Page 4 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 1 lc 25c 40c Tax 10 pc Lillard Out for Stellar Mat C ards Fnday and Saturday! Claudette Colbert and Ray Milland “SKYLARK “HEYFOOT” SUN • MON • TUE Jack Benny and Carole Lombard “TO BE OR NOT TO BE” BARGAIN DAYS BIG HITS Promotei .«rack Lillard will con­ tinue his policy to bring southern Oregon w,estnng tans the best available talent in the nailon lo Medford armory next Monday night when he will present another of his stellar mat cards. Lillard was unable to say Just what his line up would be but planned to have an announcement ready late today. Lillard said he hoped to be able to bring Tom Rice, former USF football star and one of the fastest developing grappling men in the business, to Medford in the near future. Norval Stockstill, who was to have met Tex Clinier in a special added attraction last Monday, was injured in training but informed .Lillard he will be able to go in a week or two. Stockstill is an amateur wrestler from Talent who is anxious to break into the mat game. ------------- •------------- CARPENTERS WANTED FOR ALASKA WORK Carpenters are needed in Alas­ ka. The 11th district U. S. civil service office today issued a call I for Joiner carpenters at $11.36 a day plus overtime, for duty at Ko­ diak. A limited number of Journey­ men carpenters for finish work and laborers at $7.78 a day plus overtime are also required. There are no written examina­ tions and qualified applicants re­ ceive immediate appointment. Ap­ plications are taken at the llth district U. S. civil service commis­ sion, room 326 Post Oilice ing, Seattle. ------------- e---------- PETER K. ATHANAS Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday for Peter K. Athanas, whose death occurred Monday. Arrangements were in Indicative of the amount of gas­ charge of J. P. Dodge and Sons. I oline used in Oregon ,it ' would The depth of the Black Sea is have required nine railroad tank cars per day to transport gas- amazing, exceeding 7,000 feet in oline used for non-highway ’ pur- some spots. poses alone in Oregon in 1941, Earl Snell, secretary of state de­ • Subscribe for The Miner today clared today. He announced the state refunded $1,691.745.27 on gasoline purchased in the state and not used for highway purposes last year. The 1941 refund was an increase of $108,757.49 over the refunds for 1940. The state gasoline tax of five cents per gallon is refund­ ed to purchasers of gasoline not used for highway purposes. These uses include tractors, stationary engines, boats and aircraft. The state paid a total of 36,816 claims during the year, with the GfitBaWlUH'S ’«MATES! SHO» ON £AATH" average claim payment amounting WAS THE FIRST CIRCUS TO TRAVtl (Y to $46.10. RAILROAD-MAKIN« HS FIRST TR» IN refunds for gasoline used in 1*72 IN AS SPECIAL " aircraft showed the strongest gains during the year, the total being 25 percent above that paid out in 1940, Snell's report stated. Forty-four percent of all re­ funds went to Oregon farmers. Logging operations accounted for 28 percent while cities and coun­ ties got 10 percent. The remainder was divided up among commercial operations, maritime exports, etc. -------------•------------ MODIFY CuKN BORER BAN An amendment to the recently revised quarantine pertaining to European corn borer in other states was signed recently by the director of the state department of agriculture and will become effec­ tive May 20. The amendment elim­ inates celery, oat and rye straw, cosmos, zinnias and hollyhocks from the list of host plants which cannot be shipped into Oregon ex­ cept under the quarantine provi­ sions. Non-Highway Gas Use Extensive I raters-Pelicans ¿Split First Series i'ue Medlord Ciatera and K«a- main runs 1'«means split even in men WivK-eiiu senes v X ikii rip­ ened the newly-ioi med Viegou- California baseball league at the Craters park. lue Uviiuana rapped Dutch Lieber in Suturday night's game to win 7 to 5 but Sunday arte moon the Craters came back strong to stop the Pelicans 10 to 1 behind the fine pitching of Steve Crippen. lhe week-end series between Giants Pass and Dorris, the other two teams in the league, was post­ poned and will be made up later in the season. Meuiord meets Dorris in a two-game senes tins week­ end at Dori is and Klamath Falls goes to Grants Pass for a like schedule. The Medford athletic association has announced that the Baer Pho­ to Service team of San Francisco one of the finest senii-pro teams on the coast, will play the Crat­ ers May 30 and 31 at Medford. —•------------ GAME COMMISSION TO MEET IN PORTLAND JUNE IS The Oregon State Game com­ mission will meet on Saturday, June 13, at its office in 616 Ore­ gon building, Portland, to consider [ the 1942 season, bag limits, and ! methods for the taking of game ! animals, game birds and fur bear­ ing animals. The rulings found ad­ visable by the commission will be publicized at that time and the meeting then will be adjourned until June 27 when the formal . order will be passed. This will J give the general public two weeks to study and become familiar with the regulations and also provide the commission an opportunity, | before final action is taken, to, grant a hearing to any organiza- tions or individuals who have ob- i Jections to offer. • Boxing, the science of self- I fense and sport, found its incep­ tion far back in the days of the siege of Troy, 2500 B. C. Thursday, May 21, 1942 ANSWERS h .«*••*•••*•****««•**••, I 1 April 30. 1798. 2. Theodore Roosevelt. 3 August 15, 1914. 4. No. 5. Three. 6. Oliver Goldsmith. 7. For his bold signing of the Declaration of Independence. 8. Sir Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell. 9. West Indies. Bahama anil Azore islands. Hawaii, northern Africa and Queensland. 10. An alloy in which tin is the basic metal. The tin is usually mixed with lead, but antimony, bis­ muth, brass and copper are also used Write a Letter If you have a son, friend, or rel­ ative in some branch of the Unit­ ed States armed forces, the Miner invites you to bring his address, along with notes of his progress in camp, to this office for publi­ cation in this column. A letter from the folks at home is one of the things every soldier looks for­ ward to and appreciates most Don't you think it is worth a three cent stump ami a little of your time to wme a cheering let- i ter to some friend or olatlvv who hus thrown aside his Job to keep our homes mid country what the.' ! are today? David Hitman's addieiia v.i enoneousiy smieu in iusl week* I ¡E N T E R t A I N M E N I issue. The correct address is 2727 | Phone 7561 N 13th street, I'hiladelphia, Penn Pfc. MacKenzle Roberson, who I "burned up" the basketball court.* | for Ashland high a few years ago | is stationed nt Fort Stevens where he is in the supply department ■ Letters addressed to him at 24f»tb i Coast Artillery, Fort Stevens. Ole ! gon, will reach him. Bud Etzweller. who played line | man on Ashland high football teams about 11*33 and l»o4, la un with deigning an 18 weeks course in n radio operators' cluss in Scottfleli and Hi. He writes that the post is cci tainy a melting pot for college plus inen. Just about every college In the country is represented and de green are quite common Bud. who | attended 8OCE after graduation from Ashland high, says he is do­ ing his best to uphold the honor of SOCK. His address Is 30th T 8. 8. B 778. Scottficld, III with Letters addressed to Win. N. El- hart, Bill to the home folks, must be sent to USS MacDonough. and t Pearl Harbor. T H. care of Fleet P. M. LITHIA Friday, Saturday Jhe Bombay ^¡'Clipper Irene Hervey William («argan Bullets for Bandits Bill Elliott Tex Ritter Sunday, Monday and Tuesday WESTERN AUTO’S May Bargain Round*Up Poiomtvhf Fill M.cMURRAY montisi à is in full swing. See circulars for com plete list of bargains. Lawnmowers are still available at $5.98 Wednesday and Thursday WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. Mid-Week Special J AMEN G. MACKIE Authorized Dealer ! 1 cents and 1 5 cents • Subscribe tor Die Miner today A convenient service for sending me; y • • • paying bills...making installment payments or mail order purchases PoNtL*H° ASSOCIATION O« AMERICAN OARBOADS I2J1 Dr. L. W. Stoffers • • ’ DENTIST Hours 9-12 and 1-5 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 Famous Beer From Seat Ho First National Bank money orders may be obtained at any branch in amounts up to $100. The cost is only 10c per order! You need not be a depositor to onfoy this service O. H. WINNIR, Manager AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT fHlliU.4 rx< ttement : HSHLRflD BRffllCH /_\ir FOR VICTORY ★ IUY DEFENSE BONDS Medford Armory Pieket«, < mi kaJe at ; n. 2*00 Wwlfnrrf. Oreg/m tw owr. rr.r n WKÏfELECT BEER SEATTLE BREWING « LTING CO. Since 1878 Emil Sick, President FIRST RRTIOnnii BRNK OF PORTLAND*-**^« First National Bank West of the Rockios* MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION