Thursduy, June 4, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER BICMAIKW NEWS About People You Know Dead Indian Sends i wo to 4-H School • Tiie Dead Inman s-H crub held • Mrs. Hal McNair left by plane • Mrs Mary Powell Jones who iis raguiar meeting lust weeu wim has spent the |>ast six months Monday evening for ¡>>s Angeles Miss ms rurgerson at the home of where she will meet her sisters« with Mr and Mis Cad Kilin M her par elite near Bucknor n rouge pects to leave for her home at Mis Helen Eastman of Whittier, Delta, Colo., June 15 Past 90 mi . c tuners, county 4-H club lead­ er, was present and gave a veiy und Mrs. Gertrude Hawkins of years of age, Mrs. Jones plana to interesting talk on ciuo work, uig* Anaheim. From there they will make the trip alone. ing an the members io raise a Vic­ proceed to Corpus (Thrixti, Texas • Mr and Mrs. J. F Emmett of tory garden Pearl Henry and Hel­ to witness the graduation of Mrs. 1 Ashland report the birth of a 7% en Kruger were elected as dele­ McNair's nephew, Bill Hawkins, pound sori, May 18, to Mr. and gates to the 4-H summer scnooi at from the training school. Bill will Mrs. Robert Hutchison at Stock- Corvallis The ciub raised funds to receive his silver wings Friday, ton, Calif. Mrs Hutchison Is a pay transportation and tuition lor June 5 sod with them the commis­ daughter of the Emmetts. me two members. Those present sion of second lieutenant in the • Josephine Curtis has accepted at the meeting i were Mr. and Mis. Marine air corps. the position of dental assistant In Vincent lurnlnl and sons Hem y • Jack Peterson, member of the the office of Dr. Q B Hull Miss and Victor who was home on fur- large graduating class at Oregon Curtis was a member of the class lough, Mr, arid Mrs. Carl Henry Slate college, has returned to his of 1842, Ashland high school. and family; Mr. and Mrs. Chester home In Ashland for uii indefinite Applegate; Helen and Vernon • Ben Gibson, former Ashland stay. He accompanied his mother, Kruger. resident, was transacting business Mrs Chris Peterson, and his sis­ • Mrs. Dott Williams entertained ters, Verna, and Mis Bill Carter, here today. He now lives in Kla­ a group of young folks at a 6.30 who attended the commencement math Falls. dinner last Wednesday evening. • Henry Orr has gons to Taco- exercises. Those enjoying her hospitality ina, Wash., for treatment in the • Mr and Mrs H C Galey have were Margaret Mosley, Ray liar­ recently returned from a week's vetrrans hospital Mrs. Orr accom­ tig, BUI Wright, Gloria Raneiile, the home of their son, John D ' panied him. Joe Barry, Veda Williams, Jack visit in latke Grove, Oregon, at • Mias Charlotte Short, student Williams, Caroline Sanders, Dale Galey. They were accompanied at Oregon State college, returned Williams, and Jeannette Burton. by their young grandson, Michael Bunday from Corvallis. • A large group of friends and Galey, who will spend some time' • Bam Jordan was a business vU- neighbors gathered at the Vincent in Ashland with his grandparents ilor in Portland the first of the lxtnlni home Saturday evening and gave them a surprise house warm­ • Mix Agnes h itch Mayer Irofer | **••*- ing. They brought refreshments of Ban Francisco was in Ashland und a very useful gift for the new Friday night to attend the high TALENT NEWS home Those enjoying the evening school alumni banquet us a repre­ with Mr. and Mrs. Lanini and sentative of the class of 1893 Henry were Mr and Mrs. Albert Mrs. Muyerhofer is visiting in Arnold of Ashland, Mr. and Mrs Medford at the home of her sister, Mrs. Cha liner Strange • Mrs Clara Seaman passed Buster Gibson and non of Klamath • Dr and Mrs. G B. Hull are re­ away at her home in Medford Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Barron joicing over the arrival of a son Tuesday at 11 p. m. after a lin­ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henry and fam­ in their family. The baby boy, gering Illness. She reside«! in Tal­ ily, Frsd Henry, Mrs Mary Hosh, weighing seven pounds, four oun­ ent many years having taught in Mias Laura Montgomery, Mrs. ces, was born at the Community the local school Mrs Seaman wax Robert Rosenbaum, Mr. Edwards hospital rarly Monday morning a sister of Postmaster Jay Terrill and two grandsons and Fred The young man will answer to the of Talent Funeral services were Payne. The evening was spent vis­ name of Gordon Alanson N. Hull held in the Conger Funeral parlors iting and playing games. • Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Read and • Mrs Arthur Ellis and little son Friday afternoon with A J Han- son Cleio of San Francisco is Interment wax are guests at the home of Mr. by officiating. spending this week with Mrs. und Mrs. Cad Ellis on Siskiyou made in the Steams' cemetery at Read's brother and wife, Mr. and Talent. Boulevard, arriving Monday from Mrs E E Heath of Walker Ave. her home in RedWood City, CaUf. • Riley Niswamer, 58 yeers of • Pearl Henry, Helen Kruger, She reports that her husband re­ age, a resident of southern Ore­ Gary Christlieb and Donald Nich­ cently was promoted from the gon most all his life, passed away ols left Tuesday for two weeks rank of major to that of lieuten­ suddenly Thursday morning while summer school at Corvallis. ant-colonel In the Marines shopping in a meat market in • Mi» Dott Williams is spending • Mrs. Susanne Homes Carter Medford, He resided in Talent for this week with her sister and hus­ came over from her home at Kla­ the past four years. Funeral ser- band, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Crow of math Falla to attend the alumni vices were held Saturday after­ Modesto, Calif., and with friends banquet Fridny evening Mrs. Car­ noon from the Perl Funeral par­ there. Mrs. Williams is a former ter graduated from Ashland high lor. Rev, Harold Gardner of the resident of Modesto. Saint Marks Episcopal church of­ • Mr. and Mrs. L. E Lebow left school with the class of 1893 • Mary Ann Delaman has re­ ficiated. Members of the Elks lodge Monday for their new home in i lumed from Corvallis where she of Ashland had charge at the Riverside, Calif. They have traded is enrolled as a student at Oregon graveside in the Phoenix cemetery property with Mr and Mrs. C. A. State college and will spend the where interment was made. Putts who are moving onto the summer with her parents, Mr and • Mrs Teresa Roberta and Mias Lebow ranch. Hodapp of Central Point called on Mrs Charles Heisman • Mrs. Ruth Dews of the Bellview • Mr. and Mrs C. R Ramsey en­ friends In Tslent Sunday evening. school reported the following pu­ joyed a short visit with Leonard • Guest day of the Talent Com­ pils on the honor role: Peggy and Ramsey and family Monday The munity club was held Wednesday Phyllis Hollingsworth, Jack and 1-eonaid Ramseys live in Klamath afternoon. This is an annual affair Jerry Farmer. Jerry Bow. Rose­ Falls and were on their way to with guests from the surrounding mary Ring, Doreen Wensus, Will- country attending the coast. I lam Axil and Clarice Brantley. • Mrs F J Ahlstrom returned • Mrs Astleford underwent an These pupils were exempt from to her home in Ashland Friday operation at the Community hos­ examinations night after visiting in Klamath pital in Ashland Tuesday morn­ Falls for ten days at the home ing She is the wife of Rev. Astle­ kxmxxxxxxxxxmxxxxxmmmmxe of her «laughter, Mrs. Duke ford, pastor of the Methodist church here. Lorton. • Mr and Mrs Gerald Gastineau • After a ahut down the past and a group of young people in- week owing to the excessive rain eluding Erlene Norberg, Bill Elam. fail, Charles Skeeters, local con- Phil Wolcott and Winfield Rober- tractor, and crew have resumed FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH son spent a few days fishing at logging operations in the Prospect J. It. Turnbull, Minister area. Squaw • lake * Bible school 9:45 a. m., C. E. • Jean Frideger, popular Univer- • Mr and Mrs Edwin Graham Corry, superintendent. atty of Oregon student, has re­ and two children moved to Proa- Morning worship, 11:00 a m. turned to Ashland to spend the peel Saturday where Mr. Graham Sermon "Here I Am." solo, Ralph summer vacation at the home of will be employed in a logging Gillmore. her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. R camp. Their daughter, Nadine, re­ Young People's Union 7 p. na. mained in Talent for the summer Frideger. Gospel service 8 p. m. Ten-min­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob • Miss Ruth Woods and Miss Ma­ ute singing the songs you love. rilee Fry, teachers in Ashland high Logan. Prayer, praise and Bible study school, left the first of the week • Mrs. C. C. Selby and sons re­ I hour. 7:30 p m. Wednesday turned home Saturday night from for their respective homes at Me 4 4 4 Mlnnvllle and Granta Paas to Burley, Idaho, where Mr. Selby TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH was taken for burial. spend the summer. Dr. Claude E. Sayre, \ tear • Guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. • Waiter Knapp of Jacksonville Holy Communion 8 a. m. Wenner this week are Mrs. D. C. visited his sister and brother-in- Church school 9:30 a. m Knox of Emmett. Idaho and her law. Mr and Mrs. George Newlin, Holy Communion and sermon 11 children, two daugbtera and a son. last week. Mrs. Knox is a daughter of the • Mrs. George Eads of Medford o'clock. Holy Communion 9:30 a. m. Wenners was a guest of Meda Fox Tuesday. • Mr and Mrs. Ralph Billings at­ • Mr and Mrs. Victor Milburn of Wednesday. You are cordially Invited to tended commencement exercises at Thompson creek and Lawrence Oregon Slate college Saturday re­ McDonough of Lakeview called on worship with us. turning to their home in Ashland friends here Friday afternoon Sunday. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST • Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown and SCIENTIST • Miss Margaret Short left Mun­ family of Modoc county, Calif., Pioneer Ave., South day morning for Sheppard Field, were week-end guests of Mrs Sunday school, at 9:45 a. m. Texas for a month's vacation. She Brown's father, Ben Clark. Sunday morning service at 11 was acompanied by a girl friend • Donald Walden and Floris Ken­ from Eugene. dal were married in Medford o'clock. Subject: God the Only Cause • Frank King has returned from Thursday. A group of their friends Eugene where he is a student at gathered at their home in Pump­ and Creator. Wednesday evening meeting, the University of Oregon. He plans kin Center and gave them a hearty to spend part of the summer va­ charivari Friday night. which includes testimonies of cation here. • Mrs. Warren Barr and daugh­ • Mrs Jack Forsythe has accept­ ter Coleen of Prospect were visit­ NEIGHBORHOOD 'CONGREGA­ TIONAL CHURCH ed a position in the First National ing friends and shopping in Talent Clarence F. McCall, Minister Bunk of Portland, Ashland branch, Monday. Boulevard and Morton Streets and assumed her duties Wednes­ • Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Newbry Church school 9:45 a. m., Mrs day. left Thursday morning for Wash­ • Celene Morgan, member of the ington to visit their son and fam­ Glen Prescott, superintendent. Worship service 11 a. m., ser­ class of 1942, Ashland high school, ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Newbry, mon by the pastor. has accepted a position as re­ former residents of Talent. ------------- ---------------- Pilgrim study club in the home porter on the Dally Tidings. • Bob Stearns and Dick Wester- • Subscribe for The Miner todav of Mrs. C. T. Pine, 830 Iowa, Wed- burg left Tuesday evening for Se­ attle to take preliminary exam­ inations for the navy air corps. Gary Newton spent the week­ CLL¿C¿mC44> • • //W/ k Z t S 44 A 44*+ end visiting his mother at Inde­ pendence. • Everett Nance, student at Ore­ gon State college has returned from Corvallis for the summer. • Mrs. R. W. Swarsley visited over the week-end at the home of DIAL 4541 her son, Joye Swartsley, • Mrs Frank Culp underwent a major operation at the Commu­ DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER nity hospital Monday, • J. T. Sawyer has returned to his home after receiving treatment We Never Close—Phone 4541 at the Community hospital. • Dick Fraser was admitted to the Community hospital Munday I •--- Death Removes Two Talent Residents nesday, 2 p. m. Christian Science healing, is held at H o'clock. Reading room open dally from 2 to 5 p. m , except Sundays and holidays. The public is cordially invited to attend these services and to use the reading room. • > > CHURCH OF CHRIST Mec'md mid B streets Earl F. Downing, Minister Bible school, 9 45 a m. George Andrews, supt. A short Children’s Day program. Morning worship 11 o’clock. Ser­ mon subject: "Bluebirds Over White Cliff." Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m with Junior, high school and young people's groups. Evening service, 8:00 p. m. Ser­ mon subject: "God's Promise to You and to Your Children." Midweek service, 8:00 p. m., Wednesday. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH < or. N. Main and Laura! Mix. Dr. George W. Bruce, Minix ter Sunday Church school 9:45 a m Alien O. McGee, general supt. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Sermon: ''Religion in a Day of Dif­ ficulty." The vested choir, under the leadership of R H.-Cooke, will lead the singing and offer an an- them. Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet for worship at 6:45. Evening sermon at 8:00 o'clock. Midweek praise service is held at 7:30 each Wednesday evening. At these mid-week hours the book of St John is being carefully studied. GREEN i Dr. C. C. Dunham Chiropractic Physician Office 244 liar gad inn Ph. 3321 DO YOU LIKE Fine Food? SLABS Gunter Fuel Co 42 Helman Dial 5751 FREE METHODIST CHURCH East Main Street John K. Poet. Pastor Sunday school at 9:45 a. rn Bernice Beare, superintendent in charge. Morning worship at 11 o'clock with the pastor bringing the mes­ sage. Young People s meeting and Ju­ nior meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evan­ gelistic service at 8 p. m. with the pastor in charge. Mid-week prayer meeting at 8 p. m. Wednesday. INSURANCE Let us giiaruntee payment of your food, rent, doctor und other bills, when you are sick or injured. Drop in and let’s talk it over. M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA CHURCH OF THE* NAZARENE Bertrand F. Peiterson, Pastor Fourth and C Streets Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o’clock Departmental meetings at 6:30: Junior, Young People, Adults. Evening service, 7:30. Sermon by the pastor. Prayer meeting 8:00 p. m. Wed­ nesday evening. Thursday, June 4, 7:30, Mission­ ary Rev. J. F. Penn of Africa. Friday, 8:00 p. m Daily Vaca­ tion Bible school program. FULL GOSPEL' TEMPLE E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. L. F. Furman, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o’clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:30 Tuesday evening. Bible study and prayer meeting 7:30 Friday evening. Everybody is cordially invited to all services. V V V FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Howard G. Eddy, Minister Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt If you appreciate food that is carefully and expertly prepared and la tastefully served, if you like coiirteoHa service ¡uid prices, fair —you’ll enjoy eating here your meeting place WE SELL * TWO KINDS* We sell War Savings Stamps from our cash register for your greater conven­ ience. And every time we sell you a War Savings Stamp, we sell you two kinds of security: SECURITY FOR AMERICA War Savings Stamps buy the tanks, planes, guns and ships our country needs to crush the aggressor. They buy security for America. ------•------ M. Wright, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. High school Christian Endeavor meets at 6:15 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. : At the Churches t CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. W. t. Meagher, Pastor Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. SECURITY FOR YOU W'hen bought regularly, War Savings Stamps turn into War Bonds. In 10 years the value of these bonds will increase 33*/4%. Buy them now for America’s security today—for your family’s se­ curity tomorrow. Dr. L. W. Stoffers RAMSEY JEWELRY STORE {limply, campiti*. Litwiller Funeral Home ior a major operation. I Page 3 DENTIST Hours 9-12 and 1-5 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 “Home of Better Jewelry” Ashland, Oregon Sweden burg Building GUARD ILS. POSTAL SAVINGS LET FREEDOM RING In America’s Cash Registers America has got to have dol­ lars today—to buy planes, tanks, guns, and shells to blast the “bloodthirsty guttersnipe" and his unholy partners from the face of the earth! Today you’re earning those dollars. Use them to protect yourself and your country by buying War Savings Stamps —every day! You’ll be invest­ ing in just about the only gilt- edged security left. And You will be helping America forge the might and muscles she needs to take the offensive! For your greater convenience we are now selling W’ar Sav­ ing Stamps at every cash reg­ ister in our store. Look for the sign on the register above. Buy them today — whenever and wherever you see that sign. Let freedom ring.... in Ameri­ ca’s cash registers! Ashland Qroceteria