Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, May 28, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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Thursday, May 28, 1942
Ford's parants, Mr and Mi« Floyd
• Mr and Mr« Melvin Crow re­
turned Friday to their home in
Modesto after spending a week
with Mis Crow's parents .Mt and
age for the free service Clinic will Mrs 1. E Deadmond and with
open at 1 p. m Mrs. Lem Frink, Mra. Dott Williams and family
• Mr and Mm Elvis Cochran and chilli man, urge« all parents to
• Sgt. Victor l-anlni who is with
children of Chiloquin air «pending participate.
the army stationed In California,
their vacation wltii Mr. Cochran's
visited a few >iay« last week with
puient«. Mi and Mia Roy ('off
man and Mra. Cochran's mother, Calif., a former resident of Talent, his parents, Mr and Mra. Vincent
Lanini He went from here to Eu­
Mra Elizabeth Ix-amlng and fam- visited friends here last week.
• M im Alfred Black received word gene to visit his brother and fam­
Saturday that her father had ily, John lainlnl, before returning
• Mr. und Mra Will Childers an­
passed away at hie home In Te­ to camp
«pending a few day« at Crescent
cumseh, Okla . Mr and Mrs. Black • Miss Ruby Turner and Ronald
< ity thia week.
' recently returned from there
Clark of Tillamook were married
• Mr and Min George Holt • Joe Hannon of Coquille, has Friday evening at the Presbyter -
moved from Phoenix to Talent in been visiting friends and plana ' lan manse The marriage sei vice
I was read by Rev Howard G. Eddy
the Coffman apartment.
| on locating here. Mr. and ■ ■ Mrs.
• Wayne C. Cowdrey Buffered the Hannon and children lived in Tal­ Mr. and Mrs. William Turner, the
loan of half of hi« third finger and ent several years ago
bride's parents, were the only at­
a broken little Unger on bin left • Charlea C Selby passed away at tendants. A wedding supper was
hand in an accident while driving his home Thursday morning. The i I aerved at their home after the
a caterpillar near I'ronpect lant family left Saturday with the body ceremony Guests included Mr and
Thursday. He wns brought to the for Burleigh, Idaho, where the fu­ Mrs. D. M Myers, Mr. and Mrs.
Community hoapltal In Aahland neral t<«>k place on Monday. Mr. Chas. Russell. Mr and Mr« Emil
where he received medical treat­ Selby had been ill for the past Gaseman, Mrs Elizabeth Walters,
| three months.
the Misses Edith Mae, l^eta Vee,
• A bridal ahower waa given for
Rena Pearl and Bertha Lee Rus­
Mina Juanita Boardman Thuraday BELLVIEW NEWS
sell, Sgt, and Mrs Edwin Run«ell
evening Ht tin- boon- of lutV’ell»-
of Monterey, Calif 'Pile young
Maaon Mlaa Boardman wan in the • Tin- Bellview school closed Wed­ couple will make their home at
graduating clann tin« year
nesday with a picnic lunch aerved Tillamook where Mr. Clark oper­
• Bert Simmons who han been at noon, the I’.-T. A. held their last ates a large dairy ranch
Talent marahal for the pant three nieetlnx of the season in the after­
year« han resigned and han accept­ noon at which time the new offi­ CEIJCBR ATEN A N NIVERMAR Y
ed a position an fire chief at Camp cer« for the coming year were
Chapter AC, P.E.O., celerated
White ix-roy (linen han taken over installed.
an city rnarahal
• Mr and Mr«. Jeune Walker and its 20th anniversary Saturday at
• The Townsend club will hold It« children left Friday for Kansas the home of Mrs. Harvey Woods.
next meeting Friday night at the City where they were called by Two of the three resident charter
city hall Charlea W Wetterman the serious illness of Mrs Walk­ members were honored by the
chapter, Mra. Mabel Kinney and
will be the «peaker for the eve- I er'« father.
_ _____________
nlng. A jx»t luck «upper will be •
Mr and Mra. ____
Bob Bell and Mrs. Grace Turner. Mrs. Stella
daughter Judith Ann of Klamath Case Wagner, the other member of
nerved at 7 o'clock.
• Roy Everett who han been Falla spent the week end with Mr. ! the original group Is at present
employed In Hawaii for the pant and Mr« It E Bell
“* the home of " her son Paul, in
four monthn returned to Talent • Henry Stenrud went to work at San Mateo Calif , and an inter­
Thurmlay to Join Mra Everett ’ the cantonment Tuesday morning eating letter was read from her.
A gift of china waa presented
who remained here with her pa - I • Mr. and Mra Warren E. Siebert
renta, Mr and Mr« (). L. Carver made a buxine«« trip to Klamath to the honored members. At the
conclusion of a delightful hour of
Mr and Mra Everett left Sunday Falla Monday.
• Paul McKennia who underwent reminiscing by Mrs Kinney and
morning for San Francisco.
• Lloyd ijimb of Prospect called a major operation at the hoapltal Mra. Turner, tea was served in
on hia father and elater and broth­ recently waa able to be moved to the dining room Beautiful rosea
from Mr« Turner's garden were
er-in-law. Mr ami Mrn Roy Extra hie home Saturday.
• Lawrence Burnett left Friday • Mr and Mrs Irvin Ross with a used in profusion about the
for a two week« vacation in eaat- group of friends visited Sunday rooms and each member was pre­
at the home of Mr« Rosa's moth­ sented with a nosegay by Mr«, Don
enr Oregon.
• The young people of the Meth- ! er, Mra. Hilda Welch, on the Kla­ Whitney, the a««i«tant hoatess.
odlat church enjoyed a swimming math river.
party at Jackaon Hot Springe last • Mt tie Donnie Korth who has • Subscribe for The Miner today
Friday evening
Sixteen wrre been quite ill is some better.
• It D. Reynolds's condition is BOOOCXX)OQOûC«ü*jOjoocx>.x>>.
• Talent preachool clinic will be gretly improved.
held at the city hall in Talent on • Mr and Mra Wm. Ford and
June 5 All parent« are urged to: small daughter of Dunsmuir spent
bring their children under achool Saturday and Sunday with Mr.
About People You Know
--- •----
: At the Churches £
J. R. Turnbull, Minister
the Times). Anthem by the choir.
Prayer, praise and Bible study
hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday,
> > >
< or. N. Main and luuirel Sts.
Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister
Sunduy Church school 9:45 a m.
Morning worship 11 o'clock.
Sermon: "Is There no Hope?”
The adult choir under the direction
of R H Cook will lead the sing­
ing and offer an anthem.
The Wesley League tor college
youth und the Methodist Youth
Fellowship for high school youth
will meet in their respective rooms
for worship at 6:45 p m.
Evening sermon, 8 p. m. on the
subject ,'Three Great Wonders."
The midweek praise and Bible
study service each Wednesday
evening at 7:30
> * s
Second and B Street«
Earl F. Downing, Minister
Bible school, 9:45 a. m. George
Andrews, Supt.
Morning worship 11 o'clock. Ser­
mon subject, "The Conduct of the
Christian in the Time of War.”
Christian Endeavor, 7 00 p. m.
with Junior, high achool and young
people's groups.
Evening service. 8:00 p m. Ser­
mon, "A Doctrine that Once Saved
England from Bloody Revolution."
Midweek service, 8:00 p. m.,
* > t
Dr. Claude E. Nay re, Vicar
Holy Communion 8 a. m.
Church school 9:30 a. m.
Morning prayer and sermon il
Holy Communion 9:30 a. m.
Choir will meet at 7:30 p. m.
You are cordially invited to
worship with us.
• Subscribe for The Miner today.
mon by the pastor.
A business meeting of the 1
church follows the worship period
> » /
East Main Street
John R. Poet, Pastor
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m
Bernice Beare, superintendent in
Morning worship at 11 o'clock
with the pastor bringing the men
Young People’s meeting and Ju­
nior meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evan­
gelistic service at 8 p. m. with
the pastor in charge.
Mid-week prayer meeting at 81
p. m. Wednesday.
> > >
If you appreciate food that
Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor
in carefully and expertly
Fourth and C Street«
prepared and 1« tastefully
Church school 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship, 11 o'clock. |
served. If you like courteous
Departmental meetings at 6:30: ,
Evening service, 7:30 Sermon
—you’ll enjoy eating here
by the pastor.
Prayermeeting, Wednesday 7:30
p. m.
Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m
Prayer meeting 8.00 p. m. Wed­
your meeting place
nesday evening.
f i r
Fine Food?
Pete’s Lunch
E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd.
L. P. Furman, Pastor
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship 11 o'clock.
C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­
ning. Evangelistic service to fol­
low at 7:30 o’clock.
C. A. service and choir practice
7:30 Tuesday evening.
Bible study and prayer meeting
7:30 Friday evening.
Everybody is cordially invited
to all services.
r r r
Howard G. Eddy, Minister
Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt
FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST M Wright, superintendent.
Morning worship at 11 o’clock.
Pioneer Ave., South
High school Christian Endeavor
Sunday school, at 9:45 a. in meets at 6:15 p. m.
Sunday morning service at 11
Evening service at 7:30 p. m.
e < r
Subject: Ancient and Modem
Rev. W. *. Meagher, Pastor
Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and
Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday
Hypnotism Denounced.
Wednesday evening
which includes testimonies of
Christian Science healing, is held
at 8 o'clock.
Reading room open daily from
2 to 5 p. m., except Sundays and
The public is cordially invited to
Permanent PRICES!
attend these services and to use
the reading room.
Bible school 9:45 a. m., C. E
Corry, superintendent.
Morning worship. 11:00 a. m.
Sermon "Here I Am." solo. Ralph NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­
Young People's Union 7 p. m.
Clarence F. McCall, Minister
Boulevard and Morton Streets
Gospel service 8 p m. Ten-min­
Church school ^:45 a. m., Mrs
ute singing the songs you love.
Sermon "The Sign of the Scof­ Glen Prescott, superintendent.
Worship service 11 a. m., ser-
fer.** (Next in series on Signs of
$1.50 Cleaning Order. Plain garments—50 cents
I IlkL cash and carry.
f I i F
823 Siskiyou Blvd
Phone 6336
Farther Restrictions
on Telephone Installations
Left to right, from top: Gay Evelyn Neeley, Albert
Claude Newbry, Betty Jean Nichols, Julia Ann Noble,
Sarah Alice Noble, La Mar Ormond, Wilma Lorraine
Owen, Dorothy Parr, Myrtle Pederson, Wayne Russell
Pickens, Georgene Phillips, Bennett C. Provost, James
Edward Rath, I-ola Margaret Redford, Doris Ann Renz-
ema, Ramond R. Renzema, Gene Maxine Rhoads, Sally
Odette Rice, Rosemary Richards, Pearl Kathleen
Russell, Roseangela Sander.
Not pictured: Janet L. Fullerton, Clyde Rodney
Garrett, Joseph James McCallister, Donald P. Warren,
Phillip WlUla.
ssary to Save Materials
ntalto the War
The latest War Production Board Order further re­
stricts the use by telephone companies of materials
essential to the war effort. It restricts the building of
cable or wire lines for the installation of new tele­
phones, both business and residence, if more than a
minimum of construction is involved — except for
service necessary in the war effort or for public health,
welfare and safety. It requires much wider use of
party-line service.
The reason for these restrictions is to save addi­
tional quantities of critical materials used in pro­
viding telephone service—such as copper, aluminum,
tin, steel, magnesium, zinc, nickel. These materials
are urgently needed for the Nation’s planes, tanks,
guns, ships, munitions. They are VITAL TO VIC­
To install one extension telephone may require no
more than 30 or 40 feet of copper wire, but to install
thousands of them takes enough copper to wire a Beet
of bombers.
The immediate effect of these restrictions upon the
public will vary in different localities, depending
upon what, if any, facilities are available. If you
should be unable to secure the service you want, we
know you will understand why. The temporary sacri­
fice of your personal convenience will make a worth
while contribution to VICTORY—it is a real part of
the price of protecting LIBERTY.
Left to right, from top: Margaret Julia Silver,
Charle« Edward Smith, Julia Leona Springer, William
Albert Stacy Jr., Mary-Alice Virginia Stimson, Aileen
Tamne.v, Harriett A. Turnbull, William Charles Van
Vleet, Ruby Mary yWebb, Phyla Grace Walker, Agnes
Ellen White, Margaret Alice Whittle, Audrey Jean
Wilcox, Ida Willard, Mary Catherine Williams,
Florence Ada Wood.