Page 3 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Mar. 27. 1042 About People You Know King's ( lief Saves Sugar in Recipes • WANT ADS • Anglers Asked to Report Fish Count LOST Ladies’ wrist watch. Find­ er please return to Miner office. Reward. With the opening of the general • The Miner for Quality Printing. laying 13tf j trout season drawing near, coop- i eration of anglers is being sought ’J further aid In conserving sugar, J. P. Morgan, Chef In­ ME-IFOICD WORKERS — v.ill i by the state game commission in structor. ('Hiisdittii National Rail­ take passengers to Medford and reporting results of ail fishing return, Also roundtrip during ways, who wus the evening. Dial X' 2 butter, gingerbread, cup cuatard, • acre Victory garden to work cuke und cake Alling« Here are around fruit trees Quote price THE MINER PRESS. aome of Morgan's favorite new < HEAP printing Is expensive. to Victory gardener. Miner 13tf "sugailess” suggestions: Have your work done RIGHT at Golden Corn Cake IF you have anything to »ell or the Home of Better Printing------ J cup flour »4 < up butter trade, try a small ad in the t4*H»|M>on naît t up niohtN»ea 3 tritapooii» link­ ner. 2 ing powder 1 cup milk 1 cup corn meal WASTE paper to giveaway; bring Cream the butter, add molasses your own sacks Southern Ore­ and egg yolks Grudually add milk gon Miner. alternating with dry Ingredients mixed and sifted Beat thoroughly. NEW people are coming to Ash­ Fold ill whites of Mlsetvey ranch and Mi Miser- dishes with them and descended vvy haw moved to Ashland. upon their surprised hostess, much • Mis Clarice Anderson and son to her great pleasuie A handker­ Dale returned Tuesday from Myr- chief shower was one of the high tie Point where they had been called by the death of Mrs An- spots of the afternoon. • Mis Clyde Young mid daughtei derson’s brother. • Marilyn returned the first of the week from a short visit with Col TALENT NEWS Young before he 1» transferred from Camp l.i-wix • Guests nt tin- chlimbei of com mrrec dinner Thursday night of last week were Mi and Mrs Earl • The open house held at the <’ Reynolds of Klamath Falls school Friday evening wax well at­ Reynolds has served ax executive tended A fine exhibition of art secretary of the Klamath county made by the pupils m the grades, chamber of commerce since 1929 wiu> displayed A box riocial fol­ • Mi i- 1 Mi< Win Hi ' the program. have ta-en enjoying u visit from lowed • Mrs W M Maxwell is visiting their daughter. Mrs Orth Miller her son und daughter-in-law, Mr. of Hurns and Mr» Bob Adams in Seattle. Mrs Bertha Denton of Redmond • Mrs. Wayne Uoudrey made a is spending a few days in Ashland I business trip to Medford Monday attending to business matters • Mr and Mis George L Davis Mis Denton served us Ashland who nave been living on their school hurae for several years be­ fore moving to Redmond where | lunch one mile south of Talent, fol Maple-Fruit Filling she and het sons have a drug , the past ten years, sold their place and are leaving soon tor Ijok An­ Boil one-half pint maple ayiup ENGI N E E R I N G DES I G N store. DRAFTING. TRACING, DIE­ • A A Madden has Joined the geles, Calif to be near their son with beaten yolks of 4 eggs In who suffered serious injuries to double boiler until mlxtuie thickens. MAKER GAUGE - MAKER. tanks of Ashland employe« at ' his spine in an automobile acci­ Stir constantly. Remove from Are. TOOL-MAKER, MACHINIST Camp White llr Will be employed dent During the time they have add 1 tablespoon blitter and beat PATTERN-MAKER, MOULD­ as a time keeper. lived here, they huve made many until cool Stir in 1 cup citron, ER, WELDING. Training In a Frank King tk advantage of friend., wno regret their leaving currants and chopped nut meats shop in Ashland, Ore. the brief spiing vacation at Uni-‘ • Mrs Anna Dickey spent a few which have been flavored with 1 MILTON B BADGER versity of Oregon to visit his mo­ teaepoon salt • John Br<>ady has been on the week Put butter and molagfes in sauce­ auk list this wi-ek He was re • Mr and Mrs. Cross of Call- pan and cook until boiling point ported somewhat improved Wed orma have purchased the Watten- is reached Remove from tire add nesday berg property south of Talent on aoda and beat vigorously. Then • Jimmy Heer, who is with the the old highway. add milk, egg well beaten and re­ merchant marine, visited a few • Mr and Mrs I B Selby are maining ingredients mixed and “Give Uncle Sam a lift hour* Monday with his mother. ixdh on the sick list Mrs Roy Es- sifted. Bake 15 minutes In small Mrs. Bertha Heer, while enroute tea is assisting in the store. with thrift“ tin having pan two-thirds filled with from San Franeiaco to North • The banquet held at the Talent mixture. Bend. Chef Morgan will gladly furnish grange hall Thursday evening tor • Mrs lion Hinthome and young the Ash lurid Chamber of commerce other choice sugar-saving recipes. son. Thomas Dean, have gone to| was well attended. About 125 en- He may be reached In care of KTGH fabric* lo*e strength their home from the Community | | joyed the supper prepared by the Canadian N ' '■vava. !’«'» . when wet Never iron hospital McOII' • i ladies of the grange • New residents of the valley • Mr and Mrs Hugh Combest rayon until it’» practically dry— —— • are Mr and Mrs. Alfred l-illy, have sold their ranch to Mr. and or you’ll iniure the threads and FOOD PICODICTION URGED formerly of Bonanza Mr IJIly la Mis Wells of Central Point. Mr. shorten the life of the garment. I "Grow our own garden, meat, a brother of J i - ium - Ully of Ash­ and Mrs Combest have moved on poultry, milk for health, con ­ land He has taken a ranch-near their small ranch peer Anderson venience, patriotism, conserva­ Medford cieek road Mr and Mrs Wells tion.” This victory slogan for Ore­ — - - B ...... tonic posaession of their place gon farm families is the title of BKIXVIEM NEWS Tuesday of this week. a new six-page leaflet just issued • Grandma Works returned to at Oregon State college as exten­ her home here after spending a sion circular No. 3X1 Each page is month in Ashland with her niece, devoted to boiled-down sugges­ Mrs Margaret Steel. tions on producing food for • Mr mid 1ÍTO Aii-ii-i <"ii li >m • Mrs Inez Sowell of Medford health, raising a victory garden, was a business visitor here Thurs ­ Isis Angeles Calif . have bought ; producing a home milk supply, the 700- uck - much m the Dead day evening. caring for a family flock of chick­ Indian district owned by Mis An-I • Guy Payne of Eagle Point and ens. and producing pork, beef, or na Myers of Ashland Mi and | Doris Winbum were married Sun­ lamb meat for home use. Copies Mrs. Vincent Lanini have lived on i day Murch 15. Mrs Payne is a may be had from any extension Invest the pennies you’ll save the plate foi ov»-i y>-.ii Mi duughter of Mr and Mrs. Ralph office. Ly your careful handling of rayon and Mrs. Anderson plan extensive Winburn and was a 1941 gradu­ improvements on the house before ate of the Talent high school. in DFFFNSE SAVINGS STAMPS, be­ • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Homes moving cause you care for Democracy! • Tte Mivtow I’ T A |> • t ■l"'1 ■‘“»«'■t.-. Climie of the T.-x- Friday afternoon. Because of tne | ico service station in Ashland 1 called on relatives here Sunday. rise in food prices the acnooi child­ •Lysle Tome of the Dead Indian ren will be asked io |>ay < cents, AUTOMOBILE - FIRE instead of 5 and the V. T. A will ar«-a was a Talent visitor Tuesday. CASUALTY’ - LIFE • furnish lunch free to any child ROSEMARY BELL BRIDE who hasn't the money to |»uy Mia. Byrd and Mrs. Reynolds OF JOHN CIJ4UDE KE8IJCR The man läge of Rosemary Lu talked on defense work and Mrs. Dependable Protection at Ring and Mrs. Dews spoke on al­ Bell to John Claude Kesler was Reasonable Rates cohol and narcotics. Mr». Pendle­ an event or March 22 at the beau­ The Miner for copy work ton, Mis. McCoy and Mrs Miller tiful San Fernando country home served refreshments. The next of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carrol) of meeting will be the third Friday Los Angeles. The ceremony was ON THE PLAZA NOTICE! night ui April and will be Dads performed by the Rev. Carmack, If you don ’ t want to aell night. Mr. Briggs, Mr. Gardner, a long-time friend of the Kesler your property, don’t Hat it Mr. Hoadley and Mr. Ring will be family. with ua! The bride was given In marriage in charge of the meeting. C. HUFFMAN by her father, .. E. Bell, anil wax • Mixa Alice Wright, who has For Heal Estate been quite ill is some better. Mrs. attended by her sister, Patricia 65 N. Main A S45 E. Main Bell. Eugene Tierney, a close Wade Wallis is also reported bet­ 7 ter but R. D. Reynold’s condition friend of the groom was his at­ tendant. remains about the same. He is The young couple left for Del still unable to have visitors. Mrs. Claude Moore is confined to her Mur on a short honeymoon and DENTIST home with mumps. Mrs. Wm. will be at home to their friends Turner is around some again after at 3119 Keats street, San Diego, Hours 9-12 and 1-5 where a new home await» them being ill three weeks. Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 Mrs Kesler, daughter of Mr. • Mr. and Mrs Homer Moore and and Mr». R. E. Bell of Bellview, daughter Barbara Jean, and Mr. 1» a graduate of Ashland high and Mrs. Harry Stearns of Ash­ school, was secretary at the jun­ ■ land were visiting in Grants Pass ior high school for a year and Sunday. more recency was employed as • Mr. and Mis. A R. Kincaid and bookkeeper at the First National Mrs. Beth Hamaker were trans­ bank iu this city. ...r, Kesler is a acting business in Klamath Falls graduate of the high school at Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid Wellington, Texas, and a former were in Medford Monday where student at Texas A and M col­ 42 Helman Dial 5751 Mr. Kincaid attended a Ford tract­ lege at College Station. He is em­ or school ployed in an aircraft plant at • Tlie Dead Indian 4-H club met i San Diego. Saturday, March 21 at the Carl i Henry ranch. Iris Furgeson is a new member of the club. • Miss Alberta Thomas, why la teaching in north Klamath county uho u u anil Mis» Helen Thomas who teaches at Bridges spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Thomas. • Jack King received word Fri­ day that his step-father had been killed in an accident. Mr. and i nì AL 4541 Mrs. King left for Eureka to at­ tend the funeral. • Mr and Mrs. Alfred Gilley of Dunsmuir are spending this week DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER with Mrs < ¡¡Iley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ring, • Mrs. Mark True returned Fri­ We Never Clone—Phone 4541 day from attending a meeting at Marshfield of the S. W. Presby- terial of the Presbyterian church. • Claude Moore left last week for T Open House at School Draws Crowd I R We Have ’Em! Wear a Cross at Easter Ramsey’s Jewelry Store DID YOU KNOW That you can now get complete Try Our Milk and Cream BREAKFAST SERVICE at AN ASHLAND PRODUCT Clover Leaf Dairy Pete’s Lunch Phone «732 Southern Oregon Credit Bureau Reporting Office Ashland General Office Medford Phone 3751 240 East Main, Ashland Medford Center Building Phone 2261 YOUR CREDIT RECORD —You make it, We Record it! Los Angelan« Buy Dead Indian Branch INSURANCE M. T. BURNS CLEANING WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT Permanent PRICES! SUITS Ifellp PLAIN DRESSES-■■■V PLAIN COATS OR ANY’ THREE FOR $1,J5 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY COLLEGE CLEANERS X23 Siskiyou Blvd Phone 633« Dr. L. W. Stoffers The MINER for GREEN SLABS JOB PRINTING Gunter Fuel Co. r miiciettcq --2.4U*ir 1>Í* &¿ *, Nothing too Large Come In or Phone 8561 {fûes+cily, ccHHfdaU. Litwiller Funeral Home Southern Oregon Miner Ashland, Oregon