I Friday, April 17, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 So the People of Ashland May Know *1 Here Are the Facts About Current Merchandise As We See Them Today All Out fory ictory —Let us have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it.—Lincoln. PALACE CAFE Ashland-Yreka WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. JAMES G. MACKIE, Authorized Dealer DR. C. CLYDE DUNHAM CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Telephone 3821 244 Hargadine St. DRIVE IN MARKET Yes, there are now, and will continue to be, shortages of a few things you have been used to seeing in the stores. However, there is no cause for undue concern or reason for hoarding. The merchants of Ashland have provided ample stocks, sufficient for many months to come in staple lines of importance . . . fashion lines are naturally excepted. Substitute lines (alternatives) will be coming along as Ame­ rican inventive genius develops them. As far as we know, adequate supplies of the Real Necessities of living will continue to be here in broad assortments. WHAT ABOUT SHORTAGE? Groceries, 1-resti Vegetables, Meats Phone 5161 180 ,‘C” Street KARL OESER GILMORE SERVICE ASHLAND GROCETERIA The WHAT-NOT 10c STORE WHITE HOUSE GROCERY 372 E. Main — Phone 7021 J. C. PENNEY COMPANY Ashland, Oregon WHAT ABOUT PRICES? We, the Merchants of Ashland, will do all we can to thwart unwarranted price advances. By co-operating with the efforts of government agencies and continuing to buy our lines of merchandise from the most responsible makers who know the importance of keeping prices under control. You can aid in keeping prices under control by making many of your purchases early each season. Retail prices as a whole have not risen in proportion to wholesale prices. Retailers alone don’t hold the key to price levels but we can and do employ efforts to protect the situation. When we advise you on savings, it is with authority and good intentions at heart. SAFEWAY GROCERY RAMSEY’S JEWELRY STORE Swedenborg Building BROADY BROS. DRUG STORE 275 East Main 3 WEST SIDE GROCERY 71 North Main WARDROBE CLEANERS 45 North Main BUSHNELL STUDIO Swedenberg Building WHAT ABOUT SUBSTITUTES? Out of the present condition unquestionably will come many items of materials that after the “duration” will remain with us. They will be accepted on the same basis as many great products produced in peace time . . . many will be superior to those they were designed to replace. Remember . . . Rayon, Plastics and a host of other things you use every day were “alternatives” at one time. W. W. ROBISON REAL ESTATE Office Phone 82» 1 Office: 42 East Main St. J. A. LANGTRY Fire INSURANCE Auto Office Phone 82» 1 Office: 42 East Main St. METZ 5c-10c-$l STORE H. METZ, ‘.Manager Ashland, Oregon HARRISON PARTS COMPANY 145 East Main St. WHAT ABOUT QUALITY? Years of selling merchandise in Ashland has taught us a great deal about quality. The reputation which we so highly prize was not gained without properly maintaining rigid standards. Our policy during these times is to continue to maintain this high standard of Quality. We do not believe in sacrificing Quality to main­ tain a certain price level. Ashland, Oregon GREYHOUND TAVERN and BUS DEPOT X-L ELECTRIC Office Dial 5031 MRS. GUY GOOD 137 N. Pioneer J.V.W. 5 and 10 “ON THE PLAZA” ALLIN LUMBER COMPANY Lumber and Building Material ASHLAND, OREGON THE BOULEVARD MARKET WHAT ABOUT WASTE? There are programs being devised Nationally to conserve Comer Siskiyou Boulevard and Beach St. Ashland's Newest Super Market resources . . . from paper to gum wrappers. Salvage method^ will be put into effect . . . non-essentials will be looked upon with a wary eye. Watch for developments along con­ servation lines. We suggest that you buy carefully . . . and in the case of some lines, BUY EARLY. Take care of things you own.WASTE NOTHING! HARRY CHIPMAN’S THE WAFFLE SHOP PLAZA TRADE SHOP "ON THK PLAZA" J. B. JONES JEWELRY Buy Defense Stamps and Bonds 7 Plaza St. "ON T1IE PLAZA" ORTMILLER’O F QUALITY DEPARTMENT STORE C. W. Fortmiller J. P. Daugherty