Page 8 Friday, Feb. 20, 10-12 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER SOCK PLAYERS PRESENT "IXil.l. HOUSE" Wrestling comes back to Med­ ford armory next Monday night. Feb. 23, after nearly eight months absence, when Jumping Joe Sa- voldi, former football sensation of Notre l>anie meets Andre Adoree. a 215-pound French Canadian, in the one hour main envent. The match will be for the best two out of three falls Savoldi, who will enter the ring at about 218 pounds, was once heavyweight champion of the world and is the originator of the drop kick in wrestling. Although he is rough, Savoldi. like Adoree. keeps within the bounds of the rule books. Cy Williams, former student at the University of Florida where he was a football star, will tackle Chief Thunderbird of Victoria, B. C., in the second match which will also be for the best two out 0i three falls or six 10-nunute rounds. Williams, who spent seven years on various professions gridirons of the nation, will weigh in at about 230 pounds compared to Thunder­ bird's 225 Williams is a rough and tough specialist and is unorth­ odox in his wrestling manners. Opening the card at 8:30 p ni. [ will be Pedro Brazil, 215. South American heavyweight champion, who will face Joe Corbett of Bos­ ton in four 10-minute rounds or the best two out of three tum­ bles. Corbett will weigh 230 pounds and, like Brazil, is a scien­ tific master of the mat game. ------------ •------------- LITHIA Today & Saturday ADOLPHE MENIOU GLORIA SWANSON in the year’s surprise story! 1 SUN • MON • TUE Mrs. America Meets National Defense IMIVYN S 1H I®** Witti TW" CA,,°. -.4 M t« b* ’. poutR.IFOUttf' Editor’s Note: National de­ fense touches every home, ev­ ery citizen, and as the huge program expands in coming months, its effects will be strongly felt in everyday life. This column, based on official government information and prepared by the Office for Enie r g e n c y Management, shows how defense will affect Mrs. America and her home. TWO-MtED WOMAN Wed’sday & Thursday 20c Bargain Days Mrs America, take heart What- ever the wool shortage does to your next winter s coat, it proba­ bly won't be nearly so drastic as the proposed changes for your husband's pants. In the first place, the manufacturers are planning to give him only one pair per suit, And they won't have pleats or cuffs, extension waistbands, or self belts, and all measurements will be limited to achieve a fash­ ionably skimpy effect. What's more the material itself may in­ clude a new fibre made from red­ wood bark which mixes very well with wool. r < r Sugar rationing has scored the first direct hit on the kitchens in RONALD 1 America. And, so far, home de­ COLMAN fense has been far from good. Housewives, panicky and unpat­ riotic. have been storming gro­ cers' shelves instead of meeting the challenge by planning new menus and more ingenious use of the sugar allotted. Needed for the production of industrial alcohol which goes into smokeless powder, sugar today is as much a weapon of war as a flying fortress. Here are some suggestions from the PLUS government's consumer division on how Mrs. America can do her part on -the home front: Make fewer desserts that require large amounts of sugar. Serve more fresh fruits, naturally rich in su- gar. Use dried fruits, such as rais- ins, dates, figs, prunes, peaches with and apricots with breakfast eal, and in place of candy, less sugar in coffee and tea •stir well what you do use. 1 If you’ve been patriotically i clicking away on a sweater for some soldier boy, stop—unless you More than 232,000 tons of are doing it under the specific di­ scrap rails have been left Imbedd­ rection of the Red Cross. The av­ ed in city streets of the United erage man in the service is ade­ States, it is estimated. Plans are quately outfitted by the govern­ being made to salvage this scrap ment and doesn't need additional for national defense. clothing unless he’s stationed in Iceland or Alaska or sent into the field on long campaigns. In that case, the commanding officer will apply to the Red Cross, which will then arrange for the sweaters to be knitted. By this system, mil­ lions of pounds of valuable wool can be diverted to more essential purposes “PRIMROSE PATH” “SWING IT SOLDIER” “A militilo HHiwhuil mlrthro lllllll«*«*” with Ken Murry Francis Langford lx a Ills TH It T I ST VN'IMNGS U I. p SCHOOL Pl MM Th«* safety council of Washing ton school met Friday Ten boys and girls had to appear before the council because they had forgot­ ten some safety rules The safety patrol boys met last Wednesday to decide a lx Hit some safety rules. The boy» urged the z> MARIA MONTEZ children to remember the yellow lines A UNIVLRSAL PICTURE if The safety patrol boys who help the primary teachers and children are J Wray llodgen and Billy ~ Bis- sei The boys who patrol in the morning are Donnie Cull op and Donald Green The afternoon pa. trol lx>ys ate Weslcv Smith and David Caswell. We have two de- pendable substitutes in Henry Hart and Dwight Schneider ___ Campfire ___ ............... The girls plan to en- tertain their mothers at an h<>n»>i tea Feb 25. Guests will lx* shown the honor txxiklets. Miss Blasted will give each girl honor beads for each honor she has earned Most strips through the bnloptlcon and of the girls have earned more than explained them to the rest of the class two honors in each craft Room 6 elected officers for the Esther Fowler has been ill and out of school the |HU»t five weeks second semester Helen Flaherty. Room t> sent a valentine shower president. Bob Osterman, vier to David Thompson when he wax president, Eldon Durham, sec re- in the hospital for an appendicitis iary, and Janie Simpson, room operation. I Mi vid has been unable representative. I Friday afternoon we had our valentine box box. The to be in school this year. Laurel Carter and Virginia program committee. Barbara Dot Clary returned to the fifth grade son. Earline Rogers and Virginia after being out with mumps Rex IJIIy arranged an Interesting pro­ Morgan and Fred Peters still have gram Refreshments were served We had a gd time Joyce Rein­ the mumps Last week in Rocial studies] bold, our former president, moved Room •> prepared long strips of I to Portland, pictures of the various sections of BliUe Bowman who has been the United State« which they had i attending school In Portland en- studied. They then showed these ! tered the first grade this week Wed. and Tliurs Mid-Week Special TORDEÎENSK BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS Ginger Rogers I lie .“,700 motor vehicles of this company on the I’a- < ih< Coast, the mole th in .39,000 men and women who maintain and operate telephone service, are a media* nized,mobilized army in the sei\ i< col < ion. While it is necessary that our lines be readily avail­ BUY EXTENDED COVERAGE able for telephone calls i rn |x» t to the wartime job, you may be sine that ea