Page 3 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Mar. 27, 1942 About People You Know • Mi and M is Ftnnk Jenkins of Klmnuth Fulls were overnight vis­ itor« in Ashland Tuesilay Mi Jen kina, who is publlshct of the Eve­ ning Herithl and Klamath News. whs the guest speaker at the A A U W dinner Tuesday evening ut the parish house • Tuesday tin- American .< um I i . ii v went to \i' i ppend Ho ,|ay willi Mm C E 11 ci I I m - rg Tile ladle« tk coveted dishes with them and dent-ended upon their surprised hostess, much t<> het great pleasure A handker­ chief shower wan one of the high spots of the afternoon. • Mrs Clyde Young and daughtei Marilyn returned the first of the week from a short visit with Col Young before he In transferred front Camp Lewin • Guests ut the < hainbci of com merer dinner Ttiurnday night of last week were Mi and Mm Earl <’ Reynolds of Klamath Falls Reynolds has nerved an executive secretary of the Klamath county chamber of commerce since IU2X King’s Chef Saves Sugar in Recipea Reedsport where he will be rm- pioyed in highway work • Vernon McKinnls who in i ern- ployed ill the Consolidat eil Air Plane plant at San Diego is home for a few days vacation • Mr and Mis Howard Huitz and their son and family have rented the Marsh ranch • Mi ami Mrs P E Stiles from Klamath Falls have bought the L. D Miservay ranch and Mi Miser- vey haw moved to Ashland. • Mrs Clarice Anderson and son Dale returned Tuesday from Myt - tie Point where they had been culled by the death of Mrs An­ demon's brother. • • WANT ADS • WANTED Rhode Island laying hens Box 39«, Ashland 13tf .. ...... " -■ I 'J further aid in conserving — sugar, J I* Morgan, Chef In­ MEOFORD WORKERS — «.ill structor. Canadian National Rail­ take passengers h> Medford and return. Also roundtrip during ways, who was the evening. Dial KOO I. 3-20-2 chef to Their Majesties. King WANTED Young Buff Orping­ George and ton rooster Good stock. Reply Eliza Queen this paper 1312 beth during their North WANTED TO BUY good used American tour, heater, worxj or oil. Must be in bus prepared a good condition and priced right number of sug- S Ore Miner. 13-1 arlese recipes ■ u b «t 11 u 11 n g WANTED TO BUY 5- or 6- muple sufcar, i«x>rn house close in Modern in corn syrup, every way. with basement and luolussea The garafe Small down payment, new recipes, rest like rent within reason. ulready Intro- Chef Morgan Z M Miner otnee 13tf duced to din­ ing car patrons on the Canadian WANT FLXJWING done with National, include muffin«. maple small tractor; have about >z butter, gingerbread, cup custard, acre Victory garden to work cuke and cake Alling«. Here are around fruit trees Quote price some of Morgan's favorite new to Victory gardener, Miner. 13tf •'»ugarle«»" suggestions: Golden Corn Cake IF you have anything to sell or r TALENT NEWS Open House at School Draws Crowd Anglers Asked to Report Fish Count I • The open house held at the school Friday evening was well at­ tended A fine exhibition of art I J cup Hour >4 vs. 2*0 joyed the supper prepared by the Canadian N“‘ hospital McOII' * indies of the grange • New residents of the valley • Mr. and Mm Hugh Combest —•— • IN Mi end Mis Allred I.illy have sold their ranch to Mr. and KH)I> PRODUCTION URGED formerly of Bonanza Mr IJIIy Is Mrs Vl.-lls of Central Point Mr "Grow our own garden, meat, u brother of Jeaoe Lilly of Ash­ and Mm Combest have moved on poultry, milk for health, con­ land He has taken a ranch near their small ranch neer Anderson venience. patriotism, conserva­ Medford J creek road Mr and Mrs. Wells tion." This victory slogan for Ore­ ----------- ♦- I »»ok {XMMcamon day Mui ch 15. Mrs Payne is a may be had from any extension the place for over 29 yearn. Mr daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ralph office. and Mis. Anderson plan extensive Winbum and was a 1941 gradu­ improvements on the house before ate of the Talent high school. moving. | • Mr anil Mrs. Clarence Homes • The Beil view 1’ T A met last and daughter, Clarice of the Tex.- Friday afternoon. Because or tnc | ¡co service stution in Ashland rise in food prices the senool chiiu- called on relatives here Sunday. ren will be usked io pay < cents, •Lysle Tome of the l»ead Indian instead of 5 and the F. T. A will area wax a Talent visitor Tuesday. • furnish lunch free to any child who hasn't the money to pay. ROSEMARY BELL BRIDE Mrs. Byrd and Mrs. Reynolds OF JOHN CLAUDE KESLER The marriage of Rosemary Lu talked on defense work and Mrs Ring and Mrs. Dews spoke on al­ Bell to John Claude Kesler was II cohol and narcotics. Mrs. Pendle­ an event of March 22 at the beau­ The Miner for copy work ton, Mm. McCoy and Mrs Millet- tiful San Fernando country home served refreshments. The next of Mr. and Mrs Tom Carroll of meeting will be the third Friday Los Angeles. The ceremony was NOTICE! night in April and will be Dads performed by the Rev. Carmack, If you don’t want to sell night. Mr. Briggs, Mr. Gardner, a long-time friend of the Kesler your property, don't Mat it Mr. Hoadley and Mi. Ring will be family. with us! The bride was given in marriage in charge of the meeting. C. HUFFMAN by her father, E. Bell, and was • Miss Alice Wright, who has For Real Estate been quite ill is some better. Mrs. attended by her sister, Patricia 05 N. Main A 345 E. Main Bell. Eugene Tierney, a close V Wade Wallis is also reported bet­ J friend of the groom was his at- ter but R. D. Reynold's condition ten dan t. remains about the same. He is The young couple left for Del still unable to have visitors. Mrs. Claude Moore is confined to her Mar on a short honeymoon and home with mumps Mrs. Wm. will be at home to their friends Turner is around some again after at 311» Keats street, San Diego, Hours 9-12 and 1-5 where a new home awaits them. being ill three weeks. Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 Mrs Kesler, daughter of Mr. • Mr. and Mrs Homer Moore and and Mrs. R. E. Bell of Bellview, daughter Barbara Jean, and Mr. is a graduate of Ashland high and Mrs. Harry Stearns of Ash­ school, was secretary at the Jun­ land were visiting in Grants Pass ior high school for a year and Sunday. more recency was employed as • Mr. and Mrs. A R. Kincaid and bookkeeper at the First National Mrs. Beth Hamakcr were trans­ bank in this city. ...r, Kesler is a acting business In Klamath Falls graduate of the high school at Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid Wellington, Texas, and a former were in Medford Monday where student at Texas A. and M col­ 42 Helman Dial 5751 Mr. Kincaid attended a Ford tract­ lege at College Station, he is em- or school I ployed in an aircraft plant at • The Dead Indian 4-H club met ( San Diego. Saturday, March 21 at the Carl , Henry ranch. Iris Furgeson is a new member of the club. • Miss Alberta Thomas, wh? is teaching in north Klamath county and Miss Helen Thomas who teaches at Bridges spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Thomas. • Jack King received word Fri- day that his step-father had been killed in an accident. Mr. and i Mrs. King left for Eureka to at­ DI AL 4541 tend the funeral. • Mr and Mrs. Alfred Gilley of Dunsmuir lire spending this week DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER with Mrs Gilley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M A Hing. • Mrs. Murk True returned Fri­ We Never Close—Phone 4511 day from attending a meeting at Marshfield of the S. W. Presby- terial of the Presbyterian church. trade, try a small ad in the Mil­ ner. Dr. L. W. Stoffers We Have ’Em! Wear a ( ross at Easter Ramsey’s Jewelry Store By this means it is hoped to ob­ tain sufficient data to learn the results of the fish plantings made in the past and to determine fu­ ture policies. • THE MINER PRESS. ( HEAP printing Is expensive. Have your work done HIGHT at the Home of Better Printing NEW people are coming to Ash­ land daily. Do you keep boarders, have you a furnished room to let ? houses for rent or sale? Try an ad in the Miner. ENGI N E E R I N G DESIGN DRAFTING, TRACING, DIE­ MAKER. GAUGE - MAKER. TOOL-MAKER, MACHINIST. PATTERN-MAKER. MOULD­ FIR. WELDING. Training in a shop in Ashland, Ore. MILTON B BADGER Engineering and Scientific Lab- oratories, Main St. Tigard. Ore. That you can now get complete BREAKFAST SERVICE at Pete’s Lunch Southern Oregon Credit Bureau I AYON fabrics lose strength R ■ when wet Never iron rayon until it's practically dry— or you’ll injure the threads and Reporting Office Ashland Phone 3751 240 East Main, Ashland General Office Medford Medford Center Building Phone 2261 shorten the life of the garment. YOUR CREDIT RECORD You make it, We Record it! z Ft Los Angelans Buy Dead Indian Branch 9. With the opening of the general • The Miner for Quality Printing. trout season drawing near, coop­ eration of anglers is being sought JF by the state game commission in reporting results of all fishing trips made during the coming season. Special catch renort cards have been distribute,! all over < » state and may be secured from license agencies, sportsmen's organiza- tions, fishing resorts and state I police officers Anglers are urge ¡ to fill out a card and return it I to the game commission at the I end of each trip even if no fish are caught No postage or signa­ I ture on cards is required. WASTE paper to giveaway; bring your own sacks Southern Ore­ gon Miner ■1 w Ì 1 1 1 1 LOST Ladies'wrist watch Find­ er please return to Miner office. Reward. I I 4 V r 4 CLEANINC Invest lite pennies you 11 save by your careful handling of rayon WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT Permanent PRICES! in DEFENSE SAVINGS STAMPS, be- cause you care for Democracy! AUTOMOBILE - FIRE CASUALTY - LIFE INSURANCE Dependable Protection at Reasonable Rates M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS 50c OR ANY THREE FOR FREE PICKUP AND DEIJVERY COLLEGE CLEANERS X23 Siskiyou Blvd Phone 633« The MINER for DENTIST ■ ■■ GREEN SLABS Gunter Fuel Co. Litwiller Funeral Home • Claude Moore left last week for Nothing too Large Come In or Phone 8561 Southern Oregon Miner Ashland, Oregon