Friday, March 6, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Fun for the Whole Family BLUEBERRIES GREAT UENAND THIS spring for Eber­ hardt giant hybrid blurberries. Send for folder. Fbsrh.irdl Blaeberry Narserlss, KI. 7, Hui AM, Olympia, Wawblnftea. NURSERY STOCK BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN >00.000 Fruit and Nut trees 700 va- rletien Peach. Apple. Cherry, Fig. Pear, Plum Prune, Apricot. Necta­ rine, Quhice, Walnut, Filbert. Hick­ cry, p» • Almond. Grap*-*. Boy- senberrle*, Raapberrles Currants, Gooseberries Strawberries. Young­ berries. Flowering and Shade Trees, Even ind Rones. Free 40-psg* catalog TUALATIM TALLET MÜB8ERIE8 Sherwood« Oregon. TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motors, axels parti Oodles, tires, hoists and used trucks. THICK WRECKING COMPANY Portland, Ora I0IPA8 E Hawthorn» RABBITS AND SKINS POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED Hrxjtl whit« fryer rabbit skins *0o to 90c per lb Write postcard for price.« and Information Bnby • Co. »35 8 W. Front. Fcrtland. Ora. FOR SALE LALA PALOOZA Rufus Has His Hands Full By RUBE GOLDBERG MO CHICK SKOBTAGB Immediate Delivery U. 8. Poliorum Controlled Dubl-Dollar New Hampshires U. 8. Certified Leghorn* ▼sshon Island Co-operative Hatch­ ery. Box 3, Vashon, Washington. RD « and RD 7 Caterpillar Tractors. Used on wheat farm. Good mechani­ cal condition. BABMES IMPL1- MMT COMFAHT, W ATBBVIXX.H, WASHIMGTOM ALFALFA HAY. high quality. ». Cland Bennett. Wilson Crssk. Wash. "U. 8. Pullorum Tested Chicks, U. S. Certified W. I.eghorns, and U. 8. approved New Hampshires.“ Stand­ ard Hatchery, lac., Winlock, Wash. 237-A. STOCK ranch near Redmond. Alfalfa, gov. range, river water. »3500 cash B. A. Carter, Terre­ bonne, Oregon. PUMP EQUIPMENT CO. Good used A new deep & shallow well water sys­ tems. 121.50 & Up. Tanks, Jet Pumps. Flood & Sprinkler Irriga­ tion pump« Terms, Trades, Sug­ gestions 913 B. E. Hawthorne, Port­ land, Ore. REG’LAR FELLERS—Beat It, Anyway By GENE BYRNES HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) HERNIA-FISSURE-FISTULA No need to suffer any longer. For 31 years we have suc­ cessfully treated AecfaL Hernia and Colon disorders without hospital surgical op­ eration. Send today for FREE Booklet containing valuable information and explaining our method. Liberal Crodit Term« AvailaMd Dr.C.J. DEAN CLINIC physician and Surgeon N. E. Cor. E Burnside and Grand Are. Telephone EAst 3918 Portland, Oregon Originality Father — My son has original ideas. Teacher—Especially in arithmetic. That Settles That MESCAL IKE Help Defend Your Country By Buying Detente Bonde NO' c l I l L. ' I? iftXATlVt By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Even Worse • In NR (Nature's Remedy) Tablets, there are no chemicals, no minerals, no phenol derivatives. NR Tablets are dif­ ferent— act different. Purely rentable —a combination of 10 vegetable ingredients formulated over 50 years ago. Uncoated or candy coated, their action is depend­ able. thorough, yet gentle, as millions of NR’s have proved. Get a 10* Con- vincer Box. Larger economy sizes, too. ~ÎÏ