Thursday, Muy 7, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know ; • Mi und Mis. Kenneth Bums or Bunsinulr ais the patents oi u six-pound one ounce duuglilcr bom luonuuy morning at the Aahland Community hospital. • Visitors limn Hums Sunday w • oWrd hus been received in Ash­ land that Mrs. J. Fowler, nee Frances Webb. Is now located at Fort Warren, Wyo., to which point IX Fowler recently was trans­ ferred from officers' training school at Peterburg, Va. • George R Carter, county clerk was transacting buxine« sin Ash­ land Monday • Waller J Lookrr of Medford, candidate for the republican nom­ ination for state senator from Jackson county, was looking over the political situation In Ashland Wednesday. —•— TALENT NEWS • Mr. and Mrs Charles Selby of l^ewlston. Ida arrived in Talent Monday to »visit Mr. Selby’s par­ ents The father is confined to his bed with heart trouble To Represent YOU IN CONGRESS FROM THE NEW FOURTH DISTRICT • Homer Vincent, realdent man­ ager of the Fru». Gruwera Supply company at Hilt, waa in Susan­ ville on buaineaa early last week, returning Thursday with Mr. Simpson who spent Friday and Saturday here, and left Sunday. • 'lm Red Cross sewing class postponed its Tuesday meeting until Thursday last week, due to Mis. Oiilund'a illness Thirty five al tended The amount of woik be­ ing accomplished by the local group is very gratifying. Mrs. Frank Bernhelsel and Mrs Dia­ mond Newman were hostesses and served delicious refreshments • Mr and Mrs Frank Ward spent the wek-end at Dunsmuir with their daughter, Mrs. Walter Bray, and family. During their visit, Frank Ward and Walter Bray at­ tended a central committee meet­ ing at Weed. • Mr and Mrs. Ham Dunaway und Mr and Mrs. Ray Elliott at­ tended the civilian defense meet­ ing in Yreka. • The 20 members of the Red Cross nursing class, under the able instruction of Mrs. Olive Al­ lison, have completed half of their 12 lesson course of nursing at the present time. --------- e---- Page 3 139 OREGON Dill V ERM l-OSE LICENSE I ME NAMED SOCIETY EDITOR OF 1 YEARBOOK A total of 139 Oregon drivers lost their driver’s licenses through suspension or revocation proceed­ ings during the month of Febru­ ary, a report compiled in the office of Earl Snell, secretary of state, revealed today. Of thr 139, there were H4 revo­ cations and of these. 74, or Hk percent, were for driving while intoxicated. Of the 55 suspensions, 25 were for reckless driving. •—• ------- • Subscribe for The Miner today. Jean Frideger of Ashland, a sophomore in business administra­ tion at the University of Oregon, was appointed society editor of the Oiegana. yearbook for the university, it was announced this week by Wes Sullivan, editor of the yearbook. The Oregana is a publication edited by the students of the uni­ versity each year It contains pic­ tures and stories of the activities of the school for one year. —•------------- • Mis. Andy Carrol und duugli-t ter Lal lie r of the Trad country were camng in Talent 'luesday • Mta Guy Hamilton lell rnday J evening tor tteuitK to visit net son Karl and family. w Mi and Mrs. ism Hervey und iHtnliy who have been living on Wagner Cicek for the past win­ ter moved into the Sherard piop- eity Saturday. • Mi and Mrs. Sim Morris of Ashland called on Mr. and Mis. Glen Withiow and other friends ounday afternoon. • C. C. Selby who has been u patient at the Community hospital m Ashland returned to his home InuiMday evening somewhat lm- pioved. « The Community club met Wed­ nesday afternoon. Study of Aus­ tralia was the topic discussed • Mi und Mrs Allen Clark mov­ ed to Medford Saturday to be near Mr. Clark's work at Camp White • Friends and class mates of Anita Maxson gathered at her home Monday evening and gave ner a surprise. The occasion being ner birthday Anita received many • Subscribe for The Miner today. lovely gifts. Refreshments were served at the close of the party by Mrs. Maxson, • Mi unenl in visiting. - • Tile junior-senior dinner and ■lance was held May 1. The decor­ ations in the dining room and ■ gym were in keeping with May day. The May pole, beautifully decorated in rainbow colors, serv­ ed as the centerpiece on the din­ ing table. Dinner was served by the P-TA Bnccalaureate services | were held In the Methodist church Humlay morning, with the Rever- 1 end Astleford officiating. His ser­ mon was on "Building the Temple of Life." Republican for • Mrs. Al Hherard was moved from her home last Friday night j to the Caswell convalescent home at Mi Laurel street in Ashland 1 Mrs Sherard has been an invalid - almost a year and her condition “Service to My Community, remains about the same • Nineteen seniors of Talent high State and Nation” school received diplomas in exer­ cises marking the cluse of school last night. The exercises were LOOKER FOR SENATOR held In the gymnasium where the COMMITTEE loiiowing graduates were awarded the coveted "sheepskins": Juanita Paid Advertisement Boardman, Almena Dobbins, Vir­ ginia Garvin, Patricia Haney, Lor­ na Hayman, Ruth Kymston, Lucile Young, Barbara Terrill, Mary Lou Remember Mother Thanos, La Velle Mason, Willis Cole, Bob Marquess. Alvin Fenton, ' with Mai cus McKenzie. Russell Sea­ man, Bill Slack, Davis Young, L»oyd Lacy ana Tony Klimek. The class motto was "Forward, RAMSEY’S JEWELRY Ever, Backward Never." Class STORE flower, American Beauty rose, Sweden burg Bldg. AahlanC class colors, maroon and white. • *********************** VOTE FOR WALTER J. LOOKER State Senator Ln CHEAP printing Is expensive. THE SUREST WAY TO “INVALIDE” YOUR CAR •Just keep right on driving it with poor brakes, wheels out of alignment, worn bearings, and dirty sludge oil that should have been changed weeks ago io this and !♦ won’t make much difference whether you have a good set of tires for your car. THE BEST CAR OPERATING INSURANCE is to drive in to Caton’s and have a complete overhaul and tune-up job. Remember— you’ve got to make the old “bus” last a long time. CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) SOME THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP THE ALL-OUT WAR EFFORT RECOMMENDED BY OUR GOVERNMENT— MAINTAIN YOUR PROPERTY in as good con­ dition as it is now. That means take care of small repairs when needed. KEEP IT PAINTED—Right now we have com­ plete stocks of all kinds of paint and paint pro­ ducts but some kinds will be hard to get very soon, and some will be off the market for the duration So place your order at once even if you do not use it until later. ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Phone 3291 KEN WEIL, Manager Oak A “Life-Saver” for property owners is the new 8-point multiple cover­ age that can be added to your fire insurance for a small additional premium: Windstorm Explosion Aircraft Hail Riot Vehicle Smoke Fire — following the fall of a part of the building. ASK US ABOUT IT TODAY Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Maia TxrcrixixrLTrrrirrrrrrzrr JEWELRY “Oregon has a big Job do: increasing the tempe of our war effort; getting the industries and payrolls Oregon needs; preparing for post-war economic readjustments. I pledge to the people of Oregon a program that is aggressive and effec­ tive — the job will be done!” • . . Earl Snell HILT NEWS REPUBLICANS VOTE 15X ----- FOR----- • Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Black and children moved last week to the Sulphur Springs Ranch, recently purchased by Louis Alphonse. • Mr. and Mrs. Don Ward and daughter Diane spent Sunday vis­ iting at the Elmore home near Hornbrook, and fishing in the Klamath river. • Mr. and Mrs. Gus Sot tan a and daughter visited relatives in Weed Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. John De Witt and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward attend­ ed a meeting of the Eastern Star lodge in Yreka Friday night. • Mr. and Mrs. E. HJertager of Yreka visited Homer Vincents and Frank Wards Wednesday evening. • Billy Gran and Ernest Dutro drove to Ashland Sunday after- GREEN SLABS Gunter Fuel Co. 42 Helman Dial 5751 INSURANCE I-et us guarantee payment of your focal, rent, dot-tor and other bills, when you are sick or injured. Drop in and let's talk It over. M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA Leadership by a man who says, "It can be done — state and local taxes can be cut.” A man with a definite pro­ gram to accomplish tax reductions. leadership to speed Oregon’s war effort. A war veteran for a war Governor. leadership leadership for Oregon’s industrial de­ velopment. Leadership to get the industries and payrolls Oregon needs NOW. that is efficient, effective, friendly. Snell inspires co­ operation. ELLSWORTH • ABLE •INTELLIGENT • SINCERE • EXPERIENCED a Harris Ellsworth's Slogan Is: "Concentrata on victory; elim­ inata government non-essen­ tials: develop Oregon's miner­ als, farms and forests." Paid Adv. Ellsworth for Con­ gress Com., L. E. McClintock, Secretary, Roseburg, Oregon. rwrv ouvenrcun "SNCU GITS THINGS DONC!" "A WdP Veteran for A War Governor "