SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, April 24, 1942 About People You Know • ana J. M Wugnei and Mra | his office the fust of the week aiuOel Kinney returned tne III at jailer un Illness oi several days und five ounce aon born 'i uea- called on friends in Talent Sun­ day morning at the Community day evening. • Mrs Wayne Bradley left Friday hoapital. for Portland to visit her husand • Mi und Mra Gordon I nil field of Wullu Wullu, Wash ure visiting who is ireviving treatment thefe Ut the H. II Duffield home fol u for back Injuries sustained in log­ ging operations last full. abort time. • Mi und Mra Hurold Boothby • Mrs Roy i»i Everett left Wed- iiave aa their gueat Mia Bool li­ nesday for Hawaii where her hus- Mra Everett la ly's mother, Mia. Maty E Footer bund is employed and Mi a O L. of Mr a daughter ol Pendleton. • Alter visiting u lew duya in Carver. • Mi and Mr» O L. Carver who Ashland with their mother Mrs charge •>t the Talent Mollie Woods, Mia L I, Welch have hud cafe for the past nine months, sold ol I'.x.t.i Culll and Ml» N L. to Mr and Mrs C C. Russell Stratton of Portland returned to who took (Miasrsslon Tuesday their homes Tuesday evening • Mr and Mrs Edward Jones of • Mr. und Mia A L Coggins Central Point were business call­ have returned to their home in ers heie Tuesday afternoon Ashland after spending two • Kaii si . k u j.-r• I ,, lay fot the months in the south und east Boeing factory in Seattle to take They visited their son-in-law and up welding daughter, Mr. and Mia Tom • The annual Junior and senior I-andles. music students at Col- picnic was held at McKee bridge uinbia university in New York on the Applegate last Friday Al­ and spent the rest of their time though the weather was inclement at their home in Berkeley, Calif they report a good time • Hany Chipman spent a fata • Mt and Mrs Leo Buckmaster days nt home this week wrestling I LotH r'llrf ava Visiting Mrs with a severe cold He win able Buck master's parents, Mr and to return to hia store Thursday morning • N 11 Gale. Jr, who aubmitted l to a major operation at L Corn in u- inly hospital last week is reported on the mend • Rev and Mr» L I’ Furman ure enjoying u short visit to Al­ bany this week. Mia. Roy Estes arid other rela­ . Ing During the lecturer’s hour tives Mr. Buck master is a sales­ the Ashland Choral club sang sev­ man for the Remington, Rand pro­ eral numbers, and a miscellaneous ; shower was given Mr. and Mrs. ducts in California • Roy Eatea, M-<> Buckmaster and Allen Russel Byrd. At the close of James Edenbeig apent Sunday at the meeting the hostesses served Squaw lake on a very successful delicious refreshments. fishing tiip. »ney came very clone • Mrs John Hellrneyer will go to Medford April 29 to take special to the limit • Harvey Maxon ami Richard My­ instructions in nutrition which she ers, who have been employed at will discuss at the next extension the Boeing factory at Seattle, re­ meeting turned home ami ate now em- • Mrs Vincent Lanini, Mrs Ches­ ter Applegate and Mrs. Carl Henry ployed at ('amp White • Mr and Mrs Archie Fetes in­ met at the Walter Hash home leitalned at dlnnei Mr auri M rs. last Wednesday and worked on Chur les Estes ami Mr. and .Mr» comforters for the emergency hos- D-o Buckmaster Monday evening. pi' a | • Mrs Anna Dickey is spending • The entire community is Invited a few days in Ashland thia week to Medford May 1 to hear Mrs. visiting her friend Mrs. Almeria Maris, dean of women at Oregon State college, who will speak at Russell • Mrs Tillie Halstad who spent the court house Her subject will the winter in Eugene nursing, has be “Outlook on IJfe After Age of 40 returned to Talent. • Mrs John Hamilton of Medford • Mrs Thompson and Mrs. Fay visited her sisters, Mrs Leroy Ol- of Greeley. Colo., are visiting for several days with their sister and sen and Mrs Mary Turner, family’, Mr and Mrs. R L. Brant­ BEI.I.S 1P.VV NEWS ley • Mrs. Allen Miller of Seattle VMted ba mother, Mrs R. E. I Bell, Tuesday. She was enroute to San Francisco to meet Mr. Miller, • A regular meeting of Bellview who is working aboard a U. 8. P-TA was held last Friday eve­ ship. ning During the business meeting • Margaret Moseley is employed. officers for the ensuing year were part time at Hiram's. elected us follows: Mrs D. McCoy • Mrs. Clarice Anderson and Mrs. president; Mrs Metz, vice prcsi- Claude Conley and son visited last dent, Mrs. Gertrude Seitz, aecre- Thursday in the Applegate district tary, and Mra. H. L. Brantley, with Mrs Lee Wallis After the business • Louis E Norburg, a radio offi­ treasurer, meeting the •■Dads," headed by cer aboard ship, spent last week M A King. W 8 Byrd. Mr Hoad- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Icy and Mr Gardner, took charge Earl Norburg and led the group in games and • Mr and Mrs Henry Stenrud, contests, and later served an oys- Mrs Sorenson and Miss Marie ter supper in the cafeteria. W’alker spent Sunday evening at • The Home Extension unit held the A R. Kincaid home. a meeting last Wednesday at which time a nominating com­ HILT NEWS mittee composed of Mrs. R. E. Bell, Mrs Vincent Istnini and • Mrs John DeWitt was hostess Mrs Chester Applegate was ap- Thursday afternoon when neigh­ pointed to report at next meeting. bors gathered at her home for a social get-together. The afternoon • Bellview grange met Tuesday was spent visiting and sewing and night for regular business meet- delicious refreshments were serv- . Bellview P-TA Holds “Dads’” ’Night WhuttandtfaWcML •Jack Enders has received Ma first lieutenant commission, ac­ cording to word received by his 1 futhii ii Q Dndera U m tint <8 the week Lieutenant Enders is stationed with the army ulr corps ut Biketown, Mo • Hovc.nU I.ii. ii .-,»n ..I .-«.an I NagO is visiting for a short time with his parents, Mr und Mrs 8. J Jandreau of Aahlund • Mrs <■. u..i i,u.t >n ■ njoyid a visit from her brother, Joe Tay­ lor. Sunday and Monday He wua enroute from Monterey, Calit to hia home in Bly. • Mrs II W Clark underwent an emergency operation at Communi­ ty hoapital .Sunday morning. • in C F Page 3 zìirhèS AMERICA HAS ENOUGH WHEAT \V TO fOAKE 580 LOAVES Of BREAD \ FOR EVERY PERSON IN THE COUNTRY? • Mr and Mrs Roy Farmer were guests last week at the W. W Walker home. They left Sunday, going to Horse creek where Mr. j Farmer will be employed on the i dredger Mr Farmer is Mrs Wal­ ker's brother. • Gerald Goodwin Is now employ­ ed at Camp White. • Mr. and Mrs Robert Trinca and Mr aand Mrs Primo Favero drove to Red Bluff Saturday to attend the wedding ceremony of Miss Marjorie Dowling and Bruno Favero, son of Mr and Mrs Primo Favero. • Mr. and Mrs Frank Ward and Mr. and Mrs. E. HJertager spent Sunday at the new HJertager mill at Callahan and were guests of Mr. and Mrs Ed Stagers. They drove to Mrs. M. Collin’s lodge in the hills and returned by way of Fort Jones and Etna and enjoyed a late dinner at the HJertager home in Yreka • Mr and Mrs E. B. Birmingham ; of Samoa were visiting In Hilt Monday. • Mrs. Stella R King spent the week-end at Arcata, Calif, attend­ ing a meeting of the supervisors and principals of the northern di­ vision of the sate of California. • Mr and Mrs W T Poff and son Duane spent the week-end camping on the coast at the mouth of Smith river where Mr. Poff en­ joyed the ocean fishing. complot*. DIAL 4541 I DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home We Never Close—Phone 4541 I ed The guests were Mesdames Frank Bemheisel and daughter Carmen, O. Bemheisel, h rank Ward. Frank Graves, Ben Ollum W Gran, W. A. Dutro, Arthur Pe­ derson, Elma Quamme, Enzie Wright and Mae De Jamett. • Mr .and Mrs. Sam Dunaway are at Santa Ana visiting their aon Sam Jr. and are expected to return home Thursday. • Friends of Mrs. Olive Allison spent the week end here en route to southern California They were Mrs Anna Ptillen of Seattle, and Mrs H B. Gray of Yakima.»»ash. I • The saw mill has suspended operations for this week due to a shortage of logs They will resume work as soon as the supply of logs is sufficient. --------- •------------ • Subscribe for The Miner today. ! V. ai. tu t wiuer CLEANING WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT Permanent PRICES! c SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS FREE 25c U. S. SAVINGS STAMP WITH EVERY 31.50 Cleaning Order. Plain garments—50 cents cash and carry. PICKUP AND DELIVERY 65c COLLEGE CLEANERS 823 Siskiyou Blvd Phone 6336 OAIIV IN ftfTKRiCfl 00 BAU0T3 DftlOF UMAT PR0B11M5. IN 1941 U.S. GROWERS VOTtD TO STABILIZE THEIR WHEAT INDUSTRY WITH MARKETING QUOTAS. Tilton returned to .•«*•**««•*«••**••••••••• I ANSWERS i £ 1. Aa the wall now stands it stretches for over 1.500 miles. 2. Cecil John Rhodes, 1M3-1902 3. The Dividing range, highest point is 7,323 feet. 4. The Nares Deep not far from Puerto Rico, reaches a depth of 27,972 feat. 5. The Giant Causeway, a rock expanse of six-sided columns of basalt. 6. Martin Luther, religious re- former and translator of the Bible. 7. Hinduism. 8. Sicily, largest island of the Mediterreanean. 9. The Pyrenees. 10 He was a Swiss patriot, bom in the late 13th century. I ‘ BIG INDUSTRY WHEAT 1$ THE WORLDS BI66EST MM INDUSTRY. NEARLY It MILLION U.S. FARMERS GROW WHEAT. MARKETING QUOTAS HELP KEEP AMERICA^ wheat program strong DURING WARTIME. VOTE IN THE NA!!0NAt RffERENDUM2 Why pay MORE than the I I FIRST NATIONAL RATE? A FULL YEAR TO REPAY! CaU You Receive No deductions or extra charges on PERSONAL LOANS arranged Ths Famoui Baar From Scatti* 5 ê s X « â through the First National Bank of Portland. You receive the full amount of the loan you require! Repayments may be made with­ c • J s C X o in one year, through installments monthly, semi-monthly or weekly. r* ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Medford Armory Tickets on Hale nt THE OWL CLUB : Ph. 2300 Medford, Oregon Tat al Yen Kaper Credit Ha. Coe« YoaOaIr $ 50.00 $ 8 83 $ 53.00 $ 3.00 3 00 100.00 17.17 103.00 4.50 150.00 25.75 154 50 6 00 200 00 34 33 206 00 9.00 300.00 51.50 309.00 400 00 68 67 412 00 12.00 500 00 85.83 515.00 15.00 $100 00 $ 8 83 $106 00 $ 6 00 900 150 00 13.25 159 00 200.00 17 67 212.00 12 00 300.00 26 50 318.00 18,00 400 00 35 34 424.00 24 00 500 00 44.17 530.00 30.00 NOTE: Thia chart ahow» tha caat of a Pirat Natiaaal Baah paraaaal laaa at SIM ta ha aaacily M par paar. Thia law caat incladaa Inaurancc an the har- rawar'a Ufa (ar tha unpaid balaac» (ar tha «arm ef tha Ioan. I THRILLS mid EXCITEMENT! Ye« Papar Moaihlr Vos Nosd Hat Ba a Capacitar lo Barra* Fra* TW« Baak Any Branch ★ FOR VICTORY ★ BUY DEFINII BONDS s/arsfa&rB&f SEATTLE BREWING & MALTING CO. Since 1878 - Emil Sick, President FIRST RRTIORRIi BRRR OF PORTLAND M I M I I I PBOBWAL DBPOBIT ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --- INSURAMCC ...... - ■' ttlFIBATIBN ' .................................