SOUTHERN OREGON MINER_______________________________________ ______________ Page 5 Friday, Feb. 20, 1942 i N O T I C E ! About People You Know If you don't want tn sell your properly, don't list It with us! C. HUFFMAN I OI Ke il I-state 65 N. Main & 315 E. Main Dr. L. W. Stoffers DENTIST Hours 9-12 »nil 15 Yledleul Bldg. Phone 5211 GREEN SLABS Gunter Fuel Co I »lai 5751 42 llrlinuii Al TO,MOBILE - FIRE < ANUAI.TV • LIFE INSÙ ItA N C E Dcpviidnblr Protection at Rrasoimble Rute« M. T. BURNS ON HIE PLAZA ( nbeatable Try Our Milk und Créant AN ASHLAND PRODI ltal in Medford. Before re­ turning to her home, Mrs. Goin and baby spent a couple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ix>gan. Tin* boy was named John for his great-grandfather, John Webster. R om * Bushes llu**h<*«. 25c. Will bloom this year. J.V.W. 5 und 10. • Mrs Vera Everett of Idaho Is stopping with her parents, Mr Mrs. Ole Carver, while her huNband is employed in the war zone. • The I’ TA will hold its meeting Feb. 20 ut the school house. The annual founders' day will be in charge of Mrs Nell Young, Fol- lowing the program there will be ' a silver tea < • Mr and Mrs. Charles Estes of Crescent City were week-cml guests of relatives and friends here. • Mrs Blanche Hungate left Tal­ ent Sunday for Prospect where she will spend a week visiting her son Don and family. She plans leaving the following Sunday for Fox, Or«- to care for her mother, Mrs. M Boone, who fell and dis­ located her hip a short time ago Announcing! —STARTING— FRIDAY, FEB. 20 <>|M‘II lit 6 II. III. QUM K SERVIC E GOOD COFFEE s WATCH REPAIRING • Mi and Idn Otth Millet BELLVIEW NEWS But ns spent th«- week-end with CATHOLIC < III IU1I Mi. and Mr». Vein Hastings. • The tegular meeting of th< Rev, W. J. Meagher, Pastor • Miss Ixds Nicholson of Yreka Bellview P-TA has been postponed RAMSEY’S JEWELRY Dr. George W. Hruce, Minister was a week-end guest of Mr and until the play they are sponsoring Mass at 9 a. hi . Sunday. STORE Sunday church school 9.45 a. m Mis. R E iJodge | is ready for presentation. A scripture lesson to fit every age • Mrs Iw>n Travis visited with • A bridal shower was given fol Ashhuid Swedenborg Bldg. FREE METHODIST <'HI R< II her husband in Oakland last week Miss Ola May Grimm at the home Morning Sermon 11 o'Clock. Wesley League for college youth • Mi and Mrs James Gillespy | of her parents Saturday evening. East .Malli NtrrsA anewis, | she attended the wedding of Miss past year Their mother. Mrs. Kes­ area will be held at 8 p m. Feb Second and B Streets Wash , son of Mr. and Mrs C E. ■ Alta Kesler Alta and her brother ler, who has been visiting them 21 at Central Point Earl F. Downing, Minister Huffman, has been promoted from John have been employed at the and also friends in Texas the past Working in close harmony with corporal to sergeant. Consolidated Air plant for the two months, returned to her home Bible school 9:45 a m. the grange will tie th«* U S cm- Monday with Rosemary. Morning service. 11 o'clock Ser­ • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown ployinent service which will have representatives at each of the mon. "Christian Unity in the Light of Hilt visited with Bill Brown Sunday. meetings to outline plans alieady of the New Testament." Dev. and Printed 5c Extra for Panchromatic Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. • Mr and Mrs Arthur Hall went under way to insuir that the ne- 6 or 8 Ex. Rolls Double Size 25c ccsaary labor to harvest crops will m with junior, high school and i to Yreka Friday to attend the funeral of Mr Hall ’ s father. young people's societies be available when and where n«»ed- ALL FINE GRAIN DEVELOPING. GUARANTEED WORK Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Ser- • Mrs Walter Herndon has re- ed These representatives will also turned home from a visit with her Reprints 2c ea. Deckle edge or plain, double size, 3c confer with growers present at the mon, "What Christ Means to Me Midweek prayer meeting and sons in Eugene meetings to ascertain the types 35 mm. 36 ex. Dev. & Printed, 3x4 prints, 95c roll. and numbers of agricultural work- I training class. 7:30 p m. Wednes­ • Mr and Mrs. R. E Detrick visited in Bly Sunday with Mr ers which will be r««quirvd at var-1 day. and Mrs C. A Smith and Mr -------- •-------- ious times throughout the year ECONOMY PHOTO FINISHERS and Mrs. Eugene Detrick. State Grange Master Ray W FIRST BAPTLST CHURCH BOX 1576, STA. D, LOS ANGELES. CALIF. Bonds or bondage? Buy IT. S Gill has requested that each Po­ J. R. Turnbull, Minister Savings Bonds. mona and subordinate grange Bible school 9 45 a. m, C. E. master appoint a committee of /¿I five from their respi’ctive granges Corry, superintendent. — Morning worship 11 o'clock: and also to invite several leading BYPU 6:30 p m fat mens in th«* community who do Gospel service 7:30 p. m.:Ten- not belong to the grange, to at- minute song service- tend. Prayer, praise and Bible study, • 7:30 p. m Wednesday. WS GUILD ENTERTAINS —•---------- Members of the Martha Gillette i FULL GOtiPEL TEMPIJC guild were guests of the Wesleyan I E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. Service guild at a covered dish ' suppei at the Methodist church I L. P. Furman, Pastor Friday evening In the absence of I Sunday school 9:45 a. m. the president, Miss Voda Brower, I Morning worship 11 o'clock. Mrs. Alice Willits presided. Miss J // C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ June Blasted was in ehaige of the' ning. Evangelistic service to fol ­ program and games. low at 7:30 o'clock. • Mis Lem Frink left Saturday C. A. service and choir practice for Canada She will stop in Wash­ 7:30 Tuesday evening. ington and visit relatives for a Bible study and prayer meeting few days She will be away about 7:30 Friday evening. two weeks. Everybody is cordially invited • A vegetable cookery was held to all services. Through special arrangements with the at the city hall Wednesday. Nu­ trition for defense was the pro­ TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH magazine publishers we offer America's gram Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar finest farm and fiction magazines—in com­ • Mi and Mrs. l^eonanl Warren Holy Communion 8 a. m. and daughter Linda of Jackson­ bination with our newspaper — at prices ville visited Mrs Warren's par­ Church school 9:30 a. m. that simply cannot be duplicated else­ ents, Mr and Mrs Al Norris. Mr Sermon and morning prayer. 11 Warren teaches in the Jackson­ a. m. where! Look over this long list of favorites • ville school Holy Communion 9:30 a. in. and make YOUR selection today! BOTH FOR PRICE SHOWN • Harry luwe who has lx«*n prin­ Wednesday. cipal of the Sams Valley school Holy Communion 11:30 a. m ALL MAGAZINES ARE FOR __________________________________________________ for the past three years has been Thursday. After this service there ONE YEAR elected to the superin tendcy of will be luncheon- and Lenten study the Butte Falls schools for the in the parish house. • next school term. Choir will meet 7:30 p. m. □ American Frail Grower ...$1.75 • Increase in business at the lo- Thursday. □ American Girl________ 2.25 You are cordially invited to won cal post office necessitated the □ American Magazine_____ 2.95 leasing of additional room This ship with us. □ American Poultry Journal 145 will double the space and much —•------------ □ Breeder’s Gazette _______ 1.65 needed room in handling of mail. In asking 50,000 young women For both newspaper Farmer_______ 1.75 • Mr and Mrs. Cal Reeves of to begin training for professional 3.00 and magazines . . . . California have starter! construc­ nursing careers, Surgeon General Herald ___ 2.50 tion of a 12-cabin motel at the I’arran of the U. S. Public Health □ Click------------------- 2.00 corner of Anderson Road and Gib­ Service, stated that 22,000 nurses GROUP A — SELECT 2 MAGAZINES □ Collier’s Weekly___ 240 son avenue. Already several of the were on active duty in the last □ Fact Digest----------- 1 Yr. □ Column Digest _____ 2.95 □ True Confessions __ 1 Yr. world war. cabins have been spoken for. □ Screenland ..... I Yr. □ Modern Romances _..l Yr. Fact Digest_______ 240 □ Click . ......... ............... 1 Yr. Farm Journal Ic □ Modern Screen____ 1 Yr. □ Screen Guide_____ 1 Yr. Farmer’s Wife __ _ 145 □ Silver Screen___ ___ 1 Yr. □ Flower Grower_____ ._ 2.50 □ American Girl __..8 Mo. □ Sports Afield ______ 1 Yr. □ Household Magazine _ 1.75 □ Parent»’ Magazine _ 6 Mo. □ Open Road (Boys) □ Hunting and Fishing . _ 2.00 □ Christian Herald __ 6 Mo. (12 Issues)____ 14 Mo. □ Liberty (Weekly)___ ... 240 □ Outdoors (12 Is».).... 14 Mo. Science Discovery . 1 Yr. □ Look (Bi-Weekly)___ .... 2.50 □ Pathfinder (Weekly)..! Yr. Flower Grower ......6 Mo. □ Magazine Digest____ _ S.45 GROUP B — SELECT 2 MAGAZINES Modern Romances _. 2.00 Modern Screen.......... □ Household Magazine .1 Yr. □ Amer. Fruit Grower .1 Yr. 240 Nature (10 Iss. in 14 Mos.) 3.45 □ Pathfinder .......... 26 Issues □ Capper’» Farmer ___ 1 Yr. Official Detective Stories.... 240 □ Hunting 1- Fishing ...6 Mo. □ Open Road (Boys)... 6 Mo. □ Open Road (Boys), □ Successful Fanning _..l Yr. □ Nat’l. Livestock Prod. 1 Yr. (12 Iss. in 14 Mos.)__ 240 GROUP C — SELECT I MAGAZINE Outdoors (12 Iss., 14 Mos.) 2.00 Parents’ Magazine .... □ Comfort & □ Mother's Home Life.,1 Yr. Pathfinder (Weekly) Needlecraft — 1 Yr. □ Poultry Tribune___ 1 Yr. Physical Culture .... □ Farm Journal & □ Amer. Poultry Jrul.... 1 Yr. Popular Mechanics . Farmer’s Wife__ 1 Yr. □ Breeder’» Gazette __ 1 Yr. Redliook Magazine . PLUM ALLOW 4 TO 6 WEEKS FOR FIRST MAGAZINES TO ARRIVE Science He Discovery... Is one of the greatest enemies of long tire Screen Guide life. Even a slight variation will cause ex­ Screenland _ Silver Screen cessive wear for the tire tends to drag on Sports Afield Successful Farming the pavement rather than rolling along. Check magazine) detired and endote with coupon. True Confessions True Story ____ HAVE YOUR OAR CHECKED TODAY! Gentlemen: I enclose $..................... I am enclosing the Worlil Digest .... offer desiicd with a year'* nibscription to your paper You (Bi-Monthly) Your Life . .... NAME I HINT METHODIST < III RUH PASTEURIZED MILK Farm Labor Survey Sponsored by («range ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO. HERES YOUR CHOta READING at new tow prices THIS NEWSPAPER, I Yr., And Any Magazine Listed THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR, AND®1 FIVE FAMOUS MAGAZINES 8 8 WHEEL ALIGNMENT BREAKFAST SERVICE > » mmmmmw *............... 'Expert Swiss and American Hutch repairing. Your watch timed and regulated FREE on our Electric Time .Mlchrometer. IMPROPER COMPLETE I CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) STREET OR R.F.D POSTOFFICE ?