SOUTHERN OREGON MINER I Pedro Brazil Faces Uy Williams Monday | HINDSIGHT Ä ON SPORTS Friday and Saturday! PARACHUTE BATTALION h with Robert Preston, Nancy Kelly Throbbing with the spirit that makes .America great U COLORADO” With Roy Rogers Friday, March 20, 1942 (iastineau Falls for Baseball Players Cbach Jerry Gastinvau has Pedro Brazil, clever south Am­ stinted organizing his 1942 base­ erican heavyweight wi ball team thia week ill prepara­ ' champion, will face a tough tion tor the coming league moinon. ! turner in Cy Williams, big Ku bad il 1 > 111 Plans call for a league composed Flotida giant, in the top main By I TOldi YOU SO of Grants P sns , Medford, Ashland event of Promoter Mack Lillard's and |H>saibly Jacksonville. Games all-heavyweight card at Medtord will be played on a home-und- armory Monday night. If some of the upstate baseball home basis with the SOCK Fuller Williams, who would rather teams have their way, maybe have the going tough, will get all Medford and Klamath Falls won't field probably being used for Ash­ land's home diamond since the he asks for in meeting Brazil, who knows all the bad manners as well be granted a renewal of their fran­ baseball park at Walter Philli|H< for the Oregon State base­ field has not been completed as having at his disposal a bagful chise ball league this coming season. of legitimate maneuvers. Gastineau has three pitchers At a recent meeting in Portland who hx>k good in the early-season Chief Thurderbird, Indian death­ their entry was vigorously pro-' lock specialist from Vancouver, workouts; Charlie Jandreau, Bud tested by Albany. Silverton and comes back after a week's sojourn Provost and Tommy Mansfield, and will face Andre Adoree, pop­ Hillsboro who claimed it would Burney Riggs looks like a catch­ ular French-Canadian, in the mid­ be too far to travel. They blamed Illg ¡KiSSibllK*' with veteran Joe dle bout. This clash is for six ten the tire shortage and possible ra- , Peterson also after the position tinning of gasoline as the reason minute rounds. Aspirants turning out are Al It seems to us it would be a Joe Corbett, huge Bostonian Newbry. Chet Fowler, Bud Pru- good idea to form a northern di ­ muscle stretcher, also conies back vost, John Bell. Charlie Jandreau, after a week in other parts and vision and a southern division Jim Hobson, Bernie Helms. Dick Portland. Albany. Silverton and tangles with Irish Jim Casey in Finnell. Jim Rath. Neil Arant, » the four round opener. Casey, in Hillsboro could combine to form Kaegi. Keith Wine. Joe Peterson, the northern division with Eugene, two appearances at Medford, has Barney Riggs. ..»»11 Klam, Delbert made a host of followers who will Bend. Klamath Falls and Medford Landing. Ben Ricks. Jack Wey- making up the southern end. be cheering for him to keep his brant, Marcus Balfour. Tommy undefeated record intact. This Each division could play their Mansfield, Jacque Ross, Robert scheduled season and at the end match goes to the mat at 8:30 the two champions could meet for Rost. Claud Garrett. John Grubb, p. m. Jack Gunter, Robert Rose, Duvid All bouts will be decided by the play-off and determine the O>x. i'hil Wolcott Owen Griffith State League champion. The plan the best two out of three falls. would work much the same as the and Gilbert Russell ---- e------------- Pacific coast basketball confer- j ence. If four teams would not make up 3 Marco Polo discovered the ar­ gali sheep in 1273. Them* are a satisfactory schedule outside sheep as big as donkeys, with Shall Oregon cherry growers be teams could be booked for exhibi­ noble horns and still remain tion games. For an example, the granted use of an additional stan­ wild. southern division could book dard container in which to sell Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, a games with Dorris, Yreka, Duns ­ their fruit? There has been some French sculptor. It was unveiled muir and other northern Califor ­ request for a small display lug in 1866 for cherries—3% inches deep, nia clubs while the northern di­ 5 During the Civil war, James vision members could probably 10inches wide and 15 inches Pollock who was governor of long with a half-inch cleat at the find opposition among small clubs Pennsylvania from 1854 to 1857 in their locality. top of each end. wrote the Secretary of Treas­ Something will have to be Whether or not this box shall ury and urged that this motto be made a standard container will worked out this month or the be put on all coins of the United be determined on basis of a hear­ Medford Craters' park will be de­ .States. Tile suggestion was ap­ voted to growing of weeds this ing which the 9tate department proved by Congress and a bill of agriculture has called for Wed­ summer and southern Oregon fans passed unanimously by the Sen­ will have to get their baseball via nesday, March 25, at 2 p. m. at ate and House of Representa­ radio. I its shipping point office in Milton. tives authorizing the motto The Persons who cannot attend the motto was first used in 1866 I hearing may express their views ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•♦♦♦♦ Augustus, the first of a line in writing to the Plant Division, of emperors that ruled the world State Department of Agriculture, I for three hundred years. Salem. 7. .“I came. I saw I conquered.” Caesar's famous letter in three a words i 8 In India. Questions for Answers T'ound 9. Yes. Elsewhere in This Issue 10 The saxophone was invented London, England. Dec. 9. 1608. in 1840 by the Belgian instru­ The celesta looks like a small ment maker. Adolph Saxe, from organ and makes tinkling bell­ which the instrument takes its like music. name. I “FOR MALE” Miner office. curd« at LITHIA X The great secret of help la en- couragcment. (k'tavla Hill “NO HUNTING“ carvi« »I Miner office. ENTERTAINMENT. Phone IMI < HEAP printing In rxiMMinlve. Ilntr your work done KIGHT at the Home of Better Printing------ TIIE .MINER PKEHN. Friday, Saturday “SAILORS ON LEAVE” A “Life Saver” For property owner* In the new 8-|Hilnt multiple cover­ age that can I m * added to your fire Inntirume for u ninall additional premium: William Lunditfan Shirley Ross I Windstorm Explosion Falling Air craft “DESERT BANDIT” Also some other coverage« not included in regular fire policy. • with Don Red Barry Hearing Scheduled On Cherry Container LOUISIANA .PURCHASE BOB HOPE Vera ZORINA Victor MOORE IRENE BORDONI h You can go ERST through tnuFORnm Wed’sday & Thursday 20c Bargain Day KIDDIES 11 cents ANSWERS ANSWERS for not lc extra rail fare! If you’re going East this year, see as much of Amer­ ica as you can. Get better acquainted with this coun­ try we are fighting for! What Should You Save To Help? WASHINGTON, D. C.— The following table issued by the Treasury Department is intended aa a savings yardstick for the average income­ earner. It suggests how everyone of the 48,000,000 employed persons in the United States may partici­ pate in the war effort through the systematic purchase of Defense Savings Bonds. “The job ahead of us is far bigger than most* of us realize,” Secretary Morgenthau declared in making the table public. “I know that the American people are ready to do their part to win the war. One of the ways we can do much more is by intensifying our effort in the purchase of Defense Bonds.” While persons without dependents may be able to set aside more than the suggested figures, persons with several dependents, or with other heavy family obligations, may be enable to save at the suggested rate, the Treasury Department pointed out. On round trip tickets to New York, Chicago and most other eastern cities, Southern Pacific will take you East through Cali­ fornia for not lc extra TH‘ Ni^lit Of J amuart 16th rail fare! See San Francis­ co, Los Angeles and our great Southwest. Dillings Agency REAL ENT ATE and REAL INSURANCE U Weekly Earning« Are : »5 »10 »1» »20 »30 »40 ,50 »60 »70 »80 »100 »150 to »10 to its to 120 to »SO to »40 to »50 to »CO to »70 to »SO to »100 .... to »150 to *200 Over »200 fO.U .5« .7» 1.25 - 8.00 4.00 «.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 20.00 85.00 In One Year He WUl »ave» »■».OS ZS.Ot 89 OR «5 OS 104 0« 808.0» »12.0« »20.00 624.00 1,040.00 1,820.00 Number of Peram. in Each Income Group 4 ».»24.000 4.975,000 5.470,000 10.747.000 7,774,000 6.794.000 ».007,000 2.231.000 1,304,000 1.4 SB. 000 l.OW.OOO 298.000 •95.000 Total Annual Harin«.:* S43.212.OOO 129 450,000 213.330.000 69H.6fi5.000 808.494.000 1,205,152.000 938.184,000 920.096.000 (78,080,000 929.138.000 1,101.3(0,000 542.3(0.000 / 2, OuO.000,000 48.1(7,000 »10.215J11.000 phu “WOLF MAN” 41 Eaat Main Phone 8781 V —z AN I To the Printing Trade: Wr have taken over from the West Coast Ink Co., Portland, several hun­ dred pounds of Triangle High Speed job ink and for a limited time only offer this stock at $1 per pound laid down to pur­ chaser if check accom­ panies order. Otherwise price will be $1.50 per pound, the standard price. You can use this ab­ solutely non-skin- ning job black on 9K per cent of your printing. Send order» to MiltenbergerA Crawford 167 East Main St. A»hland, Oregon —» ALL-MTAR CAST Claude Rains, Ralph Bellamy Bela Lugosi Warren William Patrie Knowles Ixm Chaney and Evelyn Ankers INK FOR SALE I Wednesday and Thursday Mid-week Special CHEAP printing I» expensive. Have your work done KIGHT at the Home bl Better Printing----- ¡ THE MINER PRE»». • ‘ :i 4 « e i » «e ■■ t ■■ ■< V. Protect] Your Car : tÎSlV An