Thursday, May 7, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 Southern Oregon Miner FRED MILTENBERGER O. O. CRAWFORD Publishers Published Every Thurs. at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON ¥ ★ Entered as second-class matter February 15, 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR............$150 SIX MONTHS............. 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) ★ TELEPHONE 8561 SET YOU FREE “THE TRUTH WTLL¿ I mini. 'Jn«*ii use a furniture polish Kincaid, Eunice Kincaid, Mr. and Mr». Walter Davis and daughter r < f I'LRDLES hav«' pmved as much Lyda Catherine, Mr. and M in of a government headache u Wud< WnlllH Ml ind Mi 1. A some pixMiucllon piouiems. T lie 1 Pankey, Mr and Mrs .1 g . G ow - latest icguiauon is tms; in omii land. Mr. and M in Henry Stenrud. to maki* suppues now on IIUIIU Mrs. Sorenhon. Earl Warren, Mrs “Army .*• ” N»*«*«h. RiH-rult*» last as long us possible, tile M C Haynes, and guest of honor. < lints Substitut«*« amount of eiastic fabric that may M ihm Marie Walker. Cultus Playing Cards b«» ust'il in foundation gaimeni» • It l> Iti'ynolua who ha» twen 'has been reduced 50 percent, 'inis i ill for the past several month» u More Sugar—May be ’ will extend production qt least ' »lowly improving. New H uiii .' s eight or nine months. Sim}«' tneie • The Uppet Valley Community sh-h! TI mnw Girili«*« Again aie still large retail slocks, this club will meet next Wedne»f Grants Puss, president i of the Southern Oregon Federate« iL’HtN your butcher's refriger­ to come. club», will be present to instal ator breaks down, he can get new officers mateiials tor repair, but when a Mis. America's ice box gets tem­ • The Bellview grange met Tues peramental, she'll bt* out of luck. day evening. During the busmen» MRS. BRUCE HOSTESS rnere'U be no priority rating of I meeting D«>nal«l Nicnols was elect- TO PREACHERS" WIVES Mr» G. W. Bruce was host«*»» any kin«i available for lepaira to' I ed for the scholarship to the 4-H to the Preachers' Wives clul househokl refrigerators. So take, [ summer school at Corvallis the Tuesday afternoon at her home care of yours from now on r ' w first two weeks in June. Steve serious business. That means keep- | ' Cailer, chairman of the recreation 117 Ixturel street Following ill ing it clean and properly oiled j I committee, reported that he hail aftem am of fellowship the hortesi and, particularly, not forgetting registered the grange hall tor use served dainty refreshments nt th» to defrost it regularly I by th«* county recreation commit- MRS. AMERICA IN THE WAR PROMOTING ALIEN IDEALS AX’ANY good people in the United States are opposed, 1 as a matter of principle, to state socialism as it is being promoted in this country through federal power development as an offshoot of flood cntrol, naviga­ tion projects, etc. Private enterprise cannot compete with government in business. We have seen this de­ tit ' tee for entertainment of soldiers your shopping bag ready! from Camp White when th«' hall monstrated in the power field in Tennessee. Today we ^ET Effective May 15, carriers are wasn't in use for community af- are witnessing the determined drive to give federal forbidden to make any special de­ j fairs. The home economics ciub of power projects on the Columbia river the right to take liveries whatever, call back on the the grange met Thursday and day in an attempt to deliver , worked all day on comforters for over any and all private power industries in Washing­ 1 same goods or make more than one de- I | the emergency hospital The hos­ ton and Oregon. livery to a person in a single day. pitality committee, Mrs. R I>. They cannot reconcile themselves to this trend, for And from June 1, delivery mileag«* | Reynolds, Mr and Mrs L. A* must be cut 25 percent in adiii- Richardson, Mr. ami Mrs Chanes they know that once it is established, it will be ex­ tion to these restrictions. Rice. Wiliam Lindsay and Jake tended to other industries. They have witnessed the 111 Royston, served refreshments at ultimate in state socialism in Germany, where the in­ J^UCKS dripping with peanut oil the close of the meeting. are a familiar sight in the dividual is as near a pawn of the state as it is possible windows of San Francisco's China­ • Mr. anil Mrs. Carl Moore and for a human being to be. With all the power of regula­ town. And soon Mrs. America small son returned to their home in Salem Sunday after visiting lot tion that government has over industry, they can see may be taking a tip from the I several days with Carl s patents, Chinese and also using peanut oil no reason for it owning and operating industry to the for certain kinds of cooking. There Mr and Mrs. Homer Moore. exclusion of private citizens. are threatened shortages in other • Paui McKinnls who underwent major operation at the Com­ Why, instead of going into business in competition fats and oils and government home I a munity hospital Tuesiiay is tepori- economists say that peanut oil is with private citizens, as government is doing in the good for frying, particularly foods ed improving. power field, can it not sell power, its “by-product” of which are served cold, such as • Mis. Grace Maier of Ashland was a dinner guest at the Mark navigation and flood control, to private companies to potato chips. It is also good for True home Thursday evening. Sue greasing all type» of baking dish- be distributed by them under suitable public regula­ es or tins. will leave soon for Portland to make her home. tion, with all savings passed on to the consumer? This ^ ’ ITH all the talk about draft • Mr and Mrs. Arthur Hamaker would be the democratic way to run a democracy, war ----- work, ing women for *— ----- *" ' I-arry Hunter and Velma Brower rather than to use the might of government to limit you've probably overlooked the I were Sunday evening callers at the field of activity of private citizens. fact that there'» a women'» army 1 the A. R. Kincaid home. in Washington. D. C. right now. • Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Iatnlni ★ ★ ★ And it needs recruits Stenograph­ j and baby, Sandra Jean, of Eu­ spent the week-end with HEAVIER TRAFFIC CREATES ROAD PROBLEMS ers, clerical workers of all kinds, gene women with special technical Johnnies parents, Mr and Mrs REPORT on traffic conditions in Oregon, both rail­ skills are desperately needed in Vincent Lanini. • Mrs C M Haynes returned last road and highway, brings to light the fact that new the nation’s capital. For qualified week from Central Point where women with a sincere desire to hazards confront the motorist. The secretary of state's help the war effort, here I» a she spent a few days with her office calls attention to the speeding up of freight due timely opportunity to be of ser- daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Floyd Parks. to the war and warns car drivers of the dangers at vice—a way for Miss America to Mrs. • Miss Dorothy Faught of Klam­ meet the war! rail crossings. Not only have more trains been added, ath Falls spent Monday with her < < f but the speed of all trains has been increased (on the JF ORANGES or grapefruit are cousin, Mary Jean Henry. high or unavailable, could you • William Siebert from Fall other side of the mountains, of course). name two vegetables with similar River, Minn, arrived Sunday to “Railroads are carrying a tremendous volume of dietary values? A recent govern­ spend the summer with his bro­ war necessities today and they are traveling at higher , ment nutrition survey showed ther, Warren E Siebert. He is at the Pemel-Gertwn speeds at the request of army authorities,” the report that most housewives attempt to employed serve citrus fruits regularly, but mill. states. “Consequently, there are more trains each day they don't know that both raw • Mrs. Ed Grimm returned Fri- and this means increased hazards at grade crossings. cabbage and tomatoes are accept­ day from Klamath Falls where she visited with Mr and Mrs. Roy Citizens should bear in mind this important fact: an able substitutes. Both of these Clary and Mr. and Mrs. Walter vegetables have the same protect­ accident at a grade crossing today is very likely to ive values as oranges and grape­ Sexton. mean the loss of life due to the speed of trains. Fur­ fruit—a fact to remember if you­ • Mrs. John Prideaux return»*»! to Portland home Wednesday af­ thermore, it may mean costly delays at a time when 're working on a modest budget. her ter spending a week with her par­ 1 1 t speedy schedules are of vital importance. So it is up to new piaymg cards are go­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Joy every individual to exercise extreme caution at grade yOL'K • The Birthday club honored Miss ing to get dog-eared and sticky Marie Walker on her birthday an­ railroad crossings to avoid being involved in a arfti De much naruer to shuttle niversary Sunday at her home, tnan tne old ones. Tne slick var- accident.” with a covered dish luncheon ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ We might suggest that soldiers do not get time and and a half for overtime—and what mother gets by on a 40-hour week? ★ ★ ★ A lot of people will quit worrying about reducing when thei rtires give out. ★ ★ ★ No dime ever looks as big as the one we drop on the church collection plate. "FOR SALE" »liner office. curd« yyHEN you start on your spring housecleaning, get out a wal- nut or pecan along with your scru bbrushes. The OPA Con »urn- scrub brushes. The OPA Consum- little scratches on wooden fuml- ture, all you have to do is rub each one thoroughly with a nut meat. And in sprucing up varnish- ed furniture, here’s another tip! White spots, caused by water or hot dishes, can be removed by rubbing lightly with a piece of flannel dampened with spirits of camphor or essence of pepper* i I ’ Have the right number when you call !<’» natural to tru»t to memory—but when memory play» tricks with a telephone number, you're delayed.... Someone el*e may lx- inconvenienced. ... And telephone line* and equipment, ur­ gently needed today, are tied up. ... When you arc not »ure of a number—won’t you look it up in the telephone directory? THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Southern Oregon Credit Bureau Reporting Office General Office Ashland Medford Phone 3751 210 East Main, Ashland Medford Center Building Phone 2261 YOUR CREDIT RECORD —You make it, We Record it! Take good care of all electrical appliances—you will not be able to replace many of them with new ones. Gov­ ernment freezing orders have cut the manufacture of practically all household electrical conveniences to a point where replacements will be difficult when present retail stocks are depleted. A little closer attention to the upkeep of the vacuum cleaner, the family wash­ ing machine, your electric toaster— EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL — will give them longer life and enable you to maintain your standard of living. / | i I ’ / I I Ihr The quickest way^ That Electricity May Be Your Most Efficient Servant — » at « nian tinish on piaying cards is a Guests were Mr. and Mrs A. R. natural resin, and lor this purpose there is no known substitute. No natural resins are found in this I country or even in this hemi­ sphere. The war is using all rea­ ms, synthetic or natural, for plas­ tics and paints. A WORD OF APPRECIATION yHE MINER can not let the opportunity pass to express a word of appreciation to the Ashland Choral club, its director and accompanist. These people have worked hard during the winter months to pre­ 1 1 1 pare for the annual spring concert, while at the same 'J’HE HUMt, canning sugar al­ lowance has been set at five time appearing at numerous functions in and out of pounds person. Your local ra­ the city. Were it not for their deep appreciation of the tioning per ooarcis will issue special value of good music it would not be the privilege of sugar purchase certificates to one many other music lovers of the community to enjoy so member of the family, and each many high class programs. It is fitting to add that certificate will state the total I amount of sugar tne holder may Ashland is indeed fortunate to have such talent as^Jdrs. purenase. There is a possibility Epler, both as a soloist of rare ability and an equally that if any change is made it will 11 good director, and Mrs. Hufman, whose artistic accom­ De one of addition rather than panying always adds merit to any program where she subtraction. 1 1 1 I appears. JJERHAPS you were a little an- I noyed when you read not long This paper is not unmindful of the good work being ago that you couldn’t have an , done in the public schools and the college where our extension on your telephone. Now I young people are being taught the value of good music you should feel happy if you have and where it has been our privilege to enjoy splendid a telephone! All new Installations have been brought under strict i programs. All in all, this comparatively small com­ government control, and only per- | munity is blessed with a wealth of musical talent and sons in direct war work or in oc­ the facilities for developing a higher cultural life. cupations essential to the public , As we draw near the close of National Music week welfare can be sure of getting I new service. Next year telephone ’ it can be said with a measure of pride that Ashland is companies expect to deny 200,000 truly adding its bit in welding “American unity applications for residential phones, I iri I through music.” ★ large «lining table which was cen­ tered with spring flowers, itev. J. j It Turnbull und Dr, Biuce "hap- |M*nc«l In ' just III lime for refresh­ ments. Those in attendance were Mra -I l< Tmnbuil, Mrs J It i oel, Mrs. L. I* Furman, Mrs. E. J Wine, Estet Wine and Jennie Furnbuli. Plana wer<* mad«* for the next «neeting to be in the form of a oveietl divh dinner for the niinia- er»' families to la* held Kt the mine of Mr» Poet on the evening >f June 8 • .‘IXAMINEIl COMING A traveling «•xiimlner of operat* iin and chauffeur» will be at th»* Ity hull In ..»hland between th«* lour» of I* u m un«i 3 p. m Mon­ lay, May 11 Th»»»«» wishing per* lilt» Of II<'«'I1N«*M to drive curs ure isked to g»*t In touch with the «•X- «miner »luring the»«* hour» Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department”