Dunaway. agriculture, following the confer­ • Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Walker ence. “As an educational agency drove to Dunsmuir to see some the extension service has been re­ friends off on the train aiier at­ quested to reach every rural tending the funeral services of family with information on the Mrs. Maggie Brower in Ashland program aimed at preventing Thursday afternoon. runaway prices and inflation. Con­ • Laura Zanotto. Ikie Geroy and trol of inflation is essential in . Billy Gran received their diplomas winning the war. and in resuming at the Yreka high school gradua­ normal life in the peace which tion Thursday evening. A number follows.” • of Hilt friends and relatives of The national program contem- the graduates attended the exer­ plates fair treatment of all ele- cises. among them were Mr. and men to of the population, even Mrs. H. Zanotto. Mr. and Mrs. M though adjustments may be need­ Bradfield. Mr and Mrs. M F. ed in addition to steps already Geroy and family, Andy Vieira, and daughters. June and Lois. Mi announced. Runaway prices in the first Mr. and Mrs. W. Gran. Audrey world war brought post-war dis- Walker, Buster and Billy Walker Wt will pay iSM » War Stviags Stamps ft tatb straagt f—A fact stWnWta aster for farmers even more than and Mrs. W. Dutro. te u and used. Address, A W0AL9 ef f009, 239 West 39 Street, 9em < * • Russell Williams was called to other classes of the population, federal officials point out. When enter the military service this The portly man was trying to • Mr .and Mrs. L. O. Stone, ac­ the price spree ended in the early week. He spent Saturday visiting twenties, the index of farm prices his sisters, Mrs. Nelson Watts and get to his seat at the circus. companied by their daughters, “Pardon me," he said to a wo­ Betty and Lucile and their son, dropped 130 points in a single family in Ashland, arid Mrs Roy Cletus, spent the week-end at the year Thousands of farmers lost Rushton and family in Medford. man. "did I step on your foot ?” "I imagine so." she replied after home of Mr and Mrs. Fred Mil­ their farms because prices first Accompanied by his parents. Mr. went too far up and then too far and Mrs. Richard Williams and glancing at the ring, "all the ele­ tenberger, returning to their home his brother Roy. he is spending phants seem to be in the ring." in Portland Sunday. down. • < f f Here in Oregon more than half a few days with his sister, Mrs. A recruiting sergeant was try­ of the population is classified as Del Bagley in Sacramento before ing to convince a half-wit that rural in the 1940 census. Under leaving for camp. plans being worked out by the ex- • Mr and Mrs. Arnan Lee and he wasn't mentally suited for the ALIAS SUMMONS tension service, it is hoped to son left Saturday for a week's army. He asked him: "What would happen if I would cut off one of In the Circuit Court of the State reach every rural family during vacation trip. of Oregon for the County of the month of June with informa- • Mr and Mrs. W. Gran and your ears?" The fellow said: "I could hear Jackson. tion on its part in the price con- son Billy and Mr and Mrs. Ger- HERSCHELL LLOYD CLAY- vice will work with farm and ru- aid Black and children spent the just half as well." "Well, what would happen If I COMB and 18 ABELLE H. trol program. The extension ser- week-end at Cave Junction, Ore. husband and CLAYCOMB, ral organizations, OPA representa­ • Mr. and Mrs. Terwilliger and would cut off both your ears?" "I couldn't see." wife. Plaintiffs. tives. and other agencies of the sons Dickie and Donald of Klam­ Tlie sergeant asked:“Well, why V». federal government in carrying ath Falls spent the week-end at wouldn't you be able to see if I TALENT IRRIGATION DIS- out the informational program. the Frank Graves home cut off both your ears?" Think ­ -------------e------------- TRICT, PETER G. MILLER. ing he had him. "Because my F. W. HAAB and HAZEL USO COMMITTEE SETS hat would fall down over my A BIT OF NONSENSE HAAB, husband and wife, STAGc FOR FUND DRIVE One Sunday in a certain colored eyes.” FAY ROBINSON. STATE OF (Continued from page 1) ------------- •------------- church the senior deacon failed to OREGON. JACKSON COUN­ east of Third and west of Fifth: provide the wine for the commu The Connecticut river is the TY, OREGON, and all other Rev. Bertrand Peterson, chairman: nion largest river in New England, ris- No one discovered it persona or parties unknown Samuel S. Davies, C. M. Litwiller, until service. it was almost too late and ing near the boundary line be­ claiming any right, title, estate, and Lizzie K. Merritt. then there was a hasty conference tween Vermont and Canada at lien, or interest in the real District south of Fifth and west with heads close together in the an altitude exceeding 2,000 feet estate described in the com­ of Alida: Ted Lockhart, chairman: back row of the church. It was plaint herein. Defendants Gerald Wenner, W. H. Parker, finally decided to accept the aid WANTED A place to show her To TALENT IRRIGATION DIS­ Karl Rose, Harold Merrill and J. of an old sister living next door wares by an antique lady with a TRICT, PETER G MILLER F H. Hardy. who offered to bring over some Spanish chest and other odd W. HAAB and HAZEL HAAB. District north of Boulevard, east of her wine. No one had a suspi- I things. husband and wife, FAY ROBIN­ of Alida and west of Garfield: cion as to what kind of wine it SON. STATE OF OREGON, Rev. E F. Downinng, chairman; C. was until all had been served and JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, A. Andrews, V. H. Chapman and then it dawned on the congrega- and all other persona or parties tion that it must have been made Laurence Powell. unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real District east of Garfield and out of persimmons. The parson estate described in the complaint north of Boulevard: Clyde Caton, was stumped for a moment, but * herein.—the above named de­ chairman; Mrs. George A Bris­ he quickly became equal to the ■5 fendants: coe, A. C. Joy. and Elizabeth situation. “Brethern and sistem," he an­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Badger. 1. The Black Sea, between east­ District east of Mountain ave- nounced, with yo' all's approval, ern Europe and Asia Minor. 2. Burlington Vermont. neu and south of Boulevard: Wal­ we's gwine to omit singing de 3. Between one and two thous ter Redford, chairman; Mrs. Earl Doxology. We's jes gwine to and billion years. Leever, Mrs. Charles A. Haines, whistle it!” r 1 1 4. John Phillip Holland. Marshall Woodell, W. W. Robi­ "Why do you say that beautiful 5. - Yes. son, Harry L. Hubbard. 6. Bismuth. District south of Boulevard, photograph of your wife was a 7. Centaur, in Greek mythology. west of Mountain avenue and east snapshot ?” "Well, it must have been Her 8. A U-shaped bar of steel or of Euclid avenue and Morton: Ev­ other metal used for production erett McGee, chairman; Mrs. Will mouth was shut." Elmer says: "Love may be blind, of sound of given pitch. Dodge, Arthur S. Taylor, O. F. but it sure can find its way around 9. Hippocrates. Carson and Wirt M. Wright. in the dark." 10. Fourth century. District south of Boulevard, west of Morton and east of Gresh­ V vv w1 V V w w V v r y » » y am: O. N. Wray, chairman; El­ mer Biegel, Charles Fortmiller, Wayne Wells and H. H. Gillette. The World’s News Seen Through District south of Boulevard and Yon can buy Defenae he hristian cience onitor between Pioneer and Gresham: Stamps al every one of An International Daily Nempaper ' Frank Van Dyke, chairman; G. B. our cash registers dis­ Hull. Stephen Epler, Etta Schil­ FntliiM THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY playing thia sign. Take One, Norway Street. Button, Maraachuaett- part of your change in ling, Loren Messenger, H. L. Clay­ it Truthful — Constructive — Cnbiawd — Free from Sensational ­ •lamps, and take advant­ comb and Dom Provost. age of this handy wav to ism— Editorial, Are Timely and Instructive, and It, Daily The drive will start at 8 a. m. buy a Share of Freedom Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make Friday. every day! the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. ENTERTAINMENT I'hiinr 7MII, ¿Saturday NORTH TO THE KLONDIKE” Willi Andy Devine and Brod. Crawford piu» Bud Abbott (I.) and Lou (ostello In Unlvenud’a •‘Ride '.in Cowboy." OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear and answei the eompluint filed against you In the above entitled suit within ten days from the date of aeivlce of this Summons upon you If served with­ in this County; or If served within any other county of this State, then within twenty »lays from the dale of the service of tills sum­ mons upon you ami If served up­ on you in any State of the United States othei than the State of Oregon, then within four 141 weeks after the date of such ser­ vice; and if you fall to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff» will apply to the court for the relief prayed fur in their complaint BRIGGS * BRIGGS By WM M BRIGGS Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Post Office Address; Pioneer Building, Ashland. Ore­ gon Date of first publication: June 4 1942 LEGAL NOTICES I ANSWERS ANSWERS I Protect What You Have With a residence Burglary Policy Covering Forcible Entry Robbery Theft, Larceny and Malicious Damage -v——— Price 1112.00 Yearly, or f 1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, ¿2.60 a Yaar. Introductory Offer, 6 Ittue, 25 Cents. Obtainable act Christian Science Reading Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon BROADY BROS Drug Store 279 E. Main St. Roy Rogers Sunday, Monday and Tuesday 5 Wednesday and Thursday Mid-Week Special I 1 cents and 1 5 cents Proves Wonderful For Itching Skin To soothe itching, burning akin, apply medicate*! liquid ZE MO—a Doctor a formula backed by 30 years continu­ ous aucceaa! For ringworm symptoms, eczema, athleto'a foot or blemiahea due to external cause, apply ZE MU frwly. Soon the discomfort should disappear. Over 25,000,000 package» »old. One trial convinces. Only 35L Abo 60^ and |1.00. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and KFAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main FOR paying Investments in all kinds of Real Estate and Busi­ ness opportunities, sec Andrews at Billings Agency. 5 28-6 18 Ever Talk Back When you did see the stop and slammed on the To a Policeman? sign brakes—Even though they didn’t hold—you probably felt justified In putting in a word or two. But that doesn’t excuse you. You knew you should have had the brakes adjusted long ago. Perhaps you’d better have your brakes checked today to avoid the possibil­ ity of a costly accident. M S C with 2£|VIQ SIGNS OF VICTORY T “SOUTH OF SANTA FE” AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) r i WRESTLI NG AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT THRILLS and EXCITEMENT! Medford Armory Tickets on Sale at The Hi-Way, 12 N'. Riverside, Ph. Med. 5387 Medford, Oregon CLEANINC WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT BUILDING MATERIALS ARE STILL AVAILABLE- INCLUDING ALL KINDS OF LUMBER There is no restriction on materials for necessary repairs or maintenance Permanent PRICES! SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS New Construction and Alterations 25c U. S. SAVINGS STAMP WITH EVERY $1.50 Cleaning Order. Plain garments—50 cento cash and carry. PICKUP AND DELIVERY 85c limited to $500, including labor, except farm buildings other than homes, which mav total $1,000. These restrictions apply to ord­ inary building and may be built without permit from WPB. Farm buildings and farm homes in excess of these figures may be built after obtaining permission from WPB. CONTACT US FOR FULL DETAILED INFORMATION ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY 823 Siskiyou Blvd Phone 6336 Phone 3291 KEN WEIL, Manager Oak Street at Railroad ir