Friday, Fobruaiy 20- 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 1I. S. (’miser WHO’S NEWS THIS WEEK Abdul Abdul- (1) Heavy corporation taxes; The Tippy, Dippy, bul Ameer. (2) stiff excess profits taxes; (3) Lippy Fakir of I pi The Ger­ plugging all loopholes in the tax mans are laws; (4) an excise tax on cer­ It Quite Slippery giving him tain specific luxuries ti hich another workout among the wild would not increase the cost of tribes of Afghanistan and northwest­ living. ern India, having used his incen­ His recommendations are sure to diary talents for years before the be adopted in toto by Secretary start of this war. Morgenthau and the White House. Whether congress will adopt them Kipling's "Man Who Would Be will be decided only after one of the King,” operating in the same toughest tax battles in history— territory, was just an old stick- especially over the sales tax. in-the-mud, compared to the • • • emaciated wild-eyed little man, with his hair dyed bright red HOW TO SEE HENDERSON and a yeU that gives everybody Leon Henderson is guarded by so a nervous breakdown for miles many secretaries and functionaries around. His dish is “scourging that even members of congress the Infidel British.” He is the have a hard time getting to him. "Avenger of the Church of Is­ Officials of Alaska, bothered by a lam," an ace troublemaker for serious price problem in the Terri­ the Germans and Japanese just tory, tried for days to get an audi­ now, with his skill in provoking ence with the price czar. murderous religious wars. The Finally, a little gray-haired lady British lake him seriously, as his found the answer. inflammatory range is such that Mrs. John McCormack, wife of it might necessitate the with­ Alaska's selective service head, at­ drawal of troops from Burma tended a woman’s club function in and Bengal to guard the Khyber Washington, at which Henderson pass. submitted to questioning. As a matter of fact, the British Mrs. McCormack put the Alaskan have taken him seriously for many price problem to Henderson on the years. They have chased him on floor of the club meeting, and he foot and on horseback, with planes promptly invited her to call at and armored cars, with an army of office next day for a detailed 40,000 soldiers, and with everything planation. but bloodhounds. But he has always “The people around the office, slipped just out of reach. He has said Henderson, "will try to keep been known as ' The Holy Man of you out, but pay no attention to the Suleiman Mountains," and them. You just march straight into among the tribesmen the legend my office.” grows that he can do a clever dis- Mrs. McCormack followed in­ appearing act when the police are structions. She saw Henderson, and closing in came away with a promise of action. • • • Although he is now only 41 CAPITAL CHAFF years old, he has been a prac- | fl. Attorney General Francis Biddle tlcing hell-raiser for 28 years, is personally reviewing the recom­ one of the best in the business. mendations of all Alien Enemy He grew up In the bazaars of Hearing boards, which pass on Peshawar in northwest India, a charges against alien residents in coolie, and the son of a camel the U. S. driver He has led border tribe» C. The Bluefield, W. Va., Chamber in several violent uprisings, nota­ of Commerce has taken an unusu­ bly in 1931 and 1932. His Palhian al step for a chamber of commerce. raiders have been notoriously Advocating the curtailment of non- bloodthirsty. essential federal spending, the News reports are that Axis agents chamber listed a number of pet lo­ are gearing him in widely organized cal projects it was willing to forego for the duration of the war. radio campaigns. fl L. Earle Davidson, hustling young FIGHTING priest, becoming an publisher of the Greenville (Mich.) admiral, is assigned command | Daily News, has won praise from of the French possessions in the treasury officials for his highly suc­ Pacific, by the Free French National cessful work in boosting defense committee in London As a priest, bond sales. Chairman of the De­ he is the studious and ascetic Father fense Savings committee of his area, Louis de la Trinite of the Carmelite , Davidson addresses rallies every friars. In his naval command he day and is chalking up a remark­ is Admiral George Thierry d’Argen- able record. At one meeting de­ lieu He was imprisoned by the Ger fense bond subscriptions totaled mans at Cherbourg in June, 1940, $26,000 and, while being taken to prison fl. Returning from Rio by Pan Amer­ camp, leaped from a train, escaped ican clipper, Undersecretary of to London and became a member of State Sumner Welles relaxed in his first bridge game in seven years. the Free French National council. ? ASK ME ANOTHER Î A General Quiz J (V (X. <\. <\. (X. (V. fk. (X. (N. (\. fu (V (X. ft. •• I I SO year» ago. UM I .itnl ar candy coated, their act mi»d< I able, thorough, yet gentlo, a» millions of NR'» have proved. Get n 254 box tixlay ... or larger M onomy uze. .89» TO-K! OUT: TOMORROW ALRIGHT Ttmu caw (QATIO BIGULABI As We Love The more we love, the better wo Mrs. Fern Evans, whose husband ore; and the greutcr our friend­ was killed In action al Pearl Har­ ships are, the dearer we are to bor. at work In Lockheed's May­ God.—Jeremy Taylor. A street scene in the business section of Hillenslad. capital of Cura­ wood, Calif., plant, riveting part of cao, the Dutch island off the northern coast of Venezuela, which has been the frame of a Hudson bomber. The occupied by American troops. The troops were sent to reinforce the job was obtained through the naval Dutch units which have been guarding the highly important oil refinery, relief soqtrty. She la "getting back" centers on the island. at the Japs. Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulxlon relieves promptly be­ cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel gertn laden phlegm, and aid nature to sootlv nnd In al raw. tender, in­ flamed bronchial mucous mem­ branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Oreomulston with the un­ derstanding you must like the wuy it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis As We Think or Feel The world is u comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those who feel.—Walpole. MIDDLE-AGEx WOMEN (££) HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, nervous —suffer hot flashes, dizziness-- caused by this period In n woman's life —try Lydia Pink­ ham's Vegetable Compound. Made especially /or women Helps to relieve distress due to this functional disturbance. Thou­ sands upon thousands of women report remarkable benefits. Fol­ low label directions. After a 10 mile march with fighter planes overhead, and their band playing American tunes, U. S. troops In Northern Ireland draw up for In­ spection by Maj. Gen. Russell P. Hartle, their commander, a' an unknown town. It was the first ceremonial of the second A.E.F. vanguard since their at rival in Northern Ireland. U. S. Navy in ‘Unpacific’ Pacific Wearing coveralls treated with a secret formula which he developed, l)r. O. T. Hodneficld, Los Angeles chemist (above) walked into fire and was unscathed. This was one of a scries of demonstrations on the new anti-fire chemical, "De-Oxo-Lln,” result of 18 years of experiment. It’s in V y Shallow in Self Deep versed in books and shal­ low in himself.—Milton. Miserable with backache ? HEN kidn»yi function badly »nd you iuff«r « nigging backache, with dizzinett, burning, scanty or too freauent urination and getting up at night; wh«n you feel tired, nervout, all upset... use Doan's Pills. Doan's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom­ mended the country over. Ask your neighbor! W D oans P ills A WNU—13 Somewhere In the very unpaclflc Pacific ocean the crew of a United States naval carrier rushes to re-load planes with bombs and depth charges, during patrol In the Pacific, in readiness for any enemy craft that may be lurking around. This soundphoto was approved by the U. S. navy. Aviation cadets at only bombar­ dier training air corp» advanced flying school in the country, In Al­ buquerque, N. M., carry secret bomb sight» in zipper bag before take off. • Read the advertisements. They are more than a selling aid for business. They form an educational system which is making Americans the best- educated buyers in the world. The advertisements are part of an economic system which is giving Americans more for their money every day. 7-42 4 E Y