Thursduy, May 21. 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know i last week. • Homer Vincent, Jr., was home from college for a short visit with his parents, Mr und Mrs Homer Vincent. © .Vii and Mis. Lion Rosecrans and daughter lamna of Medford were visiting friends in Hilt Sun­ day. • Mrs Frank Graves and Mis. T. t^uamme drove to Yreka on busi­ ness Monday afternoon. • Audomar lie Clerck and Billy Gran attended a show in Ashland 1 Sunday evening sumer division Emits can be canned without sugar and then sweetened as used. However, a sugar syrup does make a better looking canned product, and if you are going to show your efforts to your mother-in-law, plan ahead to use your sugar quota on your own specialties The consumer division points out that fruits for pies or other crxrking require no sugar when they are canned. Page 3 Christian Endeavor will meet 15 r NOTICE! minutes earlier, at 6:45 in order If you don't want to sell to make it possible to attend the your property, don't list it baccalaureate service. with us! Tne evening service will be die­ C. II U F F M A N missed for the baccalaureate ser- For Real Estate vice at the Methodist church, 65 N. Muln A *45 E. Main Midweek service, 8:00 p. m., L. 11 Wednesday • Fred Carson left Wednesday club voted to send Gury Chilstlieb evening for San Francisco on a to the 4-H summer school at short business trip Corvallis • Bill Elhart spent a five-day • Mi and Mix John Childers of furlough with his parents, Mr. Klamath Falls, spent Saturday FIRST CHURCH OF ( HEIST and Mis, H H. Elhart, returning with Mrs Childers' mother, Mrs SCIENTIST to his ship this evening. itoxanna Jackson. Pioneer Ave., South • Hal McNair Wcdncs • Mrs. Ralph Hall returned to her Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Chiropractic Physician day night from Bakersfield, Calif home in Oakland Calif , Monday Sunday morning service at 11 to which point he flew Monday after spending several days with o’clock. Office 244 lUrgadlne Ph. M21 tor a short visit with his son, her mother, Mrs Malinda King. ♦. At Subject: Soul and Body. James. With his preliminary Mrs. King celebrated her 82nd Wednesday evening meeting, • o training nearly completed at the birthday ami wax guest at a din­ which includes testimonies of army air base at Bakersfield, Ja­ ner Monday noon. Other guests In­ i Orris tian Science healing, is held mes expects to be transferred to cluded Mix. Ralph Hall, Mr. and FIRST PRESBYTERIAN : at 8 o'clock. CHURCH an advanced training school to Mis. George King of Ashland, Mr. Reading room open daily from Howard (i. Eddy, Minister win his "spurs ” Mr McNair re- , and Mix Elmer Byrd and daugh­ 2 to 5 p. m, except Sundays and •Mtltch In Time Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt ports an enjoyable trip both ways ter, Mis. Earl Hamilton and ; holidays. M Wright, superintendent. and finds flying a great conven­ daughter, and Mrs. John Farmer. •Guard < ukr Cutter The public is cordially invited to Morning worship at 11 o'clock. ience where time is short. • Mrs. Mlles Farmer und daugh­ • Heels from Old Kuhltrr High school Christian Endeavor attend these services and to use • Among out-of-town guests at ter Betty !»u of Ihirris are spend­ meets at 6:15 p. m. the reading room. •Beniffird Nighties? Nay! the Elks May dance Saturday ing several days with Mr and Mrs Evening service at 7:30 p. m. night were Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. G. Byrd Betty is confined • King Cotton .Not Snubbed t » t TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Peyton of Klamath Falla, Mr to bed with the measles Dr. Claude E. ,>ayre. Vicar FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE • Stiop|MTw rememlMT Peyton Is exalted ruler of the Kla­ • George Thompson Is recovering Holy Communion 8 a. m. E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. math Falla lodge. ’ from an injury to one of his legs L P. Furman. Pastor Church school 9:30 a. m. • Mrs W B Stennett and Mrs ' when he fell Ht his home last Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon Morning worship 11 o’clock. A STITCH in time saves pinning Pittman are attending the stale 1 Friday. o'clock. C. A service 6:45 Bunday eve­ assembly of Rebekahs In Portland • DeForest Metcalf of Oakland of course, but ladles, you'd bet­ Holy Communion 9:30 a. ning Evangelistic service to fol ­ this week. spent Bunday and Monday with his ter start saving pins. That com­ Wednesday. low at 7:30 o'clock. • IXinald Ramsey left for Port­ parents. Mr and Mrs. James mon ordinary household pin has Choir will meet at 7:30 p. If you appreciate food that C. A. service and choir practice land Bunday evening to enter the Metcalf. a new Importance today because 7:30 Tuesday evening. Thursday. is carefully and expertly navy as electrician s mate, second • Mr and Mrs Calvin Owens of of the War Production Board’s You are cordially invited Bible study and prayer meeting prepared and is tastefully class, naval reserve. Harrisburg are visiting with Jobn ban on the use of copper and Its 7:30 Friday evening. worship with us. ------------ •------------ served, if you like courteous bronze alloys such as brass and Everybody is cordially invited Owen and Mr and Mrs. Roscoe Owens, new residents of Bellview. in many civilian articles, Seems to all services. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH service and fair price*. < / / Cor. N. Main and I-aurel Sts. John Owens has bought the Wells that one third the pins manufac­ —you'll enjoy eating here Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister ranch and he and his son and tured in 1940 and 1941 were made CHURCH OF THE NAZ Sunday Church school 9:45 a. m. Bertrand F. Peterson, 1 • The annual budget meeting for family l-+— graceful Flowerlike CURVED TO FIT tives since his release from the lation went into effect on retail BELLVIEW NEWS loveliness ! 10K gold goods May 18, that charges are hospital. As smart and new as • The Upper Valley Community • Mrs. Olive Allison spent the fixed in individual store levels. Con­ ed gold plate case RINGS! club held their last meeting of the week-end at Weed with Mr. and sequently .one dealer's charges for j tomorrow ! . . . Curved with matching band. season last Wednesday. Fourteen Mrs. C. Calkins and fished on the same article may be more Both Boys and Girls 17 jewels than that asked across the way. to fit the wrist .... members were present for the Butte creek Sunday. Priced. covered dish luncheon. Mrs. E. S. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker were The shopkeeper may char-» for 7-jewel Swiss move­ each article the highest price he Heydenburk, president of the fed- in Yreka on business Saturday. asked during the base period, eiated clubs of southern Oregon, ment—10K gold plate • Billy Gran drove to Kerby, Ore., March of thia year. After May 18, was a guest and gave a very in- Tuesday to visit relatives, and re­ stores are required to post the case— teresting talk on "Mothers of To­ turned Thursday. ceiling price of many representa- day.” She also had charge of in­ stalling the officers for the coming • Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe F. Geroy tive items. year; president, Mrs. R. D. Rey­ an dchlldren are visiting relatives ♦ < e “Home of Better Jewelry” JF YOU’RE trying to stretch that nolds; vice president, Mrs .John and friends in Idaho. Swedenburg Building Ashland, Oregon Heilmeyer; secretary, Mrs. John • Mrs. Jake Lindener and daugh­ sugar ration of five pounds McCoy; treasurer, Mrs. R. E. Bell; ter of Yreka were visiting her per person for home canning,1 Dr. C. C. Dunham the Churches | MRS. AMERICA IN THE WAR DO YOU LIKE Fine Food? Budget at Talent Higher for 1943 GREEN SLABS Gunter Fuel Co. INSURANCE Red Cross Class Does Much Work M. T. BURNS CLEANING SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS They’ll Love a Gift From Ramsey’s Priced $3 up $3.50 up RAMSEY JEWELRY STORE trustee, Mrs. Claude Conley. The mother, Mrs. M. Self several days here’s a Up from the OPA con-