Thursday, May 14, 1042 ■ ■.—I -• SOUTHERN OREGON MINER . . ■ . , ....... air base, and Ralph Hamilton of Fort ¿kolt, Calif, are spenJm;; a few days ut home Sammie and Ralph are sons of Mr and Mrs. Sam Hamilton and Tom Thanos Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thanos. • Mis. Don Hurigate and Mrs Roy Uni uh of Prospect attended th«- giaduatlon exercises at Talent Thursday evening. • Ben Clark's house Is receiving a coat of white paint. Rev. Freid- enbeig ix doing th«- painting. Page 3 to cUss Sunday school work; Ken­ r NOTICE! neth A. Wo'xl will call attention to youth work of the church,! If you don't want to sell 1 1 a your property, don’t list it lAwrence Powell will have some-' CHURCH OF CHRIST with us! thing to say about Boy Scouts;) Second