Friday, Feb. 27, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER I NOTICE! If you don't want to sell i your property, don't list I It with us' C. II II F F M A N For Reul Estate 65 N. Multi A 845 E. Multi Dr. L. W. S toff er.s DENTIST Hours 9-l‘i und 15 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 GREEN SLARS Gunter Fuel Co Dlul 57 42 llrlinun Page 5 I NSUR A NCE l>e|H-nle Protes t Ion al ICeuMoimlrie Rates illlillMHilHHN About People You Know I « N ¥V *4 , N*„, SE'-. NE1,. N': !. 21. W* 22 W* . ESSW1 NE'«. »E1«. NE',. NW'- > • Rc-v and Mrs Harold Hender­ IMJRIN DANFORD ELECTED W'-iSE'«, son, recently relumed missionaries At a special student body elec­ SW ‘/i SW', NEIGHBORHOOD < ONGKEGA- , from Korea, were guests of the tion held Wednesday, Feb. IS, Do ­ 8 * z NW'-«. II ONA I. < HI K< H At .;. ;deugiicr, 1’uator Rev and Mrs Howard G Eddy ris Danford of Ashland was elect­ Boulevard und Morton Street* 9E % SE *4. I ed social chairman of the Asso­ uc 0 a rn. Sunduy. Sunday < l.ireio e F. Met all. Minister Sec 33 T 14 8., R. 19 E : E' j E' j , • Mi and Mrs. Marvin Girard ciated Students of the Southern Sec 12. E'jNE',. Sec 13. T 15. Bibie sciiooi 9:45 a. m, Mrs ; and daughters of Amity are now Oregon College of Education. 8., R 18 E.: W' -W'z. SE'.SWL, I REE METHODIST < III IC< II Glen Prescott superintendent. I residents of Ashland. Sec 4 E'-NE'4. W'2NW',. S'.. Worship service 11 a m, ser­ • Jack Peterson of DSC spent the East Multi Street Sec 5, all Secs. 6. 7, and 8. N' j, 8- mon subject, "An Impetuous week-end In Ashland with hiM ■folio R. Poet, I’ustor W',. W'zSE',. Sec 9 NW*«. N- Friend." mother Sunday rchoo) at 9:45 a. in i 'iSW'«. Sec 16. N'-., N' .8'-. 8*» Choir practice 7 30 p. in. W<*d- • Miss Betty Danford, teacher NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Bernice Beare, supeiintendmt in nein lay, Miss Margaret Ramsay SW'i, Sec 17. NW*«, Sec 18. T Forest Exchange 022694, United at Wilderville. spent the week-end charge. 15 8 . R 19 E. all Willamette director in Ashland with her parents, Mr States Department of the Interior, Meridian. Ochoco National Forest, .vimmug worship ut II o'clock District Land Office, Roseburg, ; an 7.30 p. tn. Women's club in Medford included ber Company, Eugene, Oregon, exchange, should file their pro­ Pioneer Ave., South .»lid week prayer meeting Wed­ A I k .- Willits, Mrs C W did, on Feb. 9, 1942, make applica- , tests in this office on or before h .Mil Sunday morning service at nesday evening ut 7:30 p. m. Koyl, Mrs Walter Redford, Mrs. tion under the act of March 20. April 7. 1942 o'clock You ute welcome to ull services, ' Frank Davis. Mrs W J. Crandall, 1922 <42 Stat. 465) as amended by ; Subject: Christ Jesus. e GEORGE FJNI-EY. ■Miss Hazel Stephens, Miss Ethel the act of February 28, 1925 ( 43, Sunday school at 9:45 a tn. Register. < III Ki ll Ol IIIE NAZARENE Wednesday evening meeting, ROM Bustle* 26c. Will bloom Stat 1090) to select certain tim­ ber from approximately 4,000 1st publication Febr. 27, 1942 Bertrund F. Peterson, Pastor which includes testimonies of tlit* year. J.V.U. 5 und 10. acres comprising portions of S'2- Christian Science healing, is held Reid and Miss Edna Goheen. I'owrlli und < Streets NE'« NW',. W'zSW*/«, N'zSE',, • Mr and Mrs John A Ruger The navy department on August at 8 o'clock. Church school 9:45 a. rn. and uaughter of Klamath Fall* Sec 13. NE'.NE',, S*2NE',. Sec 12. 1941. had five billion dollars Reading loom open daily from 1 Morning worship 11 o'clock spent the week-end with Mrs. 22. E*z, Sec 23. S'-« Sec 24, NE%, worth of ships and parts either Depart mental meetings, junior , 2 to !i p nt also Thursday eve- Maude Ruger. E'zNW*«. SW'«NW‘-4, SW%. under private contract or under nings from 7 to 9, except Sundays young people und udult*, 6:30 p. • Mrs Alan Prescott and daugh­ NW ', SE '« . Sec 25, SWINE'«, i construction in navy yards. and holidays rn. NW',. Sec 26. NE «, SE‘,NW't. Tlie public is cordially invited ter from (Thlloquin spent the week Sec KvurigeHstic sei vice 7 30 p tn. 27, N'jNE'« SW'iNE1«, end with Mrs Belle Schwein. i Prayer meeting 7 30 p. m Wed- to attend these services and to use • Bom to Mr and Mrs O R Sec 34. N'-zNW'/«. SE'.NW' g I the reading room. nvssiay. McU-an on Feb. 20. a son I N ' z NE ■,, SWLNE'«. Sec 35, T NW'i- • Bom to Mr and Mrs Spencer 13 S. R 19 E.: NW ( HI-'RCH OF CHRIST SW ',, S'iSW',. Sec 17. all Woodruff on Feb 22. a son. Second und H Street* 18 and 19. NW'.Ni, . • Mrs VON Smith visited her Secs NW«SW',. Sec 20. Earl F. Downing, Minister son, George Francis Smith, at NW Holy Communion 8 a T 13 8.. R 20 E .: Secs 25. 26 34, Camp U-wis last week Bible school 9:15 a m Church tK'hixil 9:30 u 35 and 36, T 30 8.. R 2 E.,: Secs Morning service 11 o'clock Ser­ • IMnner guests of Mr and Mrs 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 and 33. T 30. 8., Holy Communion nn William Blackmer last Thursday Every Day mon, "The CrOM in 11 a rn evening were Mr and Mrs P. D R 3 E.,: Secs. 1 to 4, inclusive. Living." Holy Communion I» 30 Mclrougal of I^ikeview. Mr. and Secs 9 to 16. inclusive. Secs. 22 to Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p Wednesday. Mrs Herbert Specht of Alturas 27. inclusive. Sec. 35, T 31 8 . R. 2 Holy Communion 11 30 a m m . with junior, high «chool and Mr. and Mrs E J. Farlow and ■ Secs. 4. 5. 6. 9, 17, 19. 29. 30, young people'« group* Thursday Tills service will 31. 32. T 31 S R 3 E .; Sec 1 T Mr and Mrs. Roy Frazier o'clock Evening «ervlce 7 30 lowed by luncheon and lauiti-n 32 8.. R 2 E .: Secs 14. 24 and 26. Sermon, "What Would Newspap­ • Theo J Norby, superintendent T 34 S . R 3 E.,: Secs 17 to 21, study in the Parish house of schools in Ashland, and County Utany will be read and a short er* in the Day* of Noah Have Supt C E. Bowman are attend­ inclusive. Secs 28 to 33, inclusive talk given by Dr. Sayre. 7 p in Said?" ing the NEA session in San Fran­ T 34 S . R 4 E : Sec 33. T 35 S, R 3 E.: Secs 4 to 10. inclusive. Thursday. The choir will meet af- • Midweek service at 7:30 P m cisco this week Wednesday. ter this service. • Bom to Mr and Mrs Raymond Secs 15. 16. 18. 20. 21. 22. 27 and ----- • -------------- You are cordially invited to Stennett of Portland on Feb. 16, 28. T 35 S . R 4 E : Secs 9. 13 FIRST BAPTIST CHI'RCH and 15 T 36 S.. R 3 E..: Secs. 19 worship with us a son. —a . ...— J. K. Turnbull, Minister • Mrs Alma Hall has returned to 22. inclusive, Secs. 27 to 30. in­ FIRST METHODINT < HI R( II Bible school 9.45 a. m., C. E from a visit with relatives in clusive, T 19 S . R 4 E . all Wil­ lamette Meridian, Ochoco, Rogue Klamath Falls Corry, superintendent. Cor. N. Main und lumrel Nt*. • Mrs Ixruis Dcxlge in visiting River and Willamette National Morning worship 11 o ’ clock: Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Ab­ Forests, Oregon, in exchange for BYPU 6:30 p m. Sunduy church sch| at 9.45 a the W'2SW'4. Sec 27. T 13 S. Gospel service 7:30 p. m.:Ten- bott. in Terrabella, Calif. Safeguard your health ------------- •------------- m R 19 E.: S'^SE'4, Sec. 12. T. 14 minute song service Morning sermon, 11 o'clock on REDFORD ATTENDS MEETING S. R 18 E..: SE*4NE> 4 . N'i- by using this high Prayer, praise and Bible study, subject. "The First Command­ I President Walter Redford of the SE>4, SELSE*,. N'»SE>4SW>». 7:30 p m. Wednesday. quality pasteurized ment..' The adult choir will lead E'iSWLSE1«- Southern Oregon College of Edu­ SE>;SE',SWL. • the singing und offer an appropri- cation left Wednesday for San SW>4. NW'.SWLSE^SW1*, Sec milk and the other NEWS FROM ate anthem. Francisco to attend meetings of 4. WGE'-s, E'zW’z, W‘ z NW‘4, SUNGOLD Products. Wesley League and Methodist the American Association of SWLSW**. Sec. 5. SE>4NE>4, Youth Fellowship at 6 15 p. rn School Administrators, and the E'zSE1«. Sec. 6. S'iNW'i, N^- All college und high school youth By SCHOOL PUPILS American Ajosxiation of Teachers' SW>4, SE'48W'-4, Sec 7. NE>4- ; are Invited to worship with these NW>4, SELSE'*, sgswlsel . Some of the pupils of Uncoln Colleges. NELSW'.SE'*, S'-.NW'4SW>4- gruupa. school went to the P-TA program CHEAP printing Is expensive. SE>4. NE'.NW'.SW'.SE',, Sec. Evening service 7 30 o'clock, at at the junior high school. Some of which time Ernest Peterson, re­ the pupils of Room 8 recited a Have your work done RIGHT at 8, NELNEL.W'-.NE*«, E1-.- ligious editor of the Portland poem The name of the poem was the Home of Better Printing------ NW*«. SWi«NW>«, S'-«. Sec 9. I al! Sec 16. NE'«. NELNW'«, Sec Journal und an outstanding lay­ "Here Comes the Flag " The Un- THE MINER PRESS. man of the Mi-thixlist church, will coin school band played four give the evening message on the numbers I subject, "Priorities of the Church.” On Friday. Feb 20, Room« 5. 6. k\ Midweek Bible study 7:30 p. m 7 and 8 of Lincoln school had a * Wednesday. — i patriotic assembly to celebrate s the birthdays of Abraham Uncoln Fl 1.1. GOSPEL TEMPLE - V and George Washington. They Z; sang songs and gave some plays Main mid Siskiyou Blvd. of Washington's and Lincoln's « F. Furman, I’ustor lives. Sunday schrxil 9:45 a. m. Mary Elaine Wilcox is a new Morning worship 11 o'clock. pupil in Room 8 She came from i L. za C. A service 6:45 Sunday eve­ Washington school on Feb. 23 The ----- '.ÍL'.' ! — JZw CTT T. ■ L' 1 A 12 • t* V. ■**** ning Evangelistic service to fol­ children enjoy having her in their low at 7:30 o'clock. room. I *-« ---------- •-------------- C. A. service and choir practice ■ç EXAMINER HERE MONDAY 7:30 Tuesday evening. < Bible study and prayer meeting A traveling examiner of operat­ 7:30 Friday evening. ors and chauffeurs will be at the Everybody ts cordially Invited Ashland city hall from 9 a. m. to to all services. 3 p m Monday. March 2. All • those wishing permits or licenses Constancy to truth and prin- to drive cars arc asked to get in Through special arrangements with the | ciple may sometimes lead to what touch with the examiner during magazine publishers we offer America's the world calls inconstancy in these hours. | conduct Tryon Edwards finest farm and fiction magazines—in com« • The Miner for Quality Printing. LEGAL NOTICES SUNGOLD PASTEURIZED MILK Lincoln School DID YOU KNOW ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO. ÄFÄFS your I hut you can now get complete BREAKEAST SERVICE at Pete’s Lunch I CHOICE READING AT NEW LOWPRIUS THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Yr., And Any Magazine Listed bination with our newspaper — at prices that simply cannot be duplicated else­ where! Look over this long list of favorites and make YOUR selection today! % ELECTRICTY Leads The Value a » ÌÀ PARADE! « Win’« considering value received, nothing can compare with the in­ numerable low-priced services provided by electricity. This is becoming increasingly true with the modern improved lights and appliances which are now even more attractive and efficient. Your dealer still has stocks of electrical goods — cheek your needs today. / ’.-■■■J Í. :••• . V: i Ashland Light Department A. “Your SERVICE Department” □ American Fntit Grower....|1.75 □ American Giri__________ 245 Q American Magazine______ 2.95 □ American Poultry Journal 155 □ Breeder’s Gazette________ 155 □ Capper’s Farmer ________ 1.75 □ Child Life______________ 550 □ Christian Herald . 2 JO □ dick .......... ............. 2.00 □ Collier’s Weekly _. 2.50 Column Digest__ 2.95 Fact Digest_____ 250 § iza Farm Journal k Flower Grower 2 JO Farmer ’s Wife Household Magazine ____ 1.75 Hunting and Fishing.____ 2.00 Liberty (Weekly)---------------2.50 Look (Bi-Weekly)________ 2.50 Magazine Digest_________ 8.45 Modern Romances ______ 2.00 □ Modem Screen __________ 2.00 8 Nature (10 1st. in 14 Mos.) 3.45 Official Detective Stories.... 2 JO □ Open Road (Boys), (12 Iss. in 14 Mos.)..... 250 □ Outdoors (12 Its., 14 Mos.) 250 □ Parents’ Magazine _______ 2J0 □ Pathfinder (Weekly)_____ 2.00 □ Physical Culture ...... 2.95 □ Popular Mechanics______ 2.95 Q Redbook Magazine______ 2.95 □ Science k Discovery______ 2.00 2.00 □ Screen Guide____ 2.00 □ Screenland _______ 250 □ Silver Screen_____ 250 Q Sports Afield__..... 1.75 □ Successful Fanning 2.00 □ True Confessions ... 2-25 □ Trur Story______ □ □ □ □ □ B J World Digest ......... dYou (Bi-Monthly) . Your Life ................ 3.45 2.95 8.45 THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR, AND® FIVE FAMOUS MAGAZINES For both newspaper and magazines .... GROUP A — SELECT 2 MAGAZINES □ Fact Digeit _________ 1 Yr. □ SiTecnUnd________ 1 Yr. □ Click ................................ 1 Yr, □ Screen Guide _______ 1 Yr. □ American Giri_____ 8 Mo. □ Parent«* Magazine ....6 Mo. □ Christian Herald ___6 Mo. □ Outdoors (12 I«s.)...,14 Mo. □ Pathfinder (Weekly) .1 Yr. □ True Confession«___ 1 Yr. □ Modern Romance«__ L Yr. □ Modem Screen_____ 1 Yr. □ Silver Screen____ ____1 Yr. □ Sports Afield________ 1 Yr. □ Open Road (Boys) (12 Issues) ------- 14 Mo. □ Science & Discover«' I Yr. □ Flower Grower ........ 6 Mo. GROUP B — SELECT 2 MAGAZINES □ □ □ □ Houwhold Magazine .1 Yr. Pathfinder ............ 26 Issues Hunting k Fishing ...6 Mo. Successful Fanning „1 Yr. _ □ Amer. Fruit Grower .1 Yr. □ Capper’« Farmer ... .1 Yr. □ Open Road (Bovs)....6 Mo. □ Natl. Livestock Prod. 1 Yr. GROUP C — SELECT 1 MAGAZINE □ Comfort k Ncedlecraft — ..1 Yr. □ Farm Journal k Farmer'« Wife___ 1 Yr. □ □ □ □ Mother'« Home Life.,1 Yr. Poultry Tribune____ 1 Yr. Amer. Poultry Jrnl.....l Yr. Breeder’s Gazette___ 1 Yr. PLIAI! AUIW 4 Tl I WHKI FOI FIRST MAGAZINES TO ARRIVI COUPON « FILL OUT MAIL TODAY Check megefinei detired end enclose with coupon. Gentlemen: I enclose I.......................... I am enclosing the offer desired with a year's subscription to your paper. NAME_____________________________________________ STREET OR R.F.D. Of FEHS FULLY GUARAKltEP S975 POSTOFFICE »