Friday, March 6, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 the Medlord Tigers and .FIN II. DISTRICT I STANDINGS for them to bring as many .Medford e tournament victories to - rn Oregon as possible. But Ashland t*.< i s one thing we wish our Grant» Paaa Medford friends would remember K imm « burg Ashland won the football game I HINDSIGH I 1 ON SPORTS . ", SCORES BAST V 111 By I TOLD YOU SO T Friday and Saturday! AM All our BUTZ • «I trift»« ’ . Of 1 1 tOMp! LITHIA Coming as a complete surprise to most athletic-muiued citizens oi Ashland. Al Simpson was an­ nounced this week as the new toot ball coach at the high school to succeed Frank O’Neil. If anyone doubts that a better choice could be made need only I to scan Als record at the junior i high. Last football season his Mighty Mites ended up in a tie foi the Southern Oregon confer­ ence championship and his basket­ ball team, having just concluded their season, won the conference title. Al, who went into the job at junior high three years ago with his fingers crossed and listening to townspeople saying he couldn t handle the job, came through with flying colors. Although his teams have not always been of the un­ beatable calibre, he has turned out several fine athletic specimen» and made good in no uncertain terms. Along with the promotion. Simpson will also get a nice in­ crease in salary. Simpson will take several of his junior high athletes with him when he goes to his new job for most of his first stringers at jun­ ior high will graduate this spring. His many’ friends join with this department in wishing Al contin­ ued success at his new job. CRATERS AGAIN IN STATE LOOP The Medford Craters will again In« a member of the Oregon state baseball league, it was announced 1 by C. H IMvis, member of the Craters’ board of directors, after a meeting in Albany last week The Craters have chosen Dutch Lieber. popular pitcher who worked the mound for them last season, as team manager for the coming summer. The league, as planned at the present, will lx- formed of Medford, Eugene, Albany. Hills Creek. Sil­ verton and a Portland team which will play all of its games away from home At a meeting to be held in Portland March 15 it is fxissible that Klamath Palis and Bend will enter. The Bend Elks club, for several years sponsors of’a baseball team, stated that due to tire shortage and possible gasoline rationing they will not sponsor a team but indicated that any interested par­ ty might obtain the franchise. —•--------- — SOCK 42. Albany 28 SOCE 53. KOCK 41» SOCK 36. Portland 4« Ashland 17. Medford 36 trict No. 4 championship) Butte Fulls 35, Bonanza I district Class B championship) Likeview 27, Prineville 25 Grants Puss 40. Medford 22 Klamath Falls 40. Burns (district No 3 championship). Friday, Saturday March (>-7 SPOOKS RUN WILD” Portland U Kills Sons’ K-C Hopes Portland University, playing their own floor, won the Oregon Intercollegiate Ixisketliall cham­ pionship last Saturday night when they downed Southern Oregon College of Education 46 to 36 in a game that was close moat of mid the way. The win gives Portland the right to represent Oregon in the Ilii.Miorili, above, 1» « ivi national tournament to be held at Columbia’» iiiiodeai “You’ll Ne» Kansas City next week. er Get Rieh,” co-Mtiirriiig Frill Crow's nest refereeing, originat­ Votaire ut I lie l.lthla Theatre. ed by Jean Eberhart, SOCE coach, will be given a try at the national meet. Two SOCE players were chosen on the first team. They were Boh Mulder at center and Chuck I»e ASIII.VND CHORAL CLUB Autremont at guard Others mak­ leading a listless Ashland team ENJOYS PIE SOCIAL ing the first team were O’Toole , throughout the game, the Medford Following rehearsal Monday ev- and Carlin of Portland at for­ Tigers won the district four cham­ S ob » ening. members of the Ashland wards and Andrews. EOCE, at pionship ami the right to repre­ Choral club repaired to the home guard. sent southern Oregon at the state of Mr and Mrs C. M. Litwiller tournament at Salem by taking a for a social hour. Pie, tea and cof­ i t v 86 to 17 win from the Grizzlies It’s too bad Ashland's Grizzlies fee were served. The rehearsal was i Saturday evening. however, couldn't wfe the district basket­ held at the Presbyterian church in Medford didn t fare SO well and ball title but since they couldn't preparation for a vesper service • The Upper Valley Community dropped a 10 to 22 till to the low­ we think it is a good idea to get for which the group is singing. club will meet Wednesday after­ ly Grants Puss Cavemen Medford noon in a regular session Election used the second stringers part of of officers will take place at this the game and the regulars could time. Mrs. John Heilmeyer and not overcome the lead a hot Cave­ Mrs. H L. Brantley will be in man team piled up charge of the program. Mrs. Gow- Tomorrow night the Oregon R obert liUlil, Mrs. Boe and Mrs Engle will < JOHN HUÜBARD be the hostesses for the afternoon. State Rooks meet Medfrd on the • quite a laigc clow.I attended Medford court in the final south­ SONOS BY COLE PORTER the entertainment and pie social ern Oregon game this season A C O I U M I I A licit! » I given Friday evening by the Ashland finished in second place P-TA. Mrs. Blanche Campbells dancing class gave several num­ in district play while Grants Pass bers. The entire amount of $32 and Roseburg ti«*«l for third was turned over to the Red Cross • Mis Henry Johnson is enjoying a visit from her father-in-law whose home is in Eugene. • Harty Farmer has n-tuim-d to his work at Quincy, Calif, after spending several days with his By wisdom wraith in won; family here. But richcn purchased wisdom yet • Mr. and Mrs Milton Hamilton for none Bayard Taylor of Grants Pass spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ham­ ilton. • Ruth and Mary Elliot of Ash­ land spent the week-end with Fem and Bonnie Moseley. Mr. and Mrs. Moseley are recent comers to Bell- view, having leased the Evans ranch south of the new highway. • Mr. and Mrs Jack King were called to Eugene Monday by the sudden death of -Mr King’s AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION mother. • Tom Walker, employed at the (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) Boeing plane factory in Seattle spent the week-end with his Don’t rely on the other driv­ relatives here. i • Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gilley of er’s insurance. Include "Col Dunsmuir spent Monday with Union" in your < «Miiprrhm- Mrs. Gilley's parents, Mr. and live automobile |»oHc» —alón Mrs M A. Ring Mrs Gilley wax Liability. formerly Peggy Ring. • Miss Eunice Kincaid was re­ moved to her home from the hos­ pital last Thursday and is recov­ Prepare now ering nicely from her recent ap­ THRILLS nml EXCITEMENT! pendectomy by »eeing • Mrs. Dott Williams will hold open house from 2 p. m. until 5 p m. Sunday in honor of the golden wedding anniversary of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E Dead- Tickets on Sale nt mond. KE AL ESTATE and • John Heilmeyer and daughter- THE OWL CLUB : Ph. 28M REAL INSURANCE in-law, Mrs. Archie Heilmeyer, re­ Phone 8781 41 East Main Medford, Oregon turned Friday from a week’s visit with Archie at Tacoma. East Side Kids Bela Limosi LOVELY IOTA JUNGLE GIRL” Listless Grizzlies Drop Final Game Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Bhyti.m! BELLVIEW NEWS BENCHLEY TIRES —are our most treasured possession . . . You cannot afford to waste them through Wed. and Thurs. IMPROPER W HEE LAUGNMENT Our Wheel Balancing Equipment will save you many miles of service on your new tires and get you many more miles out of you rold tires. HAVE YOUR CAR CHECKED TODAY! Wed’sday & Thursday OA« BARGIN DAYS ¿UL 2 Features KIDDIES 11 cents Lloyd NOLAN Constance MOORE A Albert DEKKER Plus MERLE OBERON in LYDIA and 7? V hi Car mashed up and no insurance CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE “HONKY TONK” AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT VARSITY Sun. Mon. Tues. Billings Agency Medford Armory The MINER for 1 f PRINTING Lloyd NOLAN I Constance MOORE Albert DEKKER Clark Gable trie» to talk hit way into an acquaintenthip with Lana Turner in "Honky Tonk,’’ which also features Frank Morgan and Claire Trevor. Special Matinees WED - THUR - FRI - SAT- MISS BROBERT PRESENTS CONCERT AT COLLEGE Frances Brobert of Bend pre­ sented a vocal concert in the reg­ ular Wednesday morning assembly at the Southern Oregon College of Education. Miss Brobert, a trans­ fer from Marylhurst college in Portland, is a member of the col­ lege glee club and choir and has also been very active in dramatics. The program included the fol­ lowing vocal numbers: ’’The Windsof the South”, “Let All my Life Be Music,” “L’Adorable,” “The Chant of the Four Hills”, (Indion song), "Someday" from the "Vagabond King.” -------------- •-------------- • Mrs. R L. Lindner left on an early morning stage Thursday for Los Angeles to spend the week-end with her son, Leroy, who is with the army in the southern Califor­ nia area. She expects to return home Monday night. Nothing too Large GREATEST MATCH IN YEARS ... and more than a match for each other! J LANA TURNER N CLARK GABLE Come In or Phone 8561 in I Í xd...... ÜB ’’ «¿'i ‘ k’ /btolAe* "BOOM TOWN"-¿«¿¿«¿¿eV Southern Oregon Miner Ashland, Oregon