Friday, May 1, 1912 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know Careful Study of Rationing Cards Mrs. Jerry Warren ut Prospect. Buddy Bowman who hud spent the week-end bi Ashland, accom­ Urged by OPA panied them to his home at Pros­ malta IV. La laUiuic 1» op«*iiu»ng aa n o U«;u 111 nxiuUllU LuiM AVllh ViMiaa>ln tail Mill lai 11 IUl'1 IK'I llulOy llalllUH. t'Ul’ In I'lUOUK* UIH III 11 Olli MUO latllal WOlalpO, A.allll., Will'll* lll|l* Hpilll Oil! Wlllllll Will! IIUI IIUKUalllU. vupl. la. U UUIUMI, Illi Him lai.iu umiiMi.. p.u».H'U Uliuugll Aad* Cupiwiii ouiuic AHaalallUl 'I llv ol^y W1OI al convoy Ill'alllVIl I III II IIOI III* «III pool <11111 WilH Ull.C IO lllalK** U I iiiu vi»ii wiUi lann.y n ilicnuid drove to Klamath bane inuiHUuy where they hud u lew nour.t Visit with then hoii Mill who Wain on his way to a aoulhcrn unity jH>at. • i vi. nobi it Cailzow, n rei i*nt muucive into the mmy, wrileM hia pui cilia hete mat he has been tranaieirrtl limn Texas to Houl­ ton, Me. • Mm. Olhel Lee ami aona Clint unit Janies i lai ding ut Dunamuii air visiting this week ul the horn* ul Mr. ami Mrs. Cunt Baughman. • Mia K A Barker, I <-lei Kai ker. Mm C D. Crouch, laiuru Gentner und Jackie Owens were visiting in Crescent City Munday. • Mi». Haauili'K Baughman ano uaugmci Bonnie of Klamath kails •re vial ting at the home of hei patents, Mr und Mm. L 1. Moon w Mra bo1.1 (K'lngei wun admit- led lo the Community hospital Kuiunlay for medical treatment. • Mra. Don Travin went to Red­ ding the firm of the week for u •noil viall with her husband. • Mr und Mm Clyde N Caton ure •¡»eliding a few uaya in I uitland tn la week • Mra lUriy Hunt is visiting her mother In Portland thia wick • Ur. C. A Haincx was u week­ end vlaitor in Portland. I i [ pect. • Mis Paul Unger of Carroll's Wash , Is u house guest at the home of Mi and Mrs. Emil Gass- man tills week Mrs Gassinan mid Mm. Unger spent Thursday in Medford. • Mr und Mm Jesse Jacobs and Hmull Hom Zane and Gary, who recently moved here from Car- loll'», Wash, were dinner guests Sunday at the Gaasman home. • George Bounce from Denver, Colo, visited one day last week with Mrs Doti Williams and fam­ ily Mr Bounce Is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Williams. • The Dead Indian 4-H club met Friday evening at the Chester Ap­ plegate home. Parents of the club members also attended and after the buxines» meeting Mrs. Iris Ferguson pluyed several numbers on the guitar. Mm Applegate served refreshments at the close of the evening —•----------- I" A LEN T NEWS • Harland Lowe of the 17th bomb group In South Catolina, bus been promoted to corporal. • John Cluluem wno is home from .lofiett Field, California has an xtension of time and is employed ■y the Skeeters' Logging company .or the coming month, > Mr and M ih Roy Colman have purchased the Hubbard property md air rebuilding the house and getting it in shape lo rent. • The P-T A held their regular meeting Friday afternoon. Elec­ tion tixik place with the follow­ ing officers elected: Mrs. Elsie Garrett, president, Mrs. Wava iialdcrslone, vice president Mis. Myrna Frink, secretary and M j / i .sell Young, treasurer. The P-T A. is plunning a salvage drive soon • Mr and Mrs John Sloan re­ turned home from a trip to Eu­ gene and Corvallis Mr. Sloan, who has been employed at the Bates Service station for the past six months, is now looking for a new location up north. • • Mrs. -.»aurice McShane of Grant* Pass was a business caller Br-LLYUbW NEWS in Talent Friday. Mm. McShani is a former resident of this place. • Mr und Mrs. Glen Brown and family of Modoc county, Calif., w ai u iijU.ui acooi uoaid meet* were week end guests of Mrs. lug Munuay evening the loiuiwmg Brown's father, Ben Clark, and ivucnera were elected: Mra. L C. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Clark. Aye, principal; Jdiaa Koiuney • Word has been received that rconuveial, Uitvi mediate, uno aim Mrs. Millan Williams was murder­ mui lun Mann, primary, Jesse v»iu- ed at her home at Port Orchard uci was luciecieu jaiuui. ocuoo Washington She was a former could members aie W. L Moore, irimary teacher here for several uuiinun, Guolge Nlcuols am. year.i Her name then was Scott led UUeiZlUlt, mih . Cittlicc Am During the time here her son, Earl ueison, clerk. graduated at the Talent high • rucnaid C Joy who haa been school. »recuperating at the Community • Joe Rapp, aircraft factory em­ hospital the jiuat two weeks was ploye at Seattle, visited with his atne lo be removed io the home oi parents Mr and Mrs Fred Rapp. his parents, «Mr. und Mra Allien Sunday and Monday. C. Joy, Tucaday, • Mr and Mrs O. L. Carver • M ih . bon i'rideaux, who will be (pent Sunday in the Applegate lemembered uh Beth Joy, m riven •ountry fishing and visiting. rueuduy from Portland to apenu • Mr and Mrs. Lee Buckmaster several days ut the A C. Joy returned to their home at Lodi. Calif., Monday alter a week's visit home. • Mra. Willis Sella and u few with relatives here. friends from Myrtle Point apent a • Mr Lindstrom, who spent the few days with her aunt, Mra. winter in Calif , returned Friday and is living at the Anderson Cnariea Andeison. • Mia. William Turner who hua ranch. been confined to her home with ill­ • The annual school concert last ness the past two months la able Friday night was attended by a large audience The band, orches­ to be up uround the house some • Mr». Veda McClary from Sil* tra and chorus demonstrated the verton, Colo, is vial I Ing with her ability of both grade and high cousin and family, Mrs Walter school students. For four years Mr Myers has directed the music Davis. • Mr. und Mrs Ploy Parks of department of the school. The Central Point spent Monday with program included "Kosamunde Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pavia. Mrs. Overture," by Schubert; a World C. M Haynes returned to Central war medley, "Over There”, Sulli­ ■Point with them for several duys 1 van, played by the orchestra. The visit. Mrs Parks is a daughter of . band played "Aurora" and "Man­ tilla, by Yoder; "Eroica,” Skornic- Mrs. Haynes. • Mrs. J Z. Walker, Miss Phylis ka'', "Phantom Trumpeters", Gil­ Walker and Mrs Marvin Buyer lette, "Stars and Stripes Forev­ left Friday for Seattle to visit er", Sousa. The mired chorus Rev. David Walker and family. sang "Goin' Home," "Song of Tom Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Love," Russian Lullaby," and "Ave Maria."” The program concluded John Walker. • mid Warren and Eunice Kin­ with violin and flute solos and caid spent Sunday with Mr. and string sextettes, girls’ tri., and se­ veral other numbers. A gift was presented Mr. Myers in apprecia­ tion of his work here. • Mrs. Mattie Hotchkiss, while corning home from Medford Mon­ day, met with an accident when her 11tick struck a telephone pole. Her attention was attracted from the steering wheel for a moment causing the accident. The truck was badly damaged. She nor the small son were injured, • Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey was hos­ tess at a shower Thursday after­ noon at her home for Miss Ele- nore George of Ashland who is to become the bride of John Kerby, Mrs. Cowdrey’s brother. Miss George received many useful gifts Delicious refreshments of jello, I cake and coffee were served. ------------ •------------ ueiiview 1 earners earned by Doaru Paid Adv. hy McNary Vulunleer Com., Halpk I). Moor*», ÜM., Mayar lllilf, Purllaud, Ora "FOR SALE" Miner office. cards at the Applicants for sugar rationing books are urged by the Office of Price Administration to I study carefully the application card, li­ lustrateil here, and have the cor- reel answers when they registcr on May 4, 5, 6, and 7. A separate application must be made for ev­ ery person for whom a ration book Is Issued, but only one member of each family unit is to appear at the nearest elementary school to apply for all members of the family. This is the biggest registration job ever undertaken In so limited a time in the United States With­ in four days the nation, 130,(MM).(XX) men, women and children will be registered and will receive their ration btxiks To accomplish so big a job in so short a time, the OPM which administers rationing is urging every applicant for a ra­ tion book to come prepared with accurate information to all ques­ tions which the registrars will ask when filling out the application form. If you answer these questions promptly OPA estimates it will only take four minutes to fill out this form, One and a quarter mil- lion school teachers will serve ax registrars. 1. Applicants should come pre­ pared with a list of the members of their families, giving the exact name of each. 2 An exact description of each member of the family unit, giving the height, weight, color of eyes, color of hair, age and sex of each one. 3. The person who registers for the family unit must state his or her exact relationship to each member ut it. 4 It is necessary to know to the pound just how much sugar is in the possession of the household The amount of sugar will be di­ vided by the number of people in the family units and stamps will be tom out by the registrar for all sugar in excess of two pounds per person. If more than four Page 3 •tamps have to be removed, is­ suance of the book will be with­ held until later. One and only one member of each family unit is to go to the elernentaiy school nearest to the person's residence to register and to apply for ration books for the whole family, OPA emphasizes Single people not members of a family unit, even if they board with a family, must apply for themselves A family unit has been defined by the OPA as "a group of two or more individuals consisting of all persons who are living togeth­ er in the same household who are related by bhxxl or marriage." - •------ NEWS FROM Washington School By M IKHil, PUPILS Rixirn 1 has a vegetable club. The members are making a chart which is in the shape of a boat and are pasting pictures of all the different kinds of vegetables they eat They are learning to like all vegetables. Room 1 has had an interesting study of wild flowers. So far they can give the names and identify 15 different kinds. Some of the children in room 3 have moved away. Norma Davis is now staying with her grandma in Salem. Roger Olson was here only a short time before he moved away. We- have decided that some of our children have "talking fever.” It is very catching and everyone seems to have had a slight at- tack of the disease. Room 3 For the month of April, the boys and girls have enjoyed fill- ing their bunny baskets with pa- per Easter eggs. Every time a child has clean teeth he gets an eKg to put in his basket. On Fri­ day he gets a big egg. The baskets are nearly full now. Room 3. The Washington school rooms 7 and 8 will have a track meet Fri­ day from 2:30 on. There will be high jumps, broad jumps. 50 yard dash There will probably be base­ ball throw. There will be ribbons awarded the winners. Next Tues­ day we start spring football prac­ tice. Room 7 has two new pupils, Ze I la Dodson from B— Plainview National Music Week ft ft The Ashland Music Study Club presents The Ashland Choral Club Annual Spring Concert “American Unity Through Music” "Music Maintains Morale” May 4, 1942 8 o’clock P. M. S. O. C. E. Auditorium Program The Star Spangled Banner Chorus and Audience In These Delightful Pleasant Groves - Purcell (1658-95- -English) Lift Thine Eyes, from ."Elijah” - Mendelssohn Lullaby Brahms Carmena .... Wilson The Modern Hiawatha—a parody - Bliss Tenting Tonight ... Kittredge (Trumpet school in Olympia, Wash., and Beithel) Home from Orcutt. Calif. We h