Page 4 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ____________________________________Friday. Mar. 13, 1942 I LAFF1ATOKS HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS 111 By I TOLD YOU SO Friday and Saturday! lAUGH/Mr Robert YOUNG Ruth HUSSEY M-G-M Hit v ÍÍ l Í i AM BOYD with RUSSELL HAYDEN ANDY CLYDE THE TRUTH ALWAYS GOT HIM IN TROUBLl! ; to[mt» EDWARD ARNOLD LEIF ERIKSON HELEN VINSON ^WILLIE BEST Wed’sday & Thursday 9An BARGIN DAYS fcVU 2 Features AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT THRILLS and EXCITEMENT! Medford Armory Ticket« on Sale at THE OWL CLUB : Ph. 2300 Medford, Oregon Leonard "Pat” Patterson, ath­ letic coach at Jacksonville high Director, Nelionsl Farm Youth FounJohoo | school, is angling for a new job, it was revealed this week. Pat­ tenion. whose team won the re­ MOKE TOOLS cent SOCE hoop tournament, is The vast quantities of ships and having financial difficulties at tanks and planes and guns we are Jacksonville and now has feelers called upon to manufacture for na­ out on several positions. tional defense could never be made Pat has been at Jacksonville for without the three years and in that time has marvelouse ma- built a record that any coach chine tools in- would be proud to have. His foot­ dustry has de- ball teams have won 22 straight vised. games and have been county Tools multi­ champions three years in a row. ply the amount His baseball teams hpve won 14 of work a pair out of 18 games, including a de­ of hands—or a feat of Ashland last spring. This hundred thou­ season his baseball team will be in ■ mm sand pairs—can class "A” league with Ashland, Bud Ablwitt and lam ('ostello do. They made Medford and Grants Pass. Ryes starring in Universal*» laugh possible our Out uf 63 Imskettudl game*, iuiast week, l-iiat season And just as industry has speeded his team finished fourth In up. so is agriculture being called state class ”B” competition. 1 upon to speed up. to produce more. Of the tight game« lost, Men who are working hard eat four of these were to Butte more. Men who are in the army Falls and the total difference Continuing his policy to bring and navy eat more, and they de­ between these two teuius is southern Ofegon wrestling fans 10 points. serve more. And men who are be­ • the best available talent. Promoter ing called into industry and into This is a mighty good record Mack Lillard has matched Vin­ military service are being taken in for any school and for any coach cent Lopez, the rough and tough part from food-producing farming and we hope I*atterson gets his Mexican heavyweight and former And now we have the job of pro­ difficulties ironed out and stays at world champion, with Pedro Bra­ viding a great part of the food sup­ Jacksonville, but this is a matter zil. South American champion who plies for the nations that are fight­ that is up to the school authori­ has yet to be defeated in this sec­ tag aggression. ties. tion of the country, in his top one All of this means that just at the e e e I hour main event at Medford arm- time when agriculture is asked for The district track and field meet mory next Monday night. its greatest production of all time, was to be held at the new Walter Jim Casey, who proved a big we have an increasing shortage of Phillips field at Ashland high this favorite in winning his match last ‘ farm labor spring but, because WPA crews Monday, will face Cy Williams, The answer to the challenge is have not completed the project, the hated Floridan, in the middle tools, and still more tools. the plan has been dropped . . . . go of six 10-minute rounds. Fortunately, we do not have to Ashland high's baseball team has In the opener, for four 10-min­ design new tools Manufacturers reached no farther than the talk ute rounds, a newcomer from Fin­ are ready to produce more of the stage as yet . . . Word from Mar­ land. Arn Kallio, will meet Andre the French-Canadian tools that have been proved In tin Herrin, star high school foot­ Adoree, actual use for many years. Con­ ball player last season, says he Kallio. weighing about 200 pounds, stant improvements have been likes the Marines but longs for a is light for this class of competi­ made in this equipment, to make it I crack at a Jap and less marching tion but makes up for lack of and drilling. weight with speed and ability. more and more efficient. The first match begins at 8:30 Today, tractors are made that, p. m. and two out of three falls with their implements, can be Jandreau Leads All will decide all matches operated with perfect safety by ------------ •------------ young boys or girls, who can do Scorers in Basketball • .Mrs Bert Larsen is spending just as good a job of plowing, Charlie Jandreau, playing his planting, cultivating, or harvesting final year of basketball competi­ several days with Mr Larsen at as grown men under most circum­ tion for Ashland high school, led Dunsmuir He is employed by the Southern Pacific there. stances. all scorers in the season just fin­ Fortunately, too, agricultural im­ ished when he scored a total of • Dom Provost was a Dunsmuir plements and tractors áre given a 229 points, an average of 12 2/3 business visitor Thursday. high priority rating by the govern­ points per game. Bud Provost, also • Mrs. Minnie Newton of Inde­ ment. recognizing the need for in­ a senior, was second high with 182 pendence visited her sons and their creased farm production. There points, averaging 9.6 per game families in the valley this week, may be at times shortages of Barney Riggs, sophomore, was the the Gary Newtons of Ashland and metals, and delays in delivery, but | only team member to play in all the Dee Newtons of Medford. generally speaking, it promises to I 21 games. • Mr. and Mrs. T L. O'Harra arc .... - —. be much easier to secure up-to-date Ashland scored 636 points to in Caves Junction on business. farm equipment than to obtain their opponents’ 536 and averaged most other peace time merchan­ 33.4 points per game, against the Riggs: 83, 48. 42, 15 dise opponents' 28.1. Smith: 6, 5, 4. 0 Balfour: 23. 8. 9, 3 The season record for the squad This column advises every farm­ Dunn: 4, 6. 2. 0. er to plan now for much greater follows: Green: 22, 4. 6. 2. Provost: Total points 182; fouls production during the coming sea­ Elam: 16. 2. 5. 2 son. especially production of crops committed 39; free throws tried Griffith: 5, 6, 2, 1. other than the staples of which we 66. free throws made 32. Bartelt: 4. 7, 1, 0 Jandreau: 229. 32. 52, 25. already have surpluses. The big de­ Kannasto: No score. Fowler: 61 38. 27. 9 mand is for vegetables, dairy prod­ ucts and meat. To plan for this increased pro­ duction. the first step is to check over every implement on the farm, including the tractor. See that nec­ essary repairs are made now. when parts are available. Valuable grow­ ing time may be lost by putting off this job until the last minute. Then study carefully the needs of the farm, with increased produc­ tion in mind. If a new tractor, or new implements are needed, ar­ range to get that equipment well before your season begins. Today, this equipment can be bought for immediate delivery In the spring, you may have to wait, and again lose valuable growing time, for the weather never fits itself into the capacities of your equipment. Farmers are foresighted and| forehanded people They know how important it is to plan in advance. Now. more than ever before, that advance planning will pay divi­ dends. as well as contribute to na­ tional welfare. LITHIA E N T ERTAINMENT Flmnc 7561 Friday, Saturday “PUBLIC ENEMIES” with Phillip Terry Wendy Barrie Sunday, Monday and Tuesday 1 U and Lopez, Brazil Top Armory Mat Card RHUBARB GOOD FOR YOU Rhubarb is one of those rather odd vegetables used like fruit, Just as the tomato is a fruit used like a vegetable. Those who enjoy their rhubarb sauce or one of the many delectable forms of rhu­ barb pie may take satisfaction in the fact that dieticians at O. S. C. say this early spring product is also a good "protective food.” Rhubarb as a source of vitamin C is about half as good as the to­ mato, long known as one of the best. ------------ •------------ • Mrs. Charles A. White has been confined to her home this week .with illness. WANTED Angora Goats Car mashed up and no insurance ! Don’t rely on the other driv­ er's Insurance. Include “Cot- lislon" in your < 'omprrben- slve automobile poBcy—also Liability. Prepare now by seeing Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and BEAI. INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main INK FOR SALE To the Printing Trade: We have taken over from the West Coast Ink Co., Portland, several hun­ dred pounds of Triangle High Speed job ink and for a limited time only offer this stock at $1 per pound laid down to pur­ chaser if check accom­ panies order. Otherwise price will be $1.50 per pound, the standard price. You can use this ab­ solutely non-skin­ ning job black on 98 per cent of your printing. Send orders to Miltenberger & Crawford 167 East Main St. Ashland, Oregon 1— by ARTHUR LUBIN .• A Awxut. PraAx«, GLENN TRYON by T a * Boa-*►’**". N m GtaH Story by (dmvrid L UNIVERSAL PICTURE Our doctrine «of equity and lib- ! erty and humanity comes from our belief in the brotherhood of man. through the fatherhood of God. Calvin Coolidge. DoufaDuly on America's Highways to Victory! is a telephone tradition Never in telephone history have so many persons wanted to talk to others, at the same time, in so many places. We in the telephone business are faced with the biggest job that has ever confronted us. Our country can move no faster than its com­ munication services. We all have the great resjxin- sibility to “get the message through.” All of us in the Bell System are going to try even harder to give you all the service there is during the coming year. And if at times “all there is” should not seem enough, we feel sure you will remember there’s a war on —and that we of this vitally needed tele­ phone system are all out to help in winning it. HOW GREYHOUND SERVES THE WAR EFFORT: * CAR If IfS WAR WORKERS TO JOBS * TAXIS SELECTEES TO CAMP * HflPS BUSINESS TO FUNCTION * SPEEDS MILITANT MOVfMfNTS * SAVIS fUtl, »UIMII, MtTAL * MAKES FURLOUGHS EASY TO TAXI Any number of kids —WILL PAY CASH— Contact Alex Culbertson “The Telephone Hour" ii hroadcatt every Monday evening at g o'clock over the NHC Hed Network. P. O. Box 728 Eagle Point, or • The Miner does fine label work and process printing. You need not place a large order to get a price. \ l