Page 2 Friday, May 1, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER office in the administration build­ | THIS AND THAT ! era brought here for cantonment work. 1 (By Old Timer) ing of the Southern Oregon Coi- It is regrettable that these reports are being circu­ To the Editor: lege of Education. lated, and even more regrettable if there is cause for Their 1» a new type of tourists Ail effort will be made to pre­ Continental Europt*. They call »ent an intereating and well hal- such reports. If Medford landlords are gouging a little in Published Every Friday FRED MILTENBERGER program. It is an opportun- them Commando». they are merely pursuing a practice followed in other A luxury is something you don't unced at 167 East Main Street tty to hear really fine music, O O. CRAWFORD ASHLAND, OREGON kjK » communities that have found themselves suddenly need but which you want more college official» atatc In i»»ulng an Publishers . Invitation to the public to uttend. expanding in population. It is the old rule of supply than anything you do need F ★ * rX Mu» An Italian doctor report» Entered as second-class and demand and in the local case may be looked upon aolinl has lost control of himself • Subscribe for • The Miner today. SUBSCRIPTION matter February 15, \4fj RATES by some as an opportunity to grab while the grabbing Another crack in the Axis 1935, at the postoffice at (In Advance) • • ♦ ♦ • Ashland, Oregon, under ^»^4 is good. But there is a limit of decency in all such Those small Balkan nation» • • • ONE YEAR $1.50 the act of March 3, 1879. must realise that that waa no matters and greed should give place to some common no Hitler band wagon they hop­ I SIX MONTHS 80c QUESTIONS $ pnU JJU QUESTIONS Ml (Mailed Anywhere in the sense. ped on It turned out to b«* a cage • United States) TELEPHONE 8561 In the generous army of people moving in for the Ben Franklin invented tne ruck­ • ing chair, hut he became a great 'cantonment work there are many who may be looking I man by atudioualy avoiding it. "THE TRUTH W1UV??^ 1 Where was John Milton. the SET YOU FREE” for places to make their homes after the conflict is Anceator worshipping Japs are poet born ? over. There are few spots in the west to offer more being aent to join their anceator» 2. What 1» u celesta ? BE INFORMED—IT WILL SAVE TIME an accelerated rate 3. Who diacovered the aiguli to the homeseeker than this valley and we should be at There arc some sections In thia sheep? DEGISTRATION for sugar allowance will start Mon-1 making a bid for those with means to buy property town adapted to th«* herding of day. May 4, and continue for four days. The task here. Many of them have expressed a liking for Ash­ goats I 4. Who designed the Statue of Ho. hum! has been assigned to the public schools and since the land and regret that there is not more available Rosea are red. vloleta blue; aug- Liberty? How did the word* "In God teachers already have their time fully occupied it will housing here. Some of these people doubtless would ar la sweet and extremely scarce We 5. Trust" come on u coin ? too. be advisable, as well as a matter of courtesy, to go to make this their permanent home. Spading a Victory garden is as 6 Who ruled the world when the registration rooms prepared to answer questions as a round of golf Christ was born ? Reports of high wages paid to some classes of easy Clean up your premises and 7. What is the meaning of the readily and accurately. workers at Camp White may be the reason back of this don’t tolerate a slovenly neighbor. phrase "veni. vedi, vlci?” For instance, don’t hesitate when asked your name, desire to charge excessive rates for living accommoda­ ------- 8. In what country is the cow age, weight or any other personal questions establish tions. A reasonable raise is warranted, but there is FORMER RESIDENTS worshiped a» a sacred animal? 9. 1» the American bison a ing your identity. Each small delay adds to the diffi­ no call for gouging, if such is being done. It would GUESTS OF GALEYS Mr. and Mm. Elmer Washburn member of the cattie family? culty of accomplishing this herculean task of register­ look better to spread the butter a little thinner and of Oakland, Calif , are guests of 10. Who invented the saxo­ ing 130,000,000 people in the short space of four days. have it last longer. Mr and Mrs H. C. Galey thia phone ? week. Have a list of members of your family, give a descrip­ Ashland landlords report business good at present Years ugo Mr Washburn was tion of each individual as required by the registrar. and are pleased to have their houses, hotel ‘rooms, principal of the old North school. and be prepared to state to the pound how much sugar apartments and camp cabins filled. So far as we have later moving to Oakland where he Dr. C. C. Dunham Chiropractic Physicbui is in possession of the family. been able to learn none of them wishes to kill the became dean of the evening high school. He la now retired. Mrs Your cooperation in this matter will lessen the goose while it is busy laying golden eggs, Washburn attended the old South­ Office 244 Hargudlnr Ph. M21 work of the registrars. It is estimated that four min- ♦ ★ * ern Oregon Normal school. She is utes will be required to register those who are prepared Ashland is a victim of the war inasmuch as the 1 a cousin of Mrs. Galey. • ’ to make ready answers, while an average of 10 minutes Plaza project has been given a setback for the dura- PRO MUSICA TO SPONSRO Dr. L. W. Staffers will be necessary for those lacking specific information, tion. The disappointment occasioned by the postpone- MUSK WEEK PROGRAM DENTIST It is only fair to ask in behalf of those handling this ment is not lessened any by the fact that plans for the During Music week. May 4 to 8. Hour» 9-12 and 1-5 work that you not trust to memory but jot down on a | improvement were built in large part around wartime Pro Musica will aponsor a daily Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 recorded program from 12:45 to pad everything calling for an answer as found in an necessity—that is, elimination of a so-called bottle­ 1:15 p. m in Mixa D. V. Huies neck to facilitate traffic which grows heavier as the article on another page of this issue of The Miner. the discontinued type», you ★ * ★ war advances. A spark of hope remains in the possibil­ of need not worry, however, because ity that it may become necessary to eliminate the present stock» are reported ade­ WHAT ARE WE HEADED FOR? TIME was when a citizen of the United States of bl,nd corner within a short time, but that may be a quate for two years And In many a .___. _ could __ , , go about . A . his , . business . - case of the unsh heinF father to the thought Ion& cases, other types may be sutMtl- wish being thought. How long America without A in- that block will have to remain in its present state no tuted for these prohibitions. terference, unless in pursuit of that business he violat­ now you may be walking ed one or more of the laws governing the peace and one knows. It is hoped it will not become one of those J^IGHT around on loofa sponges but things that dies getting fairly started. ¿it safety of others. If he chose to follow a certain pur­ MU ¿^3' • L . < not for long. One of the main ★ ★ ★ suit, such as working at some particular job, there was uses of the loofa plant, grown nothing to hinder him except, possibly, the party for |. Another impediment to the idea of marriage is the commercially only tn Japan, is GREEN SLABS inner sole» in footwear. Other whom he wished to work. If a mutual agreement was increasing difficulty in supporting the government and for popular uses are for household reached between employer and applicant the matter a wife on one income. ’ cleaners and scrubbers. From now ( health supplies and navigation and on, however, the Navy will take ended there. 42 lirlniiui Dial 5751 , communication instruments As most of the loofa sponge» we In the past ten years there has been a decided MRS. AMERICA for your future supply of Freddy have, for use as .oil filters. drifting aw’ay from the old order. Powerful groups Martin and Bing Crosby, manu­ IN THE WAR facturers are experimenting with have seized control of labor and practically everything substitute materials and will also else John Citizen used to deem his own and today it is Remember Mother try reclaiming old records. I N S U R A N C E difficult to define just what is a democracy. But toll • Bonzo Will Scratch > > > let guaruntr«- pu, »lent with QNE OF the oddities of the war illustrate the point in mind at the beginning of this • No Trouser Cuff» of your food, rent, doctor is that sterling silver may and other hili», whrfl you article, an editorial from an exchange is quoted to • Banana» As Skid Grease JEWELRY soon be easier to buy than silver- Record» Suffer Too are nick or Injured. Drop show what others think of the situation. Headed * Turn the Rug Around plate. Already cheaper lines of sil- in and let*» talk It over. RAMSEY’S JEWELRY verplate have been discontinued “Something to Remember,” the editorial states: • luuindrie» Curtailed because copper has been the most STORE “If you have a boy serving his country in the army *' * No More Radio» M. T. BURNS commonly used alloy. Now further Sweden burg Bldg. Ashland ON THE PLAZA or navy, whose life may depend upon the delivery of use of all base metal alloys is for­ supplies to the four corners of the earth, read this: gONZO will have to stand some bidden. A very small amount of scratching—and he can blame alloy metal must also be used for “In Portland, Oregon, where conditions are similar but. so far, there has been Oregon is Forging Ahead with Gov.Sprague to those in hundreds of other American cities, a free-11,18 new tr°uble8 on a “boruge of sterling, no restriction for this purpose. a » » born American citizen answered the call for men to I widely used as an ingredient in AM. TAXES ON PROPERTY for .lair pur- man a new freighter going into the transport service. sprays and soaps for dogs, cats JN THE first concrete demand p»M-. hare hern wi|M- > (and the penalties are se- i Reporting Office General Office join a labor union if he so desires, and he should have vere) from putting cuffs on trous-1 ■yOU’LL just have to turn the Ashland around again and put the Medford the right not to join if he so desires. Certainly no er»—that means maunfacturers, j most rug thread-bare spot under the Phone 8751 Medford Center Building retailers, custom tailor and you, private organization should have the power to deny a the customer's wife. sofa. Last week, Jute for rug mak­ 240 East Main, Ashland Phone 2281 ing was further curtailed; this man the right to work in a war effort, until that man wool has been banned en­ can first pay it a cash tribute. How long the rank and JF YOU can’t get bananas for week, tirely for all floor coverings, dra­ dessert some evening it may I file of American citizens will put up with such a condi­ be because they have been used in- 1 pery and upholstery fabrics. Ev­ YOUR CREDIT RECORD tion remains to be seen.” stead to launch a ship for victory. en wool that manufacturers had You make it, We Record it! on hand cannot be put into pro­ Does not such occurrences make you pause and A subchaser recently went down cess. The only bright spot for con ­ to the sea on a cushion of seven wonder what we are headed for? In war time it is ex­ tons With fats and sumers is that all wool now in pected that unlimited powers will be vested in the oils in of the bananas. critical-material class, production will be permitted to President and others in high authoritative offices, but bananas have proved a worthy be run through for the civilian v w w e W V w w w w . v » w ■»--w-v the ways. market. is it not carrying things a little too far in these strenu­ substitute for > greasing > < ere The World’s News Seen Through > > ous times to indulge in racketeering at the expense of p^ LITTLE insect < your laundry man and dry of northern In­ ■ T he C hristian S cience M onitor < those who are willing and anxious to help in the de­ dia and your recording of Bee­ cleaner are up against it. Just ■ An International Daily Nemipt/ifr like Mrs. America they won ’ t be thoven’s Fifth Symphony have al­ fense effort? futliiM by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING S« »< II I V Southern Oregon Miner ★ f f f Gunter Fuel Co. uh o m Southern Oregon Credit Bureau ★ ★ ★ DON’T KILL THE GOOSE! DEPORTS are being circulated, and apparently not without foundation, that landlords of the Rogue River valley are charging exorbitant rentals for houses and other living quarters. It can truthfully be said that these reports have not been prompted by rentals in Ashland. To be frank, Medford has been cited as the “horrible example’’ in connection with the practice which has aroused resentment amongm any newcom- ways been closely related but it takes a war to point out how. The principal ingredients of re­ cords is shellac which is refined from the re.rinous substance se­ creted by tiny insects on the twigs of certain trees. Virtually our sole supply of shellac comes from In­ dia. So it is not surprising that record production must be cut 70 percent and other shellac uses drastically limited. Shellac has a great many important military uses as well as for marine paints, able to get new machinery. Ail production of commercial laundry equipment must stop after June 1, dry cleaning machinery after July 1. ere MANUFACTURERS are not on­ ly going to stop making ra­ dios .they’re also going to discon­ tinue about half of the radio tubes now on the market. Most of these tubes (349 out of 710) are dupli- j i cate, obsolete, or small-demand I types. Even if your radio uses one | ■ ■ > ■ ■ ■ One. Norway Street, B.»ion, M. i - m < hiiwtln i» Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased—Free from Sensational- t»m — Editorial» Are Timely and Instructive, .and It. Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magavine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Price $12.00 Yearly, or JI 1.00 a Month Saturday I mus , including Magazine Section, 32 60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 btuei 25 Cent». Obtainable act ■ Christian Science Reading Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon * A da dh dteh » » » < » I «a, » a < < < < < < ' < < [ a . ■si