Friday. April 17, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 Summer School Ì >. At the Churches s • Registration to FIRST METHODIST CHI Kt 1* tor. N. .train and Laurel St*. Open 8th of June Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister • FRIDAY AND • • SATURDAY • ------ ri»» SUN • MON • TUE • WED & THUR • 20c Bargain Days Constance BENNETT ♦ Jeffrey LYNN plus ASHLAND JUNIORS NIP MEDFORD JAYHI The junior high baseball team, playing hard ball rules with a nine-inch softball, scored an 11 to 6 win over Medford juniors on Fuller Field Saturday. Dom Pro­ vost occupied the mound for the juniors and Marquess and Samuel­ son were instrumental in the win. Plans are under way for games with other southern Oregon junior highs as well as a return game with Medford. Sunday Church school 9 45 a. ni Morning sermon, 11 o'clock on the subject. “The Church's Wit­ ness. '' esley League for college youth and Methodist Youth Fellowship meet at 6:30 p. m. Evening worship hour 8 o’clock, and will De in charge of the Hi-Y boys under leadership of Kenneth Woods. Mid-week praise and Bible study hour 7.30 Wednesday evening. f r 1 FREE METHODIST CHURCH East Main Street John K. Poet, Pastor Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Bernice Beare, superintendent ui charge. Morning worship at 11 o’clock with the pastor bruiging the mes­ sage. loung People's meeting and Ju­ nior meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evan­ gelistic service at 8 p. m. with tne pastor in charge. Mid-week prayer meeting at 8 p. m. Wednesday. 111 TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Dr. C laude E. re, V war Holy Communion 7 ;30 a. ni. Church school 9:30 a. m. Sermon and morning prayer 11 o’clock. Choir will meet at 7:30 p. m. Thursday. You are cordially invited to wor­ ship with us. 1 1 1 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH J. K. i urnimil, Minister Bible school 9.45 a. m., C. E. Corry, superintendent. Morning worship 11 o'clock: BYPU 6:30 p. m. Gospel service 7:30 p. m. ¡Ten- minute song service' Prayer, praise and Bible study, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. r r < FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Pioneer Ave., South Bible school 9:45 a. m. Morning service 11 o’clock. Ser­ mon. "Tne Living Church—Its Witness.” Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. with junior, high school and young people's groups. Evening service, 8 o'clock. The opening service will be in charge of the young people’s class. Ser­ mon, “A Doctrine that Once Brot Light to Germany.” Midweek service, 730 p. m. Wednesday. 111 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Howard G. Eddy, Minister Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt M. Wright, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. High school Christian Endeavor meets at 6:15 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. THRILLS and EXCITEMENT! Medford Armory Tickets on Sale at THE OWL CLUB : Ph. 2300 Medford, Oregon Southern Oregon high school baseball nines have no scheduled league games this week but are resting in preparation for the final half of their schedule which begins next Tuesday when Ash­ land entertains Medford on S^JCE Fuller field and Grants Pass moves to Jacksonville The Cavemen and Jacksonville now aie tied for the league leader­ ship with three wins and one loss apiece, while Medford is in third place and Ashland has yet to win a league game to hold the cellar spot with six straight losses. The latest loss suffered by the Grizzlies wus the 8 to 7 se'tbuck administered by Jacksonville last week Ashland outplayed the Red­ skins in every depart inent of the game except in the "runs scored" column where it counts the most Tommy Mansfield started on the mound for the locals and did an excellent job so long as he had no men on bases Inexperience proved costly to him every time a man gained a base and he was relieved in the second frame by Charli* Jandreau who finished. ----------- •------------ Registration for the first sum­ mer session at the Southern Ore­ gon College of Education will be­ gin on Monday, June 8. A wide variety of courses are being of­ fered for beginning teachers, in­ service teachers, candidates wish­ ing to meet ‘the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and for those who wish to qualify under the certification law in order to teach in Oergon. Four demonstration classes at the Lincoln training school will be offered during the first session. These classes are: Diagnostic and Remedial Reading, the Integrated Unit, Beginning Reading, and Pre­ Primary Education. Three lec­ tures a week will be given in each of these classes at the college and one hour of observation daily in i the Lincoln training school will I be required for each class. Several new courses in music are available this year for the first time. These include: Junior High school Music, Creative Mu­ 300 Fans Witness sic and Brass and Woodwind. The following courses, which are required for the Bachelor of Craters’ Opener Science degree will be offered: Three hundred persons watched Contemporary Problems, Sociolo­ the opening exhibition game of the gy. History of the Western Civili­ Medford Craters Sunday ut the zation. Physical Science. Geogra­ Fairgrounds park in Medford phy of South America. Field Geog­ when Steve Crippen and Dutch raphy, American History and Lieber pitched the Craters to an Construction and Use of Visual 18 to 4 win over a CCC head­ Aids. quarters team. The following classes are avail­ The Oregon-California league, able in the field of Health and replacing the Oregon State loop to Physical Education: First Aid, Nu­ which the Craters belonged last trition, School Health Problems, year, starts off May 16 and 17 Swimming. Tennis, Golf, and Re­ with the Craters meeting Klam­ creational Activities. ath Falls at home and Granta Summer bulletins and schedules Pass going to Dorris Southern of classes for the first summer Oregon fans are looking forward session are available from the to some fast and close baseball registrar's office. battles with this newly-formed four-team circuit being almost evenly matched, according to the Engineering Corps way early season workouts are shaping up. ------ e------ ------- •------- The war department today is- : ‘Outsiders’ Squeeze sued an appeal to the public for surveying instruments for use of Out 9-8 Victory Needs Instruments Corps of Engineers in construc­ Brown's Outsiders eked out a tion work. Most urgently needed 9-8 win over Schuchard'a Medford are transits, levels and plane • Commuters in the first game in tables. the SOCE softball league. All surveying equipment in the The superb fielding of Don hands of commercial firms has Windbigler of Blockburg, Calif , been purchased by the Corps of and the tight pitching of Weldon Engineers, but there is still an Heard of Ashland, hurried the acute shortage of instruments for downfall of the commuters. the work on hand. It is believed All games are played at noon that many instruments of this on the SOCE campus Harold nature are owned by individuals Brown of Sutherlin and Richard or firms throughout the United Schuchard of Medford are manag­ States, who are not using them at: ing the league with Stephen Epler present and who would be glad to' as faculty adviser. Student um­ turn them over to the engineers. pires and officials handle all the The Corps of Engineers is pre­ games. pared to rent, purchase or borrow ----- - ----- •------------ these instruments, al] sales to be PIEPER HAS NEW JOB made with or without the recap­ Dean Pieper, manager of the ture clause, as the owner shall Ashland chamber of commerce, decree Anyone having such In­ returned last week-end from Port­ struments available is requested land where he attended a meeting to write to the Area Engineer, U of the Oregon Commercial Secre­ CHURCH OF THE’ NAZARENE S. Engineer Office, Medford, Ore., taries association. He was elected or telephone 5251, Medford. secretary-treasurer of the group, Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor which includes some 50 members Fourth and C Street* ------------ •------------ Church school 9:45 a. m. Physical Ed Made ASHLAND STUDENT ON Morning worship 11 o'clock. SPECIAL COMMITTEE Sermon, "The Church's Witness.” Available to Citizens David Fortmiller, Ashland, has Departmental meetings at 7 p The extension division in coop­ m. (Note: meetings beginning half eration with the Southern Oregon been chosen from the freshman hour later). College of Education has an­ class to serve on the orchestra Evangelistic service 8 p. m. nounced a class in physical educa­ committee for the Frosh Glee, it Prayermeeting 8 p. m. Wednes­ tion activities for civilians of was announced here this week Frosh Glee, one of the high­ day. Ashland and vicinity. This class lights of spring term, will be held will meet twice each week, Tues ­ 1 1 i day and Friday evenings at 7:30 this year, on Friday April 24 CATHOLIC CHURCH for two hours. A fee of $5 00 will Elaborate decorations and a con­ Rev. W. a. Meagher, Pastor be charged by the» extension divi­ test to select " Little Admiral” Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. sion. Classes will run for six from among the freshman girls 1 1 i will carry ont the naval theme weeks and will start at once. CHURCH OF CHRIST The class is organized in coop­ that has been chosen for the Second and B Streets eration with the physical fitness dance. During intermission Skull and Earl F. Downing, Minister program of the national govern­ Morning service 11 a. m. Ser­ ment and will include the follow­ Dagger, sophomore men's service mon, "The Living Church—Its ing activities: calisthenics, runn­ honorary, will tap its new Foundation." ing, rope-jumping, boxing tumb­ members. ------------ •------------ Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. for ling, wrestling, apparatus, and "Where you bound for. soldier?” junior, high school and young peo­ bag punching. The intensity of the ple’s societies. program will be adapted to the a stranger asked a selectee at a railroad station who was bound Evening service 8 o'clock. Song individual students enrolled. The for an army camp. service and special feature in class is limited to 20 enrollees and "Drake field,” was the reply. charge of high school class. Ser­ Jean F. Eberhart, director of ath­ “Drake field—where's that?” mon, ' Shall we pray for ths bap- letics at the college will be the The selectee grew secretive. He instructor. drew the stranger aside and whis­ FULL GOSPEL' TEMPLE Class members must furnish pered their own gymnasium clothing. pen.” in his ear: “In the duck E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. The college will furnish all gym­ I . P. Furman, Pastor nasium facilities. The class is lim­ Sunday school 9:45 a. m. ited to men between the ages of Morning worship 11 o'clock. C. A. service 6:46 Sunday eve­ 20 and 45. ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o’clock. Poster Contest Open C. A. service and choir practice 7:30 Tuesday evening. To County Schools Bible study and prayer meeting Or other so-called •"charms” Pro Musica, music honorary so­ 7:30 Friday evening. will not pay for your loss or Everybody is cordially invited ciety at Southern Oregon College of Education will sponsor its an­ damage—after a fire or to all services. NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ nual poster concert in collabora­ other catastrophe ruins your tion with the college music festi­ TIONAL CHURCH property. A properly written val here on April 23 and 24, ac­ Boulevard and Morton Streets Insurance policy will! cording to Eleanor McColm of Clarence F. McCall, Minister Grants Pass, poster chairman. Bee us now about fire, Church school 9:45 a. m., Mrs. The theme is to be in keeping with windstorm and all other National Music week which is the Glen Prescott, superintendent. forms of property insurance Worship service 11 a. m. with a first week in May, and which is protection. message from Dr. Mark A. Daw- dedicated to the purpose of “fos­ ber, executive secretary of the tering good music and music ap­ Home Missions council of North preciation.” This year the conest is open to America, on religious education. all schools in Jackson county and ------------ •------------ is divided into two divisions; the HOLLOS ANNUAL MEETING Election of officers and recep­ first, including grades nine thru f tion to new members featured the 12; and the second, including grades four thru eight. In each annual meeting of the Church of Christ held in the church parlors division a first and second prize Wednesday evening. Light refresh­ will be awarded. The posters will be displayed and the prizes award­ ments were served. REAL ESTATE and ed during the music festival at the ------------ •------------ BEAL INSURANCE Its’ what the guests say as they college on April 23 and 24. Phone 8781 41 East Main ------------ e------------ swing out of the driveway that really counts. •, The Miner for Quality Printing ------ »------ AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Hi School League Idle This Week LITHIA HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS ENTERTAIN MEN T; 111 By I TOLD YOU SO Phone 75411 Practically no interest was shown in a softball meeting called Friday, Saturday for T J Norby's office Monday night Only Harry Morris, Elks' manager. Jerry Gastliieiiil. Alls coach, and Norby showed up out of the 15 notices mailed out and press notices which appeared Several others who could not I appear sent regrets and signified their Intention of particl|mtlng if with anything came of the meeting. Norby said more interest would Elviry and I he have to be shown before the school district could do anything but Weaver Bros. promised whole-hearted coopera­ tion It anything is decided upon What with so many young men going into the various services of our country it seems doubtful if there remains enough softball ma­ terial in Ashland to form a league that would provide enough com­ petition to draw spectators thru the turnstiles and pay the bills. However, an interesting angle Bill Elliott was brought to light by Larry and Hunter. He suggests that the school facilities be available for Tex Ritter whatever number of young men care to turn out regularly for practice (if there are enough to Sunday, Monday make it pay) and have these men elect a coach which would also be and Tuesday responsible for their actions Prac­ tices and intra-team games would whip the squad into shape for competition against such softball teams as might be organized in other southern Oregon towns as well as possible army teams when soldiers are stationed at Camp White. with This plan would present some interesting competition from the | Joan Blonde)! spectators' viewpoint and home and games probably would draw enough money to defray expenses John Wayne of the team as well as reimburse the school district for whati v. i little they might be out. Wednesday and We fully agree with Hunter's idea and only hope this falls into Thursday the hands of men who are able to start the ball rolling. From the interest shown at the meeting a softball league seems to be out for Ashland thia year so if the sport ia to be indulged in here as ■ a summer pastime, the time ia ripe for some organizing genius to atep in and take over from here. We feel sure merchants who have sponsored teams in the past 11 cents and 1 5 cents would gladly donate uniforms which they already hold for any team that might be organized to around fruit trees Quote price represent Ashland. And. in pay­ to Victory gardener, Miner 13tf ment for the advertising worn on the players' suits, the merchants IF you have anything to sell or MIGHT even contribute a small trade, try a small ad in the Mi­ sum. ner. i “TUXEDO JUNCTION” THE LONE STAR VIGILANTES with A LADY FOR A NIGHT Mid-week Special • WANT ADS • WASTE paper to giveaway, bring your own sacks Southern Ore­ gon Miner FOR SALE NEW people are coming to Ash­ land daily Do you keep boarders, 5-Kxxjm Modem House. Hardwood have you a furnished room to let? floor; fine location, close in, houses for rent or sale ? Try an $2800, on good terms. ad in the Miner, 7-Room Modem House; 2 lota, garage Plastered house all in , WANTED Young Buff Orping­ good shape; 2 bedrooms down | ton rooster. Good stock Reply stairs and 2 upstairs. Price this paper. 1312 $2,000, on terms 5-Rm Modem Hou*» close to WANTED TO BUY good used Park. Fine location. $1,500 on heater, wood or oil. Must be in terms. good condition and priced right See W. W. Robison. 42 E Main. S. Ore. Miner. 13-1 WANTED Rhode Island laying hens. Box 396, Ashland. 13tf ('HEAP printing Is expensive. WANT PLOWING "done with Have your work door RIGHT at small tractor; have about 4 , the Home of Better Printing—— »ere Victory garden to work I THE MINER PRESS. Your Laundry Is As Close To You As Your Phone Horseshoes Billings Agency A. Our service is especially designed to satisfy men and women who are par­ ticular. Test this service now and settle your problem once and for all. Phone 7771. A route man will be glad to call promptly. ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Wirt M. Wright, Prop. Phone 7771 : 81 Water St. “For the ideal washday—»lust call, that’s all”