SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Mar 13, 1042 Page 3 VESPEIC COM Fai l pi .». a mem lamette Meridian, Ochoco, Rogue LARGE CROWD SI NDAY River and Willamette National A crowd that filled the large Forests, Oregon, in exchange for of “udltorium of th.- First Presby- the WLSWL, Sec. 27. T. 13 S . Paul R ’______ . * • Miss Xosenmry Bell wux hon­ i terian h-ilun i church ’hnrnh heard hourd the t h* u<>ur>i-r NOTH F, FOR PUBLICATION ,, | vesper R 19 FI.: SLSEL. Sec 12, T. 14 ored at an attractive bridal show­ physical education at the Univer I Forest Fixchange 022694. United concert presented by the Women's er Tuesday evening ut the home of xity of Oregon, who is a senior in­ Choral club under the auspices of States Department of the interior, S. R. 18 E.,: SELNEL, NL- her mother, Mis R. E Bell. Miss structor for the civilian training the Presbyterian choir. Each num­ I/istrict Land Office, Roseburg, SFIL, SELSFIL. N'^SELSWL, conduct SE L HE L SW L . FI LSW L SE L - Bell plans to leave Sunday for program in Oregon, ber of the well-arranged program Oregon, F < b. 23, 1942 Notice is SW'/4, NWLSWL8ELSWL. Sec. Han Diego, Calif., where her mar­ was of a high order, the chorus hereby given that the Ochoco Tim­ 1 WLE'4, ELW>4, WLNWL. riage to Mr John Kessler will be showing the result of careful pre­ ber Company, Eugene, Oregon, SWLSWL, Sec. 5, SE'.NEL, an event of this month. I>uring did, on Feb. 9. 1942, make applica­ paration and able directing E‘iSE'4. Sec 6. SLNW‘4. NL- the evening games were played Special organ-piano numbers by tion under the act of March 20, SWL. SELSWL, Sec 7, NEL- and enjoyed by the guests and at DENTIST Mrs. J W McCoy and Mrs John 1922 (42 Stat 465) as amended by NWL, SFILSEL, SLSWLSEL, the close, the honoree wax pre­ Koehler and the violin obbligato the act of February 28, 1925 (43 NE L SW L SFIL. S L NW L SW L - Hours 9-12 und 1-5 sented with many lovely gifts At by Ann Crandall and Harlalee Wil­ Stat. 1090) to select certain tim­ SEL. NELNWLSWLSEL. Sec. .Medical Bldg. Ptione 5211 a candle-lighted table, she cut the son drew much favorable com­ ber from approximately 4,000 8, NELNE't.WLNEL. E'4- beautiful bride-elfct's cake, served ment Mrs. Stephen Epler was in acres comprising portions of SL- NWL. SWLNWL. SL. Sec. 9, with ice cream Those enjoying her usual good voice and delighted NEL. NWL. Wi2SW'|, N'.ZSE'4, all Sec 16, NEL, NELNWL. Sec. the evening included Mesdames with her singing of “O Divine Re­ Sec 13. NELNE'4, SLNEL. Sec 17. NWLNEL, NELNWL, Sec. Phil Stansbury, Joe Wad«, <; 22. EL, Sec. 23, S', Sec 24, NEL. 18,---all Sec. 19, NLN'4, SEL­ deemer.” Seitz, R .. Lytle, W O, Martin, SWLNW'4. Mrs Epler is director and Mrs. EL NW' 4 » NEL. Sec. 20, WL, NEL, N'4- I Hina Id Earth, I John and Verne Catharine Hufman, accompanist NW ', SE' 4. Sec. 25, Svi SEL, SELSEL. Sec. 21. ~ ------ WL. Hoc. G W Willis, J Kessler, Theo NWL. Sec 26, NEL, SE of the chorus. NE'«. NLSEL, Sec. 22, WL- Wcnaus, C. Anderson, Luke Willis, Sec. “ 27. NL-NEL, SWLNEL. NW L, Sec 23, NL, ELSWL, • R D Reynolds. R Conley, George Sec 34. N 1. NW L. SEL NW L . INSPEC TION FIRST WLSFIL, Sec. 30, EL, E'AWtt, Nichols and N. Nichols, and the NLNF1 L. SWLNEL. Sec. 35. T SWLSWL, Sec 31, STEP IN- MILK SALE swlnel Misses Barbara Helm. Patricia 13 S, 42 lielmun K 19 E: NWL, NWL- Dial »751 Dairymen who expect to nell SLNWL, ------------- WLSWL. N»4SE%, Bell, Betty Nichols, Nancy Briggs, SW L . S'LSWL, Sec. 17, all milk to either of the army can- SELSEL, Sec. 32. SWLSWL, V , • Ruth Seitz, Evelyn Willis, Louise tonments in this state are advised Secs. 18 and 19. NWLNx- . Sec. 33. T 14 S . R. 19 E ; ELEL. Lytle and Jean Wall, and the hos- NW ,SWL . Sec 20. NW L. that the first step they should Sec 12. EL NEL. Sec. 13. T. 15, tesaes, Mrs M A. Ring. Mrs R take to get in line for the army T. 13 8..R. 20 E.,: Secs 25, 26. 34, S„ R. 18 E,: W> .WL, SE%SW'4, E Bell, Mrs Irvin Ross, Miss pools is to call the nearest county 35 and 36, T. 30 S.. R 2 E .: Secs Sec. 4. ELNEL. WL-NWL. SL. Nancy Ring and Miss Fist her agent, asking for inspection. The 28, 29. 30. 31. 32 and 33. T 30. S . Sec. 5. all Secs. 6. 7, and 8, NL, S- Wade and the honored guest of the county agent will relay the request R. 3 E,: Secs. 1 to 4. inclusive, WL. WLSFIL. Sec. 9. NW'4, N- evening. Miss Rosemary Lee Bell . aecs. 9 to 16. inclusive. Secs. 22 to • Mrs Welch and son Billy from I 11 school for instructors In Med- to the state department of agri­ 27, inclusive. Sec. 35, T 31 S.. R 2 L-SWL. Sec. 16, NL. N' SL. SL culture, whose district men will SWL, Sec. 17, NWL, Sec 18. T. Tord, Mandi 16, through near Yreka, Calif , i arc spending . ° “ *" * the u“ lath FI,: Secs 4. 5, 6, 9, 17, 19, 29. 30. 15 S . R. 19 E„ all Willamette make the inspection .... ; "... I Professor Wa*hk<- is a giadu ­ several days with Mr and Mrs Upon basis of report from this 31, 82, T 31 S.. R. 3 E..; Sec. 1. T Meridian, Ochoco National Forest, lt osx Billy is recovering I ut V*1** » Irvin — Any and all persons inspection, dairymen can ascertain 32 S . R. 2 E ,: Secs. 14. 24 and 26, Oregon. fate school held in Portland at If--- ” from an attack of pneumonia what, if any, the cost will be to T 34 S.. R 3 FI.,: Secs 17 to 21, claiming the lands selected, or ... | ” and Benson 1 Polytechnic school, has • Mr und Mrs Walter Sexton — inclusive, Secs 28 to 33, inclusive get their plant in shape to meet having bona fide objections to the Klamath two daughters from 1_______ I taken graduate work in safety ed­ the requirements. How much the T 34 S . R 4 E.,: Sec. 33, T 35 S., exchange, should file their pro­ York university, ucation at New Falls spent Friday and Saturday dairymen will receive for their R 3 FI.: Secs. 4 to 10. inclusive. tests in this office on or before with Mrs. Sexton's parents, Mr and is a certified first aid instruc- milk sold to the army pool (which Secs. 15, 16, 18. 20. 21, 22, 27 and April 7, 1942. courxex conduct- tor He also took and Mis. Fid Grimm. 28, T 35 8.. R 4 E„: Secs. 9. 13 M I ed by Captain William Rogers, will be entirely separate from the and 15. T 36 S , R. 3 E„: Secs 19 GEORGE FINLEY, • Mrs. Daisy Homes and civilian pool) will depend upon re ­ Oregon few I military advisor to the Register. Lyle Tucker are spending a to 22. inclusive. Secs 27 to 30. in­ sults of hearings conducted by the days this week with Mr. and Mrs. state defenae council. clusive. T 19 S , R 4 E.. all WÍ1- 1st publication Febr. 27, 1942 Professor Waxhke is a veteran milk control board. Jim Tucker Incidentally, only grade A pas­ PUTMAN RITES FRIDAY and I World ,,ar 1. occurred Sunday evening, were • Mr and Mrs Walter Iiavls The men and women who at­ i teurized milk will be used at the Funeral services for the late held at 2 o’clock p. m. Tuesday daughter Lyda Catherine and Mrs cantonments tend the xchool to b<- conducted William H. Putman were held Fri­ from the J. P Dodge and Sons Haynes were dinner guests Sunday ------------- e------------- Floyd Park« of|by Profetaor Waahke will be eil- day afternoon. Rev. Earl Downing Funeral chapel. Deceased is sur­ of Mr and Mrs K I gible to be instructors and hold EVERETT .McKNK.IIT SURBER officiating Mrs John Payne and vived by one son, Howard C. Central Point. Everett McKnight Surber, 80. Mrs M P. O'Harra sang "Hopie Clark of Corvallis, and a nephew, • Wade'Wallis is quite III at hie classes throughout Jackson coun- ty for the benefit of enrollees in passed away early Monday morn­ of the Soul” and “The Old Rugged Warren E. Cook of Ashland. Mrs. home with mumps protective units of civilian defense ing at 591 Fairview. He was bom Cross " Services were held at the Clark had made here home here • Mrs Melvin Conley from Duns­ Frank Hull, coordinator of the in Kentucky June 21, 1861 and Litwiller Funeral chapel and in­ for 26 years. muir ix x|>endlng severe! days with Jackson countv defense council ' 1 s had lived in Ashland for 14 years. ------------- •------------- her parents, Mr and Mrs R D. making arrangements for the Funeral services were held at 2 p. terment was in Mountain View cemetery. Reynolds She is helping care for school. Love is never lost. If not recip­ m. Wednesday from the J. P. ------ •— Mr Reynolds who is suffering Dodge and Sons Funeral chapel ADA EUDORA ( LARK rocated it will flow back and soft­ from inflamatory rheumatism Survivors include two sons, Char­ HILT NEWS Funeral services for Mrs. Ada en and purify the heart —Wash­ • Mr and Mrx Dan Farmer and les Surber. Ashland and Walter Eudora Clark, 85. whose death ington Irving. two daughters and Mr and Mrs. Surber, Medford; three daughters. Callie Surber Burk, Medford; Myr­ Miles Farmer and daughter from. «r. • tle Workman. San Antonio, Tex., i lx>rrla spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. G. W. Byrd and I (Too late for last week) and Effie Surber. Medford; eight Mr and Mrs John Farmer They | e Ml.„ HoM Lu|ld accompanied grandchildren and seven great WITH MODERN brought home who . . (Charleen Byrd . .. . ......... ber daughter and son-in-law, grandchildren. has spent the past month at Dor- _ _ _ __ a — • Mr and Mrs. Bernard Ninegar, EQUIPMENT ris They also reported the birth I Yakima’’wash" wire'vimuñg in A. V. MORROW of a buby girl on March 4 to Mr 1 Hilt Thursday Mr and Mrs. Lund Funeral services were held at and Mrs (lurtia Byrd of Dorris were former residents of this com- the Litwiller Funeral home for Permanent PRICES! • Mrs Josie Sutton of Portland I niunlty, Mr. lamd having been the Abraham Voorhees Morrow, 83.1 spent Wednesday with Mr. and I superintendent of the Mt. Crest whose death occurred Sunday, In- ! Mrs Joe Randles Mrs Sutton is ranches about 20 years ago. While terment was in Hill cemeteiy a daughter of Mr Randles and I here they spent some time taking Deceased was boro Jan. 18, 1859. was enroute to Los Angeles pictUTM at the Braecrest ranch, i in New York state He is survived • Mr und Mrs Mark True wen-1 where Mrs Ninegar, the former by two children. Mrs. Jack Mann. Ashland and R. L. Morrow. Cen­ visiting Friday in Central Point I June Lund, was boro with Mrs Trues father. H L • Mrs Andy Vieira was i hostess tral Point; several brothers and bj sisters in New York, and Mrs. Gregory and her sister, Mrs I last Tuesday evening at £L Grace Sellers given for the members of 1 the Jun- Jack Bush and Betty and Bobby- Morrow. Central Point and Arthur • Mr and Mrs Carl Chris, of ',,r Kpworth league^ All who al­ Ashland, grandchildren. FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Klamath Falls were week-end vis-1 teHtieU enjoyed a very j pi casant Bailey, were Mr. Morrow came to Ashland in itors at the R FI Holeman home | Refreshments 1939 Mrs Chrisa is a niece of Mr, served. ------- •----------- • Mr. and Mrs Lorenzo Rossi and Holeman. 823 Siskiyou Blvd Phone 6336 Mr and Mrs. Joe Rossi and two • A business visitor in Ashland • Mr and Mrs. A R Kincaid and small sons moved to Mt. Shasta Tuesday was Mrs N. J Ahlstrom daughter Eunice and Miss Marie Saturday and Sunday, where they of Dunsmuir. I Walker were dinner guests of Mr. will make their new home. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud Sunday • Ted Jorgensen of Yreka was ... ... „ , | an overnight guesi of Billy Gran Faith, like Mght, should always Wednesday Mr and Mra w A be simple and unbending, while I Grall Billy and Ted attended the love, like warmth, should beam show in Ashland Wednesday eve­ forth on every side, and bend to ning. every necessity of our brethren • Mr. and Mrs. George Wright 1 Martin Luther. and family moved Thursday into It is the very essence of love. I the house recently vacated by Mr. of nobleness, of greatness, to be and Mis. Arnold Bauman who are willing to suffer for the good of I now residing at Medford. others Spencer. • Fifteen ladies met Friday afte Divine love is a »acred flower, I noon at the home of Mrs. Harry I which in its early bud is happi-1 De Jarnette to enjoy a silver tea, o nesx, and in its full bloom is hea-1 given to raise funds for the Red I Cross. A series of these teas are Eleanor L. Hervey. ? /A â 1 I being given here for that purpose, I and results so far have been very I gratifying. • Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Nebeker. I Mr. and Mrs. Murwin Bradfield I and children. Sherry and Tay at­ tended a show in Yreka Sunday I afternoon. I • Dave Sage, who has been work- I ing on tne coast, was in Hilt Sat- I urday to take his wife back with I him. I • Theodore Anderson left Monday morning for Fortuna, Calif., to ac- I cept a position as foreman of the I lumber yard for thè Fortuna Lum­ ber company, -ir». Anderson ex- I pects to follow some time this week. • Mr and Mrs. Richard Williams and son Roy spent Sunday in Grants Pass. • Mrs. Frank Ohlund was hos­ tess Monday afternoon at a Red Costs only >6 per year Cross benefit tea. The ladies are (FOR EACH $100 SORROWED) assembling the knitted blocks for the second afghan that has been No deductions or other charges. made by the local knitting class. You receive the full amount of Mrs. Samuelson of Yreka was a guest at Mrs. Ohlund's. the loan ... and this cost includes • Mr. and Mrs. W A. Gran spent Sunday evening visiting Mr. and life insurance for your protection. Mrs. Al Deer at Ashland. • Mrs. Tom Callahan of Ashland was visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Purvis Mondav. ------------- •------------- • Rev. and Mrs. V. K. Allison are spending a few days in Ashland. They were called here by the death of Mrs. Allison’s father, the late William H. Putman. The Alli­ sons make their home in Santa Cruz, Calif., where Mr. Allison is pastor of the Christian church. • Mrs. T. J. Malmgren of Phoe­ nix attended the regular meeting of the Ashland Study club of which she is a member. ------------- •------------- • The Miner does high class work on glassine, grease proof, butter wrappers, cellophane and waxine. r N <> T I < E I If you don't want to sell your property, don't list It W It >1 Ils' C. II U F F M A N For Real Estntr 65 N. Milin A 315 E. Multi ----------- , > Miss Kell Honored With Bridal Shower Instructor School Slated for Medford Waxhke, professor LEGAL NOTICES ¡)r. L. W. Stoffers GREEN SLABS Gunter Fuel Co. Former Residents IuCtUm IOT VlSlt (LEANING SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS OR ANY THREE FOR $1,J5 COLLEGE CLEANERS rLVJis UNEXPEÇTEO EXPENSES EMERGENCIES T' r r r< -r I5SI « 'M K OF HEALTH lDken“thñ This is the LOW-COST way to borrow A FIRST NATIONAL PERSONAL LOAN FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND s 1