Page 8 AHS HOOPERS FACE BUSY WEEh A Friday, Feb. 13, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER K li vlkt Today & Saturday HE-MAN ACTION! iDlIÄHU: PLUS An exciting mixture of MURDER and MERRIMENT! JLEEPERJ WEST with LLOYD NOLAN LYNN BARI Mary Beth Hugh« SUN • MON • TUE “POT ’0 GOLD” with Paulette Goddard James Stewart and Horace Heidt and his Orchestra Wed’sday & Thursday 20c Bargain Days “NEW WINE” and I ‘ONE MILLION BC’ BUY EXTENDED COVERAGE -------------- Ashland high's Grizzly basket. bail team, in second place as the result of a three-game losing streak, will remain idle tonight in preparation for three tilts next week They will meet Roseburg on the local junior high floor Tuesday night and Medford at the same scene Friday night. Satur­ day evening will find the Grizzlies playing their last game with Grants Pass on the Cavemen's floor. Ashland's losing streak was broken last Friday night with a 40-29 win over Grants Pass Al­ though trailing most of the game, the Grizzlies put on a fourth quar­ ter spree that resulted in the win. Last Saturday night the Grizz­ lies stepped out of their confer­ ence and got into some tough competition when they bowed 48 to to 35 to a powerful undefeated North Bend quintet. The game was played in North Bend Frank O'Neil, assistant basket­ ball coach, will take over the reins for the balance of the season. Jer­ ry Gastineau, regular mentor, is ill with mumps and will undoubt­ edly not return to the helm of his ball club for the rest of the sea-| son. —-------- •------------ Wrestling to Return To Medford Armory GEORGE MONTGOMERY LYNNE ROBERTS jÿikjic^Cflntor Volunteers lc> Aid Uncle Snm Surrounded by some of the members of his cast in his current show. "Banjo Eyes," Eddie Cantor volun­ teers to institute the Treasury plan of Defense Payroll Savings for the regular and systematic purchase every pay day of Defense Savings Bonds and Stamps. Left to right are: Lina Griffith. Virginia Mayo. Dons Kent. June Clyde, Audrey Christie, Sally DeMarco, and Tuny Demarco with Eddie seated at the table. • Mack Lillard has announced that he will resume his weekly wrestling matches in the Medford DISTRICT FOUR B\SKKTBA I.I. armory, beginning Monday, Feb. BELLVIEW NEWS STANDINGS 23 Draftsmen and engineers of VV L Pct. the U. S. army have been using Í • Miss Marion J. Farrel. home •» .711 5 Medford the armory for the past eight demonstration agent from Med- 5 3 .6*5 Ashland months while preparing plans for I ford, will speak at 8 o'clock Wed- ItoM-burg 4 3 .571 the Medford cantonment but have nesday evening, Feb. 18 at the Grants Pass 1 7 .125 now moved their headquarters to grange hall. Her topic will be StORF.S P 1ST WEEK the site of construction. ''Citizenship” and the extension SOCE 74 Mt Aagel 1 Lillard plans to use heavy- unit has asked Miss Farrel to give SOCK 55. Mt Angel 50 i weights instead of the former this talk instead of holding the SOCE 68, EOCE 64 junior heavyweights Among the regular meeting this month Every SOCE 57. EOCE 50 muscle-stretchers Lillard plans to one is urged to attend this meet Ashland 40. Grants Pass 29 bring to Medford are such nota­ 1 ing. North Bend 47. Ashland 35 bles of the mat game as Jumping • Mrs. Walter Hash of the Dead AHS Reserves 23. GP Resetv. es Joe Savoldi, Danno O'Mahoney, Indian district and Mrs Billy Cy Williams, Chief Little Wolf. Briggs of Bellview district attend­ 22 Ashland Juniors 14 Mai'shfiel'l Chief Thunderbird, Pedro Brazil ed a meeting at Mrs. Ear) Leev­ and Brother Jonathan. er's Tuesday afternoon on mobili­ Juniors 37 ------------ •------------- Ashland Juniors 28. Roseburg zation for American defense Mrs MRS, GUNTER ENTERTAINS Hash and Mrs. Briggs are chair­ Juniors 30 WESLEYAN SERVICE GUILD Medford 30. Roseburg 26 men of their districts. Mrs. Hazel Gunter entertained • Mr and Mrs Robert Rosen­ Klamath Falls 26. Medford 25 members of the Wesleyan Service baum have moved from Klamath Klamath Falls 4M. Lakeview 31 Guild on Tuesday evening at her 1 Falls to the Walter Hash ranch St Mary's 29, Prospect 13 home on Scenic Drive. The pro­ where they will be associated with Talent 57. Sams Valley 20 gram included a devotional period Mr. Hash in farming and stock Phoenix 27, Central Point 17 led by Miss Velma Brower, with raising. Medford 41. Jacksonville 26 Mrs. Charles Giffen assisting at • Miss Aileen Inlow from Gold Central Point 39. Gold Hill 14 the piano. Miss Carrie May Smith Hill spent the week-end with her Jacksonville 6!» Ketbv 21 presented the topic on current ra­ parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vai Inlow (County Class B championship) cial problems in the United States, • Harry Farmer returned to his • especially dealing with the Jews home Saturday from Quincy. WSCS HELD IIH.I I.AH and the negroes. The status of Calif, where he is employed in SESSION LAST FRIDAY orientals in the United States was the lumber industry. Members of the Women's So­ presented by Miss Cora Mason. • Mr and Mrs. Robert Fowler i ciety of Christian Service met lasi The president. Miss Voda Brow­ moved Sunday from the White Friday at the Methodist church er, conducted a business meeting, place to the Jordan ranch for an all-day session Mrs. Ralph during which arrangements were • A baby boy was bom Saturday Billings presided over the business made for a social gathering with morning to Mr and Mrs Verne | meeting Red Cross sowing was the Martha Gillete Guild on Fri­ Boe at their new ranch home. The done in the morning At noon a day evening, Feb. 13. at the little fellow weighed six pounds delicious chicken tamale luncheon Methodist church. and has been named Scott Car­ was served by the hostess com­ Mrs. Gunter served refresh­ penter Mrs Edmundson of Ash­ mittee consisting of Mesdames ments at two tables which were land is taking care of Mrs Boe George Mason, Hattie Konop, Lo- decorated with spring flowers, ar­ and baby ren Messenger, Frank Van Dyke. ranged in a color scheme of yellow | • Mr and Mrs Irving Ross were L H Gallatin. Ada Hartley and and green. dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and W H Herbert Those present included Miss Mrs. Bob Miller. Mrs. Walter Herndon led the Voda . i Brower, Gladys 'Whitson. • Mrs Emil Gassman is able to devotions on the theme, "To Wor­ Carrie May Smith. Velma Brower, be out again after being confined ship Rightly is to Love One An Ollie Depew, Cora Mason Ethel to her home suffering from a other.” The program chairman. Reid, and Mesdames Charles Gif­ sprained ankle Mrs. W A Stratton, wax assisted fen, Afton Hannah. Leona Ormond. • Mrs Robert Bell and infant tn her presentation by Mrs E. T Alice Willits and Hazel Gunter. daughter are spending a few days Newbry, Mrs E L. McCracken ------------ •------------- Miss with Mrs R E Bell They plan to and Mrs Homer Billings RAINBOW CLASS MEETS The Rainbow class of the Pres­ return to their home in Klamath Cora Mason was in charge of the mission study and presented a dis­ byterian church was entertained Falls Sunday. cerning paper concerning the ori­ at the home of Miss Mary Cor- The lamb population of the na­ ental problem of the United thell on Monday evening Valen­ tine games and refreshments were tion, according to estimates of the States. FOR VICTORY: BI Y BONDS enjoyed by the group. The presi­ department of agriculture, will be dent, Jessaminç Jessamim — Pendleton, was in 34,549.000 In 1941, a five percent increase over 1940. charge of the business session I I Speaking of Daylight Saving ( —with your fire in- surance. By so doing you get protection against WINDSTORM EXPLOSION AIRCRAFT I « Baling Wire Salvage Is Wartime Advice American farmer* throw away enough used baling wire each year to bull ilthrce battleships or 3000 medium sized tanks, according to an estimate of the U. S. depart­ ment of agriculture Much <»Y the 100,000 tons of baling wire used each year is allowed to rust away in scrap heaps after being used once Extension services m various states are now calling attention to the fact that much ut this wlie Could be reclaimed and used a second time if carefully removed, either by untying the knot with pliers or by cutting the fire close to the knot Rusting may hr pre­ vented by wiping or spraying the wire with oil and storing li place Careful removal of wire from bales will also reduce stock losses, as many cattle anti horses are killed annually by swallowing Needless loss of life and prop­ short pieces that become mixed erty is hampering national de- with hay fenac, so President Roosevelt lias asked the National Safety Coun­ • Mrs Adrian Sins spent the cil to lead a nation-wide campaign Week-end with her husband al against accidents on the highway, Elmira on the job or at home. DEFENSE HOUSING TITLE SIX FINANCING Ur liavr I mtii assured by FIIA Oregon State Headquartern Of­ fice that Ashland will I m * desig­ nated as within a DEFENSE A BE A This mean» tlinl »|M*culntivr building for defense workers can tw financed through IIIA with priori­ ties assuring needed supplies of critical materials. See us for further details. See our Defense Housing Plans, I nit < (instruction. ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Phone 3’91 Manager Oak Street at Railroad ELECTRICITY Offers You The Key ) ) I and several other haz­ ards that could hap­ pen to any of us. Did you know that If you do not have it now, can be added for small addi­ tional premium to your pre­ sent fire policy. Do it now. by letting the Ashland Laundry take care of your washings, you could save a whole day each week for more pleas­ ant tasks and recreation. In addition to this> you will have eliminated the sick­ ness hazard resulting from the exposure of winter laundering. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and a REAL INSURÀN rcE 41 East Main Phone 8781 -z • Mrs. Charles Mitchell visited the past two weeks with her mo­ ther, Mrs. J. A. Larson, in Klam­ ath Falls. • Mrs. D. M. Brower and Miss Voda Brower left Thursday to at­ tend the funeral of Mrs. Brower's sister, Mrs. S. A. Miller, in Aurora. • Mrs. Emma Payne has returned home from an extended visit with relatives and friends in Los An­ geles and San Francisço. ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Phone 7771 : 31 Water St. “For the ideal washday— Just call, That’s all ( ( ( f1 .. F', • - Real Home COMFORTS! It takes a heap ’o living in a ho imp to make a borne’’ . and there is nothing that adds as much comfort to the home as modern electrical appliances. In ad­ dition to the conveniences, you will appreciate the economy of electricity. Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department”