Friday, March 6, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 V c l • f [Ì 4 ¿//ALANL e MAY INSTALLMENT THIRTEEN THE STORY SO FAR Karen Waler- ■on. who ha» come to Honolulu to pre» her claim» to the Island estate of Alakoa. learns that she Is not an heiress at all, as her srandtalher. Garrett Waterson. is still alive and on his way to the island. She and Tonga Pick or Richard Wayne, a member of the Wayne family which has been In control of the property since her grandfather's disappearance, lind they are In love and decide to leave the Island of Alakoa together. Out to sea. they discover that Lilua, a native house girl has stowed away aboard ship. Karen accuses Dick of making love to the native girl and they quarrel. An­ gered. Dick orders the ship to return to Alakoa. On the way back. Ulua Is found seriously hurl with a knife wound. Dick questions the Chinese mess boy regard­ ing the incident. Now continue with the story. f Salt meat requires longer boil­ Fired! Ample Proof ing than fresh. Put it into cold wa­ Cuptuin- Is this gun working? “Excuse me,” said the mild lit­ ter, quickly bring it to a boil, then Private No, sir. It's been di* tle man in the crowded cafeteria, let it simmer. • • • who had returned from getting u charged. Always keep perfume in a dark cup of coffee, "but you have my place. Daylight will affect every scat.” Quite Simple “Oh yeah,” growled thè big odor differently, according to its Sill* U hui'» your »«/•••» of a simple formula, In extreme cases per- man. “Can you prove it?" wtddingf “Sure, look ut the seat of your fume turns bright red as soon as Joan One tli'it costs twite at muté pants. You're sitting on my pie." as ihv family cun aljord. it has been exposed to the sun. Leftover stock from cooked Only Explanation vegetables contains valuuble min­ If /««I /■» mustered up hit courage erals and vitamins. Save it to use to pop the question, and, to ho bliuful in soups, stews, and sauces. beu dilerment, uy folk> 8. Tempus fugit means what— out of the sea. For a moment the would have got together, in the will catch him as he jumps. Man searchlight held it—a vast scimitar end.” Storm rages, time flies or weather DIG DEEP FOR VICTORY V/ko toil X-rsd moO the dinghy with the four Kanaka shaped thing, higher from the water Dick Wayne's elbows rested on the is good? Dig Into Your Pocket and boys, and lower away.” their live» vuxy than the Holokai's booms; then it rail, The Holokai was throwing ev- 9. Who was the sweetheart of “Yes, Captain!” In a moment Buy U. S. Defense Bonds Vky did ut itx-rt, drove downward, disappearing in erything she had into kicking the Maid Marian? more everyone on the ship was black water as Kai-Ale-Ale sounded. sea behind her. and the white boil | 10. Are there any stars which do thp Ivbor jtvff snapped into action by Inyashi’s “Stay down there a while.” Dick of her wake stretched into a path not give off enough light to be shrill, sputtering commands. 1 V/kerN TYNOJt of that failed only with night viaion; i seen? Emerging on the deck, Dick saw said. L vs u/ovld but Tonga Dick was looking at some ­ “Did you kill it?” at once the immensely tall, broad- rather ple.y? thing beyond its utmost reach. He The Answers “ You can ’ t kill that thing. ” shouldered figure of Hokano stand­ spoke thickly, with an unaccustomed 1 ing against the rail in the extreme The searchlight found the boat RTC*"" stern. Hokano faced the sea, mo­ again. It was rising and falling idly, incoherence. 1. Three (Philadelphia, Denver “That girl knew what it was to and San Francisco). tionless as a mast. The tall figure and its bow rose clear of the water iour‘il£ rCiX was no more than twenty-five feet as the Kanakas hauled the slack love something,” he said. 2, Its newspaper offices. "TAKING THE COUNTRY BY STORM” It required a conscious effort of away, and for a moment Dick was body of Hokano over the transom. 3. For every 100 Americans who KNOWN FROM COAST TO COAST Karen's mind to know what girl he have blue eyes, 70 have gray eyes, strongly tempted to try bringing • comsamv . ev. loun, sso. • meant; but when sl.e had done that 49 have hazel eyes, 46 have brown down Hokano with the butt of his CHAPTER XII she was ready for what he said eyes. rifle. He gave up that idea; even if next, even before he said it. "With­ he succeeded in felling the big Ka­ 4. Its aroma. Hokano, that tall unhappy man out demanding anything, without naka before Hokano could leap into 5. The Ferris wheel. who had tried to end Lilua’s life and ever any questions, or any terms. the sea, the stunned man would be 6. Queen Elizabeth. his own, presently lay bound with extremely likely to slither over the wet cordage in a foc'sle bunk. One None of this everlasting doubt, and wavering, and indecision. Once and i rail and sink like a plummet. of his brother Kanakas had bashed for all, she gave everything she had, j Do You Bake at Home? “Kamaku! Roll the searchlight him over the head with an oar. as and asked for nothing." If you do, send for a grand cook out!” Hokano had turned, treading water, "1 suppose you mean,” Karen book—crammed with recipes for Karen was at his elbow, her face to look at Kai-Ale-Ale. said, "that this half caste girl, this all kinds of yeast-raised breads white and frightened. Tonga Dick Wayne had been right cousin of mine, as you say—” “What is it? What's happened?” and cakes. It’s absolutely free. in sending a Kanaka crew in the "It matters a lot to you, doesn't Just , “Lilu’s lover has come after her drop a postcard with your boat to pick up Hokano; the maxim it." Dick said bitterly, "exactly who —and got her,” Dick said. name and address to Standard of South Sea sailors was true—that this girl is? I would rather ask a “She's—killed?” Brands Inc., 691 Washington St., no one knew how to handle a Ka­ woman what she thinks and feels, ‘ New York City.—Adv. “Probably." naka except a Kanaka. Hokano, than who she is.” At the first sign of a chest cold-the helps break up local congestion. Since Her eyes were on the rifle in his Dionne Quintuplets'throats anil cheats Musterole is used on th« Quintuplets hands. “What are you going to do?” naked though he looked, had his "And so,” Karen said, with some- are rubbed witn Musterole—a product you may he sure you're using just knife slung about his neck by a sen- “Going to cal) a policeman,” he thing like a tone of despair, ••if a made especially to promptly relieve about the BEST product made! DISTRESS of colds and snapped at her. "Get that boat net cord, and he would have slashed brown woman, or a black woman, IN 3 STRENGTHS the wrist tendons of anyone who laid * does not harm the heart, but it can make resulting bronchial and Children’s Mild Muster­ over! What are you waiting for?" can let herself go, more fully than one mighty uncomfortable. If gas seems croupy coughs. ole. Also Regular and Now the Diesel quit, so that the hands on him from the boat while I can, your answer is—?” to distend stomach, causing that embar­ Musterole gives such Extra Strength for rassing "gurgling" and crowding, try Holokai seemed suddenly silent. The he was conscious. After one of them "Karen," Dick said, “if ever any wonderful results be­ grown-ups who prefer a ADLA Tablets. They contain Bismuth rush of the water at her bows dimin­ had knocked him out with an oar, woman has to ask herself if she cause it’s more than an stronger product. All and Carbonate« for QUICK relief. Drug­ another Kanaka had dived to res­ tut-'-'”' ordinary "salve.” It drugstores. ished as she lost way. loves a man, the answer is 'No.' ” gists bava ADLA Tablets. cue him, and had stopped the sink ­ As if awakened by the shutting The stubborn silence that fell be- I down of the power, the motionless ing of the inert form tween them then was broken—very It would have been weird watch­ gratefully for them both—by the figure in the stern came to life ing, for anyone, to see those simple, Time’s Effect abruptly. Hokano sprang lightly onto impetuous projection of Inyashi be­ Time, which strengthens friend­ the rail itself, and for a moment casual maneuvers—the Kanaka boys tween them. It always seemed that poised upright. Then he launched standing with easy, natural balance whatever Inyashi did was high-pres- ship, weakens love. into the night in a beautiful clean in the reeling little boat on the swells sured, and sudden. arc, arms outspread, turning down­ of the sea, letting the dinghy stand "Captain Dick, a vessel is coming ward to disappear almost silently on the heel of her scant hull while In; she's three points off the quar-! they dragged Hokano in, without any ter, now. I think it may be the boat Into the black water. Now the big searchlight came one of them ever losing his superb you look for. Hard to tell yet, from trundling out on its unwieldy tripod. balance, and never shipping a quart just the lights.” Nobody not a Kanaka In a moment more it began to sweep of water. The two at the taffrail, swinging the surface of the sea, searching for could ever understand the easy affin­ their eyes to the left, could now see ity of that amphibious people to the the place where the swimmer would on the horizon a speck of light that come up. The Holokai’s dinghy took sea; sea-riding a small boat, or a showed winking in the rise and fall to the water flounderingly, and im­ canoe, or a floating stick, as easily of the sea—the high running lights as a haole walks on asphalt pave­ of a ship quartering in from beyond. mediately shot astern. "All right," Dick said. "When ' Dick said to Karen, “1 knew he ment, or handles his knife and was going to do that.” He walked fork . . . we've anchored, I’ll go out and pilot * Bound with cords that cut too deep her in.” after without hurry, and took his place at the rail where Hokano had ever to slip, Hokano lay in a foc'sle When Inyashi had moved away, stood. “There wasn’t any way to bunk, awake and impassive. Aft, Dick and Karen stood silent for a stop him. He’ll be easier to handle in Dick Wayne's bed, lay the girl little while. When Karen spoke it Hokano had tried to kill, fighting was apparent that she was steadier, in the water.” “Would he try—” Karen gasped— for her life; the intense native vi­ better poised than he. “could be possibly swim all the way tality of Lilua's body held onto life “Can’t you be fair to me?" she avidly, regardless of how little Lilua said. "Can't you be honest? If you back to—" “Of course not. He doesn't expect herself cared whether she lived or and I can’t be frank and honest died. to get back.” Post Exchanges with each other, who in the world The searchlight picked up the THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS Karen Waterson sat beside Lilua, can?" and Canteens swimmer now, fifty yards back in and Inyashi and the Chinese mess show Camels "Honest?” the Holokai's wake. In moments boy hovered behind Karen, useful ars ths favorits “You haven’t always been honest when the waves favored, those on chiefly to hold Lilua down when she with me, Dick. If you had told me with men In ths Army, Navy, the deck of the vessel could glimpse could no longer be controlled. Lilua at the first that Garrett Waterson than the average of the 4 other largest-selling Marines, and a flash of wet shoulders, but nothing was not out of her head entirely; was alive—” cigarettes tested—leas than any of them—according Coast Guard. else. Hokano was swimming face she babbled unceasingly in the Ha­ "More honest, I think, than you to independent aclentiflc testa of the smoke Itself t down, taking advantage of the swells waiian tongue. Dick went away, with me." like a seal. The Holokai had lost unable to listen any more; Lilua was “I can't imagine what you mean.” ■teerage way, and was rolling sickly talking as if her heart would break "You’ve played your hand alone— in the swells. Dick braced a knee an4 kill her if her wound did not. or else with John Colt; never with He went on deck and stood at the me. I’ve protected you in situations against the rail and brought his rifle stern, swaying to a sea he did not that you tried to conceal from m» up. Karen cried out, "Would you shoot feel. The Holokai when full out had altogether.” always had the character of a crazed : him in the water?” (TO III CONI //VI l.O) 4 MMF O \ ANOTHER, n,o,maiOT What's GJ his? THE CHEERFUL CHERUB KAZOR BLADES 4 BLADES MOTHER! Give YOUR child same expert used when QUINTUPLETS CATCH CULO INDIGESTION NUME Put Your Hollars in Uniform by Buying IJ. S. Defense Bonds 28% LESS NICOTINE À