Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, February 27, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, February 27, 1942
d IJ
Page 3
P atterns
It you arc among those American
adults who hesitantly applaud the
flag at the movies and remain
strangely unemotional when view of
the fleet or of our fighting men are
shown, you should attend a chil­
dren's movie matinee. We did so
the other day. nnd the way the kid­
dies stamped, clapped and shrieked
nt every view of Old Glory, an
American warship or an American
' fighter appeared on the screen was
good for the soul.
frock, the silhouette of which is
flattering to chubby and slim fig­
ures alike. And so easy to make
The neckline here is cut
square, the sleeves are short and
puffed. The frock will be ador­
able in a gay flower printed or
plain color cotton trimmed with
perky ric-rac and a set of match­
ing buttons.
Another garment you’ll rush to
complete for your little daughter's
midwinter wardrobe are the over­
alls—cunning and practical too.
Later this season you will add the
quickly made rompers.
• • «
What'» wrong with the grown­
up»? Go Intu any movie and ob­
serve their feeble re»pon»e to
the «ame pieturra. II'» incredl-
ble. And a little depressing.
Accent on Dinner
Dinner is th<- muster meu I of the day
and ns such requires the most mas­
terful stroke the
homemaker can
apply. Willi time
unlimited, this
master stroke is
not so hard to
bring Into play,
but with days like
these which are
filled to the ut­
most with activi­
ty of all kinds,
time-saving hints und Idra» for din-
ner are important.
Planning a meal which con all
be baked is both time and money
saving. If you're pinched for silver
and aluminum for cooking and serv­
ing. you cun use glasswures for
both the cooking and serving
Today I'm discussing a dinner
that is equally adaptable for either
a family or company dinner it's
one of those meals that you won't
forget because It's always bound to
be successful from the point of view
of appetite appeal, ease in serving
and ease in cooking. Tuck these
ideas where they won't gather dust,
for they'll gather fame more easily
•Lamb Roast.
(Serves 8 to 10)
5 to 8 pound leg of lamb
Garlic clove or slice of onion
Salt and pepper
Have a leg of lamb boned and
tied. Wipe with a damp cloth but
do not remove fell, the parchment­
like covering over the meat Rub gar­
lic or onion (or oolon salt, if you
have neither* of Siose) over the
meat, then rub salt and pepper.
Bake in n slow (300-degrce) oven,
allowing 30 to 35 minutes to the
If a heat resistant glass
platter 1» used, the lamb may be
served from that.
'Franconia Potatoes.
«Serve» 8 to 10)
8 to 10 medium-sized potatoes
4 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
Cook potatoes In boiling salted
water for 15 minutes. Drain and
place in the oven around the meat
to finish roasting, about 40 minutes.
Pour melted butter and chopped
parsley over potatoes when done.
Arrange with whole, cooked carrots
on platter and serve.
A hot bread on a cool evening
adds plenty of staccato to the menu,
and I would ad­
vise serving It of­
ten. This one is
especially appro­
menu today be­
cause your oven
will be hot and
you can bake it
before you put In the meat.
Lynn Say»:
Trying to tackle the winter
vegetable problem? Here’s a pa­
rade of suggestions that will prop
up your meals:
Baked squash with small white
onions baked in the hollow. A
bit of cream sauce added just be­
fore serving to the onions will
also perk up this dish. Sprinkle
with paprika for color.
these with
brown sugar and butter when
baking. For cooked carrots add
a bit of tartness with lemon juice.
Serve canned or cooked lima
beans with this smart mustard
sauce: 4 tablespoons butter mixed
with W teaspoon sugar, 1 tea­
spoon ground mustard and 2 ta­
blespoons lemon juice.
Beets like to be teamed up
with a Harvard sauce. Thicken
the beet liquid with cornstarch
and add a bit of grated orange
rind and juice for delightful vari­
Sprinkle cooked asparagus with
grated Swiss cheese and brown
under the broiler.
Parsnips: parboil these, then
dip in egg and bread crumbs.
Fry until a golden brown.
Turnips: cook and mash. Sea­
son with butter, salt and pepper
and a dash of nutmeg.
ThI» Werk'» Menu
Mixed Fruit Juices
•Lamb Roast
•Franconia Potatoes
Fruit Salad
•Spice Bread
•Caramel Crumb Custard
Recipe Given.
•Spice Bread.
(Makes 1 quart loaf pan)
2‘i cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
teuspoon salt
cup sugar
*4 teaspoon cinnamon
teaspoon nutmeg
■« teaspoon ground cloves
% teaspoon ginger
1 cup currants
2 eggs
1 cup milk
Mi cup shortening
Sift flour before measuring. Then
sift together flour, baking powder,
salt, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg,
cloves and ginger. Wash and drain
currants; mix into dry ingredients.
Add well beaten eggs, milk and
melted shortening to dry Ingredi­
ents. Stir only until just well com­
bined. Pour into a greased loaf pan
Bake in a moderate (350-degree)
oven for about one hour.
Caramel flavoring flirts with cus­
tard in this dessert idea But what’s
especially nice
about this one is
that you can bake
it along with the
bread since both
require the same
oven tempera­
ture Custard's best baked in indi­
vidual cups and the custard unmold­
ed onto the dessert plates when
ready to serve:
•Caramel Crumb Custard.
(Serves 8)
H cup sugar
Mi cup boiling water
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
Mi teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
3 tablespoons melted butter
1 cup coarse dry bread crumbs
(crusts removed)
Mi cup caramel syrup
Make a caramel syrup by melting
4 cup sugar in a skillet, very slow­
ly, and allowing to cook until a
golden brown. Remove from heat
and add boiling water slowly. Re­
turn to heat for 10 minutes or until
completely dissolved. Separate eggs
and beat yolks until lemon colored.
Gradually beat in 1 cup sugar, salt,
syrup, milk and butter. Add bread
crumbs and fold in stiffly beaten
whites. Pour into eight glass cus­
tard cups. Place in a pan of hot wa­
ter and bake in a moderate oven
about 40 minutes.
Serve warm with whipped cream.
Speaking of planning menus that
seem to fit both company and fam­
ily dinner occasions I thought you
might like a few suggestions. Here
are foods that fit each other be­
cause of their flavors blending to­
gether so smoothly, because of their
balance and contrast In texture and
flavor. They’re easy to keep in mind
and fix at a few hours' notice:
Menu I.
Consomme With Lemon Slice
Lamb Steaks With Gravy
Spinach Ring With Browned
Potato Balls
Apricot and Cream Cheese Salad
Orange Rolls
Baked Alaska
Menu II.
An Inquiry Into fatal auto acci-
dents in a »mall American town
shows that 57 per cent of the school
children have figured in at least one
auto crash arid that 28 per cent drive
without license». Now we know why
all those rural motorcycle cops hide
In the side streets and behind shrub­
bery. They’re afraid to come out in
the open
A congressman who has intro­
duced a bill to require a ten o'clock
curfew for ail female employees of
the government in Washington in
the interest of efficiency puts his
Idea in verse:
Early to bed and early to rise
Will help your complexion and
brighten your eyes.
• • •
It strikes us that this doesn't quite
get the point over. How about these?
Promptly at ten leave your sky­
larking chums;
Next morning when typing you
won't be all thumbs.
Cut out late suppers and scorn
And you won't fall asleep while
taking dictation.
Get lots of rest; keep your head
very clear
And your writter. "Dciir Sir”
may not come dut "Dir
• • •
What time is it?
War time, daylight saving. East­
ern standard. Chicago or will you
take whatever 1 can give you?
119 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco
Enclose 20 cents in coins for
Pattern No..............
Name ............... .......................................
Address .....................................................
Anyway, Jonah Had Meen
Taken In by the W hale!
Heifer Hooksey has been reading
so much about rationing cards,
stamps, etc., that as soon as day­
light saving came in he went to a
bureau and asked for a stamp en­
titling him to the right time.
Elmer Twitchell caya he Is
losing his morale listening to
some of the morale builders.
It is this department's feeling that
behind the Normandie disaster is a
great part of the story of America's
major faults: a complete loss of ef­
ficiency as it was once interpreted,
an "Oh yeah" attitude of the work­
er toward the boss, a decline in
thoroughness and an almost total
eclipse of pride in a job well done.
Ideal combination for the hunch­
player of daily doubles, as observed
the other day at Hialeah: Dreamy
Eyes and Sizzling Pan.
—Buy Defense Bonds—
No more cans can be used for
packing dog food, Now Ima Dodo
will begin teaching Fido to eat reg-
ular table food.
• •
Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound
Tablets (with added iron; not only
help relieve cramps, headache,
backache but also weak, cranky,
nervous feelings-due to monthly
functional disturbances.
Taken regularly - Lydia Pink­
ham’s Tablets help build up resist­
ance against distress of "difUcult
days.” They also help build up red
^blood. Follow label directions^
Flightless Duck
The steamer duck, Tachyeres
cinereus, found off the southern
coast of South America and so
named because, when swimming,
it chums the water like a side­
wheel steamboat, loses its power
of flight after reaching maturity.
Delicious, economical,
** — - -
One Dish Meal
— -
Van (amp’s
6. What sainted woman is said
to have given her kerchief to
Christ as he carried his cross to
Afghanistan Proposal
Afghanistan weddings don't go
7. The Philippines are named
in for much fuss or feathers. If
for the king of what country?
a man sees a girl who suits him,
8. What ship was carrying Hen­
ry Hudson when he explored the
river named for him?
he simply cuts off a lock of her
hair or throws a sheet over her
head—and that’s all there is to it.
She’s his.
The Anawera
1. Because it was formerly used
to make and sharpen quills for
2. The lithosphere.
3. Zero.
4. Yes. It originated there in
the Fourth century.
5. Quebec is the only walled
city in North America.
6. Veronica.
7. Spain (Philip II).
8. The Half Moon.
Lo«-» cough due to a cold-thanks to the
soothing action of Smith Brothers Cough
Drops. Keep a box handy these days! Two
kinds, both good, both effective, both deli­
cious: - Black or Menthol. And still only 54.
We have a swell idea for a Dog
Show cartoon: Hitler and Tojo stand­
ing in front of a kennel of wolf­
hounds and chirping. "Almost hu­
man, aren't they?"
• • •
Elmer Twitchell says he is
going to stop drinking the min-
ute beer bcglns coming through
in cardboard containers.
• • •
Under Daylight Saving we seem
to be rationing nightlife!
• • •
Cranberry Juice
Pork Shoulder Roast
Baked Squash
"WANTED—Large feather pillow
Green Peas
Perfection Salad in A-l condition; must be reason­
able. Sullivan 27-4-11.” — Lansing
Whole Wheat or Graham Bread
Dutch Apple Cake With Hard Sauce Spectator.
Listen, maybe you had better give
Menu III.
up the whole idea of fancy skating.
• * *
Tom n to Soup
L. K. Morehead says that a girl
Baked Fish With Lemon Slice
on duty as a plane spotter in Mor­
Scalloped Potatoes
ristown, N. J., excitedly reported to
Grapefruit and Orange Salad
the interceptor command that two
Hot Biscuits
planes and submarine were flying
high over her post.
Spiced Watermelon Rind
She had never seen a dirigible
Chilled Fruit
Ice-Box Cookies
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
✓Relieves distress from MONTHLY^
The nervous curate had
ranged to preach o%Jonah and the
"And for three days and three
nights,” he began, "Jonah was in
He blushed, stammered, stopped,
and then started again:
"For three days and three
nights Jonah was in the—”
Once more he was covered with
confusion, and once more he
stopped, and mopped his face.
Then he gathered his courage in
both hands, and with a mighty ef­
fort he finished triumphantly:
"And for three days and three
RAND for January sewing nights Jonah was in the society of
right now, and good to repeat the whale.”
again this summer is the princess
frock for little girls offered in Pat­
If You Bake at Home
tern No. 1516-B. The same pat­
have prepared, and will send
tern also shows you how to make
absolutely free to you a yeast
overalls, rompers and a bonnet!
As all mothers know, little girls recipe book full of such grand
look their very best in a princess recipes as Oven Scones, Cheese
Puffs, Honey Pecan Buns, Coffee
Cakes and Rolls. Just drop a card
with your name and address to
Standard Brands Inc., 691 Wash­
ington St., New York City.—Adv.
Then there 1» the fellow who
f A General Quiz
when asked for the time replied,
fV. fN. (N. (N. (N. (V. (V. (V. (V. (V (V fu (V (V. fv. fV. (V. (V
"Right or wrong?"
—Buy Defense Bond»—
The Queationa
Private Purkey got a letter from
a friend asking if the draft board
1. Why is a small pocket knife
would pass men with bad teeth.
a pen-knife?
"With bad teeth!" he exclaimed in
2. The solid part of the earth is
"They'll take you now if
known as what?
you have gums left."
3. What result is obtained by
• • •
multiplying 5 x 6 x 0 x 10?
England 1» rationing »oap.
4. Is the science of fingerprint­
From now on when two or more
ing practiced in China?
people are in one tub they mint
5. What is the only walled city
une the tame cake.
in North America?
lamaui lati mordi: "U ill you hai r
tuo lumpt or thrrr, Mr. Hendrrton?“
Model Plane Maneuvers
Through radio-controlled equip­
ment, model airplanes, weighing
as little as five pounds, have been
put through such maneuvers as
takeoffs, spot landings, flights to
an objective and return, flguru
eights, power dives, spins, loops
and smoke writing.
Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1516 B Is de­
signed for sizes 1, 2, 3. 4 and 5 years.
Size 2 frock requires 1% yards 35-ineh
material, overalls l1« yards, rompers ?»
yard and bonnet, •,» yard.
Send your
order to:
(See Recipes Below)
Whal many Doctors do for it
When r
etomarh arid ratMM
»oor utomarh
ar heartburn, dortori* prc*rribe the ranteat ■ arting
meetirine-u known for sym tomatir relief aMMOMB
tike thoee in Bell-ana Tablets. No laratfrs. If y-xir
rery first trial doean't prove Hell-ana better, rat ar»
bottle be us and get double your mowy barb. ZM.
CI umh I maa
Who Wouldn't Conic to u Dinner Like This?
Acid Indigestion
' black
f I
menthol -5^
tess Nicotine
M ,b. .ver.* “'
than »ny o
- ntifi0 tests of tht
independent sciente
X. '