SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Apr. 3, 1942 Page 3 Five member* will bring cooked. “NO HUNTING” cards at the food mid the officers will serve | Miner office. the refreshments. Mrs. H Badger and Mrs Klnlaid will have charge “FOR RENT" cards at the of the program. WANTED Rhode Island laying Miner office. • * hens Box 396. Axhland. 13tf • Guests of Mi and Mis Waltri • M. nml Mrs Will Childers and HILT M.WN Answers h» the«- questions wdl he Herndon Monday Weir Ml and Mrs. Charles Estes made a trip to MEDFORD WORKERS — Lili found on another page, Mis. William Herndon of Eugene Weed Sunday. take paxM-ngerx to Medford and 1. What is the largest single • Mr. i> <. Sloan is m the Com • Ttie Community dub met at 2 return. Also roundtrip during body of fresh water in the world ? | munlty hospital for treatment the evening. Dial H00I. 3-20-2 p. in Wednesday, Ápril i The 2 Name a spectacular natural • Mis Henderson mid Mrs Carrie • Cliff McLean ol Poi Hand spent study topic . was "Russia.” Mrs. wonder in Arizona. Bernheisel entertained with a WANTED Young Buff Orping ­ the week end ill Ashland Ira Gertrud«' Ottinger and Mrs. 3 When wax the city of New, • Mi mid Mis A A Hull and Williams were the leaders, I |M birthday party at the Henderson ton rooxter. Good xtock Reply York first settled? home for Helen Bernheisel, who daughter Catherine of ctiehnlis. nutiition meeting scheduled for thix paper. 13t2 i 4. What, are the 13 countries of Wash , spent a few days ut the G April 1 hxx been post|H>ncd until was 12 ami Junior Henderson. 13 South America? Games were player] mid lovely re WANTED TO BUY good used B Hull home, returning north Muy. 5. Has the Dead Sea any com­ heater, wd or oil. Must be in 'Ihuisduy morning. Sunday the • M in Ma Talbott, a resident of freshrnents were served The honor good condition and priced right., mercial value ? two famllli's diove to Montague, Talent for the past ih years, guests received many nice birth 6. What is the present name of S On Miner. 13 1 Calif on u sightseeing tour mid paused away at a local hospital day gifts from their friends who Korea ? attended, ami were ax follows found the valley and aurrolnding Fl Iday afternoon after a brief Ill- 7. What ix the present popula­ Try Our Milk and Cream \ .1 i .1 > TX> Bl' '> I oi Marylyn and Betty Dunaway. hills in vridunt spring gmb ness. Mix Talbott n-Mided at the Bethel mid Babe Bernheisel, Gia Kxmi house dose in. Modern in tion and size of Australia? • Virginia Hi mba rr tuined I Brickey orchard west of Talent. AN ASHI.AND PRODUCT 8. From what was the income I every way, with basement and dya Quarnme, Barbara Alphonse. Sunday to her home In Albany] of the Prince of Wales derived ? garafe Small down payment, after visiting a few days with her ' • Dale O’Barra, Harvey Maxon Allen and Norman Bernheisel, An­ rest like rent within reason. 9 What year ix taken as the ' grandmother. Mrs D M Brower, and Harvey Thayer, who ure em­ nabel and Gene Henderson and Z M Miner omce 13tf beginning of Chinese history ? ployed at the Boeing plant in Se ­ Ernest De Avilla and her aunt, Miss Voda Blower. 10. What are the leading indus­ • J. It Wick Is taking treatment attle, spent the week-end with • Mr and Mrs Gino Trinca are .'. < rr plowing . ■ ■ their home folks. the proud parents of a son, who tries of India? ut the Community hospital small tractor; tiave about • Miss Jean Frideger of Ashland, • Mi ami Mis Van Kirk, who arrived Sunday, weighing k'a j acre Victory garden to work student at the University of Ore­ have been living in the Talent pounds Mrs Trinca and son are Phone «712 around fruit trees. Quote price in the Yreka hospital. campgiound the past winter, mov ­ gon, has been elected state rush- to Victory lilMi IStfl • A son wax bom to Mr and Mrs AUTOMOBILE - FIRE ed into the Thurston property one Ing chairman for Delta Delta Franklin nt the Yreka hospital 1 IF’ you have anything to sell or | CASUALTY - LIFE mile south of town. sorority. • Mis O G Crawford has Ix'cn • Mulvern Price, who has lesided Monday morning Mother and son | trade, try a small ad in the j quite ill this week at her home, m latent fur the past foui yeuis, are doing nicely ner. 244 Hargadine was tuaen to Meatord lust week • Mrs W A leitio nmvol bOOM Dependable Protection at • Bill Briggs is spending Eaxtei Where he will receive medical Sunday night by bus from Sacra- ] WASTE paper to giveaway; bring mento, where she has been visit- ■ Reasonable Raten your own sacks Southern Ore­ vacation tn Ashland with his li eu Intent, with her daughter and son-in- , gon Miner. father, William Briggs He is a I • C E Marty, nephew of Mrs. Ing law, Mr and Mrs Jack Fiey student at Blown Mlillury acade­ II H 1 <• I. I,..l,.it< (N • Mr and Mrx Richard Williams NEW people are coming to Axh­ my in Sun Diego. Portland visited Mrs Lowe last with relatives in Medford and land daily. Do you keep boarders, ON THE PLAZA Thursday. • A six-|M>und 12 ounce daughter snd son Roy spent Sunday visiting have you a furnished room to let? wua born to Mr and Mrs. Lemuel • Mis J W Mason of Suncrest Grants Paas houses for rent or sale? Try an McBride at 5:45 a m Wednesday Orchard nax returned home after • Bill Slingxby of Grenada wax at the Community hospital. spending me past three weeks overnight guest of Billy Gran , ad In the Miner. • Robert 1, Johnson, son of Mi witn ner mother in !>>a Angeles Monday They attended a xhow In and Mrs. R. W. Johnson, Scenic who sintered amputation of one Axhland Monday night accompan- [ ENGI N E E R I N G DESIGN. DRAFTING. TRACING. DIE­ Drive, writes that he now is with ol her limbs. led by Mr and Mrx W A Gran MAKER. GAUGE - MAKER the urmy signal corps in southern • F S. Jami'S, who has been liv­ TOOL-MAKER, MACHINIST, California. Winston Johnson, his ing in the Crosby property for the • Mrx Tom Callahan of Axhland I 'A TTER N M AKER MOULD­ brother, who has been spending a pust two years moved to Ashland vixited at the Jim f*urvis home ER. WELDING, Training in a two weeks vacation in Ashutnu, last week Mr. and Mis C. R Sunday. shop in Axhland, Ore. has returned to Alaska Huitol now occupy the house va­ • Jack Clark of Medford wax vlx- iting in Hilt Sunday MILTON B BADGER • Mrs Earl Edsall and sons of cated by Mr James. Engineering and Scientific lab­ • Johnny Kalvet and his brother, • Klamath Falls were Sunday guests oratories. Main St. Tigard, Ore. sons of Mr. and Mrs. John Kal­ at the home of Mr and Mrs J. R. BELLVIEW NEWS The Miner for copy work. vet of Sacramento, are visiting Plttcnger. their grandparents, Mr and Mrs • Mrs. Josephine Wurzei spent CHEAP printing lx expensive. L Luper three days with her son Joe ut ------------- e........ Have jour work done RIGHT at Foil Stevens the past week-end, the Horne of Better Printing----- returning to her hume in Ashland • Mi. and Mrs Allen Russel By id NEWS FROM Monday. THE MINER PRESS. A'cie guests ut honor at a duiner • M L Kathan will xpcnd the given Sunday ut the home of Al­ week-end in Portland looking over ien s parents. Mi. and Mrs. W. G. By SCHOOL PUPILS • Subscribe for The Miner today. his new job as lullway mail clerk I Byrd. The attractive dinner was Philip Selby brought his finger- | 42 Helman Dial 5751 He will lake up the work 1 mined -1 served at 1 o'clock and at the print set to school and finger­ lately following the close of Ash­ Close a lieaulitul bnde s cake was printed all of the children in his , land junior high school. cut and served by the bride. 'Hiose VOOtB On Tuesday, March 31, the boys • asiM Frances Webb, format stu­ enjoying the day with Mr. and dent at Southern Oregon College Mis. G. W. Byrd and Mr. and Mix and girls of Room 5 saw colored of Education and an employe of Alien Byrd were Mrs. Dunlei I *1 slides of Holland The slides show­ To the Printing Trade: That you can now the Varsity theatre, left A an land mer and children, Mrs. Mlles Far- ed many interesting things: the DENTIST We have taken over from Monday night for Tupelo, Miss, mer and daughter, Mr. and Mta. cities, fishing villages, canals, dog Hourw 9-12 and 1-5 get complete the West Coast Ink Co., where she will become the bride Cui Us Byrd and Istby, all of Dor- larts, windmillls, farms, gardens, Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 of lJeut. John Fowler, son of Mi. ns. Cant., Clarence Byrd of Sea- costumes of the people, and the Portland, several hun­ and Mrs. J W. Jackson of Eugene. side and Churlaln Byrd, daughter chief occupations of Holland. dred pounds of Triangle Mias Webb is the daughter of Mra i oi Mi and Mis. W G. Byrd. Mra. Adell Webb of Ashland and is a Allen Byrd is the former Julia STUDENTS REMAINING IN -—- High Speed job ink and /— ------ ------------------ giaduate of a Eugene high school Nobto "I A 'I’ll,' couple will COLLEGE, FIGI RES SHOW NOTICE! Indications that college stu­ for a limited time only LieUt. Fowler is a graduate of the make thefr nome in Ashland at If you don't want to sell at University of Oregon. the home of her parents. Mr. and dents are taking seriously the your property, don't list it offer this stock at $1 per nationwide advice to remain in Mis. Noble. with us! pound laid down to pur­ • Mis 11. L Smalley and Carl school until or unless called to TALENT NEWS C. II U F F M A N Renick, sister and brother of Mrs. military duty are seen in the ] chaser if check accom­ For Real Estate Chai les Ahderson, and her mother, larger enrollment than was ex- ! 65 N. .Main A 345 E. Main Airs. Mary Huahuwer, all of San­ pected in the spring term at Ore- I panies order. Otherwise Registration ta Rosa, Calif , stopped over Wed­ gon State college passed the 3600 mark before the I price will be $1.50 per nesday with Mrs. Anderson and • The senior class of Talent high end of the first full week, which I pound, the standard school will present ■'Spring Fever” Dale enroute home from Myrtle is only 11 per cent less than last, as the annual class play to be Point where they had been called year and a smaller drop than j price. given the evening of April 10 at by the death of their brother. predicted. Reiette, tf, --QitÀet, the school house A popular three- • Mis Gertrude Seitz is expect­ You can use this ab­ Women especially are staying j ing her son Wuller home to spend act farce picture of the last days solutely non-skin­ by their studies, as the drop in al Brookfield college when one Easter. Walter is stationed with the co-ed total is only four pet ning job black on 98 emergency after another arises the U. S. army at Portland. • Ruth Seitz is confined to her cent. An analysis of the changes until the climax. by classes shows that the fresh ­ per cent of your • .Mi and Mis Is roy < h Mrs home this week with mumps. man class is less than 50 students • Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wallis were printing. Mary Furrer and Dick Kreger re­ smaller than a year ago, and the DIAL 4541 ceived wor dthat their father at business visitors In Medford Mon­ senior class is slightly large: the day and Mr. and Mrs. Murk True Send orders to Wakefield, Kan , hail passed away. falling off being in sophomore and Having vunted their old home last I were Medford visitors Tuesday. Miltenberger & Crawford junior classes, from which men fall, the Talent relatives will not • Yvonne Christlich 1» recovering have been taken in considerable DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER at the Community hospital where 167 East Main St. attend the funeral. numbers by selective service and she underwent an appendectomy • Mrs Ruth Helfrich and sister, Ashland, Oregon as volunteers in the air lorps and Mrs. Ray Hurons of Central Point, i Monday. similar services. | We Never Close—Phone 4541 were calling on friends in Talent • Mis. Melvin Conley of Duns­ C.M.IJt wilier Saturday afternoon. Both are for­ muir is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. mer residents of this place. • The Talent fire department was Reynolds, and helping lare for her called out Friday night to a fire father whose condition remains on the property of Mr. and M ra. I unchanged. by LEO KEINER ■ Roy Elates. A woodshed adjoining • Mr. and Mr». Henry Stenrud —r—-.1 the house was destroyed and part and Mra Sorenson, Eunice Kin­ of the house and furniture badly caid and Earl Warren were dinner guests Sunday of Marie Walker in damaged. • Mrs. Ila Williams of Wagner Ashland. Creek passed away at the Sacred • Mr. and Mrs. Jack King have Heart hospital in Medford at 7:30 relumed from Eugene where they o'clock Sunday evening. She was attended the funeral of Mr King's the only daughter of the late stepfather, Stanley Reil. Mr. Reil Frank Kerby and had lived her was killed in an automobile acci- entire life in the home in which dent at Eureka, Calif, and Mrs. Phone 3751 M»*dford Center Building she was born. She leaves a hus­ Heil also was killed in an auto 240 East Main, Ashland Phone 2261 prev- accident just a few weeks band, Jesse Williams, and three children, Elsie, Clyde and Aria ious to her husband's accidental Fay, besides a large number of death. relatives and friends. Funeral ser­ • Mrs. Walter Hash went to Med­ vices were held at 2 p. m. Wed­ ford Thursday to attend the con­ nesday from the Litwiller Funeral ference of the home extension Tki FIAXM0 ailZSSlAM Home chapel in Ashland. Inter­ unit. There were four counties WAA (Uro-Tl) CAtrtfO A B uttir ment was made in the Stearns represented nt the meeting, Jack- SMOBrA6t.xAXoi.roH m orrrtro rooo son, Josephine, Klamath and Coos. cemetery on Wagner creek. ilPftTS APtlll »0« WSCOVÍX» • Mr and Mrs. Al Norris are' • The Upper Valley club will 0» A -HUATABI-e , APP1TIZIHG, SOVTHtRN COOKS orr»»« T m « u $T having a three-room cottage built meet next week. Members are XUTZltlOW AH» KONOMlCAl* UASGf . CltAN IO PtNHV NAILS in ­ on the lot back of their residence urged to bring needle and thread altí R xat » roa tabix ax D to A ROAST T hey want CXTKA to sew for the emergency hospital. and grocery. KITCHCM Ufl • WANT ADS • I About Peo/fie You Know QUESTIONS I Children’s Birthdays Inspiration for Party Clover Leaf Dairy ■[ I NSURANCE We Have ’Em! M. T. BURNS W ear a Cross at Easter Ramsey’s Jewelry Store DID YOU KNOW Valley Club Sews for Emergency Hospital GREEN SLABS Lincoln School Gunter Fuel Co. INK FOR SALE Dr. L. W. Stoffers BREAKFAST SERVICE Pete’s Lunch Senior Class Play Dated for April 10 Litwiller Funeral Home 4 WORLD ' POOD. Southern Oregon Credit Bureau 4 1 Reporting Office Ashland General Qffice Meàford YOUR CREDIT RECORD —You make it, Wre Record it! ■V V V y -r ■r x- v » -as1 w w v w w V y, I The World’s News Seen Through : T he C hristian S cience M onitor An International Daily Ncws/iapcr PublhM h Illi- CHRISTIAN SCI! NCI I’t'HI Fill NG SOCII TV One. Norway Streel, BwtOS, MsaacIlUWtto I > < > , i> Truthful—Conairuclivs— Unbiased—Free from Sensational­ ism — Editorials Arc Timely and instructive, and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section. Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. > > , Price $ I 2.00 Yearly, or f 1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, X2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. < , Obtainable at: Christian Science Reading Room > Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon ■A. a ^«4 » A A . A ».A a A A ». I < < < ’ ’ I TtNOER. Tnt nail S COXOuCT I«t ,T EVENLY and thorou & hly through roast 1 Permanent PRICES! SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS < < < < < < < < (LEANING WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT OR ANY THREE FOR ClTRuS CROP wtm fgutliw « wouio MAKI (NOU«H ZUICI TO AOAT «0 •ATTbi SHIPS, WITH Pooe I OB A II» PtSTXOXtRS , CSuiSIKS »HP Sue«' roPAv ruf RtSuLf cxscovtRv MAcr.AR'ia 15 AVU>t 01 US »ARMS Milk ANO »OJP tu.iw WltM VltAMIN A At'PíV 11 HANI. HIGH in AMERICAN NvIRHIPH WÍ Will PAY 15 00 FOP FACH STRANSF FOOD FACI SU8W1HD AND USt ADDKÍSS, A WORLD OF FOOD, 239 WÍST 39 SIRFFI, NFW YORK, N.Y FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY COLLEGE CLEANERS Phone 6336 M23 Siskiyou Blvd