Page 2 Friday. Mar. 27. 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ Taylor reported. Home cannera starting a major fire. i can obtain all of the cans they TIONAL CHURCH iimm I from their usual suppliera, In discussing this phase of national defense, the Boulevard and Morton Street* and will not ta* ivqiilred to present industrial News Review has the following to say: Clarence F. McCall, Minister any kind of a priority certificate. “ London and other English cities would not exist Bible school. 9:45 a. in Mrs Hardware stores ami other dis­ FRED MILTENBERGER Published Every Friday tributors will I m - able to buy home today if their fire-fighting organizations, professional, Glen Prescott, superintendent. at 167 East Main Street O. G. CRAWFORD canning type cans from their Observance of the Lord's Sup ­ ASHLAND, OREGON and volunteer alike, had not produced miracles.' Ex­ per and reception of new nieni- manufacture!* without icatrictlon Publishers ♦ perts are convinced that it is perfectly possible for an per 11:00 a in Subject of ser­ Home canning Is being encour­ ★ "Singing Friends.” aged this year as a means of lift Entered as second-class enemy to reach and attack our principal industrial mon SUBSCRIPTION Choir practice, Wednesday 7:30 ing some of the load from commer­ matter February 15. RATES centers from bases located in Europe and the Far East, j p in, Mis* Margaret Ramsey, cial cannera, who have l>een asked 1935, at the postoffice at (In Advance) for capacity packs of many fruits Ashland. Oregon, under “Here, then, is a real civil defense job. Relatively director. ONE YEAR........... $150 Friday afternoon, April 3. pray­ and vegetables Oregon pea and the act of March 3,1879. few American cities and towns have sufficient fire­ er room open for worship tomato cannera have been asked SIX MONTHS .......... 80c for a 25 percent Increase over ★ (Mailed Anywhere in the fighting equipment to deal with a big attack. Relatively r r r lust year's pack, Taylor said, and United States) TELEPHONE 8561 CATHOLIC CHURCH few communities have as yet developed adequate fire bean and sweet corn cannera are Rev, W. J. Meagher, Pastor asked to operate at capacity prevention and fire-fighting forces. The improperly Muss at 9 a. m. Sunday. SET YOU FREE" “A 100 percent Increase In home “THE TRUTH WILE --- • _ s-_ . prepared community is wide open to tragedy and utter* 1 ll canning over 1941 will release a lot more of the commercial pack disaster. rf . de « orating church for other needs, Including food WHERE DOES PAPER WASTE START? ______ ______ “There is no ______ time ___ to _________ lose. In _____ every town, _ no matter Work of redecorating the inter- for thia country’s armed forces "ipX;r^hS*i^tiuiUS and for those of other nations, DAZED public has been trying to keep up with the | how small, fire-fighting training should be given to I lx si rd chairman observed various suggestions for economy in recent months civilian groups. Additional equipment should b«‘ pur- . expectation that the job win be the The war War Production lx mi rd s ir German fire raids on ’ w\7item‘‘R.m*‘,,*n<|K‘‘Zl»n ar“"‘th« cent tin observation order, de­ and finding it somewhat difficult to become adjusted chased as fast as possible. signed to stretch one year's tin to the new set-up. Government agencies and a lot of English cities have slowed to a standstill for just one I workmen doing the kaisomining supplies over three yeear's needs, bigwigs with nothing more to do than tell the other reason: The British have learned to cope with them j anJ P“,ntlnK * increased the amount of tin for canning basic foods such as peas, —. fellow what he should do to help promote the war ef­ and rob them of their terrors. An enemy does not y . . * tomatoes, green beans, corn, as­ waste materials and energy when it becomes obvious Ro Limit on Tin fort are using literally tons of paper that might well paragus. tomato juice and evap­ orated milk, Taylor pointed out ,, , be used for packaging war goods—munitions, food, that the results obtained are not worth the price paid. | — order prohibits the use of tin “In short, fire—whether it comes from within or fQf H0IH6 CtHiniDiJ The clothing, etc. If Mr. Nelson would shut down on some for packing such items as dog n ° food, coffee, tobacco, caviar, beer of these activities there would be less confusion in the without—can be licked. It need hold no terrors for an and motor oil DOdrd AVCTS mind of the average citizen who is straining every re­ I informed, prepared, equipped people. I^et’s get ready." Tin for packing many fruits and source to aid in saving democracy. There also would vegetables which can be preserved . , Plenty of tin cans will be avail- by drying Is restricted to 75 per­ be less need for children to canvass their districts for i It is regrettable that the Jackson county fairs are able for home canner* thia year, I cent of the 1940 requirements In waste paper, not that the practice does them any harm not to carrv on, both having been cancelled for the Robert B^ Tnyior, chainnan <»f th« this group are apples, prunes, ap­ and free stone (»caches nor that results obtained are highly beneficial. duration. It is just one more of the features of Amen-; been informed by the war Produc- ricots More home drying Is expected this pan life that must he disnensed with until nenre onmes • tion board. year as well The average newspaper office, be it large city daily can life that must be dispensed with until peace comes. can* for home canning are • or the tiniest country weekly, receives enough propa­ In the meantime there will be no letdown in raising not Tin Included in the recent order "NO HUNTING" cards at the reatrlcting tin for commercial the many fine articles such as were displayed at the ganda material each week to fill their respective pub­ Miner office. packing of many commodltlea, j lications and the unused amount would easily fill the fairs, for there will be greater need than ever for the waste paper basket to overflowing. When one stops to food products. In omitting this part of their program figure the amount of paper material involved in mail- the granges have shown their desire to cooperate in ing out this propaganda (most of it is designed to gain winning the war. publicity for the senders without having to pay for it) it is realized that the gross tonnage reaches a stag­ gering total. The irony of it is that nearly all of the material reaching the publishers’ desks pertains to wartime economy—how you can cut corners here and there to contribute certain vital materials. FREE METHODIST CHURCH | F IRST CHI RUH OF CHRIST East Main Street SCIENTIST Would it not be a good move on the part of the John R. Poet, Pastor ISonrcr Ave., South government to start house cleaning Sunday school at 9:45 a m. „ - in the bureaus that Sunday morning service at 11 honeycomb the nation’s capital? People are too busy J£™,cee Beare superintendent in o'clock. Subject "Reality,” Sunday school at 9:45 a. m these days to read a lot of non-essential truck about I 1 hMorn Morning worship at 11 o' clock Wednesday evening meeting, what certain departments are doing, especially when with the pastor bringing the mes- which includes testimonies of they know that the publicity sent out by the bureaus I Young People's meeting and Ju- Christian Science healing, is held and departments is largely for the purpose of justify- I mor meeting at 7:15 p m Evan- at 8 o'clock. * crolierti/' service snrtrir'a of fi-AA n p. m Reading room open dally from gelistic at 8:00 m. t*r4»K with 149 East Main St. ing their existence. 2 to 5 p. m. and also Thursday the pastor in charge. • Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ evening from 7 to 9. except Sun­ Printers and publishers everywhere, faced with a nesday days and holidays. evening at8:00 p m shortage of materials with which to carry on legiti­ The public is cordially Invited FIRST PRESBYTERIAN to attend these services, and to mate enterprise and thus contribute their full share to CHURCH use the reading room. < the war effort, have a justifiable complaint against The World’s News Seen Through Howard G. Eddy, Minister 1 e t < __________________ _ waste of _ paper. _ this unnecessary A lot of it can be Bible school at 9:45 a. m, Wirt TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH T he C hristian S cience M onitor < Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar stopped and doubtless will be ¿topped when the abuse | * M^ght. ^¿tendent.^^^ Southern Oregon Miner I f I I 4 ■ Magazine Prices Are Advancing! Subscribe now before prices go higher Harry Chipman's Morning worship at 11 o’clock. High school Christian Endeavor meets at 6:15 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. ★ ★ err ★ FULL GOSPEL' TEMPLE GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE REASSURING E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. L. P. Furman, Paster t F doubt existed in the minds of local people, as well school 9:45 a. m. 1 as those of the rest of the state, that Oregon is un­ Sunday Morning worship 11 o'clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ prepared to meet whatever the war has in store for ning. EvangelisUc service to fol­ this section, that doubt was largely removed by Gover­ low at 7:30 o'clock. ***** so w. in his address — before ------ the ________________ o c- A- service and choir practice nor kj Sprague annual meeting of the Ashland chamber of commerce at Talent 17 Bib^lSdi ^"‘prayer meeting finally is called to the attention of the proper authorities. Thursday evening of last week. 7:30 Friday evening. „ . A- .1- A .. .. u J a - u Everybody is cordially invited Following a discussion of the tax situation, which to an 8ervices. he stated is steadily improving, the governor enlight- < * * ened his audience relative to plans for state defense as njwj part of the national defense program. While measures Bible school 9.45 a. m., c. e . already put into effect look to actual defense in case of | Co^^ gperJSepnt u o>clock; Morning worship 11 o'clock: enemy attack, great stress is being placed upon safe­ BYPU 6:30 p. m. Gospel service 7:30 p. m. ¡Ten- guarding our timber. It is conceded that the forests minute song service' are the most vulnerable to attack and every precaution Prayer, praise and Bible study, is being taken to keep loss from this source to the 1 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. minimum. CHURCH OF CHRIST Second and B Streets There was doubt in the governor’s mind about the Earl F. Downing, Minister state’s ability to carry out the agricultural program Bible school, 9:45 a. m. in full measure, although steps are being taken to Morning service, 11:00. Evange­ provide labor for gathering the various crops. War list Evans will speak on the sub­ “The True Test of Disciple­ industries have drained agricultural regions of young ject, ship.” manhood and a halt has had to be called on further Christian Endeavor meets at with Junior, High school and job soliciting. That the work may go on it will be 6:30 Young People’s groups necessary for men and women alike to go out in the Evening service, 7:30. Evange­ list Evans will bring the last mes­ fields and orchards to harvest crops, and in this con­ sage in the revival series. nection Governor Sprague expressed genuine satisfac­ * tion with the results obtained through the recent FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Cor. N. Main and I-aurel Sts. mobilization of women in which Oregon took the lead Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday school meets 9:45 a. m. in the nation. Morning sermon at 11 o'clock. In all, Mr. Sprague left a feeling of assurance with Subject, "The King of Kings." his hearers that his office is awake to the dangers that This is Palm Sunday, and the pas­ tor will administer the sacrament confront us and that nothing will be left undone to of baptism to children and adults, make living in Oregon as secure as is humanly possible. and receive into membership of ★ ★ ★ FIRE DEFENSE HIGHLY ESSENTIAL all the types of defense for which this country must and is preparing, fire fighting is one of the first and most essential steps to be taken. If this land is attacked, a start undoubtedly will be made with incen­ diary bombs. The most common type of these bombs, and the most effective, is light, small and safe for an enemy to handle. A single bombing plane can carry 2,000 or more of them and each of the bombs is capable the church those desiring such af­ filiation. Wesley League for college youth and the Methodist Youth Fellow­ ship for high school youth, will meet in their respective rooms for worship at 6:15 p. m. Evening worship hour is at 7:30. This hour is given over to the ob­ servance of Palm Sunday. A very fine program of worship is plan­ ned for this hour, and will be led by the youth group of the church. The praise and prayer service is held each Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m. Holy Communion, 8:00 a. m. Church school, 9:30 a. m. Morning, Prayer and sermon ll :00 a. m. Holy Communion, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:30 a m. Maundy Thursday, Holy Com­ munion and sermon, 7:30 p. m. Good Friday service will begin at noon and continue to 3:00 p m. Dr Sayre will speak on each of the Seven Last Words of Christ uttered while on the cross. You are cordially invited to worship with us. An Intrrnahonal Daily Neu i/n/xr by THE CHWlSTIAN St IkNCS PL'HIIMIINC > > I- > ■ ■ MX IITV One, Non»*, Suerl. Bolon, M***chuwtl» is Truthful—OmMructive—Unbiased—Free from Sensational­ ism — Editorial* Ar* Timely and Instructive, and II* Daily Feature*, Together with the Weekly Maga/tn* Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper foe the Home. Price $12 00 Yearly, or $1 00 a Month Saturday Issue, including Magarine Section, $2 60 a Year. Introductory Otfer, 6 Issues 25 Cent*. < < < < < J Obtainable at; Christian Science Reading Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon ► > A AAA A A < < < < < A a S.AA^AAA a S.AJSA^^ a ^A a S ELECTRICITY I Will Give You More Profits Greater Convenience Make your farm Modern! It’s Cheaper to Electrify! Electrification is more than a money-making proposi­ tion! Besides decreasing operating costs, each added electrical unit makes life a little more pleasant, makes for a little more valuable leisure! Kitchen, living room, laundry, dairy ... electrcity does wonders to make your farm and home MODERN! No longer a luxury, now you NEED electricity! I I i Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department” 4