Page 2 Friday, May 1, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Southern Oregon Miner t V, WQ VjK Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON * Entered as second-class matter February 15, 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. * TELEPHONE 8561 FRED MILTENBERGER O G CRAWFORD Publishers Ww V H '.4™ jQfi ★ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR $150 ’ SIX MONTHS ....... 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the ¿SSgSs United States) A SET YOU FREE" •THE TRUTH WILL THIS AND THAT office In the administration build­ era brought here for cantonment work. ing of the Southern Oregon Col- (lly Old Tinier) It is regrettable that these reports are being circu-j To the Editor: lege of Education. lated, and even more regrettable if there is cause for I There is a new typ«* of tourists An eftort will be made to pre- such reports. If Medford landlords are gouging a little ■ in Continental Europe. They call sent an interesting and well bal- Commandos. anced program. It is an opportun­ they are merely pursuing a practice followed in other them A luxury is something you don't ity to hear really fine music, communities that have found themselves suddenly need but which you want more college officials »tute In i»»uing an invitation to the public to attenti. expanding in population. It is the old rule of supply than anything you do need An Italian doctor report* Mu »- and demand and in the local case may be looked upon aolini has lost control of hlnmelt • Sulim rlbr for • The Miller today. by some as an opportunity to grab while the grabbing Another crack in the Axis is good. But there is a limit of decency in all such Those small Balkan nation» must realize that that wan no matters and greed should give place to some common no QUESTIONS Hitler band wagon they hop­ i QUESTIONS : sense. ped on. It turned out to be a cage B In the generous army of people moving in for the Ben Franklin invented tne rock­ S ing chair, but he became a great cantonment work there are many who may be looking J man by studiously avoiding it. 1. Where was John Milton, the for places to make their homes after the conflict is i Ancestor worshipping Japs are poet born ? over. There are few spots in the west to offer more being »ent to join their ancestor* 2 What la a celesta? an accelerated rate. to the homeseeker than this valley and we should be at There 3 Who discovered thr iuguli are some sections in this sh<*ep ? making a bid for those with means to buy property town adapted to the herding of 4. Who desiglieli thv Statue of here. Many of them have expressed a liking for Ash­ goats Ho. hum! liberty ? land and regret that there is not more available , Roses are red. Violets blue; sug- 5. How did the word» "In God | ar is sweet and extremely scarce housing here. Some of these people doubtless would We Tru»t” come on a coin ? make this their permanent home. Spading a Victory garden I m ns | 6. Who ruled the world when Christ was born ? Reports of high wages paid to some classes of easy as a round of golf up your premises and i 7. What is thr meaning of the workers at Camp White may be the reason back of this don Clean ’t tolerate a slovenly neighbor j phrase "veni, vedl. vlci?" desire to charge excessive rates for living accommoda­ 8. In what country 1» the cow • worshiped as n »acred animal ? tions. A reasonable raise is warranted, but there is , FORMER RESIDENTS OF GALEYS 9. Is the American bison a no call for gouging, if such is being done. It would GUESTS Mr and Mrs. Elmer Washburn member of the cattle family? look better to spread the butter a little thinner and of Oakland. Calif , are gueats of 10 Who invented the »axo. have it last longer. Mr and Mrs H. C. Galey thia phone ? week. Ashland landlords report business good at present Years ago Mr, Washburn was and are pleased to have their houses, hotel rooms, principal of the old North school, apartments and camp cabins filled. So far as we have 1 i later moving to Oakland where he Dr. C. C. Dunham Chiropractic Physician been able to learn none of them wishes to kill the i became dean of the evening high school. He is now retired. Mrs goose while it is busy laying golden eggs. Washburn attended the old South­ Office 244 Hargudinr i*h. 33’1 BE INFORMED—IT WILL SAVE TIME REGISTRATION for sugar allowance will start Mon­ day. May 4, and continue for four days. The task has been assigned to the public schools and since the teachers already have their time fully occupied it will be advisable, as well as a matter of courtesy, to go to the registration rooms prepared to answer questions readily and accurately. For instance, don’t hesitate when asked your name, age, weight or any other personal questions establish ing your identity. Each small delay adds to the diffi­ culty of accomplishing this herculean task of register­ ing 130.000,000 people in the short space of four days. Have a list of members of your family, give a descrip­ tion of each individual as required by the registrar, and be prepared to state to the pound how much sugar is in possession of the family. Your cooperation in this matter will lessen the work of the registrars. It is estimated that four min­ ★ ★ ★ ern Oregon Normal school. She la ute« will be required to register those who are prepared Ashland is a victim of the war inasmuch as the a cousin of Mrs. Galey. • - J'nu*ke ready answers, while an average of 10 minutes Plaza project has been given a setback for the dura-1 PRO MUSK ’ A TO SI'ONSRO g j ’“* necessary ~~VUVOU for those laUIYlHg lacking 0[JUU114U specific U11V1 information HiaviUll. tion. The disappointment occasioned by the postpone­ MUSK WEEK PROGRAM — *8*r to ask 111 *n behalf of those handling this ment is not lessened any by the fact that plans for the During Music week, May 4 to 3. •Vl 14« J «u ***** ucuau ui 111UHC naiiuiu ^•»'1 « *vou not trust to memory but jot dow n on a improvement were built in large part around wartime Pro Musics will sponsor a daily *,11, iJ'1 v,hing caH*ng for an answer as found in an necessity—that is, elimination of a so-called bottle­ recorded program from 12:48 to another page of this issue of The Miner. neck to facilitate traffic which grows heavier as the 1:15 p. m in Miss D. V. Hales' war advances. A spark of hope remains in the possibil­ of the discontinued type», you M/ éa » » * ★ ★ not worry, however, becauxe ity that it may become necessary to eliminate the need I'-'-««. WK HEADED FOR? present stocks are reported ade­ »,,** • citizen of the United States of blind corner within a short time, but that may be a quate for two year» And In many cases, other type* may be »uiisti- ^•'u|<| gO about his business without ju in- - case of the wish being father to the thought. How long tuted for these prohibition*. that block will have to remain in its present state no »** ,,Ur8U*t of that business he violât* r r f one knows. It is hoped it will not become one of those J^lGHT now you may be walking , M " It t. 1164 • *aW8 governing the peace and * it • pur- things that dies getting fairly started. around on loofa sponge« but chose a to _ follow a certain not for long. One of the main ★ ★ ★ »'M at uome particular job, there was uses of the loofa plant, grown Another impediment to the idea of marriage is the only in Japan, Is P088*^/* the Party f°r increasing difficulty in supporting the government and commercially for inner soles in footwear Other The • mutual agreement was popular uses are for household a native •nd applicant the matter a wife on one income. mesticated i .> tine and Greece gan. ------------- e '* The church of St from 1554 to 1560, is r museum. has been a decided Powerful groups '««‘I ¡rally everything MRS. AMERICA IN THE WAR • Bon so W ill Sc ratch “FOR SALE” Miner office. cards rrotiHcr Cuffs a. in. Skid Greane • WANT ADS • cleaners and scrubber». From now . health supplie» and navigation and on. however, the Navy will take communication instruments. As most of the loofa sponges we for your future supply of Freddy have, for use as .oil filters. Martin and Bing Crosby, manu- ' facturera are experimenting with i substitute materials and will also Remember Mother try reclaiming old records. > > > 0NE OF the oddities of the war is that sterling silver may ■soon be easier to buy than silver- A lines of sil- iscontinued I n the most with JEWELRY RAMSEY’S JEWELRY STORE Swedenburg Bldg. WANTED TO BUY—5- or 6- I room house close in. Modern in 1 every way, with basement and i garafe. Small down payment, rest like rent within reason. Z M. Miner office. 13tf WASTE paper to giveaway; bring your own sacks. Southern Ore­ gon Miner. y V'ftkz Ne 2. at CHEAP printing is expensive. Have your work done RIGHT at the Home of Better Printing------ THE MINER PRESS. M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA SK3X,*XS,,±J*Li’ -• N. A4» the INSURANCE lx«t us guarani«*«- payment of your food, rent, doctar and other bill», when you are sick or injured. Drop in and let*» talk it over. 11 1. TAXES ON PROPERTY for state pur­ poses have been wiped oat. Now Gov. Sprague Is determined on 20% cut in -late income taxes. State bonded debt slashed 812,300,000. stale Guard is now expended into a true home defense system. 5. WANTED—5x7 camera with hold­ er and tripod. Phone 8561. Dial 5751 forging Ahead with Gov.Sprague 1. IF you have anything to »ell or trade, try a small ad in the Mi­ ner. “FOR KENT” cards Miner office. “NO SMOKING” “NO HUNTING" Ashland Gunter Fuel Co. 42 Helman Re-Uect GQV. SPRAGUE RAMSEY JEWL “Home of Better J ■ n Oregon Credit Bureau Swedenburg Building MODERN MASTER OF MOUNTAIN GRADÌ. ng Office General Office ¡nd Medford •ione 3781 OUR CREDIT RECORD 1 ou make it, We Record it! " « Ri 1i ■■■ i ■■ -»■ I he World’s News Seen Through i HRisTiAN S cience r:. Aire An International Dtily Newt^t^er 1 < < : < I Hail Riot Vahlde Smoke Fire — following the fall of a part of the building. > 111 u I—Om»«ructive—Usbi**«d—-Frw < I ditorials Are Timely and I ... Together with the Weekly Mag ___ >n.tor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Price |I2 OO Yearly, or f 1,00 a Month. .V :»u«. including Magazine Section, 12.60 a Yeur. iruroductory Offer, 6 I mum 25 Cents. < ASK US ABOUT IT TODAY N keeping With the war-time acceleration of its rail traffic. Southern Pacific Lines has ordered 70 of these giant heavy-duty, oil-burning freight and passenger steam locomotives from The Baldwin Loco­ motive Works, Philadelphia. Engine cabs are in front for greater visibility over the heavy grades and through the tunnels of the Sima Nevada and other mountainous parts of I Southern Pacific Linet where 175 of thii general type of Baldwin-built locomotive* will be in service with the completion of this latest order. Ten of the new engine* already have been delivered this year. This is a Class 4-8-S-2 locomotive, with four cylin­ der* and a tractive force of 124,300 pounds. Engine and tender weigh 1,051,200 pound*. The tender hold* 6,100 gallon* of oil and 22,000 gallon* of water. Wheel ba*e of engine and tender is 112 feet, two inches. < nrrfiaii Science Rending1 Room Xrenue Ashland, Oregon Billings Agency < < < < REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Mail V < a a a », » m J