Friday, February 27, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE]' 1 ! Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young | SIB—»EP—DIDtM—ItDfflh- »»■ inr. y mm»—I BIG TOP a»'o 1 g — By ED WHEELAN EPARTMENT BLUEBERRIES <* iRKAT DEMAND <«rdt giant hybrid older. Eberhardt It. 1, Doi 5M, THIS spring for Fber- blueberrie«. Sr nd for Blaeberry Nume rie«. Olympia, Waobingtaa. NURSERY STOCK >0.000 Fruit and Nut trees 70# va­ rieties Peach, Apple. Cherry, Fig. Pear, Plum Prune. Apricot, Necta­ rine, Quince. Walnut. Filbert. Hick­ ory, Pecan Almond, Grapes, Boy- senberries, Raspberries Currants, Gooseberries Strawberries. Young­ berries. Flowering snd Shade Trees, Evergreen Shrubbery, and Roses. Free 40-pag« catalog TUALATIM VALLEY MURSZRIZ8, Sherwood. Oregon. TRUCK PARTS Heavy duty Motore. alala parta, bodlee, tlraa. holst» and used trucka THI CK WRECKING COMPANY lOth A S E Hawthorn« Portland. Ora RABBITS AND SKINS POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED Good white fryer rabbit skins 60a to »Oc per lb Write postcard for prices and Information Ruby * 935 8 W. Front, Portland. Ore. FOR SALE LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG Hot Stuff FREE DESCRIPTIVE FOLDER AND PRICER on request. Idaho Hatchery Boise. Idaho. The Northwest's out­ standing producers of hlchest qual­ ity U. H. Approved chicks and Brons poults. MO CHICK SHORTAGE Immediate Delivery U. 8. Poliorum Controlled Dubl-Dollar New Hampahlres U S. Certified Leghorns Vashon Island Co-operatlvs Hatch­ ery. Box 3, Vashon, Washington. RD 6 and RD 7 Caterpillar Tractora Used on wheat farm. Good mechani­ cal condition. BARMBS IMPZ.Z- MBMT COMPAMT, WASHIMGTOM WAT1BTI1LB, FOR SALE:—Used heavy duty Diesel Engines 44 to 75 H P. Can be used with belt drive or direct connected. Prices from »650.00 to »1650 00. Call or write FISHBZ BROS. COM- PAMV, Astoria, Oregon. ALFALFA HAY. high quality. ». Claud Bennett, Wilson Creek, Week. MACAULEY'S COUGAR AND CAT HOUNDS Reliable strain. Pups and young hounds. John Macaulay, CresweU, Oregon. REG’LAR FELLERS—Triumph for Art By GENE BYRNES MIGHTY FlNL THING- To SEE AN -AMBITIOUS E>UY LIKE. YOU SY u PYIUG- TO BE A HUSlClAN-HOW’P YOU LIKE TO WORK FOR ML ANt? DEVE.LOP YOUR *TALB n Y? Timber foi» Sale: Umatilla. Morrow Co. Z. B. Kaller, Cotier d’Alene, Idaho. AUTO COURT— Sq. block, approx. I* acres. 17 cabins, trailer space. In­ come »6000. Expense JSOO includ­ ing taxes and insurance Will sac­ rifice account sickness. Washington Anto Park, Chico, Calif. "U. S. Pullorum Tested Chicks, U. 8. Certified W. Leghorns, and U. 8. approved New Hampshires.” Stand­ ard Hatchery, Inc., Winlock. Wash. 237-A. STOCK ranch near Redmond. Alfalfa, gov. range, river water. »3500 cash. Z. A. Carter, Terre­ bonne. Oregon. DENTAL PLATES D r . H arry S emler , Dt+dtti ALISKV BLOC.- ini MORRISON ■ PORTLAND ORE A stranger entered a church tn the middle of the sermon, and seat­ ed himself in the back pew. After a while he began to fidget Leaning over to the white-haired man at his side, evidently an ola member of the congregation, he whispered: "How long has he been preach­ ing?" | "Thirty or forty years, 1 think," the old rnan answered. "I don't know exactly.” ‘Til stay then,” decided the stranger. “He must be nearly done.” By J. MILLAR WATT POP—That’» New» to the Prof OUST POTTING THE CAT OUT, PROFESSOR How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly be­ cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in­ flamed bronchial mucous mem­ branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un­ derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Cost of Business Letter Considering the stenographer’» salary and the cost of stationery, stamps and other overhead, the average investment in a business letter is about 60 cents. Releaead by Th« Ball Byttdieat«. Inè ) THE WORLD AT ITS WORST SPORTING ILL! Black <«| Leaf40H JUST . LICE W —nu» no-on GO MUCH FARTHER M DASH IN FNATHRRST x J Best Medics The best doctors in the world are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr Merryman.—Jonathan Swift. DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP • When bowel« are sluggish and you feel irriteble, headachy and everything you do is an eSort, do as million» do — chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modem chewing gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A- MINT before you go to bed-sleep with­ out being disturbed—next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel swell again, full of your, normal pep. Try FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy and economical. A generous family supply LANG ARMSTRONG ••You keep your eye on the«e pin« down here.” ■ ■ ■■ae»co,t»onlY FEEN-A-MINT To«