Friday, April 24. 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 NEWS FROM Lincoln School Continuous MAT ’S S. Sundays SAT. SAT- PRICES: 1 lc : 30c : 35c : Federal Tax Included Friday and Saturday! Fredric March and Martha Scott ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN The Screen Event so Important Only the Sergeant York” Company Could Make It Wed’sday & Thursday The honey bee, presumed to be Rhode Island, smallest state in a native of Asia, was already do­ the union, has an area of but mesticated in Syria. Egypt, Pales­ 1,067 square miles. tine and Greece when history be­ The beaver, largest of the aqua­ gan. tic rodents, sometimes grows to ------------- e------------- thirty inches long exclusive of the The church of St. Basil, built from 1554 to 1560. is now a soviet tail, and weighs as much as 60 pounds. museum. cards • WANT ADS • IF you have anything to »ell or trade, try a small ad in the mi - j ner. at (By Old Timer) To the editor:; Enrollment in law schools, we are told, is declining. But it will be a long time before there is a shortage of lawyers to send to the state legislature. Bellicose Jap war lords, who were boasting they were on their way to London and Washington before General Mac Arthur ar­ rived in Australia, are now as si­ lent as Hitler who announced six months ago he had annihilated the Russian armies. So Hirohito claims he’s descen- ed from a sun goddess, does he? Well, can the guy take it when the heat's on? Continuous bombing of Malta must make the sky in that area seem to be permanently polka- dotted. What has Ashland been receiv­ ing in return for that monthly FULL GOSPEL* TEMPLE contribution of $100 to the county cantonment coordinator's office? E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. L. P. Furman, Pastor Do you remember 'way back when men wore celluloid collars, Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. »you laundered them yourself with C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ a sponge)? ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ Parking lots and vacant spaces low at 7:30 o'clock. should be included in the cleeanup C. A. service and choir p radice drive. 7:30 Tuesday evening. ------------- •------------- Bible study and prayer meeUng During the 18th century, when 7:30 Friday evening. all clothes were made by hand and Everybody is cordially Invited there were few forms of feminine to all services. recreation, sewing was popular as CHURCH OF CHRIST a pastime for women of leisure. Marco Polo, traveler in Central Second and B Streets Earl F. Downing, Minister Asia, India, Persia and the first Morning service 11 a. m. Ser­ to travel to China, did so from mon, "The Living Church, its 1271 to 1295 Growth,” Everett McGee speak­ ing. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. m. with Junior, high school and young peeople's groups. Evening service, 8:00 p. m. Op­ ening service in charge of Oppor­ tunity class. Sermon by Everett Everett McGee. Midweek service, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. ------------- •------------- New creations in Watches and Jewelry for the Graduate. Make your purchases now while the stock is at its best. RAMSEY JEWELRY STORE “Home of Better Jewelry” Swedenburg Building Ashland, Oregon MODERN MASTER OF MOUNTAIN GRADES i'hotio 7561 Friday, Saturday “THE PITTSBURGH KID” with Billy Conn Jean Parker and “THE MASKED RIDER” with Johnny Mac Brown Sunday, Monday and Tuesday "TEXAS" Saga of Smashing Fists and Clashing Hearts I Wednesday and Thursday Mid-Week Special I 1 cents and 15 rents Glenn Ford 1« also »tarred In the lu-tlon drama. • ‘Texas’ Romance is shown above with William Holden and Claire Trevor in a scene from Columbia's “Texas.” now at the Uthla Theatre. The extreme length of Califor­ nia from northwest to southeast Is about 750 miles; its width var­ ies from 150 to 350 miles latke t-ouise. lying hlgn In Rocky Mountain National Park near Banff, Alberta is entirely surrounded by pine-clad mount­ ains and fed by glacial waters NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ TIONAL CHURCH Clarence F. McCall, Minister Boulevard and Morton Streets Church school 9:45 a. m., Mrs. Glen Prescott, superintendent. Worship service, 11 a. m. Ser­ mon subject, The Witness of the Church. April 29, 2 p. m. Plymouth Gluld in the home of Mrs. H. B. Carter ,192 Mountain Ave. » » > FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Pioneer Ave., South A “Life-Saver” property owners is the 8-point multiple cover­ that can be added to your fire insurance for a small additional premium: Windstorm Explosion Aircraft Hall Riot Vehicle Smoke Fire — following the fall of a |mrt of the building. I E N T E R T A I N M E N T Church school 9:45 a. m. Homing worship 11 o'clock. Sermon, "The Church’s Growth.” Departmental meetings at 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m Prayer meeting 8:00 p. m. Wed­ nesday evening. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. N keeping With the war-time acceleration of its rail traffic. Southern Pacific Lines has ordered 70 of these giant heavy-duty, oil-burning freight and passenger steam locomotives from The Baldwin Loco­ motive Works, Philadelphia. Engine cabs are in front for greater visibility over the heavy grades and through the tunnels of the Sierra Nevada and other mountainous parts of LITHIA CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Fourth and C Streets the CHEAP printing is expensive. Have your work done RIGHT at the Home of Better Printing------ THE MINER PRESS. METHODIST CHl'RCH East .'.Inin Street John K. Poet, Pastor Sunday school at 9:45 a. I». Bernice Beare, superintendent in charge. Morning worship al 11 o'clock with the pastor bringing the mes­ sage. loung People's meeting and Ju­ FIRST METHODIST CHURCH nior meeting at 7:15 p. in. Evan­ Cor. N. Main and 1-aurei Sts. gelistic service al 8 p. m. with Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister me pastor in charge. Mid-week prayer meeting at 8 Sunday Church school 9:45 a m Allen O McGee general superin­ p. m. Wednesday. tendent. » » * Morning sermon, 11 o'clock on TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH the subject. The Church's Growth or, t luuue E. ctayie, 4 tear The adult choir will lead the sing­ Holy Communion 8:00 a. m. ing and offer an appropriate Church school 9:30 a. m. Sermon and morning prayer 11 anthem. o'clock. Wesley League for college youth Choir will meet at 7:30 p. m. and Methrallst Youth Fellowship Thursday. meet at 6:45 p. m You are cordially invited to wor- Evening worship hour 8 o'clock ship with us. At this evening hour the Hi-Y r f f boys will hold their induction ser­ FUtST BAPTIST CHURCH vice in this church. The program CATHOLIC CHURCH will consist of hymns, violin mus­ Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor ic. the service of induction, an ad­ at 9 a. tn. Sunday. Mass dress by the pastor and remarks ♦ r » by D. Finnell, president, Kenneth J. R. Turnbull, Minister A Wood, advisor and Homer Hil­ E. Bible school 9.45 a. m., C. lings. guardian. Corry, superintendent. Mid-week praise and Bible study Morning worship 11 o'clock: hour 7:30 Wednesday evening BYPU 6:30 p. m. Gospel service 7:30 p. m.:Ten- CAN YOU REMEMBER? minute song service- When you ordered liver and Prayer, praise and Bible study, ions at an eating place, you 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. some liver with the onions? ♦ ♦ ♦ When spuds sold for 10c tee bushel, some bought one-half peck FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH at a time? When a achner of beer cost Howard G. Eddy, Minister Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt 5 cents? M. Wnght, superintendent. When we got the New Deal ? Morning worship at 11 o'clock. When politicians running for of­ High school Christian Endeavor fice gave you a cigar for your meets at 6:15 p. m. vote? Evening service at 7:30 p. m. THIS AND THAT WANTED—5x7 camera with hold' er and tripod. Phone 8561. FOR RENT” cards Miner office. “NO SMOKING” “NO HUNTING” FREE Graduation WANTED TO BUY—5- or 6- room house close in. Modern in every way, with basement and garafe. Small down payment, rest like rent within reason. Z. M. Miner office. 13tf WASTE paper to give away; bring your own sacks. Southern Ore­ gon Miner. i S RUMMAGE SALE - Saturday. April 25, in Gas office. Infants' children's and adults' clothing, costume jewelry, household ar­ ticles. Real bargains Chapter BN, PEO. ------------- SUN • MON • TUE “FOR SALE” Miner office. i At the Churches : By SCHOOL PUPUB On April 22, room seven invited room six into their room to listen while Miss Alice Wright gave a talk on Alaska. She showed many things the people of Alaska wear and make. Sire also told many in­ teresting ways of the Indians and Eskimo?» . The children learned many new things that they did not know about Alaska. Miss Ruth Gough from the col­ lege came to room six on April 15 to demonstrate how to make and strip a hospital bed. It was done in connection with First Aid. ------------- •-------------- Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock Subject: Probation after Death, Wednesday evening meeting, which includes testimonies of Crristian Science healing, is held at 8 o'clock. Reading room open dally from 2 to 5 p. m., also Thursday eve­ nings from 7 to 9. except Sundays and holidays The public is coriadlly invited to attend these services and to use the reading room ICTORY FIRST! Above everything else today-the job is to win the war. WHAT QMYHOUND IS DOING: Greyhound is fur­ nishing transportation for the armed forces and for war workers to and from plants. » Greyhound is continuing to serve civilian travelers, now more dependent on buses because of private car and tire restrictions. ★ This tremen­ dous task is constantly growing greater and it is being done with the limited number of buses available under present conditions. WHAT YOU CAN DO: You can help by traveling dur­ ing the middle of the week-thus providing more seats for military personnel and war workers who must travel on weekends. * Greyhound will continue to furnish the best service that war conditions will permit. Rut we must all remember-before personal convenience and pleasure-it is Victory First. ASK US ABOUT IT TODAY Southern Pacific Lines where 175 of this general type of Baldwin-built locomotives will be in service with the completion of this latest order. Ten of the new engines already have been delivered this year. This is a Clast 4-8-S-2 locomotive, with four cylin­ ders and a tractive force of 124,300 pounds. Engine and tender weigh 1,051,200 pounds. The tender holds 6,100 gallons of oil and 22,000 gallons of water. Wheel base of engine and tender is 112 feet, two inches. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main V GREYHOUN /