SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, March 20, 1042 About People You Know • Howard Mayberry has eiurned to his home In Ashland after spending three weeks at Mount Shasta Where lie was employed by the Southern Pacific • l*t Waltci Redford spoke be foie the chainbei of commerce in laini view lie was accompanied to the lackr county capital by I >eun Pieper, Ashland chiiinbvi <>i corn- inerce secretary • Mis Waive Enders is much improved following Operation at the t’oinmunity pltnl Site bus returned to home • Ross Eliason, who spent pust week visiting bls sister, t.eorge Kramei went to >.iamath Fulls for a visit before returning to his home in Canada. I • Mr and Mrs Arthui Coopri <>! WeyerhBuaer camp spent Sulur- day In Aahland • Rev J It Turnbull of the Flrat Baptist church la In Newberg holding a mci lea of inertings He will ire gone two Week* Paul Beale has returned to his home from the Community hosja tai where he received medical treatment. • G S Butler returned Monday from Cathedral City, Calif, where he spent the winter. His nurse, Mra. Katie Scroggins, returned with him • Miss Ora lav Vannice visited in Ashlund Sunday She was en route from Klamath Fails to Cottage Grove where she teaches. Miss Vannice taught in the Ash­ land system several years • Mrs Cliff Mcla’an relumed to Ashland Monday aflct spending two weeks In Portland with Mi Mcla-un She expects to move to Portland shortly TALENT NEWS Grange Women Feed Ashland C of C • "fhe annual banquet for th* Ashland chamber of commerce was on Thursday evening Instead of Friday evening as had l»een previously planned by the Tal­ the Talent ent grangers, at grange hull Governor Charles A Sprague wus the main speaker. Banquet chairman. C R Rnmaey, artangeil the prugruin for the eve­ ning Walter Stafford, editor of the Siskiyou Daily News in Yreka was the master of ceremonies • l-jnl NMly f"iini-ily <>f this place, stopix-d in Talent visiting friends Monday, for u short time. Mr. Neely is now living in Los Angeles and waa enroute to Med­ ford to visit his parents • Mi« Don Hungate and Mis Roy Unruh of Prospect were din­ ner guests of Mrs Bertha Hungate and Mrs Elizabeth Palmer Sat­ urday. • Warren Barr and family who have been living tn the Denim property for the l>a«t year moved to Prospect last week where Mr Barr is empkiyed with the Skeetei logging company • Mr and Mn Roix-rt Locke have moved to Portland from the Ed Foss place where Mr. t>>cke baa been employe«! in the walnut in- dustry Their son Gerald will re- main in Talent where he will fin- ish the school term • Lester Newbry of Spokane, for­ merly of the Talent area, spent last week visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs E T. Newbry. and oth­ er relatives. • Mrs L. A Wilkenson of the Dead Indian Soda springs spent the past few months visiting her children in southern California., but has returned to Talent and is visiting her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jones • Irene Purdue, ten year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Purdue, who underwent an appen­ dectomy at the Community hospi­ tal in Ashland last week, returned to her home Sunday where she will convalesce. • Mrs Roy Estes returned home Tuesday morning from a week's Mra. visit with her daughter, Lloyd Cochran and family at Eugene • The Talent Community club met Wednesday afternoon, regu­ lar meeting day. Japan was the subject discussed. • Miss Helen niggins, who spent the winter in Seattle with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Higgins, returned to her home last Tuesday evening. • Miss Bertha Hayman and Mrs W. Gingrich were Medford visit­ ors Monday afternoon. bm . lv u.vv NEWn HEC Outfitting Hall As Emergency Base Bellvii w grange held open meet­ ing Tuesday evening L. E Fran- <•1.1, county 4-H club leader, was their to present achievement pins to Donald Nichols, Wendell Rey­ nolds, Jerry C’hristlicb and Glen Wade of tile Bellview club and Harry, Pearl and Mary Jean Hen- ly, Vernon and Helen Kruger and Henry lainini of the Dead Indian club. The leaders were Homer Moore, Mr ami Mrs. Carl Henry and Mrs. Cheslei Applegate Mi Francis also showed moving tines during the lecture hour hospitality committee were Mr and Mis (’ail Henry, Carl, Jr., Hairy and Pearl Henry, Mr. and Mis John Hellmeyer and Mr. and Mrs Toni Carter. Horne Economics club have BSk- i-d for donations of sheets, pillows, or comforts to outfit the grange hall as an emergency hospital. It is planned to outfit ten beds and the aid of the entire community is sought in completing this com­ munity project The Upper Valley Community club met lust Wednesday urtei- noon lor the election of officers Mrs R D Reynolds was elected president; Mis John Hellmeyer, vice piesident; Mis. John McCoy, secretary; Mrs it E Beil, treasur­ er. Mrs Ciaude Conley, trustee. Mis. Kincaid and Mrs Badger will uave cnarge of the April meeting ’1 nr extension unit met Weu- nesday with a covered dish lunch- • on al noon. Mis. R E Bell and Mis John McCoy were the hos­ tesses. Mrs John Hellmeyer gave u talk on nutrition and Mis. Davis and Mia Henry discussed victory gardens Al Simpson opened a Red Cross First Aid class at the grange hall Monday evening The class is sponsoird by the Community club The ¡read Indian 4-H club has chosen the following officers for the ensuing year: Harry Henry, president; Pearl Henry, vice pies­ ident, Henry Lanini, secretary­ treasurer Their next meeting will be March 27 at the Chester Ap­ plegate ranch. William Turner has been con­ fined to his lied for the past two weeks with rheumatism Mr and Mrs Bob Miller were guests at the Gass/nan home last Monday Mr. and Mis G. W. Byrd vis- ited relatives in Dorris, Calif., Saturday Mrs Mark True with a group of Ashland ladies, left Wednesday to attend a three-day session of the northwest Presbyterial at Marshfield this week Mrs. Roscoe Applegate spent Friday with Mr. and Mis Cheater Applegate Mr and Mrs D. W Meyers and their house buests from Prineville were visiting in Medford Monday I Mia. John Farmer returned Sat­ urday from a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs Amy Spafford of Portland Miss Evelyn Willis left Friday to enter school at the Consolidated Air plant at San Diego Evelyn will be employed at the plant alt­ er finishing her course in school • BILL NAVIN KN’IJNTN IN ARMY AIK CORPS According to word received this week by Mr. and Mrs. Charles M Giffen, Bill Savin, until recently associated with them in the pub­ lishing of the Miner, has enlisted in the army air corps He wrote them that he was on his way to training school at Leavenworth, Kan., where he expected to take up aerial photography Savin left Ashland two weeks ago for Cozad, Neb., to visit his parents before entering the service. • STORK VISITATIONS A 10 pound 11 ounce daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs Herman Pack Monday forenoon at tne Community hospital. Dr and Mrs. L. W. Stoffers are parents of a seven pound 14 ounce son bom at noon Monday at the Community hospital. He has been named Kenneth Wayne. A baby girl weighing five pounds six ounces was born to Mr. and Mrs. Basil Craig Monday at the Community hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bushnell are the parents of a baby girl Carol Jean, bom Friday at the Community hospital. —•------------- • Cha t ies Giffen, formerly of the Miner, is among the Ashlanders X. ill working at the Medford canton­ MEDFORD WORKERS take passengers to Medford and ment. He is employed in a cleri­ return. Also roundtrip during cal capacity. the evening. Dial 3001. THIN AND THAT (By Ol-D TIMER* To the Editor; Saint Patrick is credited wltn' liaving driven the snakes out of li -land Would that tn<- good old. Saint were in the flesh to render I a meritorious service to "shoo th<- chisi'lers, racketeers and profi­ teers from our nation's capital! Scat you scalawags » < / Here's a story going the rounds of official Washington; When Gen Douglas McArthur heard that un­ identified commercial planes pi­ loted by Axis agents had flown over California, he cabled the war department in Washington "If you can hold the west coast for a month, I’ll send you reinforce­ merits" The story may lack authenticity. < » We are told that 1 the planned field and track meet at t nillipa' field is off. because the WPA wor kers haven't completed the project. Why wait? A h soon as weather permits the school auth­ orities should declare a holiday anil let the student ixsJy tackle the job. r » r Hitler Bars Napoleonic Exit headline Perhaps he's having night mates of a little town named Waterloo. REDECORA 11NG (»H U E Dr. O. B Hull’s dental offices are undergoing renovation this week. Floors are being polished, walla redecorated and a general brightening is being accomnlis* School wh . i out a tew days durinp the floor polishing and painting but the Doc didn't say whether he got caught up with hia bowling and fishing in the meantime. LEGAL NOTICES NOTH E FOR PUBLICATION Forest Exchange 022694, United States Department of the interior, District I «and Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 23, 1942. Notice is hereby given that the Ochoco Tim­ ber Company, Eugene, Oregon, did, on Feb 9, 1942, make applica­ tion under the act of March 20, 1922 142 Stat. 465) as amended by the act of February 28, 1925 (43 Stat. 1090) to select certain tim­ ber from approximately 4,000 acres comprising portions of SVi- NE'«, N W 1,, W 'aSW '/., N '/aME'., Sec. 13, NE'.NE'/«, S'iNKIi, Sec. 22. E‘/a, Sec. 23, S’,a Sec. 24, NE'/., ELNW SW'iNW1/«, SW«. NW'« HE1., Sec. 25, SWINE'«. NW',, Sec 2«. NE' ,, SELNW'j, Sec 27. N'jNE'«, SWINE',. Sec 34. NW'«, SE'«NW‘4. N'.aNE'*, SWINE' i, Sec. 35, T 13 S, K 19 * “ E Nw i, NWH 17, all SW 1/4 . S'z-SW'i, Sec Secs 18 and 19. NW'4;»^ . NW »SW1,, Sec. 2Ü. NW • 4 • T 13 S . K. 20 E ,: Secs 25. 26, 34. 35 and 3«, T 30 8 , R 2 E.,: Secs 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33. T 30. S„ R. 3 £.,: Secs. 1 to 4. inclusive. Secs 9 to 16, inclusive, Secs. 22 to 27, inclusive, Sec. 35, T 31 S.. R 2 E„; Secs 4. 5, 6, 9, 17, 19. 29, 30. r r r 31, 32 T 31 S. R 3 E,; Sec 1 T Women usually want to get the 32 S„ R 2 E„: Secs 14, 24 and 2«, most for their money except when T 34 S., R 3 E.,: Secs 17 to 21, they go shopping for shoes inclusive, Secs 28 to 33, inclusive. t » • T 34 S . R 4 E.,; Sec 33, T 35 S„ only Who remembers when the R. 3 E.,: Secs 4 to 10, inclusive, thing we could get out of the gov- Secs 15, 1«. 18, 20, 21, 22. 27 and emment was a package of free 28, T 35 S , R 4 E ,: Secs. 9, 13 garden seeds? and 15. T 36 S . R 3 E Secs 19 < i r to 22. inclusive, Secs. 27 to 30, in­ Wonder what vitamins are con- I clusive, T. 19 S , R 4 E., ail Wil­ talned in horse meat. It has ac- lamette Meridian, Ochoco, Rogue; quired a place on the menu of River and Willamette National Portlanders Forests, Oregon, in exchange for r r I the WSSW'4. ,, — Sec. 27, T 13 S-, Uncle Sam appears to be the jj ¡9 ¿'J _ .. S'aSE'«, Sec. 12. T. 14 one who can conduct a lottery and g ... j* 18 E SEL.XE-4, N'a- get away with it. ISEfc, ISE1*, SE'.SE'*, N'2SE'«SW*4, 1 SE1 * SE'* SW '4 . E1 a SW '4 SE '4 tit 'CZL~_ ___,, , - What this country really needs gwL, NWLSW'.SELSWL. Sec Is a new birth of common sense,* ,4. W'.E'i, E'2WL. WSNWQ. < • t !SW‘«SW'4. Sec. 5. 8E',NE . Add to the woes of motorists E'jSEL, Sec 6. S‘?NW>4, N'2- the rationing of gasoline. SW'4. SE'.SWL, Sec. 7, NE1«- • n W^, SELSEL. S'aSWLSEU, NESW •« SE'*. S 'aNW>4 SW L - SE1’. NELNW.SWLSE1., Sec. 8, NE'.NE ■ NW'4. SW'.N’W L. S ... Sec. 9. all Sec 16. NEU. NELNW'i, Sec. 17. NW'«NE'4. NE .NvvL. S. . 18. all Sec. 19. N'-jN^, SEfc- NEQ, Sec 20. W'i, NE1., NH- SE’«, SEtiSE'4, Sec. 21, W>4, NEQ, N’iSE'., Sec 22. W'r I NW%. Sec 23. N>4, E^SW'., W‘aSE'4. Sec. 30. EL, E4W4, SW'4SW*4, Sec. 31, SW'.NE*. SSNW‘,4, W' j SW',, N'aSE**, SE'.SE'., 'Sec. 32, SW'.SW*«, Sec 33. T 14 S . R. 19 E ; E'^ES. Sec 12. Eta NEL. Sec 13, T 15. S . R 18 E,: W>aW>a, SE'.SW'., Sec. 4, E'aNE'., W'sNW'., S'a. Sec. 5. all Secs. 6, 7, and 8, Nt*, S- W'«, W>,SE>4. Sec 9, NWL, N- 'ySWL, Sec 16. Nt*. N'sS',. S'a SWL, Sec 17. NW'.. Sec 18. T 15 S . R 19 E, all Willamette Meridian, Ochoco National Forest, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming the lands selected, or having bona fide objections to the A teacher, explaining infla­ exchange, should file their pro­ tion. tests in this office on or before April 7, 1942 Its after effects and causa­ GEORGE FINLEY. tion. Register. Advised all her scholars 1st publication Febr. 27, 1942 LIBERTY UMIRKKS 1 To save up their dollars And buy bonds to safeguard the Nation. AUTOMOBILE - EIKE CASUALTY - LIFE INSURANCE Dependable Protection at KeaMonable Kates M. T. BURNS NOTICE! If you don’t want to sell your property, don’t list it with us! C. HUFFMAN For Real Estate 65 N. Main A 345 E. Main Dr. L. W. Stoffers DENTIST Hours 9-12 and 1-3 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 I GREEN SLABS ON THE PLAZA J LOST I atdiea’ wriat watch. Find­ er please return to Miner office. Reward. • - • George A. Simon of Eugene spent several days the past week • The Miner for Quality Printing. in the southern part of the new fourth congressional district in the interest of his candidacy for representative in congress. On a previous visit to this section, Simon found little interest in pol­ itics but received enough encour­ agement along the line to cause in receiving a large him to decide to "toss his fedora" into the ring. supply of Watch Ma­ The candidate stands on his terial. Have your record as a business rnan and phy­ sician He has been a resident of watch repaired now! Eugene for 22 years, served on the city concll there eight years, has extensive business interests and enjoys a large practice in his chosen profession. Prior to settling in Eugene he ran a large wheat ranch in Sherrnan county. Dr. Simon says he is not mak­ ing campaign pledges, other than that if elected he will make it a point to be guided by good busi- ness sense rather than by political necessity in handling the affairs of the district and governmental matters. Congressional Candidate Visits We Were Fortunate Ramsey’s Jewelry Store 11 Í I Unbeatable Pair That you can get complete Try Our Milk and Cream AN ASHLAND PRODUCT BREAKFAST SERVICE at Clover Leaf Dairy Phone S7S’ Pete’s Lunch *- Southern Oregon Credit Bureau Reporting Office General Office Ashland Medford Phone 3751 240 East Main, Ashland Medford Center Building Phone 2261 YOUR CREDIT RECORD You make it, We Record it! CLEANINC WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT Permanent PRICES! SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS OR ANY THREE FOR $ 1.25 c FREE PICKUP ANO DE1JVEKV COLLEGE CLEANERS Phone 6336 8!3 Siskiyou Blvd The MINER for LABEL PRINTING 42 Helman Nothing too Large 3-20-2 ENGINEERING DESIGN, DRAFTING, TRACING, DIE­ MAKER, GAUGE - MAKER. 'TOOL-MAKER, MACHINIST, PATTERN-MAKER, MOULD­ ER, WELDING, Training in a shop in Ashland, Ore. MILTON B. BADGER. Engineering and Scientific lab­ oratorie», Main St. Tigard, ore. Page 3 UüoJti/UUÙM, Come In or Phone 8561 DIAL 4541 DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home We Never (Tose—Phone 4541 Southern Oregon Miner Ashland, Oregon