NEWS FROM I HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS • Friday, Feb. 27. 19-12 SOITTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 ArALÎlrt H Li »Ist! U iX'L“ t ° x7jyr HER : meant . death / Olona Qeo.'t^e BRENT-MASSEY BASIL RATHBONE - RNATIWNAL LOCKHART MAMME GATES«! PLUS GANGLAND'S CRUELEST CRIMINAL turns out to bo 111 Kirk Gebert, guard on the Washington State basketball I team, brought out an interesting I bit of hoop information recently through Gregory's sport column in the Morning Oregonian. Gregory had often wondered, as had many other basketball fans, how far a player runs during a basketball game. Gebert placed a pedometer on his foot in a recent game with Oregon at Pullman. He played all but nine minutes of the 40-minute game and the pedometer showed he ran a fraction over seven miles The pedometer was set so that it measured steps only 30 inches or more in length. Gebert says the figure isn't accurate for it meas­ ured leaps into the air as well as the steps. But we feel that Geb­ ert exerted as much, if not more, energy in leaps as well as the steps. Gebert estimated he has played in 240 basketball games in his high school and college career and. using the pedometer readings in the Oregon game as a basis of figuring, estimated he has run a little over 960 miles on the maple boards Boy, that’s a lot of exer­ cise. V V V Mack Lillard's wrestling pro­ grams got off to a good start at Medford armory Monday. Thrills and excitement aplenty were pro­ vided when Pete Belcastro. a sub­ stitute. jumped out of the ring and man-handled a spectator. Pe­ dro Brazil, the South American heavyweight champion, demon- strated why he holds that belt in his thrilling match with Joe Sa- voldi Fans proclaimed it the best card thej- have seen at Medford in many years There'll be another one Monday night. -------------- •--------------- Production of white-wall tires, which take two pounds more of crude rubber than ordinary tires, has been banned in the interest of national defense. SAVE REPAIRS SUN • MON • TUE Rswlisd RUSSELL DON AMECHI KAT FRANC S SAVE YOURSELF DRIVING CARES Relax .. . travel by bus! You will find it a pleasant way to conserve war materials. SAVE MONEY, TOO Onr Way Hound Trie San Francisco 8 5.55 $10.00 19.10 Los Angeles 10.80 5.20 ».40 Portland Phoenix 18.25 33.05 101 East .Main Street Phone 3341 VVed’sday & Thursday 20c Bargain Days fOVl' BUY EXTENDED COVERAGE LUPE n»d LEON —with your fire in­ surance. By so doing you get protection against ON THE LOOSE AGAIN WINDSTORM plus itooin •» 11 polls Alla Mae John stone and Peter Polk as absent I with mumps. I Hilores Harper has the flue and Rotinna Peters has just returned after having the • mumps. There are two new pupils hi Room 4 Barbata Kimble from Santa Maria. Calif and Bennie Blades from Anchorage, Alaska Bennie is an evacuee fiom Alas ka. Both Barbara's and Bennie's fathers are working on the can­ tonment. and Rae Kimble, twin gills from Santa Mana, Calif have en rolled in Room 3 We can tell them apart Jessie Mackie is back to school and we are glad to see her after such a long absence. At present there are 25 pupils in Room 3 Eighteen are second- j graders and seven are third-grad- j ers Many of the children have' colds and coughs. We must try to : prevent others in our room from I I catching our colds A cold is one I thing with which we can be very , ! stingy David Vorhees and Monte Kim- | ble are new pupils m the fifth ' giade Wesley Clark left us to i return to Susanville. Calif to make his home. Mrs. C. Corry has been substi-1 tuting for Mr Melvin Smith in J the sixth grade this week The second grade wrote letters | to Marilee Mason who has been ' out of school for several weeks I She has been quite sick Harold Fowler and Richard I Ricks are ^absent this week be-1 cause of mumps. Henry Buie is a new pupil in Room 2. He came here from Stan-1 islaus county, Calif. Room 2 is learning about how; the mail is carried. They plan to visit the post office soon. The boys are getting ready to build u post office in the school room W. ( ’. Fields and (¿loria Jean Sunday, Monday and Tuesday ■4 (harks Ruih'lvrry R ckku M Ltrnny J M Kr«f<. Box 728 Engle Point, or Jackson Co. Feed Co. Medford. Oregon >4 T Uncle Sam can use every cent you can spare from your household budget. Incourage your husband to co­ operate with any plan for pay roil savings that his company may in­ stitute for DEFENSE BOND pur- chase»—for War Needs Money! Wed. and Thurs. WANTED Angora Goats O keep coffee freih and fla­ vorful, »tore it in the refrig­ erator—and buy no more than a week’s supply You'll use less coffee per cup if you follow these simple rules. If you do not have it now, can be added for small addi­ tional premium to your pre­ sent fire policy. Do it now. •» WILLIAM A SÍITÍR . BRUCÍ MANNING Mid-Week Special ’ “Sense + Cents Total Dejense AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Mem Cy William*, the 218-pound ex- football star from Florida, will hnve a chance to gain some sem­ blance of revenge in the main event wrestling card ut Medford armory Monday night when he The department of agriculture meets Chief Thunderbird, Victoria estimated the l!»4l corn crop al i 2.587,574.000 bushels, cotton crop, B. C Indian Thunderbird won last Monday 10.M17.000 bales when Williams refused to break a choke hold Williams protester! the Chief winning on a foul and WATCH REPAIRING stormed all over the ring before Expert Swiss mid Amcrlcmi he was persuaded to go to his dressing room Now Thundei bird usiteli repairing, ' our watch has promised to lick him without tliued mid regulated FREE on | olir Electric Time Mlchrumeter. I the aid of a foul. The middle match will draw as ■ RAMSEY’S JEWELRY much attention as the I top spot when Pete Belcastro of Weed STORE clashes with Pedro Brazil. ■outli A nil Lutti Swedeiibtirg Bldg. American heavyweight champion !-ast week Belcastro pounded his opponent with various uncouth tactics and also turned his ire on a spectator. Brazil's ability as a finished wrestler and his know­ ledge of the alley-type used by Belcastro should make a thrilling match All Adeli, a newcomer, will meet Joe Corbett in the opening match Any number of kids Adeli. Who is a Turk, weighs -Wil l. PAY ( ASH— about 23u pounds. This match wil begin at 8:30 p. m. Contact AIRCRAFT' /fUL Martan*! Ra, John*,,, J ugrnr Pdirttr says and several other haz­ ards that could hap­ pen to any of us. f Willi BELLVIEW NEWS EXPLOSION 1 “NEVER GIVE A SUCKER AN EVEN BREAK” • The Bellview P-TA is sponsor­ ing a play "Whar’s My Pants” at 8o'clock Friday evening (tonight) The proceeds are to go to the Red Cross. Mrs. Blanche Campbell's class will put on a special tap dan'-« number and several pupils from the Talent school will pre­ sent a Foundeis Day program and the pie social will follow the pro­ gram Bert Miller will act as auctioneer • Dale and Jack Williams were dinner guests Monday of their I grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I E Dead mon d. • Charleen Byrd is spending sev- eral weeks with her relatives in Dorris, Calif. • Nancy Ring is employed as PBX operator at the cantonment • Harry Flynn who was operated on recently is recovering satis­ factorily. < harlen Boyer and Margaret • Tom Klee, son of Mr and Mrs Su I lav an apfiearing In "Ap­ Charles D Rice, has completed pointment for Love’" at the his course of training at the U S IJthia theatre Sunday, Monday naval training station at Seattle and Tuesday. and soon will be assigned to duty with the fleet as an aviation spe­ ¡APTS. NEAR COMPLETION cialist. • Mr. and Mrs Wade Wallis went IN BEACH BUH’K R. E Stevens has a crew busy to Applegate last week to a birth­ day dinner for Bobby Wallis and Converting the Beach block into Mrs. Lee.Wallis. one. two- and three-room apart­ • John W Heilmeyer and daugh­ ments which he hopes to have ter-in-law, Mrs. Archie Heilmeyer, oj>en for occupancy by March I are spending this week in Tacoma Stevens states that these apart­ visiting Archie who is stationed at ment.! are being prepared to help Fort Lewis. accommodate the influx of can­ • Mr and Mrs. Earl Norberg re­ tonment workers and that the turned Friday from a week's visit construction is being hastened to with relatives in Los Angeles. help ease the housing shortage • M A Ring who has been quite which alieady is becoming evident. ill with mumps is able to be up - a again. MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETS • Miss Lottie Bea wick is able to The Jackson County Medical be up and around after being society met at the IJthia hotel confined to her home with mumps. Wednesday evening with Dr. Har­ • Miss Eunice Kincaid is recover­ vey a Woods host Dr Waltei ing nicely from an appendectomy of Medford spoke on History of Cat Gut/' at the hospital Saturday. • The Birthday club honored Mr Stenrud last Sunday night with a moved from Walker avenue last Saturday to the Heninger place party at his home. Guests were just north of the Bellview grange Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gowland, Mr. hall. Lloyd and Kenneth Wenaus and Mrs. A. R. Kincaid, Mr and who are employed at Dunsmuir Mrs. L. A. Pankey, Mr. and Mrs. spent the week-end with their Wade Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Walter parents. Davis, Lyda Catherine Davis, Ma­ rie Walker, Mrs Sorenson and honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. Stenrud. • Miss Fern Wenaus and Phillip I Browne of .»ontague, Calif, were married Feb. 7 at Reno. • Mr. and Mrs Theo Wenaus — A FuN-FOI-Ati FIH-FOI-AH Washington School M HOOI. PI P1I.S By I TOLD YOU SO Today & Saturday ILITHIA I I I I