♦ At the Churches * • FRIDAY AND • SATURDAY Wayne Morris Jane Wyman in “BAD MEN OF MISSOURI” Plus­ Bing Crosby Mary Martin Rochester ' in “BIRTH OF THE BLUES” • WED & THUR • 20c Bargain Days Albert Dekker plus ‘UNDERGROUND’ SIX WEEKS DRIVING COURSE ENDS THURSDAY C. D. French of the traffic de­ partment of the secretary of state’s office, yesterday finished a driving course which had been in progress at Ashland high school for six weeks. Certificates of ef­ ficiency were awarded to 32 peo­ ple, seven of whom were adults. Adults taking the course were Ruth E. Thomas, Mrs. Lulu Tilton, Mary M. Daly, Altadena Powell, Cathie Chamberlain and Mrs. Ma­ rian Prescott. 1 1 • • « • • • • « • • • NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ TIONAL CHI RUH Boulevard and Morton Streets Clarence F. McCall, .Minister Worship service at 11 a. m. at which time the minister will deliv­ er the final of a series of sermons on the church. A covered dish supper will be served at 7 p. m. Monday. April 13 at the church. All friends, young and old are invited. Bible school 9:45 a m., with Easter program. Mrs. Glen Pres­ cott, superintendent. < » » FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. L. P. Euruuui, Castor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. C. A. service t>;45 Sunday eve­ ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o clock. C. A. service and choir practice Looker’s Fedora in 7:30 Tuesday evening. Bible study and prayer meeting Ring for Senate Seat 7:30 Friday evening. Walter J. Looker, Jackson coun­ Everybody is cordially invited ty attorney, who has announced to all services. hi9 candidacy for the republican nomination for state senator, was 1 1 1 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH i an A sli land visitor Wednesday Cor. N. .Hain and Laurel »1». | I looking over the situation in this end of the county. Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister In stating his qualifications, Sunday Cnurch school at 9:45 a. Looker stated that he received m. Morning sermon at 11 o'clock his early education in Sioux City. on the subject, “He is not here, Iowa. He worked his way through but is risen as He said.” Tne pas­ college by shorthand reporting, in tor will administer tne sacrament which he had specialized, and his ot baptism to children and aduus skill in this art has been useful many instances since. who may desire it, and win re­ in Among his activities after leav- j ceive into membership those wno ing college, he recites the follow- may desire IL At 8 p. m. the combined choirs ing: Chief clerk for the American | of the cooperating churches will Railway Express company; secre­ present the Easter cantata, "Tne tary to the president of the Live­ stock National Bank of Sioux Seven Last Words, ‘ by Dubois. Mid-week Bible study and pray­ City for three years: a civil ser­ vice position with the Interstate er service is held each at 7:d0 p. Commerce Commision at Wash­ m. each Wednesday. ington, D. C. for eight years, a ♦ » t hitch in the navy during World FKEE METHODIST CHURCH War I. coming west a few years East Main Street later to operate a dairy ranch and John R. Poet, I'astor apple orchard in the Yakima val­ Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. ley until 1925, when he came to Bernice Beare, superintendent la Medford Was admitted to the charge. Oregon Bar in 1926 and was asso­ Morning worship at 11 o'clock ciated with A E Reames in prac­ with the pastor bringing the mes­ tice of law and acting as court re­ sage. porter. Now engaged in private Young People s meeting and Ju­ law practice. ----- -—•------- nior meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evan­ gelistic service at 8 p. m. with BELLVIEW NEWS tne pastor in charge. Mid-week prayer meeting at 8 • Bellview grange held a regular I p m. Wednesday. meeting Tuesday evening. Earl Newbry was obligated in the 4th tit TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH degree. The members voted to send $5 to the state farm home Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar for children. They also voted to Holy Communion 7:30 a. m. turn over the paper they had Church school 9:30 a. m. for defense to the Dead Since they co-starred in “The Morning prayer 11 o’clock. Dr. gathered Indian 4-H club The host and lady Eve,” Bartxini Stanwyck Clyde Dunham will have charge hostesses for the evening were and Henry Fonda again are ol this service. Mr. and Mrs. Vai Inlow. Mr and comedy-teamed in < oluiubia's Choir will meet at 7:30 p. m. I Mrs. W’ O. Martin, Mrs. Vincent “I oii Belong to Me.” now at 4h<- Thursday. Glen and Ray In low l.ithia Theatre. Healey Ruggles You are cordially invited to wor- Lanini. • The home extension unit will. produced and directed the new ship with us. meet Wednesday. A covered dish hit. 1 luncheon will be served at noon FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Election of officers will take place <■ J. R. Turn bull. Minister the morning session and Bible school 9.45 a. m., C. E. during Miss Farrell will speak in the af­ Corry, superintendent. on Citizenship. She plans Morning worship 11 o'clock: ternoon to have someone who will explain BYHU b:30 p. m. just how and where women can : Gospel service 7:30 p. m.:Ten- help in the way of business This minute song service- meeting is open to anyone who Prayer, praise and Bible study, can attend. Or other so-called “’charm*" 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Stiles who will not |my for your loss or have recently purchased the L. D. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Meservey rancr entertained the damage—after a fire or SCIENTIST other catastrophe ruins y«ur following guests at dinner Easter: Pioneer Ave^ South Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page. Mr and property. A properly written Sunday morning service at 11 Mrs. Carl Stiles and family of Insurance policy will! o'clock. Klamath Falls: Mr and Mrs Joe t Subject: Are Sin, Disease, and Carlisle of Eagle Point. Mrs. Hee us now about fire, Death Real? windstorm and all other Jackie Pool and Mr and Mrs. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Charles Booth and Mr. and Mrs.1 forms of property Insurance Wednesday evening meeting, William Gourley of Bonanza: Mr. protection. which includes testimonies ot and Mrs. Alford Sanders and baby Christian Science healing, is held from Tionesta, Calif. at 8 o'clock. • The Bellview Embroidery club Reading room open daily from met this week with Mrs George 2 to 5 p. m. and also Thursday Helm. A 1 o’clock luncheon was evening from 7 to 9, except Sun­ served and the afternoon was days and holidays. spent in visiting and doing needle The public is cordially invited work. to attend these services, and to • Mrs. Milton Hamilton who has use the reading room. been ill at the home of her par­ ents near Grants Pass, is better FIRST PRESBYTERIAN and able to return to her home REAL ESTATE and CHURCH • Mr. and Mrs Alfred Randal REAL INSURANCE Howard G. Eddy, Minister and son from Yreka spent Sunday Phone 8781 41 East Main Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt with Mrs Randal's parents, Mr M. Wright, superintendent. and Mrs. James Metcalf. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. High school Christian Endeavor meets at 6:15 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. i By I TOLD YOU SO »I *i * * * Leonard (Pat) Patterson has his salary difficulties at Jacksonville high school all patched up now. Pat, whose football teams won the county championship three years in a row and whose baseball teams have won 14 out of 18 and are now in the district “A” league, wanted a boost in his yearly pay­ check and said he’d quit if he didn't get it. But now it looks like he will quit anyway. Pat told this de­ partment the other day that he CHURCH OF THE* NAZARENE planned to finish the present Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor school term and then has promise Fourth and C Streets of employment for the summer in Church school 9:45 a. m. a shipyard in Portland. Because Morning worship 11 o’clock. he faces probable army induction Sermon, "The Church’s Founds - next fall he thinks he will stay tion.” with the shipyard until Uncle Sam Departmental meetings at 7 p. needs him. m. (Note: meetings beginning half Pedro Brazil, the brilliant South hour later). Evangelistic service 8 p. m. champioh who has been headlln- Prayermeeting 8 p. m. Wednes­ American heavyweibht wrestling ing Proihoter Mack Lillard’s Med­ day. ford armory cards, is a real South ere American. Speaking with a Por­ CATHOLIC CHURCH tugese accent, he tells the story Rev. W. •». Meagher, Pastor of his trying to learn the Ameri­ Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. can language from a “fresh from ere the old country" Englishman. The CHURCH OF CHRIST teacher talked with a real English Second and B Streets accent and Brazil, after listening Earl F. Downing, Minister to his American-speaking friends, Morning service 11 a. m. Ser­ informed his tutor he wasn’t learning to speak American. His mon, “The Living Church—Its teacher advised him to secure Foundation." Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. for other methods of learning so Bra­ zil did that and now speaks much junior," high school and young peo­ better than the average American. ple’s societies. Evening service 8 o'clock. Song He has been in America since 1940 and has carved an envious service and special feature in name for himself in the nation's charge of high school class. Ser­ mon, "Shall we pray for the bap- wrestling circle«. ii ,—a------ • Lloyd and Kenneth Wenaus UNIVERSITY FINDS STUDER from Dunsmuir s|x'nt the week- 1 MORE SERIOUS MINDED end with their patents, Mr. and The hugest honor roll in recent Mrs. Theo Wenttus They will be yesiN ut tile University of Oregon leaving soon for army service. seems to indicute that students • Mi and Mrs A R Kincaid and have become more serious minded Eunice were hosts to a group of and are doing a better job of friends and relatives Sunday at u studying since the outbreak of the 1 o'clock dinner Guests were Mr war. Even In the face of de- and Mrs C. B Howard and Miss creased enrollment '.‘ imi students, Frances Howard, Miss Mane Wal­ in comparison with 177 fall term, ker and Earl Warren found places on the list. • Joe E Randles was pleasantly Honor student* from Ashland surprised Sunday by a group of are Frank King and Willard Matt­ relatives on the occasion of his oon. birthday A potluck dinner was served at noon and after dinner ••**•*•*«•*•*••••«•**•*• the group went for a drive thru tire valley Those enjoying the day with Mr. Randles were Mr and Mrs. Guy Randles. Mr. and Mrs Merrit Randles and sons Don and i" , ................. ....... • A Jerry and Mr». Van Wegen. • Mr and Mrs 1 Mn Brummer of 1 It marke the spot of the first Prineville spent the week-end Ht sustained flight of a heavier than the Herman Helm home Mrs air machine, |>ec. 17, 1903 by the Bruntmer is a niece of Mrs Helm Wright Brothers. • La Verne Marsh has returned 2 There are 22 national parks from San Diego and is employed with a total aiea of 12.542 Hi at the sawmill. square miles. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell and 3. 60 important rivers, 12 of daughter Judith Ann of Klamath which reach a length of ovei 200 Falls spent the week-end with miles. Robert's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S 4 8,200.000 square miles which E. Bell. comprises almost one-sixth of the • Mr. ami Mrs W. O. Martin were globe dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and 5 The isthmian region between Mrs D F. Korth Mexico and South America • R D. Reynolds was removed to 6. Nicolaus Copernicus, who his home Thursday from the hos­ proved his work by 1530 pital. His condition is somewhat 7. Taj Mahal, built in the improved. half of the 17th century at a • Mr and Mrs Kincaid and Eu­ of $15.000.000 nice were business visitors in Med­ 8. Tile New York Evening Post ford Saturday. 9 13 miles long ami 2 Io 2', • Mrs. Floyd Park >f Central miles wide Point spent Sunday with her sister 10 Since the 16th century, al­ and family. Mr. and Mrs Waltei though an alloy containing plati­ Davis. num has been found in a tomb In • George Nichols is confined t< Egypt. dating from 700 B C his home with munnifis • N B. Hull made a business trip to Montague. Calif. Wednesday i | I i ' FAVORITES Jeffry Lynn Kaaren Verne HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS li-ni of the Holy Spirit?” Midweek service. \\ < Inesday. LITHIA K N T E K T A I N M K N T Phono 75>g Cabin now la prepared to serve regular customers an