Page 4 Thursday, May 28, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 1 lc, 25c, 40c Tax Inc. Friday and Saturday! Joel McCrea and Veronica Lake “SULLIVAN’S TRAVELS” “THE GAY FALCON” I'lll*- Mickey Rooney and Lewis Stone in COURTSHIP OF ANDY HARDY” Wed’sday & Thursday BARGAIN DAYS HITS Norma Shearer and Melvin Douglas “WE ARE DANCING “SONS OF THE SEA plus Dorris Craters 13 to 1 OREGON < ALIFORM \ LEAGUE -I 4 N DINGS Team w L Pct. h lama th Falls 3 I .750 4 -« .500 Medford HINDSIGHT 97 Graduate From ON SPORTS Ashland Jr. High Commencement exercises were 1 1 f held at 10 a m Tuesday for the Ry I TOLD YOU SO graduating class of Ashland junior high achool, when certificates were presented to 97 graduates Dorris The Cincinnati Reda will hold I .500 I A large crowd gathered to listen « Grunts Pass 0 their annual baseball tryouts at .000 The Dorris Lumberjacks of the the Medford high school field June to the following program and to Oregon California league found 3 to 7 with Mickey Shader, Red's witness the presentation of the the offerings of Wait Snyder to scout, in charge Any youths with diplomas: Processional Match, "Marche blast the Medford Craters 13-1 to baseball aspirations are invited to Militali-e,” Schubert Junior High win the Saturday twilight league play in the games. game at Dorris but the Craters This is a fine opportunity for orchestra. Invocation, Rev. G. W Bruce. came back, behind the fine pitch­ boys and young men of the valley Salutatory address. “What the ing of Steve Crippen, to cop the to see what they can do under the Sunday affair 3-0 and earn an supervision of the “big time,” We Bill of Rights Means to Me." even break in the week-end series. hope some of the local boys see Mouryne Burton. "To a Wild Rose." MacDowell; Klamath Falls, league leader, fit to try out at the camp, partic­ took two from Grants Pass at the ularly Barney Riggs, who did auch "A Song of Spring," Neidlinger Climate City by winning the Sat­ a fine job of catching with the Eighth Grade Girls' Sextet Valedictory address. "Launched urday twilight contest 10-5 and Ashland high team thia spring. repeating the procedure Sunday to Dwight Catherwood. ~ hard-hit- but not Anchored" Dick Merri­ the tune of 2-0. ting left fielder for the Craters, man. “The Little Hills are Calling.” The Medford Athletic associa­ who was expecting a draft call tion hits announced that the Bear shortly. has advised Manager I Morris; "My Own United States," Photo Service team of San Fran­ Dutch Lieber that he has been de­ Ed wants Junior High Chorus Class Poem, "The new Dawn" cisco, one of the best semi-pro ferred until at least September. Al teams on the Pacific coast, will Wray Lightner, Crater center by Marjorie House Mark Mur- face the Craters at the Medford fielder, didn't pass his recent phy­ quess. Class Will Yvonne Staley. Fairgrounds park Saturday and sical exam and is back in the Cra­ Presentation of Class Mr. Earl Sunday, May 30-31, at no in- ter fold. Rogers. crease in admission price. ere Presentation of Diplomas Mr. ------------- •------------- George Craig, the former Tulsa T. J. Norby COIXEGE TO (.RADI ATE blacksmith and user of the "anvil 6« STI DENTS FRIDAY flip." will be back on Mack Lil­ “Pacific Moon," Johnson Junior lard's wrestling card at Medford , High band. den. Prospect; Clarice Stearns armory next Monday night. Craig, Diplomas were presented to th«* j Clark, Mary Charlene Thomas, who now has a good Job with the following students who will take Klamath Falls; Wanda C. Cox, government and is employed in the up their advanced studies at the Lmcoln; Jean Drew, Hilderand; shops at Camp White, has been senior high school next fall: Mildred Henson, Roseburg. Thelma working out regularly and says he Donna Myrtle Allen, Grace Le Isabelle Messenger, Gold Hill; Mil­ is in fine shape for the match. Veta Alwine, Thomas M. Ander­ dred K. Prather, Malin; Bergny He has been running one mile be­ son, Don L. Arant. Brunhild Romtvedt, Bonanza; Mu­ hind a car every morning on his Barbara Ellen Bayne, Robert riel Samuelson, Gardner; Grace M. way to work. Those who have not Thrasher, Murphy; Maxine H. seen Craig in action have really W. Bayne, Alice Ellen Beare, Gene Tyrrell, Rogue River; Norma Jean missed seeing a fine wrestler at C. Bishop, Harlan Henry Bishop. Florence Mouryne Burton, Henry Wertz, Climax; Irene Yokem, Chil­ work. D. Bussey, Char lai ne E Byrd. oquin; Frances D. Longley. Boli­ ------------- e------------- Kenneth Lloyd Canady, Wai lac«* nas, Calif; John Henry Miller, CHORAL CLUB CLOSES C. Cannon, Donna J. Clark, Alice Copco, Calif. M Clary, Aileen Alair Clifton, L*>- The junior college group in­ SEASON WITH PARTY As a grand finale to a moat ÄUC- ren M Cluse. Ida Lorraine Cluse. cludes Peter N. A. Barker. Rich­ ard E. Corthell, Robert A. Cor- ; cessful year, the members of the Arthur W. Coulter, Blair Donivan thell. Charles Jack Hanel, Robert Ashland Choral club met Monday Crosby, Paul W. Culiop. Doris Evelyn Davies, Betty Jean Warren Stearns, Ashland; Walter evening at the home of Mrs. Ivor Rudolf Enders, Robert Anton Hub­ Erwin and enjoyed a delicious ham DeLlsle, Lee Dunham. Glenn A bard. C. LaVerne Johnston, Rich­ dinner. Mrs. C. M. Litwiller, chair­ Durham. Lowell Enother, Ray Elliott, N. | ard Schuchard Medford; Phyllis man of the entertainment commit­ Grace Keith. Virginia Lea Miller, tee for the year, assisted by the Dolores Erwin. Don Flaharty. Ralph Alonzo Grants Pass, Lude Onnis Grieve, members of her group, planned Prospect; Theodore George Jantz - the meal which was served buffet Foster, Theo. G. Freudenthaler, Claud Garrett, Thomas William ner, John Milton Parks. Lakeview. I style. Mrs. George Mason , retiring George, Charles J Gettling. Owen —•—---------- president, called a short business Bradford Griffith, Jimmie Gunter. 1 COLLEGE MEN MAY Lowell Alvin Hall, Jeannette El- meeting at which time officers for ENLIST IN RESERVE the year 1942-43 were elected woodina Hays, Mary L. Harvey. (Continued from page 1) These include Mrs. Ze I ma Caswell, Pearl Marie Henry. David * . James al function to perform in war as president; Mrs Alta Payne, sec­ Hilo, Marie Lucinda Hill. Betty well as in peace but it is some­ retary-treasurer; Mrs. C. E. Corry, Jean Hollingsworth, Clarice i Ilene what different. librarian; Mrs Esther Sullivan, i Homes, Marjorie House, Dolla The country can no longer af­ j June Hughes ford to have young men proceed publicity. Maries J. Jacobson. Alma Irene Entertainment for the group with their education at a moderate tempo. Extra curriculum activities was provided by the shower of I j Jesael. Rose Emma Orlie Kerrigan. gifts presented to Mrs. Bruce not specifically directed toward » Richard D. Kerr. Wallace, and the winding of yards physical or mental preparation Victor E. Lantis, Marjorie E. of string by Mrs. Epler which for participation in the war effort can no longer be encouraged. In proved to be fastened to a hand­ Lutz. Pauline Dolores Maggard. Clar­ war times receration in college life some cocktail table, and by Mrs. ence "Mark” Marquess. I^aurena Hufman whose string led her to must be limited to that necessary a beautiful floor lamp. Mrs. Epler Martin, Dick Lawrence Merriman. for a healthy and well-rounded ex­ and Mrs Hufman have given un- Rose Mary Messenger, Robert Gene istence. Ln other words, the col­ leges in war time must be places stintingly of their time and talent Morris. Wilma Dean Norris. Emily E. this year and the club hopes it of intensive effort and accomplish­ m Norris. ment. For those colleges which are has said "thank you”—at least Robert W. O'Harr*. prepared to proceed with educa­ small measure. Dorothy Marie Pederson. Fred ------------- •------------- tion along these lines, and for David Pretty man Jr. those young men who are prepared ASHLANDERS FINISH AT ORC James Quackenbush. OREGON STATE COLLEGE— to enter or remain in college with Frances (^ Reekman, Hattie L. these purposes and who have the May 27—I Special)—Jackson coun­ Rice. Ida Gladys Ricks, Robert qualities of mind and character to ty is represented by eight stu­ carry them out, the army and dents among the 751 receiving de­ Lee Rose, Edith Mae Russell. Leslie J. Samuelson, Wilma navy will enlist a substantial num­ grees at the 73rd annual com­ Jean Sauer, Snaron Genevieve ber of I ch men in the appropriate mencement Saturday, May 30. Of Schofield, Charlotte Cleo Skinner, enlisted reserve corps, and under this total, three are from Ashland. I Lena Mae Silva, Biancne Eugenia Those from Ashland are; present conditions will leave them Jack W Petersen, BA in science, J Smith, Eva Mae Smitn, James Eu­ on an inactive status to continue gene Smith, John Speece, buna their education, subject to immed­ Andrew Eric Johnson, BS in rrances springer, Yvonne Siaiey, iate call of the secretary of war or pharmacy, and Earle Wallace Marjorie Hose btamer, Fred r Chamberlain. BS in engineering the secretary of navy. Staines, Max Sturgeon, Sigireu Irven Surber. Donald George Van Curler, Jes­ sie Bertha Vestal. Faith Stanley Warnock, Jerry G. Weils Jr., Max Lewis Wniteu, June Elizabeth Wilkins, Florence Agnes Williams. Marvin Leioy Williams, Frederick Paul Wilson, Meriyn Gene Wood, Richard Wes­ ley Woodcock. Edna Lucille Yockel. ------ ------- •------------- [On Hit 9f the Veer i Monday Night’s Armory Card LITHIA K N T E R T A t N M E N T I •hoitr 7MI Friday, Saturday MR. WISE GUY’ with Eastside Kids pilla ARIZONA PENNY SINGLETON la fcitlinxl with Glinn Ford mid Anita Miller at the Llthla Theatre in Columbia'* “Go West, Young 14Mb.'” bright new comedi with music. • FOR paying investments in all kinds of Real Estate and Busi­ ness op|M>rtunitles. see Andrews at Billings Agency. Buck Jones and Tim Mc( oy Sunday, Monday and Tuesday 0 28-6 IN Have your work done KIGHT nt the Hom«' of lUtb-r Printing------- THE MINER I’ll ESS. Dr. C. C. Dunham Chiropractic I’hyslciun ornee 244 llargadlnr Fir. 332 1 NOTICE! If you don't want to sell your property, don't list it with ua! II 11 F F M A N For Reul Estate 65 N. Main A 315 K. Main SINGLETON GLENN FORD ANN MILLER CkMlls *■>(.'«> SIMn tMfeul C. INSURANCE I» one of the *afe-giusrd* agninnt Io«*. You can protect jourwlf ugaliiKt many Io»*«-* which can hap|M-n to uny of lie, any time. A frw dollar* today may «ave a thou*an